SPR&I CONSOLIDATED PLAN: DATA ANALYSIS District: Team Members: Names: Positions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. P - Performance Indicator, C - Compliance Indicator SECTION 1 – COLLEGE AND CAREER READY INDICATORS B14 (P) – Post-School Outcomes B13 (C) – Secondary Transition Components of IEPs B1 (P) – Graduation B2 (P) – Dropout 1.1 Describe the district’s process for completing the Post-School Outcomes follow-up surveys, including the effectiveness and challenges with the process. 1.2 Based on the district’s analysis of the past 3 years of Post-School Outcomes engagement data and PCR results from the eight individual transition standards, describe district policies, procedures or practices which may have affected the trends or patterns of the past 3 years of Post-School Outcomes data. 1.3 Based on the district’s analysis of the Post-School Outcomes engagement data and PCR results from the eight individual transition standards, describe what actions the district will take to improve its transition practices and programs. 1.4 Describe the district’s age-appropriate transition assessments (specific tools – formal and informal) and the process for selecting and applying age-appropriate transition assessments to develop, implement, and progress monitor IEPs which are utilized by teachers for transition planning. 1.5 Describe and analyze trends over the past three years that can be identified in the district’s 4- and 5-year cohort graduation and dropout rates. 1.6 Describe or provide a copy of the process in place to monitor 9th graders with disabilities who are on track and not on track for graduation, including what actions are taken to: (1) maintain students on track for graduation and (2) support students who are not on track for graduation and get them there. 1.7 Explain possible factors that may be responsible for the direction of graduation and dropout trends and describe what actions the district will take to improve the graduation rates and decrease the dropout rate. SECTION 2 – EQUITY AND DISPROPORTIONALITY INDICATORS B4a (P) – Rate of Suspension and Expulsion B4b (C) – Suspension and Expulsion by Race/Ethnicity B9 (C) – Disproportionate Representation in Special Education B10 (C) – Disproportionate Representation in Specific Disability Categories B5 (P) – Education Environments (Placement in Least Restrictive Environment) B4a (P) and B4b (C) – Suspension and Expulsion 2.1 Describe or provide a copy or reference to the district’s discipline policy. 2.2 Describe or provide a copy of an existing district procedural handbook or manual that would govern the initiation of a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and/or the implementation or review of an existing Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). Discuss how implementation is monitored and reviewed across all settings. 2.3 Describe or provide a copy or reference to the district’s protocol for addressing whether behavior constitutes a “pattern of behavior” pursuant to 34 CFR.536; OAR 581-015-2410(2). 2.4 Describe or provide a copy or reference to the district’s professional development plan regarding IDEA’s student discipline requirements for the following staff: District and building level administrators Non-administrative staff, including licensed and non-licensed staff 2.5 Based on the district’s B4 discipline data for students who were suspended and/or expelled for more than 10 days, identify the following: How many total Manifestation Determination (MD) reviews were held for these students? How many reviews resulted in the determination that the behavior was a manifestation of the student’s disability? How many reviews resulted in the determination that the behavior was not a manifestation of the student’s disability? Analyze and discuss the decision making process that resulted in these data (e.g. Is there a risk that disability related behavior is not being accurately identified? If so, what adjustments may be warranted?) 2.6 Analyze and discuss your data based on the following questions: Are there students who were suspended and/or expelled greater than 10 days during the school year for which the data is being reviewed who had a behavior plan in place prior to their 10th day of suspension/expulsion? If yes, provide the number of students and discuss any related action steps (e.g., do behavior plans require more frequent revisions, is more or different staff training warranted, etc.) Are there students who were suspended greater than 10 days and/or expelled and were also suspended greater than 10 days and/or expelled in the previous school year? If yes, provide the number of students and discuss related action steps. Are there students who were suspended more than 10 days and/or expelled who have subsequently dropped out of school? If yes, provide the number of students and discuss related action steps. 2.7 Conduct a global review and analysis of district discipline data using root cause analysis to determine trends and related action steps. B9 (C) – Disproportionate Representation in Special Education B10 (C) – Disproportionate Representation in Specific Disability Categories 2.8 Describe any external factors or unique characteristics (e.g. move-ins, foster or group home placements made by other agencies, etc.) that may have impacted the district’s flagged categories. 2.9 Describe any internal factors (policies, procedures or practices) or unique characteristics (e.g. magnet program, specialized program, change in staff, lack of training, open enrollment, inter-district transfers, etc.) that may have impacted the district’s flagged categories. 