“The Astounding Convergence of Physics and Metaphysics” LECTURE OFFERED A lecture is being offered in layman’s terms on the astounding evidence appearing at leading edge scientific institutions around the world that is causing a convergence in thought between the concepts of physics and metaphysics. Historically, these two areas were polar opposites in their fundamental understandings. Mainstream scientific doctrine taught by nearly every educational institution on the planet remains at odds with the classical teachings of metaphysicians. Yet the evidence increasingly being uncovered in leading-edge science and technology endeavors is supporting a major revision in thought, which coincides more and more with the age-old teachings of metaphysics. Scientist/Innovator Marc Newkirk shares an overview of some of the flood of amazing paradigm-shattering discoveries that have been increasingly appearing from credible scientific investigators in world-class institutions over the last several decades. Never in modern history has there been a larger gap between doctrine taught as gospel truth by many well-known teaching establishments and what is known and proven by leading-edge scientific discovery. The purpose of this series is to contribute toward the closure of that educational gap with information that has had a low visibility at the public level. The lecturer states, “The lecture comprises presentations of proven scientific evidence derived by accomplished scientists with excellent credentials. All of the evidence violates the classical scientific view of what is believed possible and how things work. The final segment is an explanation of how that is actually possible, and how things really work, according to my understanding. That segment is not proven; however, it is consistent with all of the credible data I am aware of, and has given rise to new technologies based on that understanding. I think the lecture may well be life-changing for many people, in that most people have been taught that the fundamental premises of metaphysics and many religions are forever a mystery for which there is no proof, and has to be taken solely on blind faith and inner knowing. That turns out not to be the case.” About the Lecturer Marc Newkirk has spent four decades at the forefront of science and technology. Educated as a materials engineer at Brown University, he is a prolific inventor, named on more than a hundred U.S. and nine hundred foreign issued patents. He has founded or co-founded half a dozen businesses in the field of advanced materials based upon those innovations. The newly created companies spanned wide technical disciplines, and included aerospace, defense, electronics, automotive, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and mining and materials processing equipment enterprises. He has been a recipient of medals awarded by Brown University and The Franklin Institute, the Application to Practice Award of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, and the Real Advances in Materials Award of the National Association for Science, Technology and Society. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997. Lecture Schedule and Details The lecture is given in four one-hour segments with breaks in between and with opportunity for questions and answers following the second and fourth segments. An hour break for lunch occurs at 1 PM. A list of source references will also be provided following the lecture in order to enable participants to investigate original material for themselves, if desired. Saturday, March 12, 11am to 6pm Prakasha Yoga Studio, 152 Ball Road, Goshen, MA ~Bring a brown bag lunch and a beverage~ Cost is $100. Payment via PayPal, major credit card, or bank transfer. Please register as soon as possible, using either our website www.LightSwitchOn.comor call (413) 241-6666 to register and remit payment. ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED as space is limited.