TradeMark Southern Africa 2011 Annual Review Aide Memoire October / November 2011 TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Trademark Southern Africa (TMSA) is a DFID-funded programme aimed at contributing to ‘Sustained rapid, inclusive growth and poverty reduction in the Tripartite region’. The Purpose of the programme is ‘To improve the Tripartite’s trade performance and competitiveness for the benefit of poor women and men’. TMSA works across 3 RECs, i.e. the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite (27 or half of African Union (AU) countries, 58% of AU population and 60% of its GDP). 2. TMSA follows the highly successful Regional Trade Facilitation Programme (RTFP) which started out as a SADC programme, evolved into a SADC and COMESA programme and which laid the groundwork for the COMESA-EACSADC Tripartite cooperation. 3. TMSA is a £100m, 5-year Regional Aid-for-Trade Programme, comprising of 4. 5. i. £67m CDEL (capital delegation) funding for two financial years (2009-2011) to support transport infrastructure investments. CDEL funds are being spent through a multi-donor trust account established at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and invested to finance priority NSC infrastructure projects specified by the Tripartite. The purpose of this funding model is also to improve aid effectiveness and allow for PPPs by crowding-in additional donor and private sector funding for priority corridor projects; and ii. £33m technical assistance (till end October 2014) to reduce trade barriers in the Tripartite Region and increase market access. This is done through support of activities aimed at improving trade policy capacity, better trade infrastructure and trade facilitation, trade regulatory reforms; and trade and standards. This Annual Review of the Trademark SA Programme (TMSA): i. assesses the Programme approach and management (section 2); ii. examines the extent to which the Programme's output indicators have been achieved, and whether the outputs have resulted in progress towards the programme's purpose. Where justified, it also assesses progress towards DFID’s Wealth Creation pillar. This assessment also includes the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and impact (so far) of the programme (section 3); iii. Assesses whether the Programme had been successful in managing the risks that were identified, and the impact of these risks on the achievement of outputs. It also examines whether new risks have emerged since programme design and how they have been managed or mitigated (section 4); and iv. presents general and specific recommendations to enhance the Programme’s performance (section 5). The Review focuses on Programme activities since the launch of the TMSA Programme in November 2009. The programme logframe sets milestones for March of each calendar year. The achievement of milestones under this report therefore refers to March 2011, with progress reported for the April-October 2011 period towards achievement of the March 2012 milestones. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 2 6. The Review team consisted of Mrs Elke Kreuzwieser, consultant (trade policy and regional integration), Mr. Johan Kruger, consultant (regional Infrastructure development and financing), and Mr. Alberto Portugal (World Bank, trade facilitation). Mrs Lolette Kritzinger-Van Niekerk (TMSA Programme Manager for Knowledge Management) provided technical support to the team. The review took place from 3 to 26 October 2011 in Pretoria and included visits to SADC (Gaborone) and COMESA (Lusaka). It was based on interviews (in person or by phone) with the TMSA programme director, programme managers and staff members; the DFID Southern Africa Head, senior advisor and programme manager for TMSA; representatives and technical staff of SADC, COMESA and EAC; DBSA; TMEA, beneficiaries and other stakeholders; as well as a desk review of programme documents (see annex 6). A summary of the draft report was presented to TMSA and DFID before the team finalised the review documentation in November 2011. 7. Programme results with the corresponding purpose and output indicators and scoring are detailed in the attached ARIES report, together with Knowledge and Sustainability assessments, Recommendations and Actions Points. The Aidememoire summarises the main findings and recommendations. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 3 2 ASSESSMENT OF THE PROGRAMME APPROACH AND MANAGEMENT Programme approach 8. The design of this programme presents several interesting features worth highlighting. They are related to its inter-REC (Tripartite) and integrated approach regarding work areas as well as to its operational model. Where applicable, the report assesses whether the original approach is still valid two years after programme launch, and which new risks might have emerged from pursuing the approach. 9. The programme supports regional integration in Eastern and Southern Africa through the COMESA-SADC-EAC Tripartite process. The TMSA programme is probably the only support programme among those of development partners in Sub-Saharan Africa that is uniquely designed for supporting inter-REC cooperation & harmonisation. The Tripartite integration process has been taking place without own core institutions up till now. Instead, it has been anchored in the decision-making and coordination structures of the participating RECs. TMSA’s support has provided a strong impetus for the Tripartite regional integration process, while it has managed to avoid the risk of eroding political ownership by the Tripartite Task force, RECs and countries. Through its support for the Tripartite, TMSA is supporting the renewed focus within the Africa Union on its continental trade integration ambition. TMSA has also a strategic fit with the UK Government’s broader Africa Free Trade Initiative and White Paper on Trade & Investment for Growth, despite the fact that it was designed prior to the launch of these initiatives. 10. The programme is flexible in its technical, financial and administrative support, can respond fast on demand and can work with a wide range of stakeholders, including with the private sector. While TMSA’s “influencing from behind” approach has been critical in advancing the regional integration agenda (eminently political in nature), it is also offering much needed technical and administrative support in a timely manner to the Tripartite work programme. . These dual technical and administrative roles require walking a political economy tightrope, which TMSA has done successfully in the assessment of the team. Still, some concerns have been raised about a confusion of roles, particularly about the nature and influence of TMSA’s administrative (‘secretariat’) support – related to preparing the agenda and minutes of meetings – to the Tripartite Task Force. These concerns will be dealt with in the “Emerging Risks” section. TMSA is fully aware of the sensitivity of this issue and the approval process followed for administrative support shows that this role has been played with great circumspection. 11. TMSA follows a holistic / integrated approach to regional integration. This approach emphasises the interrelationship of infrastructure / trade facilitation (border posts, customs procedures etc.), trade policy (FTA agenda) and traderelated issues (standards, NTBs etc.). Transport infrastructure is designed and implemented under the corridor concept. This integrated approach has allowed TMSA to play a catalytic role among partners who have focused traditionally more narrowly on one or some of the above areas. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 4 12. The TMSA PMU assumes all the responsibilities of an administrative management unit and is at the same time technically competent to provide strategic planning and implementation capacity. Crucial technical support is provided in-house through TMSA’s own staff, through TMSA-funded advisors in SADC, COMESA and soon also some SADC / COMESA countries (TradeMark East Africa funds advisors in EAC) and through outsourcing research and analytical work. 13. Some of these very positive – even unique – design features carry inherent risks which, in some instances, have emerged during programme implementation. These will be dealt with in more detail in the “Emerging Risks” Section. Financial and Programme Management 14. After a difficult establishment phase and hosting changes for the TMSA Programme Management Unit (PMU) during the first six months, the programme started to operate in line with its Programme Management Manual and with a substantial number of the envisaged staff complement in August 2010. Nevertheless, the establishment phase difficulties had a differential impact on processes and staff recruitments. Although most staff was in place by end March 2011, some critical positions were yet to be filled, the PPIU remained to be established, the Management Information System was not in place and some workstreams and processes did not receive sufficient attention. The team’s assessment is that the programme has recovered much of the lost ground by the end of September 2011. The programme is well-poised to have all envisaged positions filled, and the PPIU and other outstanding mechanisms and processes in place by March 2012. The Tripartite Trust Account – TTA - (delivery mechanism for TMSA’s £67m CDEL funding) has had a slow start as well, but it is fully functional now, while also filling some gaps in project preparation processes. Assessment of financial management 15. The first PMU financial audit (1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 by the COMESA external auditors) was clean and identified limited material weaknesses, deficiencies and control exceptions. The following observations were made: i. TMSA funds are used in accordance with DFID conditions; ii. goods and services are procured in accordance with the PMM; strong expenditure controls and procurement rules ensure contract and expenditure cost-effectiveness; 16. The PMU’s level of expenditure (commitment and disbursement) is set to increase, but the pattern of the spending profile remains difficult to predict. i. Given the PMU’s difficult start-up period, the programme has exhibited a relatively low overall burn rate up till now. At this stage, there is no indication that the planned reallocation of £5m to the Project Preparation Implementation Unit (PPIU) under output 1 would materially affect outputs 25. This situation may change, though, if the programme pace picks up with a fuller staff complement on board to develop all programme components and at the initial envisaged pace. Given the flexible and demand-driven nature of the programme, it remains difficult for the review team to predict the spending profile over the next 3 years. Currently, programmes / activities could be added or dropped any time and in line with changes to the Tripartite work plan or socio-political and economic changes for the in the region. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 5 There is also a built-in tension between programme flexibility and the level of budgeting, where the incentive may be to commit limited funding, particularly for those activities with a long-term horizon, but set financial forecasts as high as possible so that money for unforeseen activities would be available in real time. The tension between programme flexibility and accuracy of financial forecasting, could partly explain the large variance of more than 50% between budgeted and actual expenditure over the past financial year. There is no easy solution to this situation if the present advantage of flexibility is to be maintained. Nevertheless, the team is of the view that the programme should investigate how its expenditure activities could be smoothed through better planning and programme management. Amongst others it requires strong PMU management and integration of a 3-months expenditure forecast in the MIS at decentralised project manager level. Assessment of programme management: PMU: 17. TMSA’s work plan is derived from the Tripartite’s regional integration agenda. Through its particular working arrangements with the Tripartite Task Force, any strategic changes on Tripartite level are converted into work plan changes, also for TMSA. With regard to the operational level governance structure, the TMSA Executive Committee, which has been chaired by the COMESA Deputy Executive Secretary, has been meeting regularly. Records point to the fact that it is functioning well and plays its role. 18. A comprehensive and interlinked Management Information System (MIS) has been designed (monitoring of results chain, linked with financial and time reporting) with information to be provided at three levels: work area, intervention, and project. The MIS will go live in the coming weeks (November / December 2011) and will contribute to better information for decision making and reporting (DFID would be able to access the information system on TMSA’s intranet). 19. Staffing is being brought to levels consistent with programme requirements, although the recruitment process for various critical positions has been somewhat slow: knowledge management (just completed); country programme managers (2 positions to be filled, at interview stage), PPIU (3 positions to be filled); infrastructure (policy profile needed). In the past, the staffing constraints seem to have resulted in the concentration of much of the technical burden on the Programme Director; leading to slow and often inadequate responses to DFID information requirements and weak linkages with country programmes. DFID expectations regarding the PMU’s strategic agenda setting and implementation of core deliveries of the work program have been difficult to meet under these circumstances. 