Student Notes

Movement of the Earth’s Crust:VOCABULARY
Plate Tectonics:________________________________________________________
Divergent Boundary:___________________________________________________
Transform Fault Boundary:______________________________________________
Mid-ocean ridge: ______________________________________________________
Sea-floor spreading: ____________________________________________________
P wave:______________________________________________________________
S wave:______________________________________________________________
Surface wave:_________________________________________________________
Richter scale:__________________________________________________________
Unit D Cycles in Earth and Space
Chapter 1 Movement of Earth’s Crust
Lesson 1 What are Earth’s Layers?
You will find out…
 about the Earth’s structure
 about Earth’s plates and where they are located
 some of the ways that Earth’s surface changes.
Earth’s Layers
Earth’s basic structure is that of a ________________________________.
What are the three main layers of Earth?
What is Earth’s innermost layer and what is it made up of?
What is the outer core made of?
What is the layer above the outer core?
What is the layer that we live on?
How is it different form the other layers?
Use Process Skills
Compare the lithosphere to the asthenosphere.
In what layer(s) of the Earth is the lithosphere found?
In what layer(s) of the Earth is the asthenosphere?
Label the layers of Earth
Earth’s Plates
Earth’s lithosphere is divided into _____________________________________
that float on the asthenosphere.
What is plate tectonics?
Where is Earth’s oceans and continents located?
How can the huge, rigid plates float on the asthenosphere?
Why don’t we feel the ground moving as the plates of the lithosphere move
Visual Learning
Examine the map of the plates on pages D8-D9.
Which plate do we live on?
Which continent seems to fit together with Africa?
Based on their fit, what can you hypothesize about these two continents?
Changes to Earth’s Surface
What changes Earth’s surface?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
Which changes build up Earth’s Surface?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
Which changes wear down Earth’s surface?
Lesson 2 How Do Earth’s Plates Move?
You will find out…
 about divergent, convergent, and transform fault boundaries
 how continents move and change
The Movement of Earth’s Plates
As lithospheric plates ______________, they interact in one of several ways.
How does the movement of plates affect Earth’s surface?
What happens along a divergent boundary?
What happens along a convergent boundary?
What happens along a transform fault boundary?
Divergent Boundaries
What happens along a divergent boundary?
What do you infer about the magnitude of pressure in Earth’s crust under Iceland?
Convergent Boundaries
______________________ of collisions are possible along a convergent boundary.
What happens along a convergent boundary?
What happens when two oceanic plates collide?
What happens when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate?
Transform Fault Boundaries
What happens along a transform fault boundary?
What occurs often at transform fault boundaries?
Use Process Skills
Along what kind of boundary is crust produced?
Along what boundaries is crust destroyed?
Along what boundaries is crust neither formed nor destroyed?
Visual Learning
Use the maps on pages D18-D19 to answer the questions.
What theory do these maps help illustrate?
What can you infer about the location of continents from the maps?
Earth’s Surface Changes Over Time
How do Earth’s plates affect the positions of the continents?
Lesson 3 What Causes Earthquakes & Volcanoes?
You will find out…
 How plate movements cause earthquakes and volcanoes.
 About the different types of volcanoes.
Plate Movements Cause Earthquakes
Earth’s crust is ______________________________________________. Some of
these movements cause _______________________________.
How does the movement of plates cause earthquakes?
Where do most changes in Earth’s crust take place?
Why don’t we notice most of these changes?
Why do we notice major earthquakes?
Where do most earthquakes occur?
Earthquake Waves
How is the motion of a P wave different from the motion of an S wave?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
Of the three types of seismic waves, which travels the fastest?
Which travel the slowest?
Which wave causes the most damage? Explain.
Earthquake Safety
Scientists measure earthquakes _______________________________________.
What is the difference between the Richter scale and the Mercalli intensity scale?
Volcanic eruptions that caused disasters long ago are always measured on the
Mercalli scale. Explain why.
How Volcanoes Form
Most volcanoes form ___________________________________________________.
How does a volcano form?
What is a volcano?
Along what types of plate boundaries do most volcanoes occur?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
Visual Learning
Use the graphic sources and captions on pages D26-D27 to answer the following
What do you observe about how the shield, cinder cone, and composite volcano
are shaped?
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
How are the size and shape of a volcano determined?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
Use Process Skills
Compare the three types of volcanoes.
What are the three kinds of volcanoes?
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
What can be true for both a cinder cone volcano and a composite volcano?
What can be true for both a shield volcano and a composite volcano?
Use Process Skills
What is true only for a shield volcano?
 ________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________
What is true only for composite volcano?
What is true only for a cinder cone volcano?
Hot Spot Volcanoes
What is a hot spot?
What is the first step in the formation of a chain of volcanic islands?
How does the motion of the plate produce a chain of islands?