Behaviours seem to change once at work. If it is too hot, we open



Play your part

What does sustainability mean to you? What do you think about when someone says we need to live more sustainably? Almost all of us think about recycling paper and plastic. Some of us think about food waste, some about saving on gas and electric bills. Is that all there is to being sustainable? Actually it means much more. It revolves around minimizing the adverse impact of our activities economically, socially and environmentally. That is, not spending now what will be needed later, ensuring society develops and that we move away from a model of take-make-waste to one of borrow-use-return.

South Essex College is committed to the principles of sustainability and minimizing the adverse impact of its activities economically, socially and environmentally.

It recognizes that its operations have an effect on the local, regional and global environment and that it must contribute towards the conservation and protection of the environment. As a consequence, the College is committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the minimization of waste and pollution.

It also aware that it must be economically sustainable embracing and developing social sustainability by ensuring equity in access to its curriculum.

Most of us think about being more environmentally friendly and make changes to the way we live. Maybe we use public transport more often, reuse carrier bags, separating out waste into paper, food and general, turn down the temperature by one degree at home and take appliances off stand-by and switch them off. This does not always transfer when we get to the office.


Be switched on and switch off

Behaviours seem to change once at work. If it is too hot, we open windows instead of turning down radiators.

Paper is wasted with the belief that recycling makes it okay, when actually there is a print preview function that is hardly used before printing. Lights are left on at night and computers are left running. Cans and plastic bottles are thrown into general waste that goes to landfill.

We throw things away that could be sold on to generate money for the College, or simply be offered onwards slowing the journey from the cradle to the grave. From example here are two instances were the products life cycle is being slowed and on the way saves money.

1. Waste paper is shredded in Finance and passed on and used as animal bedding in the animal rooms

2. Plastic cups from the drinks machines in

Southend are passed on to be used as paint pots in art lessons

There may be other examples but we don’t collate or share them. Have you got examples to share?

Did you know we have a Sustainability Group in

College? Well we do. It is small and perfectly formed yet needs to renew itself with more members. It is not a committee and it is not about idle chat. It needs members with commitment, ideas and a willingness to make a difference by doing things.

Everyone is responsible for sustainability

You must lead the change you want to see in others

Things that have happened so far


Southend campus has installed a Waste2water machine in Scoff kitchens. This turns food waste into water through a biological process. The water enters the sewage systems, thus reducing waste going to landfill. As new campuses are built, it is our intention to install one of these machines at each.


The College employs Veolia Environmental Services to provide recycling and commercial waste services. Head of Estates, Geoff Stedman, has worked with them to introduce bins for paper and co-mingled recycling waste on floor six at Southend.

These bins will help the college reduce its ratio of recycled waste to landfill waste.

It is the intention to introduce these across the campuses. The large bins outside of the college have also changed with fewer bins for general rubbish and more of separated recycling.

Veolia will be coming to College to talk to staff and students about ways to be more sustainable. Watch out for more details.

Student views

A recent Poll of the Week asked ‘Does the College provide enough recycling facilities?’ The resounding response was no (60%) with a further 30% unsure. A clear, strong message that the College needs to do more.

There are bins for paper waste in teaching areas and in team rooms. However it is clear these need to be signposted better. Therefore, signs will be put up to make it clear.

Bins will be provided in each Scoff for plastic bottles and cans. There will also be a battery recycling deposit bin in reception at each campus.


The College has to buy resources, but in line with our commitment to economic sustainability, we always obtain the best deal in terms of money and quality.

However, we are doing more. We will be sharing with all our suppliers the

College’s values on sustainability, encouraging them to think about their own. If we have equal bids in future, we will begin to look at their sustainability values before choosing a supplier.

Cycle to College Week

Get involved

What you can do?

The College is committed to promoting the use of more sustainable modes of transport by encouraging staff and students to use public transport, car share and cycle to get to College.

A Cycle to College Week will be held annually and the first one is from 20 th –

24 th May 2013. This applies to the whole of the College’s community.

When you hear people saying ‘the college th is…’, ‘the College that…’ they are actually taking about themselves.

We are the College whether you are a student or a member of staff. The message is simple. If we can all make a positive change towards being sustainable it will make a difference to you, the College, the wider community and environment.

Cycle to College during that week to show your support and desire to reduce the impact of driving to or being driven to

College in a private vehicle.

Can you make a change in your behaviour? Could you talk to the people you spend the day with and see if you need to make a collective change or effort in the way you work?

As an incentive, everyone who does so will receive a voucher for a piece of fruit and cartoon of juice for a healthy breakfast.

Do you have a suggestion for what could be changed? Would you like to contribute to the Sustainability Group?

If you do, please email

To support this activity the College will ensure there are plenty of bike storage facilities but please ensure the following

Your bike is well maintained and safe to ride

You wear a helmet when cycling

You have a suitable bike lock to secure your bike as the College is not liable for any loss or damage.

We are waiting to hear from you.

Right now over 70% of the world population is convinced that something serious has to be done about the dangers facing the planet. …Most of humanity wants to know how to make the change. It’s one of those tipping-points times where things can change unbelievably fast’

Paul Ray & Sherry Ruth Anderson, 2001