20. The outlook for programme management has now improved due to the prospect of increased staffing and the upcoming implementation of the new MIS. The combined impact should allow for timely and quality reporting; and increased emphasis on strategic, analytical and M&E work by the PMU. TTA 21. The Tripartite Trust Account is one of the key mechanisms for delivering on the infrastructure component of TMSA. The TTA (its fund management function and investment committee), is fully functional, after it had a relatively slow start. During the period under review, the TTA Fund Manager and Investment Committee spent much time on putting good procedures and processes in place. The functioning of the TTA has been boosted also by the DBSA’s resolve to allocate more resources TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 6 to the Fund Management task. Nevertheless, the team is of the opinion that the IC functionality could be improved further through the appointment of independent experts to advice decisions on complex projects and improvement of IC templates for decision-making 22. Since establishment, the investment committee met six times either directly or on a round robin basis and approved three projects totalling US$32.5 million, representing approximately 32% of the DFID CDEL funds. The review team regards the number of projects approved and level of funding commitments made up till now to be at an acceptable pace, given the normal lead times for infrastructure project preparation and appraisal. This is despite the teething problems experienced during the initial phases of the TTA and the slow start up of the other Tripartite institution, the PPIU, which has to build the project pipeline. Prospects are good that the remaining funds will be committed long before the end of the programme period, given that the TTA is functioning much smoother now & the PPIU is to strengthen the project pipeline from early 2012. Leveraging of other project funds would depend on the nature and locality of projects submitted to the TTA for funding, while the overall sustainability of the TTA would depend on mobilisation of more donor funding or funding from other regional sources. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 7 3 ASSESSMENT OF PURPOSE AND OUTPUTS 23. The Review examines the extent to which the outputs have been achieved, and whether the outputs of the programme have resulted in progress towards the programme's purpose. It takes as its point of reference the programme logical framework. The Output section of the ARIES report also includes the milestones and targets of the DFID Wealth Creation Pillar. Output Performance 24. The TMSA logical framework specifies five outputs: i. Infrastructure / NSC: Project implementation and financing structures for NSC programme established and programme fully functioning by 2014 resulting in 60% of NSC priority project portfolio implemented and 50% of $1.2billion committed at NSC Conference (including CDEL funds) disbursed. ii. Strengthened Trade Policy Implementation Capacity iii. Enhanced Performance of the Regional Economy through improved Regional Regulatory Regimes iv. Increased market access for agricultural products through improved standards compliance v. Enhanced effectiveness of TradeMark SA’s activities and results through better communication and influencing Overall assessment of Programme outputs 25. Some activities under outputs 1 and 2 have been hugely successful. Most milestones were achieved, some surpassed. The following can be considered best practice : i. Set precedent for Integrated Border Management (Chirundu OSBP); ii. Tripartite FTA: preparatory technical work, process management and stakeholder consultations culminated in launch of the Tripartite FTA negotiation and adoption of the TFTA roadmap in June 2011; iii. NTB reporting and resolution system (both web-based and offline) is very successful and will assume greater significance with increasing tariff liberalisation 26. The review found that activities under outputs 3 and 4 are not coherently organised. The logical framework should clearly distinguish between regional trade-related / regulatory harmonisation activities (to be included under output 3) and market access/standards compliance pilot projects, mostly at country-level, which should remain under output 4. 27. The regulatory harmonisation agenda (standards, procurement, services, com petition) is behind schedule, but is expected to receive more attention by the Tripartite and thus TMSA. The pilot projects under Output 4 could provide valuable lessons for mainstreaming them into other programmes. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 8 28. Under output 5, the Programme has made excellent progress, putting in place the building blocks for better communication with a range of stakeholders. The same approach could be adopted for developing a communications strategy for Tripartite. 29. A great number of output indicators require revision of milestones and targets. See the related general recommendation. Comparing the targets and milestones in the TMSA Programme’s logical framework to those in DFID’s Wealth Creation Pillar, it becomes apparent that some are not aligned. However, simply aligning the logframe with the Wealth Creation Pillar, where relevant, is not the solution, as some of the targets and milestones of the Wealth Creation Pillar are unrealistic or measurement of the indicators, as formulated, is problematic. Aligning TMSA logframe and Wealth Creation Pillar targets and milestones will need a joint DFID Southern Africa and TMSA effort to achieve internal coherence. Assessment by individual outputs 1-5 30. The detailed assessment of the milestones achieved under each output can be found in the ARIES report, listed by indicator. The following paragraphs provide a summary assessment of the performance under each output and help answering the question whether the combined outputs are on track to achieving the programs purpose. 31. Output 1: Improved efficiency and effectiveness of regional trade corridors (especially of the NSC). The programme has substantially achieved all 2011 indicators, some were exceeded (NTB reporting and resolving). When the PPIU becomes operational in January 2012, it will greatly contribute to achieving the target of increased financing for NSC infrastructure. While the unilateral concessioning of border posts in some countries, particularly Zambia, poses a problem, reduction in transit time is likely to be achieved through Integrated Border Management (IBM). Output 1 is therefore likely to be largely achieved in 2014 which justifies Score 2. - The risk for this output has been raised from low to medium because of the sustainability issue (lack of financing for maintenance of existing roads which could fall into disrepair during the implementation period of the programme, hence an adverse impact on the corridor’s functionality which is the target of output 1).- 32. Output 2: Trade Policy. The Programme has been successful in advancing the Trade liberalization and trade facilitation agenda. Significant progress has been achieved on the Tripartite FTA agenda. A Roadmap for negotiations including a timetable was adopted in June 2011, as a starting point of the prenegotiations phase. Formal negotiations are scheduled to begin in 2012. Conclusion of the Tripartite FTA agreement (target of output 2) is still possible by the end of programme in 2014 or at least in 2015, but the present targets and milestones need to be revised. Two TMSA funded technical advisors in SADC and COMESA support the RECs capacity to align with the regional integration agenda. Support to the WTO LDC group under this output has successfully served as a conduit for including themes relevant for regional integration into the LDC agenda, but should be re-assessed in the light of the decreasing relevance of the DDA agenda for Africa in general and the Tripartite region in particular. In trade facilitation, the preparation of regional customs laws, procedures and documentation have made good progress, although no single customs document has been adopted. On other trade-related issues, the innovative NTB monitoring and reporting system has played an important role in curtailing the use of NTBs to TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 9 “compensate” for tariff liberalization. This system – quite unique in its design – could be a candidate for learning from best practice and dissemination to other RECs. The positive achievements under this output justify Score 2: 33. Output 3: Regulatory harmonisation in trade related areas. The milestones under the three programme indicators regarding (1) Standards (2) Competition policy (3) Cooperation on and implementation of trade-related issues (services, investment, public procurement, IPRs) at COMESA and SADC level are behind schedule and need to be revised in the light of the Tripartite agenda in these areas. Work needs to be re-energized at REC and Tripartite level (see specific recommendations in Section 4 and in the ARIES report).Under these conditions, and provided the programme affects increased attention and resources to regional regulatory harmonisation, redefined milestones and 2014 targets can still be achieved. In the meantime, this output receives Score 3. 34. Output 4: Market access through improved standards compliance: Some milestones under this output have been partially achieved. However, the assessment of the milestones and targets of individual indicators under this output raises an issue of coherence. Output 4 pertains to compliance of private operators with international or national SPS rules or voluntary commercial standards, whereas two of its indicators target regional regulatory issues, including SPS setting and harmonization. These indicators would need to be folded into the broader tripartite or REC-level approach under output 3. Lessons should be learnt from successful pilot projects under Output 4 so that these could be replicated by other DFID / donor or country programmes. Considering that the existing projects in the areas of certification and supply chain partnerships were successfully managed, but not to the level of ambition of the logframe (little innovation) and that the regional regulatory SPS issues have not been dealt with, this output has been scored 3. 35. Output 5: Communication and influencing. The programme has put in place a wide range of communication tools to reach different audiences: websites (including dedicated sub-websites like NTB, LDC, Tripartite etc.), Youtube, newsletter, newsfeeds. The new MIS will further enhance TMSA’s communication and influencing capability. However, not all components of this output has received due attention. The output indicator should be split into different components for which milestones and targets would have to be developed, e.g. (1) management information system and internal communication (incl. compliance reporting to DFID); (2) knowledge generation and sharing for influencing / advocacy / development / lesson learning; (3) communication for "branding" TMSA and Tripartite identities. The satisfactory performance justifies Score 2. Outputs to Purpose 36. The Achievement of the Programme’s purpose “To improve Southern Africa’s trade performance and competitiveness for the benefit of poor women and men through regional integration” will be measured through three indicators according to the Logical Framework: (1) Intra-regional trade flows’ share of total trade, and (2) Southern Africa share of world trade, and (3) Incomes from trade-related economic activity of 1 million low income households (up to 500,000 of these households will be women headed). The output-purpose link and measurement of the three purpose indicators require strengthening and additional data collection. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 10 37. Indicator 1: intraregional trade / total regional trade: The 2011 and subsequent years’ milestones are qualitative and assess progress of a process (improved implementation of regional trade agreements), whereas the 2014 target is quantitative (3-4 % increase above 2006-2008 baseline). A clarification of the baseline for “intraregional trade” is needed well in advance of the target year. At present the baseline consists of separate “intra-regional’ trade shares for each of the RECs (COMESA, SADC and EAC). It is not clear whether the targets are to be measured separately for each of the three RECs. In this case, it would be nearly impossible to interpret progress as an outcome of the implementation of the Tripartite preferential or free trade agreements. Moreover, the existing baselines refer to all intra-REC trade, not only preferential trade (the latter would be possible to measure in future. A new statistical extraction model capable of distinguishing between preferential and other trade has been put in place in COMESA in 2010 and it is in the process of being extended to SADC). This implies that any increase in the target / baseline rate would mostly reflect improvements in road infrastructure and trade facilitation, rather than the influence of improved implementation of trade agreements. 38. Indicator 2: Regional trade / world trade: The output-purpose link is tenuous. The share of the three RECs in world trade is so small that even a very significant increase in sub-regional trade (measured at the level of individual RECs, not trade among all Tripartite countries) would impact this ratio only marginally. Moreover, fluctuations of commodity prices are likely to influence the ratio more than developments in regional trade and could even lead to a situation where expanding regional trade would represent a lower percentage of world trade. 39. Indicator 3: Income increase for 1 million people. The output purpose link needs to be clarified and a methodology for measuring this indicator elaborated and agreed upon. The question here is whether an indirect macro-type indicator would be acceptable (e.g. linking increase in trade to GDP and income) or whether more direct indicators are needed, possibly based on surveys extrapolated to the overall population of people affected by trade. This issue needs to be clarified and agreed, and in case a direct indicator is retained, collection of baseline data should start as soon as possible. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 11 4 ASSUMPTIONS /RISKS Main Assumptions / Risks The assumption / risk assessment as at the time of appraisal in 2009 is still valid. It is summarized below. 40. Political assumptions / risks: (i) Political commitment to the regional integration process: Progress of the NSC and the Tripartite FTA agenda hinge heavily on the political commitment of the countries involved. This political commitment is very strong and there are no signs that it could falter in the near future. (ii) Political risks due to country circumstances (political instability and conflict) are by definition outside the influence of the Programme. Both risks are mitigated through by raising awareness of the stakes, benefits for business community and population. 41. Macroeconomic assumptions / risks: Unsupportive international trade environment. Prospects for the global economy are still uncertain and demand remains constrained. But market access is improving for African countries. . 42. Financing risks: The risk of failure to leverage necessary funds for the North South Corridor and coordination of all programme components has been elevated from low to medium and its impact from medium to high. The elevated risk pertains to the inability to mobilize/allocate sufficient resources to ensure continued maintenance of roads rehabilitated through TTA financing or through other donor programs. Mitigation of this risk requires TMSA actions (bringing up the issue at the Tripartite, developing a financing framework for maintenance). Table 1 presents the original risks/ assumptions as outlined in the project memorandum and the status at the time of the Annual Review 2011. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 12 Table 1: Original programme assumptions/risks and present status Original Risk Description (program memorandum) Probability/ Impact/ Status at Annual Review Low probability/ Political commitment remains very strong at High impact highest level (Heads of state). Commitment reaffirmed at the June 2011 Summit Weak political commitment to launching the Tripartite FTA pre-negotiation regional integration processes in phase, SADC, COMESA and the COMESARisk mitigated through by raising SADC-EAC summit process awareness of the stakes, benefits for business community and population Remains Low probability/ High impact Medium No political instability and conflict at present. Progress towards trade integration probability / jeopardised by political instability and Medium impact Remains: Medium probability/ Medium conflict impact Medium International economic environment still probability/ uncertain, demand constrained, but market Unsupportive international trade Medium impact access improving despite DDA failure policy environment restricts export through bilateral agreements (EU GSP, opportunities AGOA extended , BRICs) Remains Medium probability/ Medium impact Failure to leverage necessary funds Low probability/ Inability to mobilize/allocate sufficient for North South Corridor and Medium impact resources to ensure continued coordination of all programme maintenance of rehabilitated roads components Medium probability / High impact Failure of TMSA to remain Low probably / TMSA temains strategically relevant and strategically relevant and High impact operationally efficient. operationally efficient Remains Low probably / High impact TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 13 New Risks / Challenges for the programme In addition to the original risks, the review team identified some new risks / challenges or at least tensions that have emerged. 43. 44. The downside risk of flexibility takes on several dimensions: i. Tension between strong focus on TMSA core activities and response to new demands if the broadening of the Tripartite agenda (e.g. industrial policy, adopted as third pillar” of the regional integration agenda during the June 2011 Summit) is taken on fully by TMSA. Even with increased resources (see below), maintaining a clear focus on core components of the programme will be important (see also the first general recommendation of this report). ii. Associated risk of spreading programme resources (human and financial) too thinly. This risk is not sufficiently mitigated, on the staffing side, by additional recruitments completed or under way. Even with the new recruitments, the Programme Director will carry a disproportionate programme management burden, with a high opportunity cost in terms of strategic planning capacity and oversight of programme output deliveries. Taking on a broader agenda, could exacerbate this situation, should it be difficult to delegate tasks and responsibilities or in the absence of additional recruitments. On the financial side, the low burn rate in 2011 alleviates any potential strain on financial resources, at least in 2012. iii. Tendency to keep financial resources “in reserve” for unforeseen activities; this partially explains the low burn rate. Political economy issues are becoming more prominent, e.g. : i. The need for managing “winners and losers” of the Regional Integration process. One country indicated a ‘loss of interest’ in the NSC because of its perception of insufficient benefits accruing to the country, whereas it has to invest in and maintain vast segments of the NSC for the benefit of its neighbours ii. The need for managing perceptions: 45. • by RECs expressing concerns about their own regional integration agenda now being “subsumed” by the Tripartite agenda. There is a need to keep the RECs on board as they will stay closely involved in implementation; • by RECs regarding the perceived role of TMSA as “Secretariat” of the Tripartite, a concern to be balanced by the need to move the agenda ahead in the absence of a formal Tripartite Secretariat and the lack of capacity of the RECs; • by other development partners regarding the perceived role of TMSA and DFID as “gatekeepers” to the Tripartite process, which has an adverse impact on coordination and the capacity to attract additional financial resources for the TTA. Sustainability: i. Sustainability of roads financed by the TTA and other donors: the issue here is lack of adequate funding for maintenance, leading to rapid deterioration and requiring new investments in road rehabilitation. This is clearly a threat TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 14 to sustainability despite the existence of national roads authorities and ongoing support by donors on national level for road maintenance; ii. Sustainability of other TMSA project achievements, e.g. websites etc. This risk could be mitigated by making transition arrangements well before the end of the programme (transfer the responsibility to RECs or the private sector, unfortunately no Tripartite institutions so far) to ensure continuation. iii. Sustainability of the regional integration process, which require policy, legislative, regulatory changes and institutionalisation on national level. TMSA is recruiting country programme managers to strengthen regionalcountry linkages and is ramping up working with DFID country offices. 46. Over-reliance on in-house technical capacity TMSA has undoubtedly very qualified technical staff well positioned to carry out analysis themselves in many areas. The drawback lies in a tendency to complete some tasks in-house which might be better outsourced, in order to free staff for strategizing, planning, donor coordination and other crucial activities indispensable for achieving the outputs. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 15 5 RECOMMENDATIONS AND WAY FORWARD General Recommendations 47. Since the launch of the program in November 2009, TMSA has made significant progress towards achieving the programme outputs. No major refocusing is required at this point. Nevertheless, based on the findings of the review, the team puts forward several recommendations to enhance the Programme’s overall performance. 48. Maintain and reinforce the focus of the Programme on the core areas of Infrastructure, Trade policy and Trade facilitation, and on delivery of results. This would entail two adjustments: i. Stepping up work on outputs 1 (infrastructure / trade facilitation) and 3 (regional regulatory harmonisation). Although activities under output 1 are already well on their way to achieving targets, challenges have emerged (unilateral border post concessioning, lack of funding for maintenance) and improvements are needed (donor coordination, establishment of the corridor management committee, move to infrastructure investments other than roads) which will require increased attention. Most notably, TMSA PMU would have to upgrade skills to deal with the full range of infrastructure sub-sectors rather than largely roads. Work on the regional regulatory agenda (output 3) is behind schedule and needs to be re-energised. This adjustment in the focus of the programme would have staffing implications for TMSA and also require a formal change of the respective impact weights of outputs 1 and 3 in the programme’s logframe. ii. Reducing the amount of resources (financial and more importantly staff time) spent on non-core activities. • Consider phasing out and mainstreaming some smaller country pilot projects under output 4 (compliance levels with private standards certification schemes and long-term supply chain partnerships). After learning lessons from impact analysis and evaluation of these projects, they can be mainstreamed / transferred for replication by other DFID programmes or other development partners’ programmes. • Re-evaluate the rationale and the impact of TMSA’s continued involvement in the LDC WTO work during the upcoming year and make an assessment at next year’s annual review. The LDC work has had an important impact in the past: it has provided analytical input, built longstanding and high profile relationships, influenced the traditionally defensive WTO LDC agenda in a more positive direction (especially on trade facilitation and related issues), and generated important spill-over for the regional integration agenda. On the other hand, the DDA agenda has clearly lost momentum and is much less important for African countries today vs. regional integration issues, DFQF access, EPAs, AGOA, etc.). While the WTO LDC work does not absorb an important share of the PMU’s budget (5.4% of the 2011 budget plan), the burden falls disproportionately on the programme director and has therefore a high opportunity cost, as mentioned in the “Emerging Risks” section of this report. The team’s recommendation is therefore to stay involved, while TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 16 focusing substantive support on issues more directly related to the African trade agenda (cf. AFTI Africa Free Trade Initiative) and regional integration, and re-assess the value of the support to the WTO LDC Group after one year. 49. Take a more strategic and integrated approach to regional infrastructure development and trade/transport facilitation. After reallocation of £5m to the project preparation fund, infrastructure development and trade facilitation is expected to absorb around 75% of the total £100m programme resources. This in itself suggests a re-newed focus on the institutional and financial framework for infrastructure development in the Tripartite region. i. Institutional framework: There is a need to accelerate the establishment of the PPIU for project preparation and the implementation of Corridor Management Committee for NSC as well as to strengthen some aspects – use of independent experts and improving appraisal formats - of the TTA IC’s functioning (see detailed recommendations in annex 1). ii. A regional financial framework is required and should include proposals for financing • regional infrastructure projects (investment and maintenance ); • cross-border trade facilitation projects and activities (concessioning border posts, regional bond guarantees etc ). The implications of this more strategic approach will be the need for strengthening donor coordination (see below), an increased focus on transport infrastructure other than road, and the skill-up of the TMSA PMU (see staffing issues mentioned earlier). 50. Scale up partnerships : i. Donors and IFIs: TMSA’s working relationship with other development partnerships are critically (though not exclusively) dependent on better functioning of the Friends of Tripartite (FoT). Recommendations are therefore (1) for DFID and TTF to initiate a more structured and strategic framework of engagement for partners coordination under FoT; including taking it to a higher level (directors’ level? - at present, representatives of donors do not have authority to commit principals), and for DFID to reopen the dialogue on the need for a detailed strategic framework for the Tripartite agenda to guide donor activities and commitments; (2) for TMSA to consistently implement relevant decisions arising from FoT meetings to maintain the momentum and create trust. ii. Other DFID programmes: e.g. the upcoming agricultural programme (mainstreaming the standards pilot projects; Finmark Trust for financial aspects of possible intervention in industrial policy, Trade Advocacy Fund, TMEA, country programmes. Responsibility: DFID and TMSA. iii. Private sector: Take stock of present interaction with private sector with a view of developing a more structured approach and scaling up cooperation. 51. Strengthen knowledge management and lesson learning : i. Strengthen analysis – at several levels • at entry, to support decision making / selection process for projects (quality at entry) TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 17 • in support to clients (Tripartite, RECs, countries) - more quantitative analysis, cost- benefit type. An example would be analysis not only how to implement border posts, but on what the impact may be. • in lesson learning through evaluation and impact assessments ii. Stimulate the debate on regional integration issues in the Tripartite area iii. Work with centres of excellence (including to help build regional trade expertise), establish advisory groups, and introduce quality assurance process for knowledge generation and publication. 52. Give more attention to sustainability issues. The various dimensions of sustainability have been set out above in the “New risks” section (4.2). They refer to physical assets (maintenance of roads), intellectual assets (websites) and institutions crucial to ensure the sustainability of project achievements (NSC management committee etc.) and strengthening of regional-national linkages. 