Tripartite Assessment Document Update years 2 and 3 2010 Formative Review and Summative Assessment Tripartite Assessment Document Practice Module Assessment Update Dear all, information on changes to the tripartite review and assessment years 2 and 3 . Mid-point and Final Interviews Mid-point and final interviews will continue as before, with a mid-placement assessment and an end of placement (summative) assessment of each practice block. The practice documentation has been amended to reflect this. Throughout the document a formative point has been added as below. Statement COMPETENCY REVIEWED AT FORMATIVE POINT Engage in a Date two-way communication Initials with women and their families throughout the continuum of pregnancy and childbirth. Is an action plan required? Student to provideSUMMATIVE sources of evidence for ASSESSMENT Assessment (please circle) (key below) Yes Achieved / No Not Achieved SIGN OFF MENTOR’S SIGNATURE / DATES Date: Signature: Name: At the midpoint Mentors are asked to check all competencies that can be achieved in their clinical area have been and indicate competencies that have not by setting up an action plan.(only for those applicable to your area) Please confirm you have done this by adding your initials and date to the document For example, in the first placement students may not have had a chance to perform some of the competencies but with support they will achieved by the final placement for the year as this is a progression point for the students. We believe from current evidence pink sheets (action Plans ) are rarely required but they should be filled in if students need extra support at midpoint. Timely initiation of an action plan will serve to ensure that relevant learning opportunities are identified and progress is monitored to ensure that the student is provided with appropriate opportunity and time to develop their knowledge and skills in readiness for the forthcoming summative assessment Tripartite Assessment Document Formative Tripartite Review and Summative Assessment In addition to the above the Formative Tripartite Review will continue to be undertaken by the sign-off mentor with both the student midwife and the PALM present. Students have the dates for this. The formative tripartite point provides the opportunity for a formal review of the student’s progress and learning goals as the student works towards achievement of required competencies and Grading in Practice. The Practice Competency Document is therefore fundamental to this review and the student must provide this file to the mentor to enable an accurate assessment to be made at the formative point. Where concerns are evident timely initiation of an action plan will serve to ensure that relevant learning opportunities are identified and progress is monitored to ensure that the student is provided with appropriate opportunity and time to develop their knowledge and skills in readiness for the forthcoming summative assessment. The Summative Assessment point will enable the sign-off mentor to provide constructive feedback and assign a grade to the student’s performance during the Grading in Practice event. Ordinarily, the summative assessment of practice will be attended by you and your student. The exception to this is for the purposes of moderation. University requirements state that a sample of assessments must be moderated during each assessment period. Therefore, in addition to the aforementioned, a sample of students each year will have a PALM in attendance at the summative point. Where concerns have been identified during the practice year, the summative assessment of practice will assume a tripartite nature and the PALM will attend. The student must notify the PALM in a timely manner to enable to be facilitated. PALMs and Mentors must be provided with at least 7 days notice. All tripartite meetings must be undertaken during office hours. In addition to the tripartite meetings where a concern about a student’s progress becomes apparent the mentor or student must follow the existing guidance and contact the Practice Placements Office for support. As with the formative tripartite review the Practice Competency Document is also fundamental to the summative assessment. The student must therefore provide this evidence file to the mentor to enable an accurate assessment to be made at the summative progression point. Students will be awarded a fail at the summative assessment of practice where the Practice Competency Document is not made available to the mentor and PALM. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the PALM of the planned dates for both the formative and summative assessments. To ensure the assessment is tripartite the student must notify the PALM Tripartite Assessment Document in a timely manner to enable attendance to be facilitated. PALMs must be provided with at least 7 days notice. All tripartite meetings must be undertaken during office hours. Extra paper work is no longer required be. Tripartite Assessment Document