Case Study - Centre for Language and Ecology

Ecolinguistics Bibliography
The Language and Ecology Research Forum (
This is a bibliography of works related to ecolinguistics that is being added to and checked on an
ongoing basis by members of the Language and Ecology Research Forum. If you would like to
make corrections or additions then please contact the bibliography editor, Davi Albuquerque, at
Abram, David (1996) The Spell of the Sensuous. New York: Vintage
Alexander, R.J., Bang, J.C., Døør, J., (Eds.), 1993. Papers for the symposium ‘Ecolinguistics.
Problems, theories and methods’ AILA 1993. Odense University, Odense
Alexander, Richard (1973) Towards a multidisciplinary view of language: Some biolinguistic
reflections. Linguistische Berichte 25/73: 1-21.
Alexander, Richard (2003) Resisting imposed metaphors of value: Vandana Shiva’s role in
supporting Third World agriculture. 04
Alexander, Richard (2009) Framing discourse on the environment. A critical discourse
approach. Routledge, New York and London.
Bang, J.C., Døør, J., Alexander, R.J., Fill, A., Verhagen, F., (Eds.), 1996. Language and Ecology:
Eco-Linguistics. Problems, Theories and Methods. Essays for the AILA 1996
Symposium. Odense University, Odense.
Bastardas-Boada, Albert (2002), "Biological and linguistic diversity: Transdisciplinary
explorations for a socioecology of languages", Diverscité langues, vol. VII, Analyses et
Bastardas-Boada, Albert (2002), “The Ecological perspective: Benefits and risks for
Sociolinguistics and Language Policy and Planning”, in: Fill, Alwin, Hermine Penz, & W.
Trampe (eds.), Colourful Green Ideas. Berna: Peter Lang, pp. 77-88.
Bastardas-Boada, Albert (2003), "Ecology and diversity: A comparative trip from Biology to
Linguistics", in: Boudreau, Annette et alii (eds.), Colloque international sur l'Écologie
des langues. París: L'Harmattan, pp. 33-43.
Bastardas-Boada, Albert (2005), Linguistic sustainability and language ecology, Language &
Ecology, vol. 1, n. 4.
Bastardas-Boada, Albert (2010), “Towards a global model of linguistic ecology”, Catalan
International View 5 (Winter 2009-10), pp. 14-17.
Bate, Jonathon (2000) The song of the Earth. London: Picador
Benton, Lisa and R. Short and R. John (1999) Environmental discourse and practice. London:
Boykoff, M. T. (2007). Flogging a dead norm? Newspaper coverage of anthropogenic climate
change in the United States and United Kingdom from 2003 to 2006. Area, 39(4), 470481.
Carolan, Michael (2006) The values and vulnerabilities of metaphors within the environmental
sciences. Society and Natural Resources 19:921-930
Carvalho, A. (2005) Representing the politics of the greenhouse effect: Discursive strategies in
the British media. Critical Discourse Studies, 2(1), 1-29.
Carvalho, Anabela and Burgess, Jacquelin (2005) Cultural circuits of climate change in UK
broadsheet newspapers, 1985-2003. Risk Analysis 25: 1457-1469.
Chalwa, Saroj (1991) Linguistic and philosophical roots of our environmental crisis.
Environmental Ethics 13:3:253-262
Coppola, Nancy and Bill Karis, eds. (2000) Technical Communication, Deliberative Rhetoric,
and Environmental Discourse. Stamford, CT: Ablex
Coupland, Nikolas and Justine Coupland (1997) Bodies, beaches and burn-times:
‘environmentalism’ and its discursive competitors. Discourse and Society 8:1:7-25
Couto, Hildo Honório do, 2007, The ecology of spatial relations: The case of Kriol prepositions.
In: Schrader-Kniffki, Martina & Laura Morgenthaler García (eds.) 2007. La Romania en
interacción: entre historia, contacto y política. Frankfurt/Madri:
Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 479-514
Couto, Hildo Honório do, 2009, On the so-called complex prepositions in Kriol. Revue roumaine
de linguistique v. LIV, n. 3-4, pp. 279-294. (
Cox, Robert (2006) Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere. London: Sage
Dobrin, Sidney and Christian R. Weisser. (2002) Natural Discourse: Toward Ecocomposition.