53. Continue or increase support to RECs for regional integration activities that are more realistic to be achieved at REC level (competition, procurement, investment etc.) or that will form the basis for the Tripartite agenda over the longer term (services). 54. Proceed urgently with the necessary revision of a number of milestones and targets (see annex 1 for summary and ARIES report for details). Revised milestones and targets need to be in place as soon as possible to inform and adjust programme activities so that the revised milestones and targets can be achieved. Main Specific Recommendations by Output Output 1: Improved efficiency and effectiveness of regional trade corridors in the COMESA and SADC regions (NSC) (1) Scale up TTA: i. Attract additional contributions (change TTA agreement for easier entry and exit) ii. Move away from investment in roads to other types of projects to increase the potential for leveraging from other donors or commercial investors; iii. Address outstanding issues to enhance the performance of the investment Committee (e.g. appoint & use special advisors, improve project appraisal submissions) Responsibility: DFID, TTF, DBSA supported by TMSA (2) Design a regional financial framework that could: i. create incentives for countries responsible for providing & maintaining their segment of regional projects where benefits are captured largely by neighbours; ii. serve as conduit for cross-border projects (e.g. Kazungula bridge and OSBPs) (3) Accelerate the establishment of corridor management committees to improve and measure corridor performance. Responsibility : TTF TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 18 (4) Operationalise the PPIU and activate use of the GBP 5 m allocation for project preparation. Responsibility: TTF and DFID (5) Strengthen TMSA’s technical support for the Tripartite infrastructure harmoni coordination and piloting agenda in all infrastructure subsectors, particularly rail. This involves additional skills within the PMU. Responsibility: TTF and DFID (6) Improve donor coordination on project preparation funds and maintenance. Responsibility: TTF & DFID Output 2: Strengthened Trade Policy implementation Capacity. (1) In supporting FTA negotiation forum, anticipate issues where solutions can be facilitated by analysis and provide such analysis. (2) Refocus support to WTO LDC groups on issues relevant for regional integration and re-evaluate support after one year. (3) Broaden capturing of complaints reported to and resolved through the NTB monitoring system in order to capture full extent of NTBs, not only complaints officially entered on website. Output 3: Improved regional regulatory regime. and Output 4: Market access through SPS standards compliance and value chain partnerships (1) Separate regional trade-related / regulatory harmonisation activities (at present some indicators under output 4, to be transferred to output 3) and market access / standards compliance pilot projects (output 4), to avoid the present overlap. Reenergise the standards regulatory harmonisation agenda at the Tripartite level. While pursuing this process, build a data base of existing standards at national and REC level (stock-taking) which will greatly facilitate the subsequent harmonisation process. (2) On trade-related regulatory issues, work on both REC and Tripartite level (e.g. REC level for competition policy, some Trade in Services work), Tripartite level for transport market liberalisation, closely linked to the trade facilitation agenda). TMSA should consult with RECs on present status of trade-related technical work at their level and agree on most relevant areas to be supported. (The review team is of the opinion that ongoing work in these trade-related technical areas should not necessarily be subject to the pace of the overall Tripartite regional integration agenda. Indeed, some of the abovementioned trade-related areas (may come on stream later in the Tripartite’s existence, but would require technical work already now. They could be pursued on REC level as long as it is coherent with the overall objectives and principles.) (3) Support work of other lead donors (e.g. World Bank Trade in Services platform) (4) Learn lessons from standards compliance pilot projects and share the information with other DFID programmes and donors for potential mainstreaming of these initiatives. Output 5: Enhanced effectiveness of TMSA’s activities and results through better communication and influencing (1) Distinguish between the different components of the output. Split the indicator into different components and develop milestones and targets. e.g. (a) management information system and internal communication (incl. compliance reporting to DFID) (b) Knowledge generation and sharing for TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 19 influencing / advocacy / development / lesson learning; (c) Communication for "branding" TMSA and Tripartite identities (2) Strengthen knowledge for Tripartite integration and influencing. Explore ways to "push" TMSA / Tripartite information in various ways, in addition to making the information available for "pull" on websites etc. Strengthen communication efforts to 'brand' Tripartite. Share lessons learned from programme, including among other DFID projects and donors (3) Step up KM & advocacy strategy on Tripartite integration agenda and direct it at a wider range of stakeholders. Reinforce influencing through stronger quantitative analysis. Undertake more data collection, quantitative analysis and evidencebased work to support regional integration, cooperation and development in the Tripartite area. As part of this approach, publicise the GIS more widely and broaden (e.g. include projects of other donors, in addition to the TTA projects) and deepen (e.g. add monitoring data) the GIS database, while undertaking more frequent updates. . Conclusions At the end of its first year of full operations, the TMSA Programme has been very successful in contributing to the advancement of regional integration in Southern and Eastern Africa, on both pillars: infrastructure / trade facilitation and trade liberalisation. The 2014 Programme targets are likely to be achieved. However, new challenges are emerging some of which are the “unintended consequences” of a successful approach. One important challenge is the focus on delivery of core results, with implications for staffing. Work on output 1 (likely to achieve targets, but improvements needed) and output 3 (re-energise regional regulatory agenda, behind schedule) would need to be stepped up, and the impact weight of these two outputs within the programme increased accordingly. Strengthened donor coordination and a more structured framework and rules of engagement for Friends of Tripartite wound greatly contribute to the overall impact of the programme and could be enhanced by a Strategic Vision and Framework for Tripartite itself. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 20 TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 21 LIST of ANNEXES Annex 1: Summary of Outputs (Indicators, Weights, Risks, Revisions, Recommendations) Annex 2: Notes on aspects of TradeMark Southern Africa, Output 1 Annex 3: Overall brief on TMSA Annex 4: DFID support for the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite through the TradeMark Programmes Annex 5: List of Persons interviewed Annex 6: References / List of documents TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 22 Annex 1 SUMMARY BY OUTPUT (Weight, Risk, Score, Revisions, Recommendations) Impact weight present revised Risk present Score revised Rev. milestones targets Recommendations Output 1: Improved efficiency and effectiveness of regional trade corridors in the COMESA and SADC regions (NSC) 30% 35% low medium Indicator 1 Project implementation and financing structures for NSC programme Indicator 2 Comprehensiveness of GIS for main corridors Indicator 3 Transit improvements at border crossings within SADC and COMESA region Indicator 4 Transit improvements at border crossings within SADC and COMESA region 2 X R1.1: Scale up TTA size, functioning and impact. R1.2: Design a regional financial framework that could (1) create incentives for countries responsible for providing and maintaining their segment of regional projects where benefits are captured largely by neighbours; (2) serve as conduit for cross-border projects (e.g. Kazungula bridge and OSBPs). R1.3: Accelerate establishment of corridor management committees to improve and measure corridor performance; operationalise the PPIU; and activate use of the £5m allocation for project preparation. Output 2: Strengthened Trade Policy Implementation Capacity 30% 30% medium medium 2 Indicator 1 Free Trade Agreement between COMESA, EAC and SADC X Indicator 2 Regional and international trading arrangements in COMESA and SADC X Indicator 3 Extent of WTO LDC group agenda in WTO Indicator 4 Indicator 5 Indicator 6 NTM monitoring and reporting system in Southern and Eastern Africa Regional Customs documentation, procedures and laws Implementation of Simplified Trading Framework for smalle scale traders including Tradinf for Peace and aviailability of trade information TMSA Annual Review, 2011 R2.1: In supporting FTA negotiation forum, anticipate issues where solutions can be facilitated by analysis and provide such analysis. R2.2: Refocus support to WTO LDC groups on issues relevant for regional integration and re-evaluate support after one year. R2.3: Broaden capturing of complaints reported to and resolved through the NTB monitoring system in order to capture full extent of NTBs, not only complaints officially entered on website. Page 23 Impact weight present revised Risk present Score revised Rev. milestones targets Recommendations Output 3: Enhanced Performance of the Regional Economy through improved Regional Regulatory Regimes 15% Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 20% low medium 3 Inter-regional technical regulations and compliance Cooperation between national competition policy bodies X X Level of cooperation on and extent of implementation of trade related issues in COMESA and SADC X R3.1: Separate regulatory issues (setting of public standards) from compliance with private / commercial standards to increase market shares (for the REC and Tripartite standards agenda to achieve results, and to avoid the present overlap between outputs 3 and 4). Increased emphasis on regulatory issues (staff implications). Create data base of existing standards. R3.2: Competition policy: Reconsider milestones and targets of indicator 2 as well as possible scope and forms of TMSA support. R3.3: Identify specific trade-related technical work areas for enhanced Tripartite and REC support Output 4: Increased market access for agricultural products through improved standards compliance 20% Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Indicator 4 Indicator 5 10% medium medium 3 Number of SADC/COMESA countries at the risk of losing Market access Management of SPS issues according to international standards Level of implementation of in-country and regional SPS Agreements Compliance levels with private standards certification schemes Number of long-term supply chain partnerships X X X R4.1: Consolidate indicators 2 and 3 and transfer the combined regulatory SPS indicator to output 3, revise milestones and targets R4.2: Re-energize and accelerate the present tripartite standards harmonisation process (needs a "driver / champion") R4.3: TMSA to evaluate projects and formalize "lessons learned". TMSA to identify synergies with other programmes (DFID and other donors) and present lessons learned, in a format to be established (publication, contacts with other programme managers etc). Output 5: Enhanced effectiveness of TradeMark SA’s activities and results through better communication and influencing 5% Indicator 1 5% medium low Impact and success of TradeMark SA measured and communicated TMSA Annual Review, 2011 2 R5.1: Split the indicator into different components and develop milestones and targets. R5.2: Strengthen knowledge for Tripartite integration and influencing R5.3: Explore ways to "push" TMSA / Tripartite information in various ways, in addition to making the information available for "pull" on websites etc. Strengthen communication efforts to 'brand' Tripartite Page 24 Annex 2 Notes on TradeMark Southern Africa, Output 1 1. Introduction This Annex gives more details on some of the findings and recommendations related to TMSA logframe Output 1, i.e. ‘improved efficiency and effectiveness of regional trade corridors in the COMESA and SADC regions (especially of the NSC and its spurs)’. It recounts information arising from interviews in South Africa, Botswana and Zambia and visits to projects during the TMSA Annual Review The reasons for providing additional notes on this output are: (i) the importance of infrastructure and trade facilitation measures for achieving the goal and purpose of the programme; (ii) the complex nature of this logframe output, comprising elements of harmonisation of policy and regulatory frameworks, as well as financing and facilitating implementation of Tripartite pilot programmes / projects; (iii) the large share of the TMSA budget earmarked for this output (more than 75% comprising £67million CDEL and another estimated £8-10m RDEL technical assistance; and (iv) the complexity of delivering this output, given the range of institutional delivering mechanisms involved: TMSA Programme Management Unit (PMU), the Tripartite Trust Account (TTA), the Project Preparation and Implementation Unit (PPIU) and corridor management committees. 