Ch. 3 & 4 Study Guide Key - Center Grove Community School

Chapters 3 and 4 Study Guide
1. What did Roger Williams believe the Puritans should do with the Church of England?
Split entirely from the Church of England
2. Why did many colonists have large families?
Because of the many jobs on a farm that most families lived on
3. What was England’s first permanent settlement in North America?
4. The winter following John Smith’s departure was called what?
“The Starving Time”
5. What does the holiday of Thanksgiving commemorate?
The Pilgrims’ celebration of their good fortune/Squanto’s help
6. Describe the climate of New England.
Short warm summers and long snowy winters
7. Why did Puritans leave England?
To escape religious persecution by England’s King
8. The Puritans founded their colony to assure freedom of worship for whom?
9. Which four states made up the Middle Colonies?
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
10. How did Pennsylvania’s founders differ from Massachusetts founders?
Unlike the Puritans, Quakers believed in religious toleration.
11. Why did the English establish a colony on Roanoke Island?
To provide new markets for English products and raw materials for English industries
12. The Pilgrims who came to North America in 1620 were also known as?
13. Which Middle colony began as a Dutch settlement?
New York
14. Describe the climate of the southern colonies.
Warm and humid
15. Why did Powhatan turn against the Jamestown settlers?
The settlers raided Native American villages for food
16. In 1689 what did King William and Queen Mary do?
Signed the English Bill of Rights
17. Who had the right to vote in the English colonies?
White men only
18. The Zenger case helped establish what right?
Freedom of the Press
19. How did some colonists get around the Navigation Acts?
20. In colonial times, how did a young man often learn a trade?
By becoming an apprentice
21. What percentage of enslaved Africans died or committed suicide during the Middle Passage?
22. How did the southern gentry usually educate their children?
Hired private tutors
23. What schools today would compare to Puritan grammar schools?
High School
24. Who published the Pennsylvania Gazette?
Chapters 3 and 4 Study Guide
Ben Franklin
25. What was Montesquieu’s contribution to ideas about government?
The idea of separation of powers
26. The Magna Carta was the first document to do what?
Place limits on an English rulers’ power
27. Unlike today’s public schools, colonial public schools included instruction in what area?
28. At around what age were colonial children expected to begin working?
29. What was the main reason why colonial authorities wrote slave codes?
To control slaves for fear of a slave revolt
30. Who wrote Poor Richard’s Almanack?
Ben Franklin
Know the following people and terms:
31. Anne Hutchinson-Check Vocab/People
32. Gentry-the highest level of colonial society, their numbers were few but they were powerful
33. Thomas Hooker-Check Vocab/People
34. Proprietary Colony- Check Vocab/People
35. Royal Colony- Check Vocab/People
36. Maryland’s 1649 Act of Toleration- Check Vocab/People (Lord Baltimore)
37. Mason Dixon Line-The border established between Pennsylvania and Maryland-became the
dividing line between North and South
38. James Oglethorpe- Check Vocab/People
39. Great Awakening-see Ch.4 Note taking study Guide
40. Anne Bradstreet-America’s first published poet
41. Jonathan Edwards-preacher who was one of the leaders of The Great Awakening
42. Indentured servants-one who agreed to work for a number of years in exchange for ocean
passage to the colonies
43. Apprentice-On the job training for those learning a trade