Request for Qualifications Contract Position: Community Workshop

Request for Qualifications
Contract Position: Community Workshop Developer and Trainer
Workshops: Dealing with Difficult Situations with Tenants and
Conflict Resolution Skills for Condo & Homeowner Associations
Deadline to apply: Monday, November 17, noon PST
Each of these two 6-hour workshops will be offered one time in 2015:
 Dealing with Difficult Situations with Tenants
 Conflict Resolution Skills for Condo & Homeowner Associations
The person contracted to develop and deliver this training would be responsible for:
Reviewing the curriculum and materials and making revisions as needed
o (The curriculum for “Dealing with Difficult Situations with Tenants” is well-developed,
so this will not be a major task. There is a draft curriculum for “Conflict Resolution
Skills for Condo & Homeowner Associations” and there are sample scenarios.
Reviewing and completing this curriculum will be a significant task. )
Working with a co-trainer to prepare and deliver the training workshops. (The selection of a
co-trainer will be done in consultation with the Training Director to provide a balanced team
with complementary skills.)
Coordinating with Dispute Resolution Center staff.
Scope of Work
The specific deliverables would be:
Prior to Training
Curriculum development: review and revise curriculum and augment materials, including
development of scenarios into exercises and role plays — estimated 24 hours
(compensated at $50/hour)
Logistics and Preparation: with staff support, make logistical arrangements for training, web
information and marketing, and prepare materials for workshops. (Detailed task list
available.) — estimated 12 hours/training (compensated at $25/hour)
Day of Training
Set up training room for configuration desired for number of participants (volunteers can be
recruited to assist). Bring and set up refreshments (cost covered by DRC). Tidy up room
after close of training. — estimated 3 hours/workshop, including lunch break (compensated
at $25/hour)
Deliver 2 workshops — 6 hours/workshop (compensated at $50/hour)
After each Workshop:
Follow DRC procedures to submit invoices and expense reimbursements. (DRC staff is
responsible for bookkeeping and bill paying.) Send written thank you to training team —
average of 2 hours/training (compensated at $25/hour)
Debrief with Training Director and co-trainer — 2 hours/training (compensated at $25/hour)
Total hours: 36 hours at $50/hr; 38 hours at $25/hr
Total Compensation: $2,750
III. Schedule
The tentative schedule of workshops:
 April 25 for “Dealing with Difficult Situations with Tenants”
 Fall date for “Conflict Resolution Skills for Condo & HOA Associations TBD
Workshops to be held at Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Contracted Workshop Developer and Trainer will have role in determining dates based on facility
availability and trainer preference.
IV. Qualifications:
Facilitative mediator with exceptional mastery of interest-based collaborative negotiation
Experienced trainer. (If candidate has not trained for the DRC, a training demonstration will
be part of the selection process.)
Preference given to candidates with experience with this population and/or in related
housing issues.
Demonstrated experience in developing realistic interactive skill-based curricula with
activities that build on and reinforce previous skills.
In addition to mastery of content, the experienced trainer demonstrates confidence and
poise in making presentations; thorough preparation and organization of curriculum and
materials; willingness to spend sufficient time and work collaboratively in advance
preparation with co-trainer; energy and warmth that convey a participant-centered
approach; ability to lead and debrief experiential exercises and role plays that engage
participants in practicing skills relevant to the anticipated application; use of open-ended
questions to elicit participant learning and application. The successful trainer for the Dispute
Resolution Center arrives at the training site with adequate time to set up and prepare the
training venue with the co-trainer, speaks positively about the Dispute Resolution Center as
a valuable community resource, and uses a collaborative approach to addressing any
problems that arise with students/participants, colleagues, and Center management.
The Dispute Resolution Center of King County is an equal opportunity employer. We seek to
engage people with diverse backgrounds in creating an inclusive and productive workplace. More
about the DRC at
To apply:
Send resume and letter of interest outlining your qualifications to:
Sue Ann Allen,, with Landlord & HOA Contract and your name in the subject