2. Functioning of the TTA The Tripartite Trust Account is the only COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite financing mechanism to date. It allows for pooling of donor and other resources for financing of regional infrastructure. This multi-donor trust account has been established at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), which functions as its Fund Manager. The TTA purpose is to finance priority infrastructure projects specified by the Tripartite, through pooled donor and other funds. Its project funding approach promotes crowding-in of additional public, development and private funding for Tripartite infrastructure projects. Its efficient functioning is essential for making progress on the infrastructure component of the programme. The COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite-DBSA Agreement on the TTA got off to a slow start in mid-December 2009 due to the following: Applicants did not have detailed knowledge or an understanding of the basic information required for a project to be TTA eligible, ready for appraisal and with leverage potential identified. The lack of a dedicated NSC institutional framework to (i) guide member countries in preparing projects to a level where they could be considered for TTA funding; (ii) help in harmonising policies, practices and project activities across countries; and (iii) help in developing a shared view on a financial framework for the corridor As far as the TTA is concerned: (i) there was no common understanding of the governance policy and the operating guidelines among different stakeholders and indeed no common understanding of the NSC programme; (ii) a TTA MoU clause on potential conflict of interest between DBSA as development finance institution and DBSA as TTA Fund Manager, tempered a potential pro-active approach from DBSA, resulting in its delayed involvement in project preparation; (iii) in the absence of the PPIU, there was confusion about responsibility for the project TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 25 preparation task, resulting in a scarcity of projects prepared up to a bankable level; and (iv) there has been insufficient communication with stakeholders on the TTA – its role, nature of funding (grants or loans) and functioning. Between March and June 2011 some of the issues hampering the functioning of the TTA were resolved, following a DFID-initiated review by an independent consultant and preparation of project information guidelines by the TTA Fund Manager and secretariat to the investment committee(IC). It was also during this time that the Fund Manager presented the IC guidelines and options for investment of cash balances in the TTA account (within the context of SA foreign exchange control regulations). The DFID agreement with the DBSA allows for income earned on cash balances in the TTA account to be available for TTA activities. Up till now the IC met 5 times and approved three projects totalling US$ 32.351 million, representing approximately 32% of the DFID CDEL funds. It met a 6th time at the end of October 2011 to consider a fourth project, i.e. a regional transmission line. However, the project appraisal submitted to the IC did not sufficiently address issues related to the project sponsor ownership structure, capturing of income streams by different parties and economic / financial viability of the project. For these reasons the project appraisal has been referred for review by an independent energy expert. Should the IC approve this project, TTA (CDEL) commitments will increase by another $6-$10m. The Review Team has found that after a protracted establishment phase, (i) the TTA was starting to function well. The DBSA’s fund management role, including the secretariat function in support of the IC, as well as the IC per se, appear to be functioning smoothly now. It has committed 32% of the TTA funding to 3 projects and another project is awaiting decision; (ii) given the normal lead times for infrastructure project preparation, appraisal and the financial closure process, as well as the initial misunderstandings, the funding commitment level is acceptable at this stage of the programme; (iii) there is still some room for improvement and refinement in the functioning of the TTA and in broadening awareness about the TTA; and (iv) securing more TTA funding for regional projects is becoming increasingly important. Going forward, there is room for further improvement and refinement. Information contained in the TTA Secretariat’s appraisal reports has to be aligned with the goals, purpose and indicators contained in TMSA’s logframe. Costs and benefits, the social and environmental impacts and safeguards, impacts on beneficiaries and leveraging are some of the issues that require better articulation and / or quantification. A typical example of vagueness is in the Kafue weigh bridge appraisal which states “ investment in infrastructure in general has been identified as critical for the development of a country and its ability to accelerate pro poor economic growth.” This type of statement contributes to neither sound decision making by the IC nor to TMSA / DFID’s better measurement of the programme impact. DBSA is already working on ways to strengthen the appraisal reports with relevant and quantified analysis as well as to communicate better information on project funding requirements and other TTA aspects. In addition, the IC’s capacity should be strengthened through appointment of independent experts, in line with the TTA agreement. Requests for nominations by the various participating institutions have been tabled a number of times but the deadlines for the nominations have not been met yet. In the broader context, the functioning of the TTA in relation to the NSC would be further enhanced by the establishment of the NSC Management Committee and by closer interaction among the Friends of the Tripartite on Tripartite regional projects. The Fund Manager, in cooperation TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 26 with members of the IC, has started to develop material and communication avenues for ‘branding and marketing’ the TTA Ironically, smoother TTA functioning (and assuming a strengthened project pipeline) can result into speedy depletion of available TTA funds at a time that probably more rather than less grant funding is required for regional project. Up till now, the TTA has not received additional funding to the original £67m from DFID and £1m from the DBSA. This is despite the fact that it was designed as a multi-donor trust account for attracting additional funding from other donors, especially from smaller donors. However, it seems that the TTA stipulation of linking donor participation in the IC to a contribution of at least €20 million might have acted as a disincentive for smaller donors whom would have liked to have an IC seat irrespective of the level of their contributions. With regard to funding regional infrastructure, the TTA approach is that grant funding should be used to leverage additional investment funds for projects. This could be done through using grant funding to e.g. subsidise financially non-viable projects to a level that would make them financially viable and sufficiently attractive for mobilising commercial or development finance. This approach has not find expression in practice yet, due to the nature of the projects which has been considered to date and the size of the ‘viability gap’ to be closed by TTA funding. Regional roads require traffic volumes of 13000-15000 vehicles per day for them to be financially viable and to attract private sector funds through PPPs. The required levels of traffic volumes do not exist in the region (outside of SA) for attracting large-scale private sector financing to road projects. Even in the case of a transmission line project which has been appraised for potential TTA funding, the leveraging is likely to be low, only around 15%. Notwithstanding the difficulty of applying the leverage approach on a project by project basis, TMSA CDEL funding together with the infrastructure harmonisation and coordination support through the PMU, has been successful in leveraging funding in a programme context. All the NSC “red” roads (those requiring immediate attention) with a combined length of 1041km is in the process of being funded, most by others such as the World Bank and governments through their own resources. 3. Strengthening the Project Pipeline It is often stated that funding is not the main constraint for infrastructure investment in SSA but that it is rather the availability of properly prepared and bankable projects. Unpublished research done for the World Bank on the performance of private equity funds in SSA supports this view. A PPIAF / AfDB study found that in 2006 there were already 26 different project preparation funds, dedicated to work on projects in SSA, but in most cases the operations of these funds were subject to mandate constraints and cyclical shortages of funds. This finding is repeated in an unpublished 2011 paper for UNECA.1 Despite the existence of many project preparation funds, the TTA project pipeline has been weak. The Review Team is of the opinion that the Tripartite’s plans to establish the PPIU (office accommodation secured and staff recruitment process nearly completed) and the £5 1 Leighland, J, 2011. Public-Private Partnerships in Africa’s Energy Sector: Challenges, best practices, and emerging trends. Paper for presentation at UNECA’s High-level Workshop on “Public-Private Partnerships’ implementation in the Energy Sector in Africa: Challenges, Best Practices and New Trends” United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 30 June – 1 July 2011. Unpublished paper TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 27 million that DFID has earmarked for project preparation in June 2011, will help fill a critical capacity and financial gap in growing the pipeline of bankable regional projects. The PPIU will be key in facilitating better cooperation among the range of project preparation funds involved in or that could be involved in Tripartite infrastructure projects. Furthermore, the work of the PPIU is expected to contribute to improved coordination of approaches to and funding of regional projects at the level of the Friends of the Tripartite. 4. Integrated approach to infrastructure The infrastructure required to support interregional trade pertains mainly to energy, ITC and transport (e.g. ports, border posts, rail, road and air) investments and services. Currently mainly transport, trade facilitation and energy projects form part of the NSC concept and programme. In practice, the TMSA investment component is substantially skewed towards road transport projects while in the other sectors it has been playing more of an advocacy and technical support role. This balance has been mirroring the priorities of DFID and readiness of the NSC member countries to upgrade NSC roads, particularly the 1041km of ‘red’ roads. The TMSA role in investment, facilitation and support of these urgent road projects is nearing completion. In future, TMSA’s role in NSC roads is likely to shift increasingly to advocacy for and facilitation of maintenance of the so-called amber and green roads to stretch their current economic life as far as possible. According to World Bank analysis2 of the NSC, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on maintenance spending is generally substantially higher than that of rehabilitation. One dollar spending on road maintenance will save an estimated four dollars on rehabilitation in future. Insufficient maintenance funds by national governments and their agencies remains a matter of great concern. It holds the risk for governments and donors of having to fund – in future increasing amounts of road rehabilitation resulting from the inability to maintain roads now and which are still in fair condition. Apart from insufficient road maintenance funds, countries also do not have the incentives to enter into expenditure commitments for maintenance and rehabilitation of regional roads from which the benefits will be captured largely by neighbours. Currently, various efforts to reduce maintenance cost or find alternative funding sources are taking place. E.g. Botswana is planning to pilot sky-tolling with GPS in order to alleviate the burden on the fiscus of financing regional roads. At the same time, transport operators are piloting a self-regulation scheme to reduce practices which impact adversely on the quality of roads (e.g. inappropriate vehicle standards and driver practices). In addition, rebalancing road-rail transport use in the region would reduce the funding needs for road maintenance. Although the Tripartite is promoting more balanced road-rail transport use, the rail network is experiencing serious structural problems related to the way in which concessions were structured in the past. In general, rail has been expected to be a commercial undertaking, while, in most cases, roads have continued to be a government funded public good. A number of other factors have also contributed to problems experienced by railway concessionaires like unreliability, theft and flood damage. The outcome has been the non-viability and uncompetitiveness of rail in relation to road transport. This, in turn, has resulted in a shift towards road transport and hence increasing need for maintenance costs (with the burden falling largely on the fiscus). The Review Team welcomes TMSA and the TTF’s plans to undertake further work on financing regional integration, including maintenance of regional roads. 2 World Bank, April 2009. North-South Corridor Brief. Unpublished memorandum. