
FY 16-17 Student Fee Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2015
Committee Members Present: Hailey Guerra (Chair), Caleb Grantham, Glehn Von Loh, Cameron Duffy,
Karen Patterson, Shari Shuman, Albert Colom, Scott Bennett, Chase Baker
Others in Attendance: Everett Malcolm (Student Affairs), Christine Malek (Student Affairs), Celeste
Watkins (SG), Margaret Szerba(SG) Dawn Knipe (SG) Becky Purser, Health Promotions, Ashley
Ballard, Health Promotions, Charlene Dawston, Health Promotions, Doreen Perez, Student Health
Services, Dr. Andrew King, Counseling Center
Hailey Guerra authorized recording of the meeting for the minutes.
Hailey Guerra called the meeting to order at 12:03pm.
Welcome President Hailey Guerra. We are missing one committee member but we will go
ahead and begin the meeting.
Approval of the Minutes
With no corrections noted, the November 16, 2015 minutes were approved.
Budget Presentations
Health Promotions – Shelly Purser, Ashley Ballard and Charlene Dawston
 The Department of Health Promotions is not asking for an increase for the fiscal year
 In keeping the budget balanced for the year, we will continue to assess the effectiveness
of all programs, services and make budget and programming adjustments as needed.
 Looking at reduction of OPS Budget and Operating Expenses by 20% across the board.
 The Department of Health Promotion continues to seek out external funding sources to
supplement the budget and replace student credit hour shortfalls.
Questions for committee
Hailey Guerra asked what changes more specifically have been made to the whole operating
expense pool. Becky Purser - cutbacks in OPS, looking at everything across the board for 20%
cuts. Caleb Grantham asked how many positions would be cut. Becky Purser – it’s not so much
positions but hours would be cut. Christine Malek further explained the Part-Time Employment
proposed $72,000 vs $100,000 last year. Last year included $15,000 for Brooks graduate
assistants program. Hailey asked about the slight decrease in salaries? Christine advised the
decrease could be a cost of continuing benefits. Shari added there could have also been position
changes from Assistant. Director to Coordinator, lowering cost. Hailey Guerra asked is Garbage
on the Green paid for by Health Promotions. Shari clarified that none of these funds are used for
Garbage on the Green. Does Health Promotions provide for HIV testing? We provide the
majority of HIV testing through the Duval County Health Department and we are certified by the
City for an anonymous HIV test. Shelly noted there is no cost to Health Promotions. Charlene
Dawston noted there is about a $600.00 carrier fee for the testing. Hailey asked where
miscellaneous revenues come from? Charlene Dawston advised they come from CPR and Ogier
Garden sales to Chartwells.
Student Health Services: Doreen Perez
 No fee increase is being requested by Student Health Services.
 Student Health Services will have to access their Fund Balance.
 They will be reducing cost to travel by using webinar trainings.
 SHS saw more students (1,000) even though enrollment had decreased.
Questions for Committee:
The productivity Report was discussed. How many years has Student Health Services been in a
deficit? Doreen advised last 3 years. What are current prospects for third party billing? Doreen
advised they are looking very good. Discussion followed. Shari stated for the committee the
deficits that are anticipated will probably not happen; last year they came in $20,000 better than
anticipated. Everett Malcolm advised they have an employee out on FMLA until late March early
April for continuity of care in and best practices in the facility an additional $8,000 will be reduced
from Fund Balance biweekly. Discussion followed.
Counseling Center: Dr. Andrew King
 Counseling Center will not be requesting a fee increase. However if we are going to
keep services in place; they will have to keep spending as they currently are.
 They have had a 5% increase in usage of the center this year by students.
 Counseling Center will need to extend the monetary resources that they had at their
disposal, this represents $121,000 usage of the Fund Balance.
 We have pared down our Operating Expenses by about 10%, we reduced travel and
 Current services won’t be sustainable, in the future if additional funds don’t become
available, the plan to put the Center back in the black would be to discontinue our
Psychiatric Service. That means approximately 335 students would not receive
psychiatric services, it doesn’t mean they won’t receive counseling services, most
students who receive our psychiatric services also receive our counseling services.
 Currently we have on staff a psychiatrist, licensed medical doctor, one budgeted nurse
practitioner who works 20 hours and then we have OPS Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
We have one FTE Psychiatric Service; this is a good use of our funds because a
Psychiatrist costs $225 per hour and a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner costs $47.
 In the state of Florida, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners cannot work independently, they
must have a licensed Psychiatrist, and they work as a package.
 Our goal is to maintain the safety of the campus. To sum up even though the student
population is about the same, our usage rates are up. I like to think that is as a result of
Questions for committee:
Hailey Guerra asked how many hours a Psychiatrist works. Dr. King - 4 hours; time is spent with students
and part of time spent with other clinical staff in case studies. Do Psychiatrist and Psychiatric Nurse
Practitioners administer drugs? Dr. King answered yes both do. Does counseling center have any
revenue generating services? Dr. King answered no. Caleb Grantham asked why there was a large
decrease to Salaries and Benefits for 2016-2017. Christine Malek explained more was budgeted 20152016 salaries because of an accreditation process. Shari noted the 2015-2016 deficit will be less. Shari,
noted the Board of Governors is very high on this topic of counseling and on security, so there is a
Legislative budget request that has been put together by the Board of Governors, police departments,
emergency management and counseling centers. If something goes to Board of Governors we will be
able to get additional dollars for additional counselors. Chase Baker asked about third party billing for the
center, it was discussed.
President Guerra opened the floor for committee discussion. None noted meeting was adjourned.
Motion to adjourn was made by Glehn Von Loh, second by Caleb Grantham. Approved.
adjourned at 12:49pm by SG President Hailey Guerra
Respectfully submitted by Lucy Tison
Meeting was