1 (11) CLEEN Strategic Research Agenda for the Theme Healthy Urban Living Key definitions: Smart city is a dynamic ecosystem of citizens, authorities, companies and research centers that cooperate to develop products and services to foster innovation with the aim to develop an attractive, competitive and sustainable city (Ref..TNO). A smart city enables energy efficient and carbon neutral living, working and travelling without compromising the wellbeing and good quality of life (Ref.VTT). Resilience means the buffer capacity and the ability of the system to absorb perturbations, to tolerate disturbances, to function under pressure, and to recover from possible shocks rapidly. Urban resilience means city’s ability to function under pressure (of climate change, weather shocks, rapid urbanisation, demographic and economic changes and lack of natural resources), adjust its dynamics and to respond to changes in the surrounding ecosystem. This response can be measured through system performance, recovery duration, and recovery effort. CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 2 (11) Executive summary Essential parts of the grand challenges for our globe are climate change, energy supply risks and increasing urbanisation. These challenges constitute major risks for the quality of life, the economic success and the environmental quality of life. A “Resilient City” (e.g. in Newman, Beatley and Boyer 2009) aims at intelligent planning and visionary leadership to prevent major disruptions in urban life and to ensure long-term survival and success of urban systems. This theme is a new research topic, and highly important for society. The aim of this research agenda for Healthy Urban Living is to increase urban resilience and wellbeing of citizens. The socio-technical innovation of “urban smartness”, can be understood as a key enabler for urban resilience and well-being. This Strategic Research Agenda focuses on following research topics: 1. understanding the interactions and interlinkages in urban systems. The specific focus is on energy chain, human behaviour, environmental and meteorological data, air quality and its effect on human health. 2. design and co-creation of a low emission district creating comfortable, secure and safety living environments. In this context we are focusing on energy production, distribution and use; and their effect on the well-being/health of citizens. In addition new models for ownership, business models and new value chain creation are studied 3. control on urban systems by using the fundamental knowledge created in 1 st focus point and in adding smart control systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) mashups. Figure 2. Principal illustration of the main research focus points in Healthy Urban Living strategic research agenda This SRA is in line with the European Innovation Platform of Smart Cities and Communities and also have many common topics with INKA cities. The uniqueness of this SRA is the collaborative nature and cross disciplinary between CLEEN, RYM and DIGILE SHOKs. CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 3 (11) Background Cities are engines of human and economic development. At the same time, most greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions and other pollutions are produced in cities where also the human exposure to pollution is highest. Resilient cities can be seen as catalyzers of the foreseen energy, environmental and social revolution and are expected to play a key role in order to achieve low emission society. Urban ecosystems can be seen as systems of people, flows of energy, materials, services and financing. In addition, urban systems are interlinked to natural systems. All system components and their interlinkages need to be explored in an integrated and holistic way to build cities of high resiliency (e.g. against sudden natural shocks like storms or industry accident) and sustainability. Recilience requires integration and interoperability of urban systems. Monitoring and prediction methods play an important role in managing and controlling the entire system. The main challenge is to reduce environmental impact and carbon footprint of urban areas in a situation where urban environment is increasingly becoming the predominant way of living globally. At the same time, societal development needs to be addressed and well-being of people must be in focus. The increasing use of energy in the coming decades should be done without increasing harmful effects both on human health and the environment. Pressure is growing to reduce the overall environmental impact, and there is a parallel compelling need for business to stay globally competitive. Investment and expenditure needs for improving energy efficiency, modernising infrastructure and creating high quality living environments for all, including the most vulnerable citizens, are enormous. At the same time, cities have limited access to financial resources. Globalisation has opened new markets and is requiring much more competitiveness from European industries. The advanced and modern systems deliver new services and opportunities to grow well-being. But at the same time, societies have become more vulnerable to criminality and natural catastrophes. Climate change induces new and unexpected phenomena requiring more robust but flexible and self-recovering systems. As the most dramatic effects of climate change are expected at high latitudes, tools for correctly examining and predicting the phenomena and the atmosphere in urban areas in these regions are needed. The concrete threats to the urban system include natural disasters and other sudden shocks (storms, terrorism, collapse of vital technical infrastructure) as well as vast consequences of climate change (decreasing biodiversity in the ecosystems, repeated flooding, long periods of hot and arid summer seasons, extreme weather conditions, distorted population structure, escalating migratory movements, poverty and inequality, and epidemic diseases). These challenges are different from each other as some occur suddenly (epidemics) and have relatively limited duration (collapsed infrastructure) while others affect the society slowly and may be very difficult to change or to adapt to. In addition, the spatial impact is very different. Resilient cities emphasize the relations between the urban flows of energy, material and people as well as governance and human behaviour. Further, the relations need to be explored in a holistic and integrated way to create cities of high resiliency and sustainability. This includes also new ways to enhance citizens’ environmental awareness. Innovations in the form of 'sustainable city solutions' can deliver technologies, products and services that meet the dual challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and providing efficient public services. These solutions should also be accessible, and improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable citizens CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 4 (11) in terms of poverty and unequal welfare distribution. This is important since the effects of climate change and the diminishing of resources will hit these groups the worst. The term ‘resilient city’ is widely used and includes different sub-systems of a city and often also aspects of governance and/or citizens. In this context we are focusing on urban utility infrastructures such as energy production, distribution and use, waste management and effluent treatment as well as traffic, and their effects on the well-being/health of citizens. Transport related challenges are not solved simply by adding clean vehicles; the transport system and required transport services including mobility patterns as a whole have to be optimised. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are seen as enabling technologies for smart system solutions. The strategic uniqueness of this SRA is holistic view of resiliency and the integration of different systems. In addition, this SRA focuses on integrated dynamic models which have not been introduced before. The knowledge creation from measured and newly combined data enables new possibilities to create personalised services and products. Positioning of the Finnish know-how Finnish key competences in urban research are in the complex interactions of urban eco-systems and especially in the combination of energy chains and user behaviour (system dynamic models and energy simulation models at urban level). Finland is one of the leading countries in the world utilizing public sector register data (GIS) in land use planning at municipal and regional level, combined from different authority sources. In addition, Finland is worldwide well-known for novel urban energy simulation tools. Understanding and measuring environmental conditions is essential for sustainable and resilient urban environments. Finland has leading expertise in innovative air quality, weather monitoring and remote sensing systems, as well as emission reduction techniques. Finnish expertise in aerosol measurement and air pollution is very well-known in international research fields. Also in the field of interlinkage of air pollutants to their health effects (toxicology) research of high excellence is being done in which a multidisciplinary approach is used. This approach includes in-depth toxicological and physico-chemical characterization of source related emissions, their transformation in the atmosphere, combined with epidemiological studies. Finnish energy system is known for the wide implementation of combined heat and power production as well as tri-generation (combined heat, cool and power generation). In global perspective, Finnish power plants have very high efficiency and annual availability. In addition, smart energy metering and smart grids are in place in Finland and there are many good examples of know-how on combination of central and de-central generation of energy. Finland is generally recognized as one of the leading countries in both development as well as adoption of mobile ICT technology, with special strengths in e.g. context awareness, visualization and augmented reality solutions. These solutions can be exploited in increasing citizen’s understanding of environmental impacts, both related to their own actions as well as the urban infrastructure around them. Identification of the research needs Already about 68 % of the EU population live in urban areas and the urbanisation is further expected to continue worldwide especially in developing countries. From the health point of view CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 5 (11) this is of special interest since, urban air pollution, particularly particulate matter (PM) emissions, are considered as the most important environmental risk for human health worldwide. Deployment of smart and resilient solutions will impact on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, emissions that cause direct impacts on human health and energy consumption (vehicles, buildings and urban infrastructures in general), reduction of accidents and crime, as well as reduction of time spent in transit and traffic congestion. The quality of urban life is highly dependent on urban structures, concentration of activities and on services for citizens. Holistic and integrated solutions are needed. To create resilient urban environments, focus should be placed on studying the whole urban system and on the synergy of various sub-systems to avoid sub-optimised sectorial aspects. The fact that advanced information technology is available at low cost, enables developers to create embedded solutions for various everyday needs. New opportunities arise for: Smart and resilient energy and utility systems Environmental and meteorological