fiona stanley notes - STEVEN THOMAS e

Steven Thomas
Religious Identity
Religious Beliefs
“Nothings real but love”
Religious Identity is how a person’s
belief contributes to their society and
culture. The identity is also how
individuals adhere and relate to the
beliefs, sacred texts and writings, ethics,
rituals and ceremonies of their religion.
Religious beliefs and practices are
important to a person’s religious identity
as they help shape their idea of their
religious society and come closer to their
leader which in Catholic faith is God.
Christians believe that there is only one
God, whom they call Father as Jesus
Christ has taught them.
Another belief is Jesus. Christians
recognize Jesus as the Son of God who
was sent to save mankind from death
and sin.
Religious Practices
The Trinity is a very important belief
apart of the Christian religion. The
Trinity is the God as Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Christians believe that God
took the human form as Jesus and
through the work of the Holy Spirit god
is present today.
I believe the most important Christian
practice is Baptism. Through baptism we
are officially welcomed into the Christian
faith, the life. It is our first step in
becoming closer to God.
Another practice, which I believe is
important, is Holy Communion. Through
this sacrament we are officially receiving
Christs body in the form of bread for the
first time.
Learning Log
A vocation is a calling and you feel it is
right to follow that calling. A vocation
becomes Christian when it is a call from
God. Religious Beliefs and Practices tie
together with vocation as they help
people draw closer to their goals.
Professor Fiona Stanley.
Her calling would be to find cures or
prevention methods towards children’s
Jesus is the image of God. Jesus died on
the cross to take the punishment for our
sins so that we could be sinless in the
eyes of God.
Jesus’ vocation would have been to
spread the good news of God. Him and
12 other disciples did this and the
traditions still live on to this day.
Work is being a human nature and
activities that have necessities to them
with commitment constitute work.
Pope John Paul II states that work is not
only man working to supply for his
family, but also man’s duty to help with
the general moral sate of man.
I choose to keep all my notes within a
word notebook document.
The presentation of my assignment will
either be a movie/documentary or
interactive powerpoint presentation.
 Australian of the Year, 2003
 Advocate Needs of children & families
 Founded and Director of Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Perth
 Retired December 2011
 500 staff and students
 Now known as Patron
 Chief Investigator of research grants
 University of Western Australia: Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Professorial
Fellow in School of Pediatrics and Child Health
 Born: Sydney 1946
 Moved Perth with family 1956
 Studied medicine UWA, practiced in hospitals 2 years
 UK and USA further training epidemiology (the science of describing and
explaining the occurrence of disease in populations), biostatistics and public
 2004 honoured “National Living Treasure” by National Trust.
 UNICEF Australia Ambassador for Early Childhood Development
 Professor Stanley has more than 300 published papers in scientific journals
and is a member of the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and
Innovation Council. She has served on the Federal Government's Social
Inclusion Board and the WA State Government's Indigenous Implementation
 In 2012, Professor Stanley will remain committed to a number of important
roles, including: Distinguished Research Professor at the School of
Paediatrics and Child Health, UWA; Vice Chancellor's Fellow, University of
Melbourne; member of the ABC Board; and Chair of the newly-formed
Alcohol Advertising Review Board.
 Professor Fiona Stanley is trained in maternal and child health epidemiology and
public health and has spent her career researching the causes of major childhood
illnesses such as birth defects.
Professor Fiona Stanley born in the year of 1946 in Sydney she is a true inspiration
to all Australians. In 1956 Fiona and her family moved to Perth, the location of her
future ground-breaking institution. Fiona studied medicine at the University of
Western Australia and after spending two years practicing in hospitals she travelled
to the USA and UK. Here she experienced further training in biostatistics, public
health and epidemiology, the science of describing and explaining the occurrence of
diseases in populations. Fiona’s research includes:
Gathering and analysis of population data for epidemiological and public
health research
Causes and prevention of birth defects and major neurological disorders,
particularly in cerebral palsies
Patterns of maternal and child health in Aboriginal and Caucasian
Various ways of determining the developmental origins of health and
Collaborations to link research
Policy and practice
Strategies to enhance health and wellbeing within populations2
All this research takes place in a special building close to Princess Maragret Hospital
and is know as the Telethon Insititute for Child Health Research. Fiona Stanley
founded this institute in 1990. Over its 23 years of operation this institution has had
some revolutionary breakthroughs. Some of the highlight ones include:
 Discovering that folate can prevent spina bifida
 Hib Mengetititus Vaccination (MORE)
 Researching IVF outcomes
 Prevention and treatment of asthma
 Programs designed to reduce youth suicide
 Causes for cerebral palsy
 Improving life chances for children with cystic fibrosis
 Increasing survival rates of children with leukemia
The institute also contains the home of one of the largest longitudinal cohort
studies known as the Raine Study.The Raine Study is a unique source of information
for identifying and testing theories regarding complex causal pathways to health
outcomes. This study is going into its 23rd year this year. Fiona was the Chief
Investigator during major research grants. The institution as whole is a non-profit,
non-government organization.
Professor Fiona Stanley is trained in maternal and child health epidemiology and
public health with her career focusing around researching causes of major childhood
illnesses for example birth defects. She is an advocate for the needs of children and
Fiona’s work doesn’t just stop with the Insititute she is ambassadors and members
of many other organisations, these include:
 University of Western Australia: Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Professorial
Fellow in School of Pediatrics and Child Health
 UNICEF Australia Ambassador for Early Childhood Development
 Member of the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation
 Served on the Federal Government's Social Inclusion Board and the WA
State Government's Indigenous Implementation Board.
 Vice chancellors Fellow, University of Melbourne
 Member of the ABC Board
 Chair of the newly-formed Alcohol Advertising Review Board.
All of this work doesn’t go un-recognised. Fiona has been the recipient of many
scientific awards and Honorary Doctorates.
Fiona has also been recognized as Australian of the Year in 2003 and in 2004
honoured as a “National Living Treasure” by the National Trust.
In December 2011 Professor Fiona Stanley retired from her position as Director of
the Telethon Institute but continues to be involved through her role of Patron.
Through the work of Fiona herself and all 500 staff and students who were in some
way involved in the Insitution they have collectively made some major
developments in childrens health and her legacy will live on forever. A new state of
the ark Perth Hospital is set to open in the coming years named after Fiona herself.
Nothing is real but love.
A vocation is a calling and you feel it is right to follow that calling. Professor Fiona
Stanleys vocation would’ve been to help sick children and prevent the diseases so
the children don’t have to suffer.
Religious Identity is how a person’s belief contributes to their society and culture.
The identity is also how individuals adhere and relate to the beliefs, sacred texts and
writings, ethics, rituals and ceremonies of their religion. Through thorough research
it appears as if Fiona hasn’t shared her religious identity with anybody which leads
to wonder maybe she isn’t religious.
The Gospels tell us the stories of Jesus as the image of God. Jesus died on the cross
to take the punishment for our sins so that we could be sinless in the eyes of God.
Work is being a human nature and activities that have necessities to them with
commitment constitute work. Professor Fiona Stanleys work had to of been the
dedication to the formation of the institution and her research.
Jesus’ work was a carpenter and his vocation was to spread the word of God.
Vocation is important as it helps drive people to work in some cases but also to help
spread love and goodness. Through the development of society being counter
cultural helps as it can make changes within society, get various peoples
agreements on particular topics and were people stand on an ongoing issue which
needs to be addressed.
Nothings Real But Love