Common Core Literacy Observation Guide Teacher Date/period/subject Observer Learning target Text Title of the text (Fiction or nonfiction) Notes: Level of complexity Explicit reading skill taught Metacognition Text features Annotation Close reading skills Context clues Text evidence Discourse Amount of time students were engaged in discourse Explicit discourse skill being taught Speaking in complete sentences Responding to the speaker Prompting others to speak Using evidence in argument Being swayed by the speaker Using reasoning Respecting the speaker Wait time Artifacts used to support successful discourse Sentence stems Discourse notes or annotations Rubric Speaker tracker Text Accountability system for discourse Teacher observation Class points Peer observation Rubric use Follow up work Writing Amount of time students spent writing Explicit writing skill being taught Revision Claim Analysis Drafting Evidence Editing Reasoning Audience Awareness Artifacts used to support successful writing Outline Rubrics Model piece Protocols Word bank Text Accountability system for writing Teacher feedback Rubric use Peer feedback Criteria for success Model piece Published writing Notes: Notes: Thought, heard… Glows: Grows: Wondered, thought