Evaluation Criteria and Methodology - RFP 4 The following criteria and weighting shall be used for the evaluation of technical proposals. Criteria1 1. Specific experience and capability of the consultant firm(s) related to the assignment: experience in similar assignments [50%] experience in similar locations [30%] structure, organisation, capacity of firm [20%] 2. Adequacy of the proposed work plan and methodology in responding to the TOR: understanding of assignment [20%] approach and methodology [40%] work plan and team assignments [40%] 3. Qualifications and competence of the key personnel for the assignment: Senior PPP Water and Wastewater Expert [40%] Specific experience related to task: -Water and Wastewater PPP coordination and set up; (preferably 10 years’ experience), -Senior management of PSP contracts in the water sector; (preferably 15 years’ experience), -Extensive network of international contacts in water sector; -Structured, managed and delivered water and wastewater projects and contracts through PPP in preferably 5 years and preferably in 3 projects, -Experience of working embedded within government institutions, . Senior Civil Engineer [25%] Specific experience related to task: -in design of water and waste water facilities (preferably 8 years) -in compiling/structuring tender documents (preferably 5 years) -with water and wastewater PPPs (preferably 3 years) Sampling, laboratorial analysis and technical process expert [25%] Specific experience related to task: -Experience in water and wastewater monitoring (preferably 15 years) -Experience in setting up laboratories for testing 1 Weight Min. Acceptable Threshold (% of max.) 10 - 25 75 60 75 If any other criteria are relevant, the criteria could be adjusted. Contact CSU if you require assistance or advice; -Experience in providing training and knowledge workshops -Developing Water and Wastewater Monitoring Plans (preferably 10 years’ experience) -Familiarity with international water and wastewater quality standards -Experience in working for multi-donors reporting environment Project Management and Delivery Support expert [10%] Specific experience related to task: -University degree in civil engineering and/ or sanitary engineering, - Preferably 10 years professional experience in design, tendering, management and controlling of large water supply/ sewerage programmes/ projects, able to work in multidisciplinary teams, profound experience in dealing with international funding agencies. - Expert knowledge in computer based project management tools, GIS and database applications. Each of the key personnel listed above will be evaluated as follows: general qualifications [10%] specific experience and expertise related to the their task (see specific experience quote above) [70%] experience in region [20%] 4. Other factors local participation, local presence, back-up capacity, quality assurance, training/transfer of know how etc. TOTAL 5 - 100 75 Proposals earning less than the minimum score with regards to any minimum acceptable threshold or the total (% of maximum score) specified above shall be rejected from further consideration. In combining the Technical and Financial evaluation2, the following methodology shall be applied: The evaluated financial proposal (adjusted and corrected in accordance with the RFP) will be converted to a final score (points) in the following manner: FSa = LP EPa x 100 where: a FSa LP EPa = the proposal being evaluated = evaluated financial score for proposal a = the lowest evaluated financial proposal = the evaluated financial proposal for proposal a. In combining the Financial Score with the Technical Score, the Financial Score shall be given a weight of 20%. The technical score and the financial score shall be combined in the following manner: CSa = TSa [(100-W) 100] + FSa (W 100) where: a CSa TSa FSa W = the proposal being evaluated = combined evaluated score of proposal a = technical score for proposal a (where TS max = 100) = financial score for proposal a (where FS max = 100) = the weight given the financial score Please refer to the Bank’s PP & R, paragraph 5.8; 100% Technical Evaluation could also be used in assignments of certain type. Contact CSU if you require assistance or advice; 2