2.10 Describe how district’s special education disproportionality flagging may be addressed in other district-wide efforts (e.g. Continuous Improvement Plan, grants, etc.). 2.11 Describe how the district utilizes data (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Response to Intervention, progress monitoring, Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners, Student Study Team, etc.) to determine that the policies, procedures and practices are applied equitably to all students for the following components: Pre-referral Referral Eligibility 2.12 Describe how the district distinguishes between “disability versus language acquisition” when assessing students who are English learners. 2.13 Describe how the district provides ongoing professional development to ensure culturally responsive instructional and behavioral interventions are utilized and sustained to influence student learning and achievement. 2.14 Describe the district’s process for implementing policies and procedures to ensure consistency is sustained (e.g. orientation for new staff, ongoing training and support, etc.) – including who is part of this process and the frequency of review. B5 (P) – Education Environments (Placement in Least Restrictive Environment) 2.15 Describe what district practices and/or factors may have caused slippage in performance for the following settings: Included in General Education at least 80% or more of the day Included in General Education less than 40% of the day Served in separate schools (private or public), residential placements, or homebound/hospital placements, including procedures intended to support students transitioning from a separate setting/placement back to public school. 2.16 Describe the district’s process of providing initial and ongoing supports (e.g. co-teaching, collaboration, consultation, communication) to general education and special education teachers to ensure the implementation of the IEP across all settings. SECTION 3 – STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT INDICATOR B3 (P) – Assessment (English Language Arts and Mathematics) Participation Performance 3.1 Identify the specific reasons (i.e. exempt based on parental opt-out, absent, medical, no score, other) why the district did not meet the 95% participation target. SECTION 4 – CHILD FIND INDICATOR B11 (C) – Child Find (60 Day Timeline) 4.1 Identify the specific reasons (district delay, parent delay, doctor/medical personnel delay, need for additional testing) for not meeting the 60 school day timeline for each of the incidents of non-compliance. SPR&I CONSOLIDATED PLAN: ACTION PLAN SECTION 1 – COLLEGE AND CAREER READY INDICATORS B14 (P) – Post-School Outcomes B13 (C) – Secondary Transition Components of IEPs B1 (P) – Graduation B2 (P) – Dropout Identify the action(s) the district will take to improve performance and/or address noncompliance with the College and Career Ready indicators. Identify at least one goal, one activity or one policy revision to address the flagged areas. The district is not required to identify an action for each category. A goal, activity/intervention or policy revision can address multiple flagged areas. ACTION CATEGORIES GOAL ACTIVITY / INTERVENTION POLICY REVISION Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): SECTION 2 – EQUITY AND DISPROPORTIONALITY INDICATORS B4a (P) and B4b (C) – Suspension and Expulsion B9 (C) – Disproportionate Representation in Special Education B10 (C) – Disproportionate Representation in Specific Disability Categories B5 (P) – Education Environments (Placement in Least Restrictive Environment) Identify the action(s) the district will take to improve performance and/or address noncompliance with the Equity and Disproportionality indicators. Identify at least one goal, one activity or one policy revision to address the flagged areas. The district is not required to identify an action for each category. A goal, activity/intervention or policy revision can address multiple flagged areas. GOAL ACTION CATEGORIES ACTIVITY / INTERVENTION POLICY REVISION Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): SECTION 3 – STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT INDICATOR B3 (P) – Assessment (English Language Arts and Mathematics) Participation Performance Identify the action(s) the district will take to improve the district’s participation rate with the Statewide Assessment indicator. Identify at least one goal, one activity or one policy revision to address the flagged areas. The district is not required to identify an action for each category. A goal, activity/intervention or policy revision can address multiple flagged areas. ACTION CATEGORIES GOAL ACTIVITY / INTERVENTION POLICY REVISION Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): SECTION 4 – CHILD FIND INDICATOR B11 (C) – Child Find (60 Day Timeline) Identify the action(s) the district will take to address non-compliance with the Child Find indicator. Identify at least one goal, one activity or one policy revision to address the flagged area. The district is not required to identify an action for each category. A goal, activity/intervention or policy revision can address multiple flagged areas. ACTION CATEGORIES GOAL ACTIVITY / INTERVENTION POLICY REVISION Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Responsible Person: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Anticipated Completion Date: Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date): Progress Update (date):