Green Office Certification Audit Form Instructions: Indicate your score to the right of the sustainable practice if 2/3 or more of your office/unit participate in the sustainable practice. Only full points can be given for each practice. Not all points will be applicable to all offices. If a line is not applicable to your office, place n/a in the score column. Add the total applicable points together after each section and then calculate your total points at the bottom. Common spaces in offices should be included in the audit. We understand defining an office can be difficult. Please clearly self identify the participating office rooms and common spaces at the beginning of this form. The requirements for each certification level are included below. Good luck! Participating Offices (building/room numbers): Department/unit: Primary contact person and email: Secondary contact person and email: Points Possible Education We have a designated section of an office bulletin board, or have a separate board for posting tips and information about green practices, events, and groups. Or we share these internally electronically. New faculty and staff in our office/unit receive an orientation about the green office program and our practices within 30 days of hire. We display a monthly Green Tip on an office bulletin board or share these electronically. We spend at least 5 minutes at each staff or faculty meeting reviewing green tips or sustainable practices. Total Points for Education Community 1 2 2 4 9 Points Possible Someone in our office/unit is part of a sustainability committee or attends monthly Sustainability Council meetings. Name:_______________________________________ 3 When hosting an event or program related to an environmental topic, our unit will request inclusion on DU’s Sustainability website, for cross marketing and communication purposes. Total Points for Community 4 Energy Our Score 7 Points Possible We shut off our monitors and/or manually send our computers into energy saving modes (standby or hibernate) when not in use and we turn them off at night. 1 We have sleep mode enabled on all copiers and all printers after five minutes or less of inactivity. 1 We turn off all lights when not in use during the day and at night, including common areas such as kitchens, conference rooms, storage closets and bathrooms. 1 We send an email to our office/unit before holidays and breaks with an energy saving checklist. 1 Office furniture is away from heating units to allow heat and air flow. 1 We set our fridge and freezer temperatures at appropriate levels (between 35 and 38 degrees F or 1.7 to 3.3 degrees C). 1 We have posted prompts on light switches, where applicable, as a reminder to turn off when not in use. 2 Our Score Our Score During cold weather, all of our windows are shut tightly. We use CFL or LED bulbs in our desk lamps and dispose of them properly. 2 2 We set temperature levels at appropriate levels during both the summer (>78) and winter (<70 season. We have signs posted near thermostats with the appropriate temperature levels. We position work stations to receive natural light. We have a ‘Last Person Out’ rule to ensure that all lights are off at the end of the day. 2 We have examined our office’s use of networked printers and other electronic devices and contacted UTS about consolidating use where it makes sense. 3 We use power strips, turned off at night or when not in use, to prevent phantom energy use by electronics (microwaves, coffee makers, chargers, and other small appliances). We have eliminated duplicate equipment and appliances in staff offices (i.e. coffee maker, mini-fridges, etc.) especially if these items are available in a centrally located shared location. 3 During the cold weather, we close the blinds in our individual work stations and/or work area at night and on the weekends. 3 For windows that receive direct sunlight, we close the blinds after work and on the weekends in the summer. Total Points for Energy 3 Health We use non-toxic, biodegradable or green cleaning supplies. We have living plant(s) in our office/unit or common area(s). We use reusable mugs, dishware and silverware. We have replaced our water services with a water filtration system or we’ve switched to using tap water in the kitchen/break room Total Points for Health Purchasing We purchase paper with at least 30% post-consumer recycled content If we supply paper products to faculty and staff in our break room or kitchen, we purchase napkins and paper towels with at least 30% recycled content. When replacing furniture or office equipment, we first check with the furniture sharing program. We consolidate purchasing across the office, reducing truck deliveries and packaging. We prioritize the purchase of recycled or ecologically certified items through Staples and other vendors. We purchase Energy Star office equipment. We avoid