Registration Costs & Procedures

2015 Collegiate DECA International Career
Development Conference
Conference Registration Information
(Designed for both association or chapter use)
2015 Conference Location: Caribe Royale Orlando (Orlando, Florida)
All individuals participating in the conference must be officially registered. The information and forms located
in this document include registration costs and other information related to registering for the conference. A
separate document will be posted on the Collegiate ICDC webpage regarding those who will be attending the
conference (dress code, code of conduct, special accommodations, etc.). It is the chapter's (and association's
where applicable) responsibility to make sure that all of their delegates understand and adhere to the conference
policies, rules, etc., to help ensure a positive experience for attendees.
Throughout this document, the term Group Leader is used to describe the chapter or state/provincial/territorial
advisor responsible for registration and payment for the group. An Association/Chapter Management Form
has been included in this document so that we have a few basic points of information for your group (group
leader, arrival date, etc.). This document and others related to the conference will also be available at
Association Registration
Chapters/Members located in the following Associations MUST register for the conference through your
Association Advisor (unless otherwise instructed by him/her). This person will provide you with costs,
deadlines, information and forms specific to you. Special Note: Your Association might add a "fee" to the
conference rate charged by DECA Inc.; therefore, you must confirm your conference registration cost with your
Association Advisor.
North Dakota
Rhode Island
If needed, Association Advisor contact information is available at You may also contact DECA at 703-860-5000 for advisor contact information (please
identify the purpose of your call—the receptionist can provide this information).
Chapters/Members Registering Directly Thru DECA Inc.
If your chapter is NOT located in one of the associations listed above under Association Registration, scroll
down to the section titled Direct Chapter Registration for costs, information and forms for registering your
chapter directly through DECA Inc.
General Conference Registration Information
Members must be paid in order to register for ICDC. This procedure for processing ICDC registration
eliminates the need for you to input participant’s names and verify their membership. This is accomplished by
adding an ICDC registration function to our membership system. Advisors will be able to use membership data
to populate a registration form. Instructions are online in our membership site once you log into your chapter at Once logged in, go to Reports, then ICDC Export.
Prior to registering your chapter/association, please print out and review all of the information and forms in this
document, or linked from this document, pertaining to conference registration. They include critical instructions
and required forms that will help you through the registration process. Once you review these documents, direct
any questions or concerns to Anne Farrell ( or Michael Mount
( They can also be reached at 703-860-5000.
On or before March 1: An additional document titled Attendee Information will be available on the DECA
website that will provide additional information and necessary forms for all individuals ATTENDING the
conference. Some forms will be required to be submitted to DECA. This document will be available at
This document contains the following INFORMATION:
General Conference and Registration Processing Information have been provided throughout this
document, so please read this document thoroughly prior to registering.
Checklist w/Deadlines for all forms that need to be submitted by the association/chapter advisor, in
addition to key deadlines for such things as registration changes. See Page 3. (Some of these
documents, such as the Parade of Flags Form, will only be sent to Association advisors.)
Registration Costs & Procedures, including optional items that include a charge. See Pages 4-9.
• Attendance Rules & Regulations
• General Rules and Regulations to Attend
• Categories of Attendance Eligibility and Criteria
Chapter Summary Reports and Individual Student Performance Transcripts are available for an
additional cost. See Page 9 for costs and information.
This document contains the following FORMS:
Registration and Insurance Summary (Page 10): Due March 17
• Summary of registration, insurance and special activities that require an additional cost.
Includes numbers as well as costs.
Association/Chapter Management Form/Appointment Sign-up Form (Page 11): Due March 17
Special Note:
The term “Association” will be used to refer to chartered states, provinces, territories, etc.
For chapters processing their own registration directly through DECA Inc., whenever the terms Association or
Association Advisor are used, the Chapter or Chapter Advisor will be responsible for the registration activity.
Collegiate DECA International Career
Development Conference
Checklist/Deadlines for Forms for Conference Registration
**FORMS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO: (Unless otherwise directed)
Collegiate DECA ICDC
1908 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1594
FAX: 703-860-4013
Registration and Insurance Summary
March 17
Association/Chapter Management Form &
Appointment Sign-Up Form
March 17
Registration: All attendees (done online and then emailed)
- Student Delegates (Individuals)
- Student Delegates (Teams)
- Advisors, Alumni, other Chaperones
- Spouse/Family, Judges
March 17
Executive Officer Candidate Nominating
Committee Form
April 1
Parade of Flags Form
April 1
Service for Special Needs Student Form
April 1
Last day for Event Registration Changes
April 13
Last day to receive a refund for cancellations
April 17
Group Form verifying that all group attendees
have completed the “Permission Form”
Turn in onsite
Collegiate DECA International Career
Development Conference
Registration Costs & Procedures
Registration Information & Forms
Only data that is critical to the operation of the conference is requested. Please complete all forms and requests
for information as accurately and completely as possible.
