Beginning of Year (BOY)

STUDENT’S NAME: _________________________
ASSESSMENT DATE: __________________
Dear Parent,
The purpose of this letter is to tell parents/guardians about an early reading assessment given in second grade three
times a year (beginning, middle, and end of year). The assessment is called the TPRI. This assessment is given by
the teacher to every student in the class individually. The student is asked to complete a series of short tasks related
to reading. An early assessment of reading skills is required by the Texas Legislature. The purpose of the TPRI is
to inform your child’s teacher where your child’s strengths are, and where to focus instruction. It is not intended to
be an outcome assessment, and your child does not “pass” or “fail” this assessment.
Your child’s TPRI results are below:
PLEASE NOTE: At the Beginning-of-Year (BOY) the TPRI has 2 sections:
1. Screening Section
2. Inventory Section
The purpose of the Screening Section is to identify students who might need extra support with reading to be
successful during second grade.
Students are given one of two scores on the Screening Section:
Developed (D): Scoring D means your child will probably not have difficulty learning to read if appropriate
instruction is provided.
Still Developing (SD): Scoring SD means closer evaluation is needed and tells teachers that a student might
need extra support with reading to be successful during second grade.
PLEASE NOTE: Scoring SD at the Beginning-of-Year (BOY) is not necessarily a concern. These scores simply
help teachers provide the specific instruction a student needs.
Your child’s score on the Screening Section was:
Still Developing
The purpose of the Inventory Section is to help teachers understand whether students have developed certain skills
related to reading. Having this information helps teachers give students the instruction they need to make progress
towards being a successful reader.
The Inventory Section has three parts that measure the development of important early reading concepts:
1. Graphophonemic Knowledge (spelling): the ability to spell words correctly.
2. Word Reading: the ability to read a list of decodable words.
3. Reading Accuracy, Fluency & Comprehension: the ability to read accurately, with appropriate pacing and
expression, and to understand what has been read.
Grade 2 - BOY
Graphophonemic Knowledge (spelling)
SD=Still Developing
Set 1
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 2
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 3
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 4
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 1
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 2
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 3
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Set 4
D / SD
____ out of 5 Correct
Word Reading
If children score 0 out 5
on Set 1 then they do not
attempt to read the
words in the other sets.
Reading Accuracy, Fluency & Comprehension
1st Story
Fluency Rate
__ frustrated (read less than 90% of words correctly)
__ not frustrated (read more than 90% of words correctly)
_________ words correct per minute (end-of-year fluency target is 90 words correct per minute)
D / SD ____ out of 6 questions correct
2nd Story
Fluency Rate
__ frustrated (read less than 90% of words correctly)
__ not frustrated (read more than 90% of words correctly)
_________ words correct per minute (end-of-year fluency target is 90 words correct per minute)
D / SD ____ out of 6 questions correct
REMINDER: Scoring SD at the Beginning-of-Year is not necessarily a concern. These scores simply
help teachers provide the specific instruction a student needs. The End-of-Year goal is for
students to receive a score of “Developed” (D) on all the items listed.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the TPRI or the scores your child received, please contact
your child’s teacher.
Teacher Contact Information
Grade 2 - BOY