Personality Review

AP Psychology
Name: _______________________________________
Review of Approaches to Personality PART 1
Working with a partner or by yourself, create a web, chart, collage or another visual of your
choosing that demonstrates your knowledge of APPROACHES TO PERSONALITY.
Include all of the following approaches:
The Psychoanalytic Perspective (page 480)
The Psychodynamic Perspective (pg. 484)
The Humanistic Perspective (pg. 490)
The Trait Perspective (pg. 493)
The Social-Cognitive Perspective (pg. 503)
For each personality approach include:
 Explanation of personality and personality development
 Important people
 Important vocabulary and concepts
 Criticisms?
You should spend no more than 30 minutes on this section.
Review of Approaches to Personality PART 2
With a partner or by your self, complete a thorough response to the following free-response question. You may
use your book and notes. You should EACH write your own response.
Explain the relationship of the following as they relate to well-being:
 Self-serving bias
 Self esteem
 Locus of control
 Self-actualization
 Reciprocal determinism
You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this section.
AP Psychology
Name: _______________________________________
Review of Approaches to Personality PART 3
Directions: Read each of the following statements and determine which of the following approaches to
personality is described.
 Psychoanalytic (true Freud)
 Psychodynamic (Neo-Freudians: Adler, Horney and Jung. See page 484 for definition)
 Humanistic
 Trait Theory
 Social Learning/Social Cognitive
1. This theory places an emphasis on the unconscious but moves away from Freud’s original Psychoanalytic theory.
2. This theory includes a move away from a belief that people are shaped solely by their environments (strict
behaviorism), but rather, focuses on the interaction between one’s personality and environment.
3. According to this theory personality develops through a series of five psychosexual stages.
4. This theory addresses the idea of locus of control and that one’s belief about whether or not they can make an
impact on the environment around us shapes our personalities.
5. This theory believes that personality is largely shaped by one’s childhood but that social and
tensions are important to personality formation.
not sexual
6. This theory has posed “The Big Five” personality characteristics and claims that they universally explain a good
portion of human behavior.
7. This theory looks to one’s future and the potential that lies ahead.
8. This theory addresses the issue of learned helplessness, when one does not believe that their actions impact the
world around them.
9. This theory emphasizes “peak experiences”.
10. This theory discusses the “basic anxiety” that we attempt to resolve throughout our relationships with others.
11. This theory believes that if our “real self “and “ideal self” mostly overlap we will have healthy congruence which
will result in a healthy personality.
12. One theory from this approach addresses the impact of birth order on one’s personality
13. One major theorist from this approach emphasizes the idea of the collective unconscious as
the area where one holds common experiences and archetypes.
14. This theory address overarching personality characteristics, common descriptions of one’s personality and current
preferences that may eventually change as the makeup of one’s personality.
15. This theory believes that all individuals are trying to reach the pinnacle of their potential.