individually packaged sugar and cream in the kitchen. We use bulk containers. For our events and meetings, we avoid purchasing cardboard and plastic boxed meals. We follow the DU Sustainability Purchasing Policy and guidelines to select products that have a lesser impact on human health and the environment when determined to have equal quality and price compared to traditional products. Total Points for Purchasing Waste We have recycling bins beside trash bins in all common areas. We have recycling signs clearly posted on or near recycling bins. 2 2 3 3 36 Points Possible 2 2 3 Our Score 4 11 Points Possible 1 Our Score 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 21 Points Possible 1 1 Our Score Before events and meeting, we e-mail out the agenda and handouts instead of printing copies or encourage participants to share hard copies at the meeting. 1 We provide recycling bins at events and meetings sponsored by our office. We have at least one re-usable bag in our kitchen or break room for our staff to use in place of plastic bags when shopping or buying lunch, supplies, etc. 1 We have signs next to copy machines to remind members of the office to double-side whenever possible. We use reusable inter-office mail envelopes. We avoid using colored paper when possible. 1 If we publish a newsletter, we offer an electronic version that readers can select instead of the paper version. We keep mailing lists up-to-date and avoid duplicates. We have desk-side recycling bins at each work area (office or cubicle). 1 We have a designated area in our supply closet, or elsewhere in our office, for sharing office supplies that can be re-used (file folders, binders, pens, paper clips, etc.). 2 We set the default on all capable office printers as double-sided. We cancel junk mail and mailings after we receive two copies. In our office, we have at least one collection bin for small electronic waste (batteries, cell phones and inkjet printer cartridges). This collection area has been publicized and signs exist explaining what can be recycled here. (Battery drop-off locations and Electronic recycling We follow the University of Denver’s guidelines for disposal of electronic equipment (PC’s, printers, monitors). We email, circulate or post memos rather than copying for everyone. We use undated, erasable wall calendars. We recycle inkjet and laser jet cartridges, including sending them back to their manufacturer. We participate in the DU’s virtual desktop initiative. We use reusable cups, dishware and utensils whenever possible. For occasions when this is not possible, we used recycled paper products, instead of plastic materials. When using Sodexo (or external) catering, we choose the compostable or reusable service ware (rather than the drop-off disposables). Total Points for Waste Water We point out and recommend use of the nearest drinking fountain or hydration station instead of providing bottled water. Our office has a water cooler or bottle-filling station, instead of providing bottled water. Total Points for Water Transportation We participate in Bike to Work Day or at least one day during Bike to Work Month (>50% participation). We fuel our vehicles early in the morning or late in the evening whenever possible. When possible, we use conference calls or video conferences to reduce traveling. We encourage visitors to come by alternative or public transport by providing them with timetables and routes of buses and light rail. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 46 Points Possible Our Score 2 3 5 Points Possible 1 1 2 3 Our Score We take public or alternative transportation (light rail, bike, walk, carpool) on a regular basis (>50% participation weekly). Total Points for Transportation 4 11 Innovation (include your own creative sustainable practices) Points Possible 1 1 1 1 4 Total Points for Innovation Total Points Possible Education 9 Our Score Total Points and Summary Our Score Community 7 Energy 36 Health 11 Purchasing 21 Waste 46 Water 5 Transportation 11 Innovation 4 TOTAL POINTS 150 PERCENTAGE (TOTAL POINTS EARNED BY UNIT/150) Upon determining the percentage for the office/unit, see the levels below: Aspiring Green Office Certification o Completion of the audit form: score 0-70% Silver Green Office o Completion of the audit form: score 70-85% Gold Green Office o Completion of the audit form: score 85-95% o Institute an office member as an EcoPioneer Platinum Green Office o Completion of the audit form: score 95-100% o Institute an office member as an EcoPioneer o Share a sustainability innovation publicly with other Green Offices and EcoPioneers o Demonstrate that 50% or more of the office uses alternative transportation or offsets travel through the university-sponsored carbon offset program To confirm your certification, please submit the completed form to: Chad King DU Center for Sustainability 303-871-3354;