
Lesson 8: Symbols
5/1/2014 6:47:00 AM
Lesson 8: US Symbols- 3rd grade bilingual
2. Essential Question: What are the famous symbols and monuments of America? What do they
3. Standards:
CPI 6.1.4.D.17: Explain the role of historical symbols, monuments, and holidays and how they
affect the American identity
4A: Objectives:
Students will be able to name the famous symbols and monuments of America.
Students will be able to match the symbols and monuments to their proper descriptions.
4B. Assessment:
Pictures of symbols, monuments and their labels
students’ completion of the Symbols of the US Worksheet
student responses to the exit slip
5. Materials:
“Oh Say Can You See” by: Sheila Keenan
symbol cards
symbols matching game worksheet
Symbols of the US worksheet
6. Pre- lesson activity/ Prior Knowledge:
students will already be able to recognize some of the nation’s symbols and monuments.
Recite the Pledge of Allegiance as a class
Students will meet on the rug to listen to “Oh Say Can you See”
7. Lesson Beginning:
“What does the word Symbol mean?”
A symbol is something that stands for, or represents, something else.
A flag is a national symbol that each country has. Each country has their own special symbols.
Think about what we read in “Oh Say Can You See”. What did the book talk about?
8. Instructional Plan:
“Can anyone think of any people, places, and things that you think represent the United States of
America and that are unique here?”
On the board, I will write the responses that the students come up with.
After they have brainstormed, I will name and display the symbols: Statue of Liberty, Liberty
Bell, American Flag, American Bald Eagle, Lincoln Memorial, White House, Capitol,
Washington Memorial
Once we have talked about each symbol, we will play a symbols matching game as a class.
Then, students will return to their seats to complete the Symbols of the US worksheet
9. Closure:
Exit slip: Pick one of the symbols that you drew on the worksheet and write a few sentences
about why you chose to draw it.