Additional information will be provided through the ICDC Update Report when needed.
Deadline dates for all forms are indicated on each form. Deadline dates are also given in the Checklist with
Deadlines page located in this document.
Director, Data Management
Phone: (703) 860-5000
Fax: (703) 860-4013
In associations where the association advisor relinquishes authority to its chapters to register separately
for the conference (only those pre-approved for this by DECA Inc.), the chapter advisor will be
responsible for all activities identified as “association advisor” duties.
Chapter Level Materials and Forms
To help keep your ICDC materials organized, we recommend that you create folders (on your computer as well
as hard copies).
This section of materials are those that chapters need to fill out or be made aware of, either through the
association advisor or directly from DECA Inc. Additional materials will also be available on the web site
(details of some activities, such as training programs and workshops) on or before March 1.
Conference Insurance (available for $1.50/person):
Conference Updates
Between now and the conference you will be receiving periodic updates as additional details are available
(conference agenda, details about Management Institutes and Challenges, and other special conference activities
and reminders).
Collegiate DECA International Career
Development Conference
Attendance Rules & Regulations, Categories of Eligibility and Criteria
General Rules and Regulations to Attend
1. All participants must be paid student members of Collegiate DECA. Photo ID’s may be required at any time
to verify membership. All COMPETITORS must be SUBMITTED as members in the online membership
system by February 17. However, students joining between February 17 and the start of the conference may
participate in other conference activities (Management Institutes, Entrepreneurship Academy, Professional
Development Academies, Leadership Academy, campaign booths, voting, etc.) provided they have the
permission of their chapter and association (where applicable). Dues must be paid in full before
2. All participants and written entries must be approved and authorized for entering competition by their
association (where applicable) through official competitive event registration forms.
3. A participant may enter only one of the official competitive events during the international conference.
Official events consist of the Business Simulations, Case Studies and Prepared Business Presentations
categories. Students participating in a Management Institute as the primary conference activity may NOT
participate in an official competitive event.
However, students entered in an official competitive event MAY ALSO attend the Entrepreneurship
Challenge presentations and may compete in the Entrepreneurship Challenge team competition OR the
International Sales Challenge, BUT NOT BOTH. (NOTE: Competitive event time schedules will NOT be
scheduled around the Entrepreneurship Challenge or the International Sales Challenge preliminary
competition. However, for students who make finals in both a Challenge and a competitive event, the
competitive event finals time will be scheduled after the Challenge finals presentations.)
4. All participants must attend the Professional Development Academy and briefing sessions scheduled for
their competitive event during the international conference. Failure to attend the scheduled sessions may
result in disqualification of the participant. Briefings sessions are also required for other conference
activities as indicated in the conference program.
5. Participants are responsible for providing all materials, equipment, supplies, etc., needed for the presentation
where allowed. This includes: tape recorders, projectors, screens, easels, extension cords, video equipment,
computers, etc. It is up to the participants to check out their competition room to determine and locate the
number of outlets, screen locations, etc. DECA assumes no responsibility for damage/loss of materials,
equipment, supplies, etc.
6. A written entry may not be entered in more than one international competitive event during a given year.
7. Once a written entry is entered in international competition, the identical content material may not be
entered in international competition again.
8. Participants are required to follow the International Conference guidelines for dress code.
Categories of Attendance Eligibility and Criteria
In order to attend the International Conference, participants must be eligible under one of the following
categories and must meet any eligibility criteria as set forth by DECA Inc., the association (where applicable),
and the chapter.
No individual may attend the conference without the permission of his or her local chapter, and association
(where applicable).
The board of directors of DECA Inc. has specified that there must be a MINIMUM OF ONE ADULT
any adult approved by the college to serve the chapter in this capacity. He/She must register for the conference,
pay the registration fee, and be in attendance for the entire period of the conference. There are no restrictions on
THE NUMBER OF ADULT ADVISORS/CHAPERONES who may attend. In reference to the required
minimum, all coordinators, parents, supervisors and teacher-educators are eligible to serve as chaperones.
1. To be eligible to attend the International Career Development Conference, each member must meet these
basic criteria:
• Be a paid member of a division of DECA. Membership must be recorded on an official DECA
Membership Roster and be on file at DECA Inc. headquarters.
