ok outline

Course # : 142
Group 9:
Section # : 61
Sara H. >> 208112294
Instructor : Buthaina Al-Othman
Hessa Y. >> 208113153
Fatma E. >> 208117139
Alya’a M. >>208115642
Metaphysics’ Secretes
 General Statement : Metaphysics is a division of the philosophy of natural
science .
 Thesis Statement : Metaphysics is an interesting science , but many people
do not know much about it .
 Lead In Sentence : we would like to define metaphysics and provide a short
review about the first Arabic encyclopedia about metaphysics , Behind The
Science’s Wall .
A. Topic Sentence : What is Metaphysics ?! Metaphysics is the philosophy
which looks into the secretes and mysterious phenomena of the universe .
1. Supporting Point : The Greek philosopher Aristotle is considered
the first one who wrote about metaphysics .
a. Supporting Detail : Aristotle wrote a book talking about the
mysteries of the universe called , The First Philosophy .
b. Supporting Detail : The word metaphysics came by sheer
chance while Aristotle’s students were classifying his books .
2. Supporting Point : There are many mysterious phenomena in
metaphysics such as , the worm hole , spontaneous human combustion
and Dracula .
a. Supporting Detail : The worm hole connects between two
holes .
b. Supporting Detail : Spontaneous human combustion means the
human’s body burns automatically .
c. Supporting Detail : Dracula is a real story and he was
Walachia’s leader .
B. Topic Sentence : Behind The Science’s Wall is the first Arabic
encyclopedia about metaphysics .
a. Supporting Point : Behind The Science’s Wall was written by
AbdEl-Whab Al-Sayed and Sannad Dkheel .
b. Supporting Detail : This encyclopedia is the first Arabic
effort to study and discuss metaphysics .
c. Supporting Detail : This encyclopedia is a journey of
discovery .
C. Topic Sentence : In the west we can find many efforts to improve studying
metaphysics .
3. Supporting point : There are 35 associations in the world .
a. Supporting Detail : The American Society For Physical
Researches is one of the associations .
b. Supporting Detail : CSICOP is an independent commission
which include a lot of experts and scientists .
 Metaphysics is an interesting science to learn about , because it lets you
know more about secretes and mysteries of the universe .
 Behind The Science’s Wall is a very interesting encyclopedia with abnormal
stories and pictures .
 We recommend that people learn and read about metaphysics and know
about it , because it helps you to become open minded .