Albany: State U of New York
Doering, M. and Nerlich, B., ed., 2009. The social and cultural impact of the 2001 outbreak of
foot and mouth disease in the UK: From Mayhem to Meaning. Manchester University
Döring, M., Penz, H., Trampe, W., (Eds.) (2008) Language, Signs and Nature: Ecolinguistic
Dimensions of Environmental Discourse. Stauffenburg Verlag, Tübingen
Fill, Alwin and P. Hermine (Eds.) (2007). Sustaining Language. Essays in Applied
Ecolinguistics. LIT Verlag, Vienna
Fill, Alwin and Pet Mühlhäusler (Eds.) (2001) The Ecolinguistics Reader. Language, Ecology
and Environment. London: Continuum
Gargan, Michelle (2007) Magic Romance: on perfume, language and the environment. Language
and Ecology 2:1
Garrard, Greg (2004) Ecocriticism. London: Routledge
Gerbig, A. (1993) The representation of agency and control in texts on the environment. In
Alexander, R.J., Bang, J.C., Døør, J., (Eds.), Papers for the symposium ‘Ecolinguistics.
Problems, theories and methods’ AILA 1993. Odense University
Gilquin, G., and G. Jacobs (2006). Elephants who marry mice are very unusual: The use of the
relative pronoun who with nonhuman animals. Society & Animals, 14(1), 79-105
Glenn C. (2004) Constructing Consumables and Consent: A Critical Analysis of Factory Farm
Industry Discourse. Journal of Communication Inquiry 28:1:63-81
Goatly, Andrew (1996) Green grammar and grammatical metaphor, or language and the myth of
power, or metaphors we die by. Journal of Pragmatics 25 pp 537-60
Goatly, Andrew (2000) Critical reading and writing: an introductory coursebook. London:
Goatly, Andrew (2000) Critical Reading and Writing. Routledge, London and New York.
Goatly, Andrew (2002) The representation of nature on the BBC World Service. Text 22/1: 1-27.
Goatly, Andrew (2006). Humans, animals and metaphors. Society & Animals, 14(1), 15-37.
Gössling, Stefan and Paul Peeters (2007) ‘If it does not harm the environment!’ An analysis of
industry discourses on tourism, air travel and the environment. Journal of Sustainable
Tourism 15:4:402-417
Greer, J. and K. Bruno (1996) Greenwash. The Reality behind Corporate Environmentalism. The
Apex Press and Third World Network, New York and Penang.
Gupta, A. (2006). Foxes, hounds and horses: Who or which? Society & Animals, 14(1), 107-128.
Haig, Edward (2001) A study of the application of Critical Discourse Analysis to ecolinguistics
and the teaching of eco-theory. Studies in language and culture (Nagoya University)
Hajer, Maarten (1995) The Politics of Environmental Discourse: Ecological Modernization and
the Policy Process. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Halliday, Michael (2001) New ways of meaning: the challenge to applied linguistics. In Alwin
Fill and Peter Mühlhäusler (eds) The ecolingusitics reader. London: Continuum 175-202
Harmond, David (1996) Losing species, losing languages: connections between biological and
linguistic diversity. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 15:89-108
Harré, R., Brockmeier, J., Mühlhäusler, P., (1999) Greenspeak. A Study of Environmental
Discourse. London: Sage
Harris, Roy (2001) A note on the linguistics of environmentalism. In Alwin Fill and Peter
Mühlhäusler (eds) The ecolinguistic reader. London: Continuum pp154-159
Herndl, Carl and Stuart Brown, eds. (1996) Green Culture: Environmental Rhetoric in
Contemporary America. Madison: University of Wisconsin
Heuberger, R., 2007. Language and Ideology: A Brief Survey of Anthropocentrism and
Speciesism in English. In: Fill, A., Penz, H., (Eds.), pp. 107-143.
Kahn, Mary (1992) The Passive Voice of Science. Language abuse in the wildlife profession.
Trumpeter 9/4, 152-154
Kheel, Marti (1995) ‘License to Kill: An Ecofeminist Critique of Hunters’ Discourse’ in Carol
Adams and Josephine Donovan (eds.) Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical
Explanations. pp85-125. Durham: Duke University Press.
Killingsworth, Jimmie (2005) From environmental rhetoric to ecocomposition and ecopoetics:
finding a place for professional communication. Technical Communication Quarterly
Koteyko, N. Brown, B. and P. Crawford., 2008. The Dead Parrot and the Dying Swan: The Role
of Metaphor Scenarios in UK Press Coverage of Avian Flu in the UK in 2005-2006.
Metaphor and Symbol, 23(4), 242–261.
Koteyko, N., Thelwall, M., Nerlich, B., (2010) From Carbon Markets to Carbon Morality::
Creative Compounds as Framing Devices in Online Discourses on Climate Change
Mitigation. Science Communication, 32(1), 25-54
Leach, Edmund. (1964) ‘Anthropological aspects of language: animal categories and verbal
abuse.’ In Eric Lenneberg (ed.) New directions in the study of language. Cambridge: MIT
Lee, John (1988) Seals, wolves and words: loaded language in environmental controversy.
