ENGLISH DEPARTMENT We seek to appoint an energetic and enthusiastic English teacher who will be committed to raising the standards of pupils’ achievements. General Information We aim to engage the interest and enthusiasm of the pupils while ensuring that the framework objectives are taught and revisited. We do this by providing pupils with a scheme of work that is both varied and stimulating. The English teaching takes place in five adjacent rooms. We also have a well-equipped drama studio. Our school library has an excellent range of materials and contains a number of computers. Years 7 and 9 receive 4 x 60 minute periods of English a week. Year 8 receives 3 x 60 minute periods. Pupils are taught in sets in all year groups. We use continuous assessment to track each pupil's progress and include moderated assessments for all three attainment targets. On arrival at the school, Year 7 pupils are put into groups of similar ability, according to their KS2 SATs results. They stay in these groups for the first term. The first term's units are: Memories and Moments, Cautionary Tales and Dickens' A Christmas Carol. During this time they produce a range of written work, complete some timed assessments and take part in a drama activity in small groups. We use all the data from this term, as well as their KS2 teacher assessments and test results, to put them into half-year sets in January. As pupils progress at different rates, we regularly refer to data and move pupils if we feel that they would be better suited to a different set. The following units are taught in each year group: Literary Heritage, Media, Non-Fiction, Novel, Poetry, Genre and Plays. We aim to provide progression in each category through the three-year course. Study of media in Year 7 involves work based on the television programme Robot Wars. In Year 8, it forms part of the nonfiction and Macbeth units encouraging pupils to appreciate the possibilities and limitations of different media, and in Year 9, the KS4 bridging unit involves the study of a particular genre of film and film techniques. Many of our pupils are keen and regular readers and the school library has an excellent range of the latest fiction. Private reading is actively encouraged through holiday reading challenges for all three year groups and wide reading is rewarded with special certificates. We take pupils in each year group into the library to complete particular tasks and to keep pupils informed about the new fiction. Each year we welcome authors to speak to pupils about their own books and to give helpful advice. In addition, we invite a local author, Steve Bowkett, to work with our Year 7 pupils on aspects of fiction writing. Steve is an inspirational speaker and he gives the pupils lots of practical advice to help them write their own stories at the end of the novel unit. One of our most challenging and popular units is the private reading presentation unit called Book in a Box. Year 8 pupils do this in the summer term, and it causes quite a buzz around the school as well as maintaining the high profile of reading for pleasure. Our Year 9 syllabus is designed to prepare pupils to deal confidently with the demands of the KS4 course. We ensure that the units give many opportunities for pupils to develop their creativity as well as their accuracy. Pupils enjoy studying a novel by Robert Swindells with the theme of survival. In the second term, they study a more challenging fiction text in preparation for the literature work in KS4. They use a number of non-fiction text types in a travel writing unit; learn about the progress of poetry from the sonnet to free verse and write their own poetry; read and perform set scenes from a Shakespeare play; practise the art of persuasion and read and write short stories with a twist in the tale. Document1 We have structured our scheme of work so that all year groups can celebrate annual events, such as National Poetry Day and World Book Day. We encourage pupils to enter local and national poetry writing competitions. Each year, Year 7 pupils are involved in the ‘Send My Friend to School’ initiative. We have also invited a performance poet, Shakespeare theatre group and local author to work with our pupils. We aim to build on the successful practice of the department by monitoring and evaluating each unit annually so that it remains relevant to the needs and interests of our pupils. Topics Include Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Genre: Memories and Moments Poetry: Cautionary Tales Literary Heritage: Great storyteller - Charles Dickens; Greek Myths Drama: A Christmas Carol Media: Robot Wars Non-Fiction: Teenage Curfews Modern Novel: Holes by Louis Sachar Fiction: Story writing Non-fiction: Living without Cruelty (includes debate) Poetry: Ballads Literary Heritage: Introduction to Shakespeare Drama: Macbeth (includes film study) Modern Novel Literary heritage: Gothic Literature Genre: Horror Fiction: 'Book in a Box' project Modern novel on theme of Survival Literary Heritage: Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet Poetry Classic Novel or play Non-Fiction: Travel writing Genre: Short story - A Twist in the Tale Media: Film Studies - Key Stage 4 Bridging Unit SATS Results % Leics Nat'l Kibw'th Document1 English 100 90 Leics 80 National 70 Kibworth 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 50 1996 60 1995 % Levels 5 & Above SATS Results 1995 64 55 55 1996 69 57 69 1997 63 57 89 1998 74 65 83 1999 73 64 90 2000 72 64 91 2001 72 65 77 2002 76 68 83 2003 75 68 76 2004 79 71 84.6 2005 83 74 90 2006 83 72 91 2007 86 75 93.4 2008 81 75 92.4 Teacher Assessment Results 2009 85.95 77 91.7 2010 88 79 94.5 2011 90 81 97.39 2012 91 84 95.38