• Have the approval of the Collegiate DECA association advisor (if applicable).
• Have the approval of the Collegiate DECA chapter advisor.
• Have the approval of the school administration.
• Have the approval of parent or guardian unless participant is at least 18 years of age.
2. Each Collegiate DECA member must also meet one (1) of the following criteria for his/her division:
A. Be an event competitor. (Dues must be paid by February 17.)
B. Be a state/provincial, area or regional officer (maximum of 12 per association).
C. Be a DECA Inc. voting delegate representing the association.
D. Be an association representative receiving special permission from the association advisor.
E. Be an International Scholarship Award recipient of DECA Inc.
F. Be a Management Institute, Entrepreneurship Challenge, or International Sales Challenge
G. Be an Academy participant.
The Voting Delegate Allocation policy for Collegiate DECA is as follows, according to the Collegiate DECA
“Sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting of this division the determination of the apportionment of
the additional voting delegates will be made according to reported membership.”
This final, official allocation will be sent to association advisors prior to the international conference in a
Collegiate ICDC Update Report. It is up to the association advisor or designee to allocate voting delegate slots
for their association.
A student who registers for the conference in one of the ICDC Challenges (making it their primary conference
activity) indicates that they intend to participate in ALL Challenge activities as their first priority during the
conference, including presentations and the competition. These people may NOT also be an event competitor.
HOWEVER: Students who are registered for a competitive event or a special activity (voting delegate, officer
candidate, special permission) may also attend all or parts of the seminars associated with the Challenges. The
“parts” for the Challenge varies from one individual to the other, based on their schedule for their primary
conference activity. No pre-conference registration is required to do this. See the conference program for
For Example: A student competing in Retail Management may also want to participate in parts of the
Entrepreneurship Challenge. However, Retail Management competitors would not be able to
attend all of the Challenge seminars based on their competition time. Dealing with such
conflicts will be addressed in the Entrepreneurship Challenge Orientation sessions.
A student who registers for the Entrepreneurship Challenge OR the International Sales Challenge as their
primary conference activity may NOT be an event competitor.
A student competitor who wishes to participate in a part of the Entrepreneurship Challenge OR the
International Sales Challenge may NOT request special consideration for competition scheduling, whether
it’s for briefing/testing, preliminaries or finals.
Students registered for competitive event and management institutes will automatically be placed in one of
these five (5) Academies. A student may register for the ICDC to attend an Academy as their primary
conference activity (i.e., not competing in an event)—there are no limits to associations for this.
Business Management and Administration
Finance and Accounting
Hospitality and Tourism
Marketing and Communications
Academy activities include event registration, briefing and testing and are therefore not an optional part of the
program. Event competitors MUST participate in the designated Professional Development Academy. The
Academy to which each event is part of will be communicated on the Web site prior to the conference via the
Collegiate DECA ICDC Conference Program.
Collegiate DECA International Career
Development Conference
Registration Costs & Procedures
Pre-registration Fee (Students and Advisors/Chaperones/Alumni) ............$125.00 per person*
On-Site Registration Fee (Students and Advisors/Chaperones/Alumni) ....$135.00 per person
Spouse/Family and Judge Registration Fee. ...............................................NO CHARGE
The discounted pre-registration fee is only available prior to the beginning of on-site registration
(Friday, April 17, 1:00 p.m. EST). Registration is $135.00 after this date and time.
Please make your check(s) payable to DECA Inc. If you choose to use an alternative form of payment other
than check, money order or cash (i.e., credit card: MasterCard or VISA) there will be a convenience fee of
4% on all charged amounts.
To register your delegation, log in to your online membership and click on Reports, then ICDC Export. Email to
DECA Inc. ON OR BEFORE March 17, 2015. Bring duplicate copies with you to the conference for
registering your delegation on-site. This information is also used for printing conference identification badges.
It is the association advisor's responsibility to verify that ALL delegates meet ALL eligibility requirements,
including membership. (Membership must be paid in full in order to register.) For competitors, appeal letters
will be needed if dues are not paid by February 17, 2015.
Each advisor must register his/her delegation’s attendees by completing the online system and exporting the file
to submit. For Teams, you will team your members online.
All written event entries are to be brought to the conference and submitted during the scheduled briefing
session, at which time the event managers will verify registration of the individual manuals.
All changes to the original registration must be made in writing to DECA Inc. Please make any additions
and/or changes for competitors by Monday, April 13, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. EST
• Deadline is ONLY for competitors (does not apply to voting delegates, Culinary Management Institute,
National Management Institute, or Academies).