monitoring Services enabled by digital systems that are safe, secure and of high quality Resilience of the living environment User-oriented products, services and processes Means to measure and visualize citizens’ consumption patterns and environmental impacts In general, there is a need for modernisation and improving energy and resource efficiency of the existing building stock, transport and energy infrastructure by means of holistic planning, optimisation, smart and resilient control and management in a cost-efficient way. Functional, comfortable and resource-efficient solutions are needed for housing, work, leisure and transportation. Associated physical and virtual services should be functional and user-friendly and they should be seamlessly integrated into our everyday life and reachable/accessible for all households/citizens. Better performing services, serving the needs of citizens, should be provided with lower environmental impact and in a financially sustainable way. Urban transformation towards sustainable cities Sustainable development of urban areas is of key importance and requires implementation and deployment of effective and user-friendly technologies and services. As mentioned, resilient cities can be seen as systems with flows of energy, materials, services, people and financing. Moreover, urban planning is closely related to the economic and social metabolism of communities; i.e. technology is seen as an enabler of good life. The importance of identification, integration and optimisation of different energy, transport and data flows in city development, planning and city management is crucial for creating sustainable, clean and resilient environments. The renewal of urban environment is slow. Therefore, implementing any new technologies must fit to existing structures, environments and cultural/social context. In addition, existing infrastructures must be upgraded to deliver multiple uses whenever possible. The challenge is threefold; 1st Understanding the urban systems and phenomena (energy, waste, water, traffic, air quality, human health, weather) and their variability in a global context 2ndTechnological development and validation and CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 6 (11) 3rd Creation and validation of new business and financing models, standardisation and user acceptance and engagement, upscaling and multiplying standardised solutions in several regions In addition to the above mentioned challenges, governance, decision making and awareness building are critical factors in the transformation process towards sustainable cities. The main research questions are: 1. Understanding the urban phenomena a. interactions and interlinkages of energy chains, waste management, effluent treatment and traffic on air quality and other emissions, and their effects on human health (toxicological effects) b. human behaviour, socioeconomics and energy use c. human motivation and encouragement for active participation 2. How should we design future low emission districts by using cross-disciplinary methods in respect of a. energy systems (energy design in respect of carbon emissions and air quality, traffic in respect of air quality) for both existing and new districts and cities i. development of new technologies ii. application of existing technologies in totally new combinations/context b. user acceptance and awareness c. accessibility and availability of urban infrastructure services d. citizen health and well-being 3. How to optimize the district management in a cross-disciplinary way by understanding, monitoring and modeling the complex interactions in urban systems a. integration and interoperability of different technical systems (energy, air quality, weather data, toxicological data) b. better understanding of citizen behaviour 4. What new innovations are needed in a. technical systems, in both building and district / city level? b. understanding behavior of citizens, new business models and creation of new value chains? The Strategic Research Agenda Design of healthy, low emission and resilient districts Holistically operating energy efficient districts have better ability to react to changes. Holistically functioning cities use sustainable land-use planning and localized energy planning. Holistic planning enables cost savings (multifunctioning systems) and increases safety (health) and reliability through better utilization of intelligent, integrated and optimized networks. Renewing the building stock and infrastructure is costly and generally takes very long. The implementation of any new technologies must therefore fit within existing structures and environments. In addition, existing infrastructures must be upgraded to deliver multiple tasks whenever possible. The key challenge is the transformation of our districts towards resilient, low emission and zero energy/climate neutral districts by implementing and optimising local renewable energies, including waste-to-energy solutions, with existing energy production (smart energy CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 7 (11) networks, virtual power plants), smart retrofitting of existing building stock and smart integration of new zero energy buildings into a sustainable district. For the greatest impact, the implementation of renewable energies must be synchronised with smart energy networks, control and storage systems. Integrated multi-optimised solutions (materials and systems) should lead to comfortable, safe, secure and cost-efficient buildings and districts. Key enablers to cost efficiency are scalable and replicable solutions and concepts. This includes that solutions and concepts must be adaptable to different socioeconomic and governance contexts and overcome obstacles like split-incentives or uneven distribution of gains and costs. Transparency between different metrics and indicators is important and could