BIOLOGY 1500 OUTLINE FOR CHAPTER 1 SUSTAINABILITY - - - - - - - Sustainability: o Is an attempt to provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future. o Three principles of sustainability Solar energy Chemical recycling Biodiversity Environmental Science o Consists of biology, chemistry, geology, hydrology, meteorology and the scientific method, also includes the values used to make decisions based on the scientific information Sustainable development o Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Areas/fields in which sustainability is an issue o Agriculture o Energy o Fisheries o Forestry o Minerals and metals o Tourism o Water use Sustainable agriculture o Consists of agricultural and livestock practices that maintain environmental balance in the face of intensive agriculture. Sustainable agricultural practices are…And their definitions o Organic farming: sustainable agricultural practices that do not include artificial chemical inputs. o Soil husbandry: the practice of sustaining and enhancing the quality of agricultural soils to maximize yields, control pests, and guard against drought. o Stubble mulching: the practice of leaving crop residues in the ground following harvesting. Examples of environmental, social and economic practices that can promote sustainability in colleges o Environmental: reusable bags, green cleaning agents, paperless meetings, smoke-free spaces, recycling o Social: encourage student engagement and activism for equity and inclusion o Economic: support fair trade practices and local businesses Identify/compare/contrast sources of energy and/or matter that are: Renewable, non-renewable, sustainable (define and list examples) - End. o Renewable and sustainable sources generate energy in ways that do not deplete the earth’s natural resources o Sustainable sources do not cause significant environmental externalities o Sustainable sources of energy are solar energy and wind energy o Non-renewable sources of energy and matter are (fossil fuels) coal, oil, (minerals) aluminum, copper o Renewable sources of energy: hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, solar and wind Environmental externality o Is a harmful environmental, economic, or social cost that is not accounted for in the price of goods and services What (and why) are the barriers to achieving sustainability o Population growth o Technology o Poverty o Environmental externalities o Resistance to change