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 28 The Review Team’s view is that TMSA will have to focus more effort and resources on restructuring railways in the region. Up till now, it has supported a strategy paper for the Tazara railways and has completed an extensive regional railways track assessment study, which has complimented the work of other donors / institutions. Nevertheless, the need remains for a Tripartite dialogue and process for re-concessioning and restructuring railways aimed at an efficiently functioning regional rail network. This work should also guide the fledgling national PPP units in (re-)structuring concessions, which would include correct and balanced risk allocations. This kind of work on rail may also spawn a fair amount of demand for support which may have to be sourced / coordinated by the Tripartite. Progress on air transport in the region is subject to all countries implementing the Yamoussoukro Agreement. Open competition will have both costs and benefits in the regional context. Small, national ‘flag-carrying’ airlines may lose business and become even more financially unviable. In contrast, a hub-and-spoke environment can actually assist in making the national airlines more viable as traffic in the region is stimulated. Next steps for the Tripartite include finalising funding for the JCA and monitoring implementation of the agreement. Currently, seaports are largely progressing without major technical assistance from TMSA or the need for grant funding of projects. In contrast with seaports, improving the efficiency of border posts remains an area for continued support. The successful piloting of the Chirundu OSBP has had a powerful demonstration effect, illustrating the potential benefits for the region from integrated border management approaches, including OSBPs. Although all NSC countries subscribe to the policy of speeding up cross-border transit, unfortunately some have entered into agreements with the private sector to finance, build and operate single country border posts. Current indications are that these interventions may result in reduced transit times (in relation to the status quo), but that high border crossing fees may partly if not largely wipe out gains from lower transit times for trucks. Overturning the relevant countries’ political decisions may be difficult if not impossible, but evidence-based advocacy, such as a detailed cost-benefits analysis of the Chirundu OSBP, may be an essential part of a risk mitigation strategy against low or no efficiency and cost gains resulting from this model. The TMSA logframe includes at least 5 OSBPs as output target. Although 5 OSBPs (4 in addition to Chirundu) may still be implemented over the programme’s lifetime, these may not necessarily be the critical high traffic volume ones. However, it should be noted that OSBPs are not a goal in itself and that the goal is rather faster cross-border transit times and lower transport costs. The OSBP methodology is an efficient way of achieving an integrated border management approach, but efficiency gains are possible even with separate border posts (preferably with using the same operating system). In order to measure border crossing efficiency gains and corridor performance, it is interesting to note that very few trucking companies track their vehicles on a continuous basis once the trucks are out of the country of origin although this is technically possible. This is due to the costs associated with roaming. This is true of all the countries except partially the countries in the EAC where the costs of roaming is substantially less as a result of common operators .This is an area which could also substantially improve the efficiency with which trucking operations are managed. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 29 In the energy sector TMSA has provided support for the Zambia-Tanzania–Kenya interconnector, while the DRC-Zambia transmission line upgrading has been submitted for consideration for TTA funding. More harmonization and cooperation work may be required in future arising from the linking of the various power pools and on advice regarding financing of regional transmission lines. The Review Team’s view is that the substantive range of issues across various infrastructure sectors is so wide that the TMSA PMU should broaden its skills set. Current inhouse skills are focused on road transport, but there is a clear need to acquire in-house capacity to deal with the full range of infrastructure sectors on a strategic level and for coordination. 5. Risks The TMSA programme, closely intertwined with the Tripartite regional integration initiative, is facing a number of risks: Waning commitment to the Tripartite vision and strategy of integrating half of Africa’s countries and the benefits of regional integration Throughout the Review Team’s interviews, it was clear that political commitment to the Tripartite and AU vision and strategy for regional integration remains as strong as ever. Testimony of this is the launch – by the Tripartite Summit - of the Tripartite FTA negotiations and addition of a third pillar to the Tripartite regional integration agenda in June 2011. However, the regional integration process is a political economy process, requiring management of winners and losers. This, in turn, requires information and capacity for risk mitigation e.g. providing evidence on economic and financial costs and benefits of regional integration for countries to make decisions; strengthening countries’ negotiating capacity in the area of trade and development / financial capacity to prepare bankable projects; putting in place regional financial mechanisms to help carry the cost of regional projects, etc. TMSA’s technical back-up work in these areas would continue to help the Tripartite Task Force in advocating for regional integration and approaches and in designing ways to mitigate against potential loss of support, whether on the political or government administration levels. Perception Risks The Review Team became aware of different types of perception risks, all which require careful management or mitigation. o Ownership: TMSA is walking a tightrope as it is playing both a technical and an administrative support role to the Tripartite and its sub-committees. Moving too fast on a technical level risks eroding ownership by the Tripartite and member countries. Feedback during the review indicated that TMSA has been largely successful in being perceived as “leading from behind “ and “selling” good regional policies and approaches in such a way that ownership is retained where it belongs. o Gatekeeping: In contrast, some donors perceive the NSC and the TTA as DFID initiatives and TMSA and DFID as gatekeepers to the Tripartite initiative. These TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 30 perceptions could be countered by better ‘branding’ of the Tripartite, including its TTA and by placing the Friends of the Tripartite on a stronger footing. o Funding through TTA: Some countries see the TTA as a major source of funding for the NSC programme, while in reality, the amount currently available for funding projects is very small in relation to need. These perceptions must be corrected through an awareness and communication programme on the TTA. o NSC progress: Some of the donors and international finance institutions (IFIs) whom pledged $1.2bn during the NSC Conference are committing parts of their funding pledges for NSC projects. However, it seems that directly funded projects are not necessarily highlighted as part of the NSC or done in coordination with the Tripartite. This detracts from the perceptions and realities of progress on the NSC programme. DFID as lead Tripartite donor and TMSA should encourage donors / IFIs to report funding and implementation progress on NSC projects and use mechanisms such as the GIS to capture and communicate such progress. In addition, DFID and the Tripartite should continue to follow up with the donors / IFIs on their plans to realise commitment and disbursement of their financial pledges to the NSC programme. Sustainability Neglect to do proper road maintenance constitutes the most serious risk for the sustainability and value for money of the NSC road infrastructure. There is some evidence that NSC road maintenance is hampered by insufficient funding in some of the NSC member countries.3 Insufficient funding for road maintenance could be exacerbated by a reluctance to fund regional projects. There is some emerging evidence in the case of ‘transit countries’ having to bear the costs of regional road investments and maintenance, but capturing only limited direct benefits (e.g. Botswana which is responsible for funding two substantial corridors – parts of the Trans-Kalahari Highway and NSC). Appropriate measures to address this situation are not obvious. For example, maintenance conditionalities are difficult to enforce in the case of grant funded projects. In contrast, maintenance conditionalities for specific portions of road tied to ringfencing of funds are taking place to the detriment of maintenance of other roads. A two-pronged approach may be required, i.e. 3 o All donors / financiers will have to cooperate and coordinate without ringfencing portions of the “road funds“ for their specific projects. This is to ensure that maintenance budgets are sufficient to maintain all roads and thereby to obtain the maximum economic life of the assets. Various options should be investigated to ensure road maintenance, e.g. donors / IFIs could require proof of availability of maintenance funds as a precondition to committing and / or disbursing funding. o Investigate a regional financial framework which allows for regional funding of construction and maintenance of regional road infrastructure. During the Annual Review, two roads departments were visited and review team members travel on one of the corridor roads in need of rehabilitation and upgrading. There were no signs of routine maintenance and in subsequent discussions with the relevant roads directorate the review team was informed that maintenance contracts were awarded but that there was no funding available for executing the contracts. A major concern is that the rainy season is fast approaching and that a substantial portion of the drainage channels are blocked. Given the extent of potholes and slope of the particular road, this road may see extensive damage during the rainy season. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 31 6. Conclusion This section summarises recommendations related to Output 1 of the TMSA Logframe: TTA: o Share information on the purpose and functioning of the TTA, and campaign among donors for additional contributions. Amend TTA clauses serving as disincentive for donor participation. For example, revise the €20m threshold for IC participation and the conditions for exiting; o Give consideration to a more balanced portfolio for investment, which may imply moving away from investment in roads to other types of projects which could attract additional sources of funding from other donors or commercial investors; and o Address outstanding issues which would enhance the performance of the IC, e.g. appoint & use special technical advisors, improve project appraisal submissions. Investigate the establishment of a regional financial framework, which would: o create an equitable environment and incentives for countries which are responsible for providing and maintaining regional projects of which the benefits are captured largely by neighbours; and o provide a mechanism that could serve as conduit for cross-border projects (e.g. Kazungula bridge and OSBPs). Establishment of the NSC Management Committee is urgent as it could o Promote application of integrated border management approaches such as OSBPs; o Encourage corridor countries to allow for and undertake proper routine maintenance of road infrastructure, given that neglect would jeopardise corridor benefits over the longer-term; and o Address the cross border mobile roaming costs which are hindering corridor performance monitoring through using GPS truck tracking methods. The PPIU and the GBP5m allocation for project preparation should be operationalised as soon as possible. TMSA’s technical support for the Tripartite infrastructure harmonisation, coordination and piloting agenda in all infrastructure subsectors, particularly rail, should be strengthened through employing additional skills within the PMU. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 32 Annex 3 Overall Brief TradeMark Southern Africa (TMSA)4 1. Introduction TradeMark Southern Africa (TMSA) is a £100 million, DFID-funded programme over 5 years that promotes regional integration in East and Southern Africa by working closely with the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite, its 26/7 member states, business and civil society organisations. The Programme was established in November 2009. The £100 million contribution consists of a £67 million contribution to the COMESA-EACSADC Tripartite Trust Account for the purposes of leveraging infrastructure upgrading and investment along the North-South Corridor. The remaining £33 million is programmed in the following key work areas: 2. TMSA Work Areas 2.1 Trade Policy Trade and therefore trade policy has become a major determinant of economic and regional development and integration, depending on how it supports economic activity. Most of the trade in the eastern and southern African region takes place within the framework of regional agreements. It is generally understood that a conducive policy environment is vital for fostering increased trade and economic growth in any country or regional grouping. TMSA recognises that such an environment depends upon the institutional capacity in countries and regional groupings to deal with national and regional policy challenges, participation in and benefit from multilateral trading arrangements and exploitation of opportunities created by globalisation, trade liberalisation and regional economic integration. Consequently, TMSA provides administrative, technical expertise and financial support towards improving regional policy formulation, research, analysis and harmonisation as well as strengthening policy implementation capacity. Specifically, TMSA is supporting regional trade liberalisation through the implementation of preferential trading arrangements such as the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area (FTA). The Tripartite Free Trade Area intends to liberalise trade among the 26 Member States of the Tripartite Region. In support of the FTA negotiation process, TMSA is assisting the development of a Tripartite Statistical Trade Database that will improve the availability and dissemination of accurate and up-to-date trade related and other economic data. This will improve the region’s capacity to undertake trade and economic research and analysis, thus enhancing the quality of policy analysis, formulation and decisions. TMSA will also support the enhancement of trade policy skills through direct trade policy technical assistance to SADC and COMESA, sponsoring regional participation in Trade Policy Masters courses and targeted training on trade-related issues. 4 This brief was drafted by TMSA, 31 October 2011. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 33 Other Trade-Related Areas of TMSA’s work is on trade in services and competition policy. There is an intrinsic relationship between trade in goods and trade in services as liberalized services trade would facilitate goods trade and make it more competitive on the regional and international markets. Freer trade in services is, therefore, an important aspect of overall trade liberalisation, as it can result in mutually beneficial exchange of information and skills, enhancing productivity and competitiveness by increasing availability, affordability and quality of services that in turn would make goods cheaper and competitive. Trade liberalisation and the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers will enhance competition in the Tripartite region. By promoting fair competition through effective regional competition policy will help to boost regional trade and investment and maximise consumer welfare. Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are those countries, which, according to the United Nations, exhibit the lowest indicators of socio-economic development, with the lowest Human Development Index ratings (a composite indicator of people's ability to lead a long and healthy life, to acquire knowledge and skills, and to have access to the resources needed to afford a decent standard of living). The LDC Group, based in the WTO in Geneva, collectively advocates for and advances its agenda in international fora, as individual LDCs do not have the resources and the capacity to do so individually. TMSA is supporting the mainstreaming of trade into the development policies and development plans of LDCs. TMSA is also supporting trade policy capacity development through training, research work, providing technical expertise and developing issues papers for discussion in the LDC Group aimed at improving its ability to effectively negotiate beneficial outcomes for LDCs. Current TMSA activities includes developing an approach for LDCs in negotiating the implementation of their obligations under the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), technical assistance to LDC countries to prepare proposals for the next round of Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) funding, and assisting LDC Countries in meeting requirements for their accession to the WTO. 2.2 Trade and Transport Facilitation The COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area aims to reduce tariffs imposed on goods originating in the region and traded in the region. However, in addition to tariff barriers, the region’s producers and traders also face a number of Non-Tariff Barriers. NonTariff Barriers (NTBs) are factors other than tariffs that inhibit cross-border trade, for example excessive customs adherence or excessive administrative procedures. High cross-border trade and transport costs are major factors negatively impacting the region's trade performance. In the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite region road transport accounts for about 95% of cargo volume, and the costs of road transport is directly related to the time taken for a journey. If a truck takes 3 days to clear a border (which is not excessive in the COMESA-EAC-SADC region) the transporter can pass up to US$1,200 to the importer and, eventually, to the consumer. Similarly, it costs US$5,000 to US$8,000 to ship a 20ft container from Durban to Lusaka. It costs only US$1,500 to ship the same container from Japan to Durban. An integral part of the Tripartite Free Trade Area, therefore, is the design and implementation of interventions aimed at improving trade and transport measures by removing obstacles to the swift movement of goods across borders. TMSA provides technical, administrative and financial support to the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite on the following Trade Facilitation Interventions: TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 34 Tripartite Trade and Transport Facilitation Programme: The COMESA-EAC-SADC Comprehensive Tripartite Trade and Transport Facilitation Programme (CTTTFP) is a series of initiatives from different Regional Economic Communities that have been brought together into one large integrated trade facilitation programme with the purpose of reducing the time and costs of cross-border trade in the region. Projects supported by TMSA include: Customs Legislation and Procedure, Integrated Border Management, Customs Transit Management Systems, Vehicle Overload Control, Harmonised Road-User Charges, vehicle regulations and standards, Third Party Motor Vehicle Insurance, Self -Regulation, Road Transport Market Liberalisation and establishing a Joint Competition Authority on Air Transport. Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers: Non-Tariff Barriers (NTB’s) refer to non-tariff related trade restrictions resulting from prohibitions, conditions or specific requirements that make importation and exportation of goods difficult or expensive. TMSA is providing instrumental support to the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite in the elimination of NTBs, both through supporting the establishment, maintenance and communication of an on-line Tripartite mechanism to report and monitor the resolution of NTB’s; and technical support to the work of National Monitoring Committees to resolve reported NTB’s. Standards and Phyto-Sanitary Standards: Trade in goods requires that goods should comply with technical requirements of the importing country. Some of these technical requirements, however, vary from country to country, creating Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs). Imports and exports of agricultural products, on the other hand, have to conform to sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) measures which are applied to protect human, animal or plant health and life. While legitimate in themselves, these measures can become barriers to trade if they vary from one country to another, or if a country lacks the technical or financial capacity to comply. TMSA is supporting the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite to create well-functioning technical infrastructure, underpinned by harmonized standards, vital to regional integration. TMSA also supports a number of pilot projects in Southern Africa to help countries improve standards compliance levels and maintain or increase market access, and assist small growers to benefit directly from public private partnerships in cross border value chains. 2.3 Corridors and Infrastructure The North-South Corridor (NSC) Programme is a Pilot Aid for Trade Programme that has enabled the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) of COMESA, EAC and SADC, their Member States and the International Community to implement an economic corridor-based approach to reducing costs of doing business in Sub-Saharan Africa. The North-South Corridor programme addresses, as a comprehensive programme, road, rail, ports and energy infrastructure, as well as border efficiency along the Corridor. Similar approaches are now being followed by the Tripartite RECs on other corridors in the Tripartite Region, including the Eastern Corridors (Nacala and Beira), Western Corridors (Lobito) Horn of Africa Corridors, and Maritime Corridors. TMSA provides technical and administrative support across a range of corridor and infrastructure projects, with a key focus on the North-South Corridor Pilot programme. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 35 2.4 Other areas Other work areas under consideration by TMSA will include supporting interventions under the recently agreed COMESA-EAC-SADC Industrial Development Pillar, and promoting innovative thinking on regional integration financing. TMSA promotes awareness and influence of these regional priorities through a range of Monitoring and Evaluation, Advocacy and Communication interventions, including developing effective approaches to Corridor Monitoring including a comprehensive GIS database and map of all corridors and projects, promoting the work of the COMESA-EACSADC Tripartite through a joint web-site and communication materials, developing a range of regional databases and general research and knowledge sharing. 3 Partnerships and Beneficiaries TMSA Partners and beneficiaries include the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite RECs (both at a Tripartite and regional level), countries, multilateral agencies, international organisations, private sector organisations and academia. 4 Results The programme aims to support the following regional results by 2014: 5 Reduction in transit times and transaction costs along the North-South Corridor; Implementation of a COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite-led Comprehensive Trade and Transport Facilitation Programme (CTTTFP). Negotiation of a Free Trade Agreement between COMESA-EAC-SADC Transport corridor projects in COMESA-EAC-SADC region financed or in the final stages of preparation for leveraging private finance; 2,800 Gigawatt hours of electricity traded across new cross-border inter-connectors between Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya; Above trend increase in export values and in the share of intra-regional trade in total trade in COMESA-EAC-SADC region; Reduction in reported Non-Tariff Barriers to trade in COMESA-EAC-SADC region; and Increase in trade-related economic activity of low income households in COMESAEAC-SADC region Achievements to date TMSA has contributed to the finalisation of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Agreement, annexures and a Roadmap launched at the Tripartite Summit in June 2011 TMSA has facilitated the operationalisation of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite structures and committees; and development of their work programmes Chirundu, between Zambia and Zimbabwe, opened as Africa’s first OSBP in December 2009. After two years in operation, waiting times have been reduced by an average 67% (from 4.5 to 1.5 days) for freight transport and 83% (from 3 hours to 30 minutes) for passenger transport. TMSA is supporting ongoing improvements, TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 36 including a feasibility study on operating Chirundu as a 24 hour border post, and upgrading connectivity; 6 Since April 2009, large parts of the total network of 8599km of NSC roads, across 7 countries have either been upgraded, are in design or are at planning stages. The Tripartite Trust Account for corridor infrastructure investment was established in December 2009 and grant finance has been committed to 3 projects. TMSA has assisted in finalising the Comprehensive Tripartite Trade and Transport Facilitation Programme, and work programme. This will ensure a more strategic and holistic approach to trade facilitation, as opposed to the ad-hoc project approaches previously followed. The design and launch of an e-based Tripartite Non-Tariff Barrier (NTB’s) Reporting and Monitoring System, training of NTB national focal points as well as National Monitoring Committees. By October 2011, 72% of reported NTBs had been resolved. Market opportunities for certified fisheries in Mozambique developed. Working with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), TMSA has helped to certify 48 MSC labelled products, distributed through the two biggest retailers in South Africa—Woolworths and Pick ‘n Pay. Working with the Deciduous Producer’s Trust, TMSA has supported the fruit and wine industry in South Africa to measure and improve their carbon footprint and maintain and increase South Africa’s share of global fruit and wine markets. The industry directly employs over 440 000 people with an estimated 2 million dependents benefitting from increased incomes. In partnership with IPEX in Mozambique 3 fruit farms, employing up to 1000 workers (1 farm employing only women) will be assisted to obtain GlobalGAP and organic certification. 229 small farmers have been directly supported in South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia to meet regional and international standards and sell their produce to retailers and suppliers, including Shoprite/Checkers, Woolworths, Marks and Spencer and Tesco. Produce includes fruit and vegetables. Increased incomes will directly support over 1000 dependents. Management arrangements TMSA is hosted by COMESA, who is responsible for the programme’s fiduciary oversight through a Memorandum of Understanding with DFID. An Executive Committee consisting of DFID, COMESA and TMSA provides strategic and operational oversight of the programme. The TMSA programme management office operates out of Pretoria, South Africa. Four TMSA technical experts are permanently hosted in SADC and COMESA. All TMSA staff are appointed on COMESA Contracts. