Restless Earth

Restless Earth – unit 1 Question 1
Know your terminology...
Sort these out!
Composite volcano
Acid lava
Mercalli Scale
Shield volcano
Subduction zone
Basic lava,
Conservative margin
Richter scale
Destructive margin
Tectonic plate
Pyroclastic flow
Constructive margin
Used to measure the intensity of earthquakes. It is a
logarithmic scale
Where an oceanic and a continental plate collide
Where two oceanic plates move apart
Where two plates slide past one another
A section of the earth’s crust that floats on the mantle
below and moves due to convection currents
Hot molten rock that erupts from a volcano
The point beneath the earth’s surface where an
earthquake occurs
Occur at destructive plate boundaries. Produces thick
and sticky lava, steep with layers of ash and lava
A cloud of red hot gas and ash that moves at high
Occur at constructive plate boundaries and produces
thin and runny lava. Wide with gently sloping sides.
Where the oceanic plate descends beneath the
continental plate into the mantle
How people react to a hazard event in the short,
medium and long term
Problems created by the hazard – can be immediate
and longer term.
A scale that measures the amount of damage caused
by an earthquake
A volcano that erupts with a massive volume of
material at least 1000km3 of magma
Lava that has a low silica content, runny and flows
long distances
Has a high silica content, viscous, travels short
distances, more explosive