Alternatives 15.4:21-29
Livesey, Sharon (2002) Global warming wars: rhetorical and discourse analytic approaches to
ExxonMobil's corporate public discourse. Journal of Business Communication 39: 117146.
Marko, Georg (2000) Go veggie! A critical discourse analysis of a text for vegetarian beginners.
in Bernhard Ketteman and Hermine Penz (eds) ECOnstructing language, nature and
society: The ecolinguistic project revisited. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag
Martin, James (1986) Grammaticalizing ecology. The politics of baby seals and kangaroos. In T
Threadgold, E Grosz, G Kress and M Halliday (eds) Semiotics, ideology, language.
Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture (pp235-67)
Meisner, Mark (1995) Metaphors of nature: old vinegar in new bottles? The Trumpeter 12.1:1118
Mitchell, L. (2006). Animals and the discourse of farming. Society & Animals, 14(1), 39-59.
Mühlhäusler, P., (1993) Linguistic Ecology. Language change and linguistic imperialism in the
Pacific region. Routledge, London.
Mühlhäusler, P., (2000) Bleached Language on Unbleached Paper. The Language of Ecotourism.
In: Ketteman, B., Penz, H., (Eds.), ECOnstructing Language, Nature and Society. The
Ecolinguistic Project Revisited. Essays in Honour of Alwin Fill. Stauffenburg Verlag,
Tübingen, pp. 241-251.
Mühlhaüsler, Peter (1995) The interdependence of linguistic and biological diversity. In David
Myers The politics of multiculturalism in Oceania and Polynesia. Darwin: University of
the Northern Territory Press
Mühlhäusler, Peter (1996) Linguistic adaptations to changed environmental conditions: some
lessons from the past. In Alwin Fill (ed) Sprachökologie und ökolinguistik, Tübingen:
Staffenburg pp105-30
Mühlhaüsler, Peter (2003) Language of environment, environment of language: a course in
ecolinguistics. London: Battlebridge
Murata, Kumiko (2007) Pro- and anti-whaling discourses in British and Japanese newspaper
reports in comparison: a cross-cultural perspective. Discourse & Society 18:6:741-764
Nerlich, B, Koteyko, N. and and Brown, B., 2010. Theory and Language of Climate Change
Communication. Wiley International Reviews: Climate Change, 1(1), 97-110.
Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N., (2010) Carbon gold rush and carbon cowboys: A new chapter in
green mythology?. Environmental Communication: A journal of nature and culture, 4(1),
Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N., 2009. Carbon reduction activism in the UK: Lexical creativity and
lexical framing in the context of climate change. Environmental Communication: A
Journal of Nature and Culture, 3(2), 206-223.
Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N., 2009. Compounds, creativity and complexity in climate change
communication: The case of ‘carbon indulgences’. Global Environmental Change, 19(3),
Nerlich, B., 2009. 'As if Goya was on hand as a marksman': Foot and mouth disease as a
rhetorical and cultural phenomenon. In: CARRITHERS, M., ed. Culture, Rhetoric, and
the Vicissitudes of Life. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 87-106
Nettle, Daniel and Suzanne Romaine (2000) Vanishing voices: the extinction of the world’s
languages. Oxford University Press
Nygren, Anja (1998) Environment as discourse: searching for sustainable development in Costa
Rica. Environmental Values 7:201-22
Owens, Derek. (2001) Composition and Sustainability: Teaching for a Threatened Generation.
Urbana, IL: NCTE
Penman, Robyn (2001) Environmental matters and communication challenges. In Alwin Fill and
Peter Mühlhäusler (eds) The ecolinguistic reader. London: Continuum pp143-153
Pennycook, A. (1999) Development culture and language: ethical concerns in a postcolonial
world. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development.
Pennycook, A. (2004) Language policy and the ecological turn. Language policy 3:213-239.
Pickett, S. and M. Cadenasso (2002) The ecosystem as a multidimensional concept: meaning,
model and metaphor. Ecosystems 5:1-10
Porter, W. Marc. (1992) The environment of the oil company: A semiotic analysis of Chevron's
"People Do" commercials. In Elizabeth L. Toth & Robert L. Heath (eds.) Rhetorical and
critical approaches to public relations, 279-300. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Raglon, Rebecca and Marian Scholtmeijer (1996) Shifting ground: metanarratives, epistemology,
and the stories of nature. Environmental Ethics 18:1:19-38
Rigby, Catherine (2004) Earth, World, Text: On the (Im)possibility of Ecopoiesis New Literary
History 35:3
Sachs, Wolfgang (ed) (1992) The Development Dictionary: A Guide to Knowledge as Power.
