Mass Booklet

Reader We pray that our young people will listen to the spirit within, as they
search for deeper meaning in life, and that we continue to warmly encourage our
young people to share their gifts and energy within our church community. We
pray to the Lord.
Lord hear our prayer
Celebrant We pray Almighty God, as your people, we seek the power of your
Spirit. We bring these prayers of needs before you in perfect trust and confidence.
Through Christ our Lord...Amen
‘We value the vision’ YIRRKALA BARK PETITIONS 1963
Preparation of the Gifts
(Didgeridoo Playing)
Bread - Wine -Art -Coolamon with soil - Coolamon with bark - Aboriginal art
Aboriginal Flag - Torres Strait Islander Flag
Eucharistic Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Please stand and say together the prayer we have all been
taught. Our Father who art in heaven......
Communion Hymn
Concluding Prayer
Father of all, You gave us the Dreaming,
You have spoken to us through our beliefs,
You then make your love clear to us in the person of Jesus,
We thank you for your care, You own us, you are our hope.
Make us strong as we face the problems of change.
We ask you to help the people of Australia
To listen and respect their culture.
May the knowledge of you grow strong in all people,
So that you can be at home in us and we can make
A home for everyone in our land....Amen
Blessing Let us keep loving one another, as the Lord has loved you. Welcome the
stranger, care for the suffering, visit those who are shut-in, be generous with the
poor, and support each other in caring respect. And may our generous God bless us
all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..Amen
Recessional Hymn
‘All over the world the Spirit is moving’
Booklet compiled by “Murri Ministry” Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Archdiocese of Brisbane
We give thanks to NATSICC for their inspiration
Artist: Gail Naden from Gilgandra in NSW ‘Claiming our Ground’
Brisbane Cathedral St Stephens
14TH July 2013
In 1963, the Yolngu people of Yirrkala sent the bark petitions to the
House of Representatives in protest against the Commonwealth’s
granting of mining rights to Nabalco over 390 square metres of land
excised from Arnhem land reserve. The result was a parliamentary
inquiry which recommended that compensation was owed to the
Yolngu. However, in a subsequent court case in 1972 (Milurerpum v
Nabalco), The Yolgnu people were not able to establish their native
title at common law.
Fr David Pascoe
Smoking by Aboriginal Elder
Didgeridoo Player Troy Allen
Uncle Joe Kirk
(Didgeridoo playing )
David Miller
( Didgeridoo playing )
Aboriginal Cross leading Clergy
Entrance Hymn
Torres Strait Islander Ministry Group
Fr David Pascoe
Across Australia, during this week of July, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
people will be seen celebrating NAIDOC week, an annual week of social, political
and cultural activities. Through these activities, Indigenous Australians celebrate
their identity and affirm their active involvement in contemporary Australian life.
Spiritual matters have always been important to Indigenous peoples. Through the
celebration of Aboriginal Sunday we respect this tradition and as well, in joyful
company with those Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people who share
Christian faith, we celebrate our common trust in God and belief in the goodness
of each other.
We are reminded that God is at the heart of every human culture, drawing all
towards a deeper understanding of human meaning and purpose in life. God’s
dream for humanity is one of justice and equality, of compassion and
understanding, of wonder and delight, to be shared by all peoples of the earth. In
the Eucharist we are nourished to be open and just with our neighbours in the
course of our daily lives.
Opening Prayer
Fr David Pascoe
Penitential Rite
Blessing of water
(Didgeridoo playing)
David Miller - Ravina Waldren – Margaret Virgona
Creator God, your gift of water comes from the earth and brings life and freshness
with it. Water has always been a sign of life because all living things depend on
water. We ask you Creator to bless + this water, may it bring us closer to you and
your precious earth. (the community is sprinkled with water while didgeridoo is
A Reading from the book of Deuteronomy
Moses said to the people: “if only you would heed the voice of the Lord, your God,
and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in this book of the law,
when you return to the Lord, your God with all your heart and all your soul.
For this command that I enjoin on you today is not too mysterious and remote for
you. It is not up in the sky, that you should say, ‘Who will go up in the sky to get
it for us and tell us of it, that we may carry it out?’. Nor is it across the sea, that
you should say, ‘who will cross the sea to get it for us and tell us of it, that we may
carry it out?’ No, it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in
your hearts; you have only to carry it out’....The word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 68:14. 17. 30-31. 33-34. 36 - 37
Response “Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live”
A Reading from the letter of St Paul to the Colossians 1:15-20
Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the visible and the invisible, whether
thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through
him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is
the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
that in all things he himself might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness was
pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by
the blood of his cross through, him, whether those on earth or those in heaven....
The word of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia! Alleluia!
May the peace of Christ rule in your hearts and the fullness of his message live,
within you ...Alleluia!
(Didgeridoo playing as Gospel is processed in)
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 10.25-37
Fr David Pascoe
Prayers of Intercession
In prayer let us seek to recognise how each of us is being called by God, who cares
for all people equally, to make this vision a reality in our blessed country and in
the hearts of all Australians. As we remember the Bark Petitions of 1963
presented by the Yirrkala people to the Australian Government, may we become a
nation that values the social, spiritual and cultural contributions of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people.
Reader We pray for our church, Pope Francis, our Bishops, Priests, Deacons,
Chaplains and Religious Sisters and Brothers who lift our spirits, support and
strengthen us by their commitment and dedicated discipleship.
We pray to the Lord.
Reader We pray for understanding and appreciation of the history and cultures of
the First Peoples of this land. Give us courage to face the truth; compassion to
share the burden – strength to play our part in the healing – and how to walk
forward to a place of justice. We pray to the Lord.
All Lord hear our prayer.