Jail Road, Lahore – Pakistan. Tel: 042-99203801-09, Ext: 317, Fax: 042-99203077 CENTRE FOR CAREER COUNSELING AND JOB PLACEMENT (CCJP) Student Registration Form Student -ID Number: * First Name: * Last Name: * Father’s (Guardian) Name: * Age: _____________________ Marital Status: ______________________ Permanent Address: * Phone Number: * (We will call you at this number to schedule your appointment.) Email Address: * Please identify your department: * Please identify the name of your program: * (Also note any additional majors and minors.) Year and Semester you are currently studying at LCWU: * You will graduate in: * After graduation you want to: get a job, pursue further studies or other? (select one) ________________________________________________________________________ Do you want to pursue a career after you have graduating? * Yes No Do you want to avail the services and training provided by Centre for Career Counseling and Job Placement? Yes No What best describes your area of interest in this Centre? * (Training and Skill Development) Resume Writing/Consultation Cover Letter Writing/Consultation Develop a Career Plan Internship Search Job Search Interview Skills Public Speaking /Communication Skills Building Self-Esteem Other (Please specify below) Please use this space to provide details on the related fields of your interest: (e.g. Banking or Educational Institutes) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please describe your career interests and goals: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Anything else we need to know to assist you in Career Counseling and Job Placement? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Note: Kindly submit the form by emailing us at careers.lcwu@gmail.com