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 37 Annex 4 DFID’s SUPPORT FOR THE COMESA-EAC-SADC TRIPARTITE through its TradeMark Programmes DFID is providing support to the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite through two TradeMark programmes, namely TradeMark Southern Africa (TMSA) and TradeMark East Africa (TMEA). These programmes differ in nature, content and implementing structures, but they allow for complimentary support to the Tripartite integration agenda in Eastern and Southern Africa. TMSA is an inter-REC programme, supporting the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite regional integration agenda. TMEA is supporting deepening of regional integration within one REC, the EAC, and Tripartite programmes which are taking place in the EAC geographical area. TMSA, was launched on 1 November 2009 and is managed by DFID Southern Africa. It is a five-year, £100 million, fully DFID-funded programme that promotes regional integration in East and Southern Africa by working closely with the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite as a collective, on a limited basis with SADC and COMESA on their REC-specific agendas, the 27 Tripartite member states, and business and civil society organisations in the Tripartite area. It is: focusing on harmonisation, rationalisation and design of inter-REC trade, trade facilitation, infrastructure programmes and industrial policy. It is an inter-REC programme, attempting to bring all three RECs and thus its universe of 27 countries under one framework on the 3 Tripartite regional integration pillars. Currently, regional integration areas, such as financial market integration, are largely covered by other DFID-SA programmes, thus falling outside TMSA’s functional scope; supporting implementation of inter-REC pilot programmes – the North South Corridor (NSC) and One-Stop Border Programmes (Chirundu), with a view of rolling these out to e.g. NSC spur or East Africa corridors and related trade facilitation programmes; working with COMESA and SADC on own agendas in areas which strengthen the basis for Tripartite regional integration (in the areas of market access; regional infrastructural linkages; and industrial policy). It does not support RECs to deepen integration by implementing REC-specific programmes, even in the area of trade. It is also not an institutional development programme, building REC or country institutions’ capacity. TMSA is spending a small proportion 5% (£1.75m) of its £33m technical assistance budget on work with the WTO LDCs as a Group on multilateral trade issues, e.g. helping them to design a position on RoO for NAMA, a gradual accession position to TRIPS, a special and differential Trade-in-services position. It does limited LDC country work – only to the extent of helping individual LDCs access multilateral support mechanisms; and providing secretariat-type support to the Tripartite institutions. These functions comprise administrative and logistical support for TTF and sub-committee meetings; technical support for the development and implementation of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement; technical support for project implementation and coordination; and technical and administrative support for resource mobilisation. With regard to its implementation, part of TMSA programme budget, amounting to £67m of CDEL funding, is channeled through a Tripartite Trust Account (established and maintained by the DBSA in terms of an agreement with the TTF) for investment and North-South Corridor infrastructure projects. DFID contribution to the TTA is regulated by a partnership TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 38 agreement between DFID and the DBSA. The remaining budget of £33m is implemented through a partnership agreement with COMESA (following approval by the two other Tripartite RECs) and regulated through a Programme Management Manual. The £33m is implemented by a project management unit (PMU), headed by a Programme Director, and located in Pretoria, South Africa. Part of the support is through 2-3 TMSA-PMU staff located in each of the SADC and COMESA Secretariats, and through 2-3 programme managers, helping to strengthen regional-country linkages regarding the Tripartite agenda. The management structure includes an executive committee, comprising representatives from DFID and COMESA as well as the TMSA Programme Director. TMEA is managed by the DFID’s Africa Regional Department. TMEA has (i) a substantial output and budget to support the development of East Africa’s corridors; (ii) a programme of technical assistance to the EAC Secretariat including support potentially to transport corridors, trade, customs, investment climate reform, climate change, and fiduciary reform, which is in addition to Partnership Fund contributions. Part of this support is through technical assistants organised within a Tripartite Unit within the EAC Secretariat; and (iii) a significant programme of assistance to East Africa’s private sector and civil society to support regional integration and trade. TMEA is a ‘variable geometry’ programme, building in-country capacity and strengthening one REC institution (one of the Tripartite RECs and its universe of 5 countries). It works closely with EAC institutions, national governments, business and civil society organisations. The programme focuses on national implementation of regional issues as agreed with the EAC: It also helps to implement EAC Tripartite commitments e.g. corridor development and trade facilitation components within the EAC. Its scope stretches into other regional integration themes such as regional business climate and financial markets. TMEA is not engaged in conceptual, coordination and systems work related to harmonisation, rationalisation and design of policies, strategies and programmes related to inter-REC Tripartite trade (e.g. Tripartite FTA and the non-tariff barrier system), trade facilitation (e.g. the design of a Tripartite comprehensive trade and transit facilitation programme) infrastructure (e.g. design of a corridor approach to intermodal surface transport and setting up of common Tripartite infrastructure institutions). TMEA is headquartered in Nairobi and registered as a not-for-profit company in Kenya. TMEA is delivered through a Chief Executive Officer / programme director, supported by a complement of specialists, and 5 country directors (one for each of the EAC countries). The structure is based on successful models of private sector programmes in East Africa. TMEA has small country offices throughout East Africa: in Bujumbura, Dar es Salaam, Kampala and Kigali, as well as a larger office in Arusha. TMEA delivers a national programme in each EAC partner state as well as regional programmes focusing on its five thematic areas. A custodian team for TMEA implementation is provided by KPMG. Management structures include a TMEA Programme Implementation Committee, TMEA national oversight committee and TMEA Board of Directors. Overall fiduciary approval is provided by a Programme Investment Committee (PIC – composed of investors and external stakeholders) that oversees the entire TMEA programme across East Africa. TMEA’s legal incorporation has allowed it to leverage finance from other development partners. TMEA’s core budget is £30m, but through crowding in donor (e.g. Denmark, Belgium and Sweden) and DFID-country contributions, the budget for activities supported under the TMEA umbrella is approaching 5 to 10 times the core amount. Coordination between the 2 TradeMark programmes is achieved: (i) on the strategic level through both programmes participating in the Tripartite Task Force and Sub-committee meetings and being able to support the Tripartite’s workplan; and (ii) on operational level through regular contact between the TMSA Programme Director and TMEA CEOs and their respective teams. Below is a diagrammatic depiction of TMSA (in blue) & TMEA (in pink). TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 39 TMSA – TMEA Diagramme Tripartite + WTO LDC Group, & limited LDC in-country work COMESA REC & in country work / support related to discrete Tripartite pillars / programmes such as the NSC, trade facilitation, trade negotiation; sharing / exchanging information e.g. with country governments & private sector associations on e.g. the design of the TFTA; use of the Tripartite-NTB system; opportunities for the private sector, etc. EAC With countries c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 Country & regional programme Country & regional programme Country & regional programme Country & regional programme SADC REC & in country work / support related to discrete Tripartite programmes such as the NSC, trade facilitation, trade negotiation; sharing / exchanging information e.g. with country governments & private sector associations on e.g. the design of the TFTA; use of the Tripartite-NTB system; opportunities for the private sector, etc. Country & regional programme TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 40 Annex 5 LIST OF INTERVIEWED PARTICIPANTS Name Mark Pearson Organisation TMSA Designation Programme Director Work area Programme Management, Corridors and Infrastructure, LDC's Stella Mushiri TMSA Deputy Programme Director Programme Management, Trade Policy, Border Posts, Trade Facilitation Charles Chaitezvi TMSA Programme Manager: Customs and Trade Facilitation Trade Facilitation, NTB's, Standards Vonesai Hove TMSA Non-Tariff Barrier Expert NTBs Jennifer Rathebe TMSA Regional Standards Expert Standards John Donovan TMSA Programme Manager: Corridors and Infrastructure Corridors and Infrastructure Fudzai Pamacheche TMSA Programme Manager: Trade Policy Trade Policy Jean van Schalkwyk TMSA Communication expert Wim van Schalkwyk TMSA Business and Information Systems expert M&E, Advocacy, Communication M&E, Advocacy, Communication Sindiso Ngwenya COMESA Secretary General Programme Management;Tripartite work programme Amos Marawa COMESA Director Infrastructure Development Corridors and Infrastructure Helen NO Kenani COMESA NTB Focal Point for COMESA NTBs Martha Byanyima COMESA SPS focal point for COMESA Standards Themba Munalula COMESA Senior Statistician and Unit Head Trade Statistics Wilson Chizebuka COMESA Data Programmer Divison of Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs Trade Statistics James Musonda TMSA/COME SA TMSA funded Programme Manager: Trade Policy in COMESA Trade Policy Kingsley Chanda TMSA/COME SA TMSA funded Programme Manager: Corridors, Border Posts and Trade Facilitation, COMESA Trade Facilitation TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 41 George Lipimile COMESA Competition Commission SADC CEO Trade Policy Director Trade and Investment Trade Policy Mapolao Mokoena SADC Senior Programme Officer Transport Trade Facilitation Jabulani Mthethwa SADC Senior Programme Officer Trade Trade Policy Dr. Elsie Meintjies SADC Senior Program Officer - TBT Standards - TBT Maphion M. Jambwa SADC Advisor, Regional Statistics Trade Statistics Judith Nwako SADC Infrastructure Expert Lovemore Bingandadi SADC TMSA funded Programme Manager: Corridors and Trade Facilitation SADC Infrastructure Masterplan Corridors and Infrastructure Paul Kalenga SADC TMSA funded Programme Manager: Trade Policy in SADC Trade Policy, Training and Capacity Building Lisebo Mositsi SADC NTB Focal Point in SADC NTBs Philip Wambugu EAC Director for Infrastructure Corridors and Infrastructure Willy Muzinguzi EAC SPS focal point for EAC Standards Nduati Karanja EAC NTB Focal Point for EAC NTBs Geoffrey Osoro EAC Trade and Customs Directorate Trade Policy Barney Curtis FESARTA Director Trade Facilitation Miyoba Lubemba ex WTO LDC Group ex LDC Intern, WTO LDC Coordination Group Geneva LDCs Robert Hooper Mack Multiples Director Standards Richard Theotis Mack Multiples Project Manager Standards Gerard van der Laarse Andrew Stock Shoprite / Checkers Freshmark Director Freshmark Cathleen Montgomery USAID Trade Hub Chief of Party + Regional Integration Advisor Freshmark project (Pretoria) Freshmark project (Lusaka depot) Donor coordination Kelebogile Kgathi Department of Trade, Botswana Botswana Exporters and Manufacturere rs Association (BEMA) NTB Focal Point for Botswana NTBs Communications and Marketing Manager, National focal point NTBs NTBs Boitumelo Gofhamodimo Stemile Dube TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Project Manager Page 42 Dr Gideon M. Phiri Fikani Regional Support Services Organisation Life Focus Ltd. Consultant and Regional Export Advisor, BEMA NTBs Managing Director) (member of BEMA) NTBs Frank Maetsert TMEA Programme Director Joint working. Tripartite programme Scott Allen TMEA Programme Manager, Regional Integration Joint working. Tripartite programme Admassu Tadesse DBSA Group Executive: International Division TTA Sherine PantonNtshona Irma Weenink DBSA International Division TTA DBSA Project Development and Partnerships Unit TTA Walter Staffetius DBSA Project Development and Partnerships Unit TTA and NSC projects Kote Kabo Director of Roads NSC projects Nason Balashi Ministry of Transport, Botswana RDA, Zambia Technical Adviser to CEO NSC projects Kennedy Mbekeani AfDB Chief Regional Integration Officer, South Africa Field Office NSC projects and donor coordination Chirundu Chirundu customs and immigration officials OSBP Team SPS market access Sarah Dunn Shopright Checkers DFID Nick Amin DFID Pinky Pheeloane DFID Madei Mangori TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Head of Office Senior Advisor: Growth, Trade and Infrastructure Deputy Programme Manager Programme Management Page 43 Annex 6 References Africa Development Bank, June 2011: Obstacles and Barriers to Regional Trade, G20 Development Group, Regional Integration. COMESA 15th Summit Communique, October 2011, COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite, various Tripartite Task Force documents, COMESA Competition Commission website : COMESA Competition Regulations / Law: Deloitte and Touche, July 2011. TradeMark Southern Africa, Report of the Independent Auditor. DBSA, unpublished Tripartite Trust Account mimeos DFID COMESA MOU on TMSA, August 2010 DFID: Operational Plan 2011-2015 / Africa Regional Programme DFID: Operational Plan 2011-2015 / Southern Africa Programme DFID: Using Annual and Summary Review and PCR templates, April 2010 GIS website: Leighland, J, 2011. Public-Private Partnerships in Africa’s Energy Sector: Challenges, best practices, and emerging trends. Paper for presentation at UNECA’s High-level Workshop on “Public-Private Partnerships’ implementation in the Energy Sector in Africa: Challenges, Best Practices and New Trends” United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 30 June – 1 July 2011. Unpublished paper Minutes of the Friends of the Tripartite Meeting of 13 June 2011 and Meeting documentation, including the North South Corridor Progress Report, June 2011. NTB website: Third Global Aid-for-Trade Review (2011): TMEA website: TMSA case studies 1 Revamping the Regional Railway Systems 2 Road Corridors in Eastern and Southern Africa 3 Beitbridge - Aid for Trade Story 4 Chirundu OSBP 5 Tripartite Trade and Transport Facilitation Programme 6 Negotiating Tripartite FTA 7 NTB monitoring and removal mechanism 8 INIP case story 9 Establishing and Managing a regional AfT Programme TMSA Program Memorandum ( including Logical Framework, Risk Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Institutional Appraisal, Program Budget) TMSA website: DFID - COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite MOU, January 2010 UK, February 2011. Trade and Investment for Growth. White Paper Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 44 World Bank, April 2009. North-South Corridor Brief. Unpublished memorandum. TMSA Annual Review, 2011 Page 45