FY 16-17 Student Fee Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes November 16, 2015

FY 16-17 Student Fee Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2015
Committee Members Present: Hailey Guerra (Chair), Caleb Grantham, Glehn Von Loh, Cameron
Duffy, Karen Patterson, Shari Shuman, Albert Colom, Scott Bennett
Members Not in Attendance: Chase Baker
Others in Attendance: Everett Malcolm (Student Affairs), Christine Malek (Student Affairs),
Celeste Watkins (SG), Devany Groves, Margaret Szerba, Dawn Knipe,
Hailey Guerra authorized recording of the meeting for the minutes.
Hailey Guerra called the meeting to order at 3:01pm.
Hailey asked that the Committee introduce themselves. Hailey Guerra, Student Body President;
Shari Shuman, Vice President for Administration and Finance; Karen Patterson, Chair of
Exceptional, Deaf and Interpreter Education; Albert Colom, Assoc. Vice President for Enrollment
Services, Scott Bennett, Assoc. Vice President of Administration, Cameron Duffy, Student Body
Treasurer; Glehn Von Loh, SG Project Manager, Caleb Grantham, SG Chief of Staff.
Hailey: This is the Student Fee Assessment Committee. This introductory meeting will simply
outline what authority has been vested to us by the state statute and by the University.
Hailey read over and highlighted certain sections of the State Statute Chapter 1009.24.D for the
committee. A copy of the statute was provided to the committee. It was noted the sum of the
activity and service, health and athletic fees a student is required to pay to register for a course
may not exceed 40 percent of the tuition established in law or in the General Appropriations
Act. Also, within the 40 percent cap, universities may not increase the aggregate sum of activity
and service, health, and athletic fees more than 5 percent per year unless specifically
authorized in law or in the General Appropriations Act. A university may increase its athletic
fee to defray the costs associated with changing National Collegiate Athletic Association
divisions. That fee is actually not subject to the 5 percent and 40 percent caps, however it may
not exceed $2.00. We already have this fee included in our athletic fee. Undergraduate tuition
is $105.07 which means the total dollar amount cannot exceed $42.03; currently between
Activity and Service Fee, health and athletic fees is $41.81 which only gives us about .19 to
reach that cap. To better set the tone for these meetings it is important to note the state is not
entertaining increasing fees. It is projected enrollment will decrease from 394,000 to 390,000.
The committee was asked to look and consider how fees could be reduced. The committee is
comprised half of students and half of Administration, the Chair alternates each year. Hailey as
Chair advised she would only vote in the event of a tie.
Hailey reviewed the Budget Presentation Schedule.
Nov. 19th - Health Promotions, Student Health Services, Counseling Center
Nov. 20 – Student Government, Disability Resource Center, Transportation
Dec. 4th– Budget discussions
Hailey explained that we will allot 20 minutes for each presentation with the understanding
that they may not take the full 20 minutes. Extra time had been allotted at each meeting for
Motion to adjourn was made by Albert Colom, second by Scott Bennett. None opposed.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:06pm by SG President Hailey Guerra
Respectfully submitted by Lucy Tison