Lares Celestiais – Famílias Eternas

CIS Presentation
Fernando Araujo
What heavenly homes
are made of?
What is a home made of?
“ A perfect home is made of
love, sacrifice and respect. We
are responsible for the home
we build. We must editify with
wisdom because eternity is not
a short journey”
The revelation to build a
temple can be applied to
building a home?
Building a Temple in the
Lord’s Way
Organize yourselves;
prepare every needful thing;
and establish a bhouse,
even a house of prayer, a
house of fasting, a house of
faith, a house of learning, a
house of glory, a house of
order, a house of God”(D&C
Building a Home in the Lord’s
Organize yourselves; prepare
every needful thing; and
establish a HOME, even a
HOME of prayer, a HOME of
fasting, a HOME of faith, a
HOME of learning, a HOME
of glory, a HOME of order, a
HOME of God”(D&C 88:119)
Texto nº 1 – Curso de Férias – Ensinamentos do Profetas Vivos
Kneel down to Pray
Prayer will guide us in raising
our children
“The training of our own families
requires our presence, our time,
our best efforts. To be effective in
our training, we must be stalwart in
our examples to our family
members and available for private
time with each member, as well as
time for counseling and guidance.”
Prayer will guide us in
leading others
“leader, you have the opportunity to
make a difference in the lives of
others. We could well be the
instrument in the Lord’s hands to
make a difference in the life of one in
such a situation. Without the
guidance of our Heavenly Father,
however, we cannot do all that we
have been called to do. Such help
comes through prayer.
Step up to serve
“As priesthood and auxiliary leaders, we
are entitled to the Lord’s assistance in
magnifying our callings and fulfilling our
responsibilities. Seek His help, and
when the inspiration comes to you,
move on that inspiration concerning
where to go, whom to see, what to say,
and how to say it. We can think a
thought to death, but only when we
move upon the thought do we bless
human lives.
Step up to serve
Whats the
magnifing your
calling in Church
and strenghting
your family?
Reach out to Rescue