Here - Madison County Schools

Common Core Algebra I
Rosa Scott School
2015 - 2016
Teacher: Kasey Alford
Textbook – Pearson Algebra 1 Common Core (textbook and online access)
3 ring binder – You may share a binder with another class.
Dividers (optional)
Pencils/Pens/Loose Leaf Paper
Graph Paper
Calculator (for home)*
*At Rosa Scott in Algebra I, we do not use a calculator the first nine weeks of the school year. When we feel
it is necessary for the students to have a calculator, we will have a classroom set for the students to use at
school. At that time, you may want a calculator for home use. Recommended calculators are TI 83, TI 83
Plus, TI 84 or TI 84 Plus.
*Please take the time to visit the Common Core Standards webpage at
Here, you can find the mathematical concepts we will study this school year. Also, Madison County Schools
has set a pacing guide for Algebra I to follow. You may view the pacing guide at, under the Curriculum department, then pacing guides.
Daily Procedures and Class Expectations:
Jag Mark Assignments: Each day the JAG MARK will be on the board at the beginning of the block.
Students should start these as soon as they come into class.
2. Notebooks: Students should keep an organized notebook including Notes/Classwork, Homework,
Graded Work. Your pages should be labeled and dated.
3. Class Time: After you have completed your JAG MARK, I will begin instruction for the day. Note
taking is VERY important in my class! I give thorough notes with plenty of example problems. After I
have explained concepts, you may ask questions. Frequently during class students will be asked to
work problems on the board or to work problems with partners or within small groups. Students are
expected to participate during this time so it will be beneficial for you.
4. Homework assignments: Expect to have homework every night. I cannot express to you how
important it is for you to ALWAYS do your homework! Mathematics is a skill that builds on itself and
practice truly does lead to success. In order to encourage and reward homework completion, I will
grade your homework in a variety of ways and there will be a variety of incentives for homework
completion. You should turn in your homework into your bin when you walk in each day.
Homework that is not placed in the bin in a timely manner will not receive full credit.
5. Grading: See handbook for explanation of grades, grade reporting periods, and exemptions. Class
grades will consist of major tests (60%), daily grades (20%), and homework (20%). Daily grades
include quizzes, jag mark assignments, and class participation. A comprehensive exam will be given
at the end of each semester.
6. Make up work: It is your responsibility to take care of make-up work. Make sure you consult the
make-up folder upon your return to class. Please read this section in your handbook.
Behavioral Expectations and Procedures:
1. Students are expected to be on time.
2. Cell phones, MacBook’s and other electronic devices ARE NOT to be used in class, unless permission is
3. Students are expected to be prepared for class. That includes having necessary materials (pencils, paper,
and book), completing assigned work, and having a learning attitude when class begins.
4. Students are expected to have a positive attitude in this room. Be CONFIDENT in your abilities!
5. Students are expected to take care of personal needs between classes, at break and at lunch. In other
words, please avoid asking to go to the restroom during class.
6. Students are expected to be respectful and be encouraging toward all other individuals in this room.
7. Obey all student handbook policies.
1st offense: Verbal Correction
2nd offense: JAG Break Detention
3rd offense: Contact Parents/Guardian
4th offense: Office Referral
Tardiness and Absences
1st unexcused tardy= Warning
2nd unexcused tardy= Jag Break detention
3rd unexcused tardy= Parental contact
4th unexcused tardy = Office referral
*Absences will be dealt with according to handbook guidelines.
Lastly, I am available to you for extra help any morning from 7:45-8:15. Please ask for help when you need
it. Math builds on itself and it is important to thoroughly understand current concepts before learning new
concepts. I am here for you! I want you to “get it” and I will do what I can to help you achieve that goal.
I want you to enjoy math and to enjoy walking into my classroom, so please let me know what I can do to
help with that goal!