possibly ease the comparability of different concepts. The used design and planning methods and tools must be scalable and optimise the functional region in order to avoid sub-optimisation. Figure 3 Principal scheme of visualisation of some parts of different layers of urban planning. Monitoring and management of sustainable districts Smart district management is the key for maintaining people’s well-being under the pressure of resource efficiency. Increasing share of wind and solar energy production will increase the importance of interoperability and control of energy production as well as use of energy storage and peak shifting and shaving options. Comprehensive weather and outdoor air quality data is crucial not only for forecasting energy demand peaks, but also for creating healthier environments and minimizing the anthropogenic impacts on climate and our environment. Quality assured data is crucial for effective use of emission and climate models as well as for city planning purposes. In addition to the traditional atmospheric monitoring, new cost-efficient instrumentation as well as intelligent data transfer solutions are needed. By merging real time and simulation data, more accurate forecasts can be created for both sudden weather shocks and longer term impacts for different uses. CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 8 (11) Sensors and sensor networks enable real time monitoring and optimisation of e.g. energy or logistics and reaction to changes in air quality. By increasing the use of open data and by combining the information from different sources (IoT mashups) new added value can be generated (. Increased data collection and processing will also enable self-learning digital services. There is little research evidence on the role of the building occupants in achieving the design and construction intent of buildings. Studies are even fewer on the influence of user behaviour and lifestyle on maintaining the effectiveness of high performing buildings, where energy consumption and peak power demand is highly affected by user behaviour. Figure 4. Illustration of real-time NOx pollution monitoring in urban environment. (TU Delft) Suggested project & program portfolio for the Theme The suggested themes for research are the following: Understanding the functioning of urban systems Urban systems are complex and constantly changing. They consist of several sub-systems, and their interactions and interconnections still need fundamental research in order to improve our understanding on the resilience of urban systems. This part focuses only on combining weather and air quality monitoring data to design and operation of energy, waste and effluent management and traffic systems’ behaviour. There are still many unclear phenomena in air quality formation and how different emission components are behaving and reacting together. There is even less fundamental knowledge about the toxicological reactions induced by the emissions and their effects on human health. In addition, deep understanding of the functioning of energy, material and traffic systems and their optimal response to human behaviour and needs is needed in order to model urban systems and to design resilient cities. Research questions: CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 9 (11) What spatial and temporal resolution should be used for air quality monitoring and what are the crucial and reliable indicators for air quality in respect of human health (toxicology)? How is changing climate affecting the air quality and chemical reactions in the air? What environmental and meteorological observations are optimal and needed to understand how the urban atmosphere behaves from a resilient urban area point of view, and with what spatial and temporal resolution these observations should be made? How is human behaviour affecting the energy demand and how is climate affecting the energy supply and what are the interlinkages and interactions of these? What could the optimal control strategies be for the fluctuating energy demand and supply, and how could weather data and understanding of human behaviour be utilized in these estimations? In addition, is the pattern of behaviour varying depending on age, gender, living area or other socioeconomic factors? How can data be analyzed and further developed as input to urban models? What are the most effective technological solutions in order to make urban environment more healthy and sustainable? Design of resilient and healthy city solutions and services Smart energy supply and demand systems and services for better-informed citizens are in the centre of creating future low-emission cities. In addition, co-creation platforms including specified sub-platforms, decision tools (simulation, visualization/virtualization, open data/information platforms) and living labs are needed to increase the level of awareness of city solutions and inhabitants’ increased involvement in planning and implementation the solutions, e.g. activeness of social communities with respect to energy and production of energy within districts (by prosumers). When new energy alternatives are considered, it is essential that also effects to human health are considered via evaluation of both physicochemical and toxicological properties of the emission. The optimal use of local and renewable energy sources together with other low emission energy sources is important. The district level heating, cooling and power demand is reduced via energy efficient smart buildings. At the same time, electricity use is increasing due to electric vehicles and increased number of devices in buildings. The use of various energy sources with increased use of renewable energies should help in finding ways to reduce emissions. The solutions should be adjustable from Finnish market conditions to European markets, Russia and Asian emerging economies, and they