• On-site registrants may NOT register as a competitor, but may participate in other conference activities.
Paid registrants who cancel on or before 1:00 p.m. EST on April 17 will receive a full refund. Refund checks
will be sent within one month after the close of the conference. There are no refunds for changes made after
1:00 p.m. EST on April 17.
1. Advisors should fill out the Association/Chapter Management Form and the Advisor On-site
Registration Appointment Sign-up Form and send to DECA with the conference registration materials.
Registration will be during the following hours at the Caribe Royale Orlando.
April 17, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST, and April 18, 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST for registration. Advisors or
designates arriving after these times (on either day) MUST request an appointment using the sign-up
2. Bring duplicate copies of all registration forms and verification of payment. Verification of registration
information will be made at this time.
3. Official conference badges, pins, delegate ribbons, and any other tickets or wristbands necessary for the
current conference will be provided at registration. Programs, flyers, and other conference material (referred
to as “bulk” registration) will be distributed following your association’s official registration.
4. All remaining registration fees must be paid at registration. The total amount should be paid with one check
payable to DECA Inc. Credit cards will also be accepted, with approval.
Collegiate DECA Chapter Summary Reports Available
Would you like to know how your Collegiate DECA chapter compares to international averages?
If so, order the new Collegiate DECA Chapter Summary Reports. Chapter summary reports provide
valuable feedback on student performance at the International Career Development Conference. You’ll
be able to see how students from your college or university compare to international averages on exams,
role-plays, business simulations, and prepared business presentations.
Sample reports can be found at
If you’d like to order the summary reports for your chapter, please add the appropriate cost to the pricing
summary sheet based on the chart below.
Pricing varies based on the number of members that competed at the ICDC. This includes the
Management Institutes and Challenges as appropriate.
# Of Competitors at ICDC
Price (includes both summary reports)
Please contact Shane Thomas directly with questions.
Mail to: Collegiate DECA ICDC Registration
1908 Association Drive
Reston, Virginia 20191-1594
Registration and Insurance Summary Instructions and Form
Due: March 17, 2015
1. Pre-registration fee is $125.00 per person.
On-site registration fee is $135.00. This includes the same conference package as the pre-registration.
There will be NO CHARGE for spouse/family registration, unless such person is a member of Collegiate DECA and
will participate in the conference in any capacity (including chaperone). Judges do NOT pay registration.
2. ONE CHECK or money order for the total number of persons registering is to be sent with all completed forms.
Please make check payable to DECA Inc.
3. On-site payment of registration fees ($135.00 per person) should be paid with ONE check, payable to DECA Inc. A
credit card will also be accepted, with approval.
4. If you choose to use an alternative form of payment other than check, money order or cash (i.e., credit card:
MasterCard or VISA) there will be a convenience fee of 4% on all charged amounts. (This does not apply to on-site
payment of registration fees.)
5. Only qualified participants are eligible to attend (see eligibility section).
6. Submit this form with the Excel file from the online membership system ON OR BEFORE MARCH 17.
7. No refunds will be granted for adjustment of a group’s registration after 1:00 p.m. EST on April 17 (see Registration
Procedures document for additional refund restrictions).
Pre-registration Fee — $125.00
On-Site Registration Fee — $135.00
Spouse/Family or Judge Registration Fee — No Charge
$ 0
$ 1.50
Student Performance Data (transcripts):
$ 5.00
Chapter Summary Reports (see chart):
$ See Chart for Costs
Chapter Officer Leadership Training:
$ 10.00
MDA Fun Walk (min $20/person includes t-shirt):
Phone Number (
Mobile Number (
(number to contact you during the conference)
Association or Chapter
DUE: March 17, 2015
Association/Chapter Management Form
The advisor or designee is the only person authorized to register his/her association or chapter. This will be
the liaison between the represented Association/Chapter, the DECA Inc. board of directors and conference
The association’s/chapter’s advisor for the International Career Development Conference is:
Work Phone
Fax Number
E-mail Address
On-site Cell Phone (to contact you during the conference in case of emergency):
Appointment Sign-up Form
The association/chapter advisor or designee listed above will register the association on:
_______ April 17 (between 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST)
NOTE: If you will arrive later than 5:00 p.m. on April 17, special
arrangements can be made for you to register and collect your materials.
April 18 (between 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST)
(If you are scheduled to arrive after April 18 at 1:00 p.m. EST, please explain below.)
Return to:
Collegiate DECA ICDC Registration
1908 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1594
FAX: 703-860-4013
Explanation for Late Arrival: