Seismix 2016 abstract template

Abstract formatting and submission instructions for Seismix 2016
For title, authors and affiliations:
 Use only Arial font (title in 14pt font bold; authors in 11pt font; affiliations in 10pt font
 For title, capitalize only first word and proper nouns
 Underline the name of the presenting author
 Only superscript numerals should be used to connect authors to their affiliations
 All affiliations are to be italicized
 Text to be left justified
For abstract text, please conform to the following:
 Abstract text should be single spaced in Arial 11 pt font
 Avoid the use of special/non-standard symbols unless absolutely necessary (ensure
that fonts are embedded in this case when you save the file)
 If equations are essential, then please ensure to embed the maths font in the
 Avoid the use of italic or bold text
 Text to be left and right justified
 Figures are not permitted, so please do not embed them in the document
 Do not indent the first line of any paragraph
 All paragraphs should be separated by a single line space
 Headers and footers are not permitted
 Do not adjust default page margins (all margins are 2.0 cm, with the exception of the
left margin which is 3.0 cm) or page size (A4 portrait)
 The abstract, including title, authors, affiliations and abstract text, must not exceed
one page in length
Submission instructions
 Abstracts should be submitted to by the due date, which is 5 pm
(GMT) Tuesday 1st March, 2016.
 Please use the following convention for your abstract file name: [first
name]_[surname]_[oral, poster or keynote]_[abstract number].docx
example, nick_rawlinson_oral_3.docx means that Nick Rawlinson is submitting his
3rd abstract and is requesting an oral presentation. All poster requests will be
honoured, but oral presentations will be assigned by the Program Committee, who
may not be able to honour every request. Keynote speakers have already been
identified, so only use this option if you are a designated keynote speaker. Keynote
speakers should not submit more than one abstract with the “keynote” identifier.
 Abstracts will not be accepted if the presenting author has not registered for the
conference by the due date.
Example abstract
 The abstract below conforms to the formatting requirements. If you intend to use it as
a template for your abstract, please delete the instructions page (i.e. this page) prior
to submission.
Seismic anisotropy and heterogeneity in the crust beneath
southeast Australia from ambient noise tomography
N. Rawlinson1, P. Arroucau2, M. Young3 & M. Salmon4
of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland
3 DownUnder GeoSolutions Pty Ltd, West Perth, Australia
4Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
The lithosphere beneath eastern Australia was formed during a protracted period of
Palaeozoic orogeny that began in the Early Cambrian and terminated in the Middle Triassic.
Accretion of new and reworked lithosphere occurred outboard of the proto-Pacific margin of
Gondwana, which at that time extended some 20,000 km along the east margin of
Precambrian Australia, through west Antarctica and into western Argentina. In southeast
Australia, the outward-stepping nature of the accretion can be observed in the Delamerian,
Lachlan and New England orogens, which extend from the eastern margin of Precambrian
Australia to the Tasman Sea. Although the basic building blocks of the region have been
recognised, extensive Mesozoic and Cainozoic cover sequences have masked large regions
of the Palaeozoic basement, which complicates the task of unravelling the tectonic evolution
of this portion of the Australian plate.
Over the last 14 years, a transportable seismic array project called WOMBAT has traversed
much of southeast Australia with high density seismic arrays. To date, over 600 stations
have been deployed as part of 14 separate array movements, making it the largest
experiment of its type in the southern hemisphere. With a maximum station spacing of
approximately 50 km, passive imaging of the crust and uppermost mantle is possible using a
variety of techniques, including ambient noise tomography, which is the focus of this study.
Interstation group and phase velocity curves corresponding to Rayleigh wave propagation
have been extracted from ambient seismic noise recorded by WOMBAT. Group and phase
velocity maps over a range of periods (1-20 seconds) are then constructed by traveltime
inversion using all available station pairs. Two different approaches are used; the first
assumes isotropic velocity variations but accounts for wavefront focusing and defocusing in
response to heterogeneity; the second assumes great circle path propagation but accounts
for azimuthal anisotropy. In the latter case, spatial resolution is decreased to offset the need
for the additional parameters necessary to describe azimuthal anisotropy (as heterogeneity
and anisotropy trade-off against each other). A comparison of the two results show that the
long wavelength heterogeneity of the two models are similar. In particular, the low velocity
region associated with the vast intracratonic Murray Basin; the elevated velocities that
closely correlate with outcropping igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Southern
Highlands; and the lower velocities that underpin the Newer Volcanics in western Victoria.
However, there is a pronounced velocity low beneath the northeast part of the Murray Basin
that is present in the anisotropic model but not the isotropic model; interestingly, this appears
to correlate with a region of weak anisotropy. The most striking feature of the anisotropic
models - for periods 5 s and above - is the dominant alignment of the fast axis of anisotropy
in the N-S direction, with magnitudes exceeding 4%. This orientation correlates closely with
the dominant geological fabric of the Palaeozoic orogens, and is consistent with a prevailing
direction of compression that was perpendicular to the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana.