Personal Value Revolution

global leader in measuring social value and intangibles
Personal Value Revolution
We are seeking your support to help us at CCEG launch a new FREE Personal Value (PV)
metric. PV is being positioned as a way to differentiate students as future leaders who
understand the importance good citizenship.
It is being adopted as the future “must have” metric on social profiles and CVs and has the
endorsement of leading visionaries, politicians and business leaders.
We are reaching out to you as part of our global network of leading universities in social values and
entrepreneurship, to reach 1,000,000 students and build a student body of support as leaders and market shapers
of the future
This introduction, and accompanying material provides further detail on PV and the support we seek.
About CCEG
The Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise & Governance (CCEG) is an applied research centre at the University of
Northampton (UoN) in the UK. It offers a global advisory service, and also hosts and chairs
● · EU SEiSMiC Social Value group
● · EU PROCUREMENT Social Value & Transparency in Supply Chains.
CCEG has developed the Social Earnings Ratio (S/E), a financial metric to measure non-financial and intangible
value. S/E is becoming “the most rapidly adopted social impact analysis metric in the world” (Vatican Press, Jan
15). It applies its model through the university’s commercial spin-out company, Seratio Ltd
The S/E Ratio is developing rapidly through a network of over 100 universities internationally as well as the UN
PRiME and the Ashoka Changemaker universities.
What is Personal Value (PV)?
PV is a new metric for measuring citizenship, the value created in the actions and choices we make which affect
the lives of others now and in the future.
We are worth more than the material things we own or how much money we have. The PV metric measures “good
citizenship”, converted into a number so we can put it en-par with financial wealth.
It is a simple equation
$ + our actions + our impact = PV
Why is PV important?
Society is made up of people with their own personal values whose actions and choices have a direct impact on
the lives of others now and in the future. This is increasingly important as personal values have a direct impact on
corporate and consumer values. Through a PV revolution we can use the power of our personal values through
our individual actions and the actions of those in our networks to create a culture of good citizenship.
When do we start the PV Revolution?
During November 2015, we will LAUNCH a web tool that measures our personal impact on the world in seconds –
and creates a personal PV score.
What do we want to achieve from the campaign?
A viral take up, reaching millions quickly through networks and social media platforms.
A PV measurement that holds importance, and is valued by employers, employees, and consumers.
A force that drives behaviours and choices that encourages a society that values PEOPLE and PLACE.
Centre for Citizen Enterprise and Governance (CCEG), University of Northampton, UK
Seratio Ltd, Bureau 112 | UN Innovation | Green Street | Northampton | NN1 1SY | UK
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global leader in measuring social value and intangibles
How can students help on the Revolution?
Students will be the vanguard for our global PV Revolution by measuring their PV and joining students from over a
1000 universities across the world. After they have done their PV, we would like them to share the link with their
family, friends and colleagues and encourage them to do their PV too.
How can this benefit student’s career opportunities?
Prospective employers are increasingly interested in the additional values employees and potential employees
bring. The values and culture of any organisation affects its performance and how it is perceived by its market. So
an offer of a job is not just about academic and technical capabilities any more. It’s about social impact too.
PV will calculate social impact, give a personalised “PV score” that can be included in CVs or added to online
profiles. It is an easy way for candidates, employees and employers to articulate and align what is important. This
can help develop current studies and future career opportunities
Anyone completing the PV will automatically receive FREE membership to the Centre Citizenship Enterprise &
Governance (CCEG) mutual and be able to use our globally recognised social values applied research centre logo
on CVs and online profiles.
What else does completing PV offer?
Just by participating you and your university will
o be entered into our inter-university competition for the MOST PV participants with potential to
become a CCEG Vanguard University receiving the TUTU Award – presented at the Social Value
& Intangibles Conference Series, Spring Conference 2016
o Free e-version of Social Value & Intangibles Review (SVIR) the leading Journal tapping the
power of social value, intangibles, thought leadership and policy development to shape a fair
world for all.
What we would like you to do to help us - 3 steps
Send this message to all students and academic staff
Be part of a global revolution on measuring Personal Value – measure your impact on the world in seconds
Read this [insert QR code/link for PV AD ]
Watch these videos on PV and
Do your PV and enhance your CV and social profile at
2. Departmental Actions
Ask your students to spend 10 minutes at the start of a lecture to log on, register and complete
their PV score using this link
3. Incentivise with rewards for completing their score – for example
Promote the university participation in the TUTU competition - or ask your caterers and marketing
teams to offer a free voucher on completion of a PV score
How we will support you
We will provide you with
Regular update on the number of PVs completed
PV range and your students average score
Position on university league table for number completed
News on the how the campaign is growing
Thank you for your support
If you would like further information please contact
Karen Bryson, COO, Seratio Ltd, or
Centre for Citizen Enterprise and Governance (CCEG), University of Northampton, UK
Seratio Ltd, Bureau 112 | UN Innovation | Green Street | Northampton | NN1 1SY | UK
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