should take into account local cultural traditions and preferences. Research topics: Design and ownership of future city systems, business models and value chains Gathering and analysing data on user preferences including user acceptance of technologies and quality aspects (safety) of districts (including data from non-traditional sources) Development of a framework for metrics, baselines and indicators to compare low emission districts Development on multidisciplinary urban modelling tool including aspects related to energy and air quality Development of multi-stakeholder city/district-scale design, simulation and monitoring and multi-criteria optimisation tools which enable analyses and co-creation of cities/districts as holistic ecosystems (integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), performance assessment including health effects, Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA)/ socio-economicenvironmental, visualisation of impacts). These kinds of tools enable scenario building and CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 10 (11) analyses for multi-dimensional decision-making, and the analysis and visualisation of the impact of different choices in district/city planning. Development of an affordable (including funding), scalable and replicable concept of the transformation of districts towards smart low emission and climate neutral districts by implementing and optimising local renewable energies with existing energy production (smart energy networks, virtual power plants). The implementation of any new technologies must fit within existing structures and environments since the renewal of building stock is costly and generally takes very long. Development of weather data services combined with energy demand and supply control and management systems to optimise the low emission energy use. Creation of ICT standards for city level information sharing enabling open access to various databases for design, planning, operation and service provision. Development of digital platforms for integrated multidisciplinary collaborative design & planning (co-simulation and optimization of complex interactions in different domains, virtual environments, mobile augmented reality and interactive public displays for viewing and commenting designs, e-learning applications, user-oriented cognitive data visualisations). Stakeholder involvement and co-creation of new operational practices and services in a cross-disciplinary way (promotion of paradigm shift in business environment). Cross-regional collaboration to ensure building up critical skills and knowledge and critical mass for large markets. Improving legacy and incentive systems for integrated solutions. Development and deployment of smart and resilient solutions for lighting, heating, cooling and electricity systems as well as infrastructure for electric vehicles in public (streets, open spaces, buildings) and private spaces. District-scale demonstrations of solutions and best practices on living lab basis. Smart energy and air quality management for resilient buildings and districts Holistically operating energy efficient districts have better ability to react to changes. Holistically functioning energy efficient cities use sustainable land-use planning and localized energy planning. Holistic planning enables cost savings (multifunctioning systems), increased safety and reliability through better utilization of intelligent, integrated and optimized networks. Reseach topics: Development of research-based data of citizen behaviour including user acceptance of new technologies. Data includes both technical data (e.g. energy consumption, air quality, weather) and citizen behaviour data (acceptance, crowd based data) Comprehensive cross-disciplinary monitoring network for atmospheric observations Development of sensors and instruments capable of real-time monitoring and data providing Enhancing city level management of energy and air quality as well as related trading systems (performance monitoring and commissioning tools, self-learning systems for optimised management, optimisation tools for energy and air quality management based on “dynamic profiles” of buildings and other network nodes, forecasting algorithms). Development of new generation mobile and personalized ICT tools to enhance environmental awareness, e.g. visualization of energy consumption, emission and air pollution levels, carbon footprint related to products and consumption patterns etc. Integration of building and vehicle charging network into the district energy management system CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi 11 (11) Development of monitoring and early warning systems/modelling tools of sudden weather shocks, air pollutants or epidemic diseases, which are integrated to other monitoring and control systems of the district and buildings. Development of stakeholder involvement and co-creation of new operational practices and services in a cross-disciplinary way (promotion of paradigm shift in business environment) Development of new business models enabling affordable energy renovations at district scale. New business models focus on risk sharing and on minimising split-incentives or uneven distribution of gains and costs. In addition, the new business models can change the traditional value chains and enable new innovations supporting 2020 targets and beyond. District-scale demonstrations of solutions and best practices on living lab basis This research agenda can be executed in collaboration with RYM and DIGILE. Participants of the SRA group Pekka Utela, Vaisala Marja Englund, Fortum Anssi Savisalo, FCG Leena Järvi, Helsingin yliopisto Maija-Riitta Hirvonen, UEF Miimu Airaksinen, VTT Panu Kontio, SYKE Topi Rönkkö, TTY Mika Luoranen, LUT Responsible author Miimu Airaksinen, VTT CLEEN OY Eteläranta 10, P.O. BOX 10, FI-00131 HELSINKI, FINLAND www.cleen.fi