Lesson Plan Title: Introduction to symbols Objectives: Students will describe three common visual symbols, analyze their essential components, and generate a model of how a symbol functions. Students will use this model to analyze the conch in The Lord of the Flies. (1.3.10.D) Required Materials: Three visual symbols to be projected (stop sign, Star of David, musical eighth note) White Board Symbol Assignment Sheet Procedures: Housekeeping – 5 min Read – 20 min Project the three symbols and allow the students to “write a few sentences describing each” – 7 min Share/ Discuss what the students have written, trying to brainstorm a list of elements common to each description – 8 min Begin to build a concept model (germ cell) of a symbol, trying to focus today on the relationship between the physical object and the meaning attributed to it. – 10 min Hand out symbol assignment sheet and go over it – 5 min Assessment: Students will be assessed based on their written and discussion responses, and on their collective ability to construct the symbol model and use it to talk about the conch.