London: Zed Press
Schleppergrell, Mary (2001) What makes a grammar green? A reply to Goatly. In Alwin Fill and
Peter Mühlhäusler (eds) The ecolingusitics reader. London: Continuum pp.226-228
Sharp, Liz and Richardson, Tim (2001) Reflections on Foucauldian discourse analysis in
planning and environmental policy research. Journal of Environmental Policy and
Planning 3: 193–209.
Slater, Paul (2007) The gadgeteer: sex, self and consumerism in Stuff magazine. Language and
Ecology 2:1
Smart, Graham (forthcoming) “Argumentation across Web-Based Organizational Discourses:
The Case of Climate Change.” In Srikant Sarangi & Chris Candlin (eds.), Handbook of
Communication in Organisations and Professions. Mouton De Gruyter.
Smith, Mick (1999) Review of Greenspeak: A Study of Environmental Discourse. Environmental
Politics 8:4:231-233
Snyder, Gary (2000) Language goes two ways. in Christian McEwan and Mark Statman (eds)
The alphabet of the trees: a guide to nature writing. New York: Philmark Lithographics
Stamou, Anastasia and Stephanos Paraskevopoulus (2004) Images of nature by tourism and
environmentalist discourses in visitors books: a critical discourse analysis of ecotourism.
Discourse and Society 15:1:105-129
Stibbe, Arran (2012) Animals erased: discourse, ecology and reconnection with the natural
world. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press
Stibbe, Arran. (2006). Deep ecology and language: The curtailed journal of the Atlantic salmon.
Society & Animals, 14(1), 61-77.
Stibbe, Arran (2001) Language, power and the social construction of animals. Society & Animals,
9:2:145-161 available at
Stibbe, Arran (2003) As charming as a pig: The discursive construction of the relationship
between pigs and humans. Society and Animals 11:4:375-392
Stibbe, Arran (2005) Chance encounters: ecology and haiku-inspired photography Language &
Ecology (available online at
Stibbe, Arran (2005) Counter-discourses and the relationship between humans and animals.
Antrozoös 18:1:3-17
Stibbe, Arran (2005) Ecology and the magic of economics. Language and Ecology 1:4 available
Stibbe, Arran (2005) Environmental education across cultures: beyond the discourse of shallow
environmentalism. Language & Intercultural Communication 4:4:242-260
Stibbe, Arran (2006) Deep ecology and language: the curtailed journey of the Atlantic salmon.
Society and Animals 14:1:40-61
Stibbe, Arran (2007) Haiku and beyond: language, ecology and reconnection with the natural
world. Anthrozoös 20:2:101-112
Stibbe, Arran and Francesca Zunino (2009) Boyd’s forest dragon or the survival of humanity:
discourse and the social construction of biodiversity. In M. Döring, W. Penz & W.
Trampe (eds.) Language, Signs and Nature: Ecolinguistic Dimensions of Environmental
Discourse. Essays in Honour of Alwin Fill. Tübingen:Schauffeurg
Sumares, D., Fidélis, T., 2011. Natura 2000 and the narrative nature of Nature: a case for critical
discourse analysis. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 8(1):53-68
Taylor, Duncan (1991) Disagreeing on the basics: environmental debates reflect competing world
views. Alternatives 18:3:26-33
Väliverronen, Esa and I. Hellsten (2002) From ‘Burning Library’ to ‘Green Medicine’: The role
of metaphors in communicating biodiversity, Science Communication 24:2:229-245
White, Kenneth (1992) Elements of Geopeotics. Edinburgh Review 88, 163-181
Zunino, Francesca (2008) A Marvellous and Useful New World. Constructions of American
Ecology: Christopher Columbus’ Indies and the Contemporary Global Discourse.
Language and Ecology, Vol. 2, no. 3
Zunino, Francesca (2008) Different Degrees of Natural. New Encounters and Old Discourses of
Amazonian Original Peoples. Language and Ecology, Vo2, no. 4
Zunino, Francesca (2010) Latin American Ecolinguistic Issues and the Global Greening of
Discourse: Historical Roots and Present Questions. In J. Bang, A. Vibeke Lindø. M.
Doering & A. Fill (eds) Ecolinguistics: the Ecology of Science. Tübingen:Schauffenburg
Zununo, Francesca and Martin Döering (forthcoming) Nature Cultures in Old and New Worlds.
In S. V. Steffensen and A. Fill (eds) Ecolinguistics: the Ecology of Language and Science.
Language Sciences, Special Issue on Ecolinguistics