Oct 9th 2014 - Watermill School

Watermill School Council
Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2014
PUPILS: Shelbie Webb, Owen Talbot, Bradley Hawkins, Ajay Hazeldine, Mickey Cookson, Mark
Weston, Michael Reader, Ben Standeven, Ben Hancock, Fiza Aktar, Humeria Farooq, Robbie Kelsall,
Liam Hibbert.
STAFF: Pam Hassall and Lisa Ball (Governor)
Item 1: to discuss lunchtime provision and possible clubs
The Council discussed the provision that is currently available for pupils at dinner times. The majority
felt that there needed to be more provision for pupils who did not want to go out and were
particularly concerned about provision when the weather was very bad
They discussed the possibility of having more lunch time clubs and came up with lots of suggestions
that need further exploration. These include;
First Aid, Movie Club, Drama club, Cookery Club, and a Science Club for Primary pupils.
Item 2: Linked to School Development Plan
How can we encourage more pupils to read for pleasure?
Very interesting discussion with lots of ideas that they would like to explore.
1. Students would like a library which is cosy and inviting
2. All rooms should have an area designed to encourage children to read.
3. Pupils to help choose books. Pupils had lots of ideas as to the type of books they would
like. Some suggestions were books by Lee Child, Star Wars books, Horrible Histories
Series, Instruction books and ‘funny books because they are inspirational.’
4. Have a day each half term where pupils bring in their own books and share them.
5. Some pupils find reading and listening to someone reading difficult so thought if a DVD
was available they something on the internet they could watch before they read it.
6. When it is wet play have a reading club and fun reading games on the computers
7. More able pupils to buddy with less able pupils to share a book at identified times.
Item 3: School Council Involvement in the interview process for Teaching Position
A panel of Representatives was chosen from the Council to take part in the interview process.
Students came up with a number of questions that each candidate would ask and decided who
would ask the questions and in what order.
Item 4: Local Democracy Week
A discussion took place about the forthcoming event at the Civic Centre for Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils.
It was decided that six members would represent the school.
Any Other Business: A number of pupils still unhappy about the high level of security that prevented
free access around the building. An interesting debate took place and the reasons for the present
system were explained. A couple of representatives were still unhappy.