London School of Commerce MODULE TITLE: - Managerial Economics PROGRAMME: BA SEMESTER: Semester Two ACADEMIC YEAR PERIOD: June – September 2014 LECTURER SETTING ASSESSMENT: - Ellie Semsar DATE ASSESSMENT SET AND LOADED ON TO STUDENT PORTAL:… DATE ASSESSMENT TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED:…… SUBMISSION METHOD/MODE:Online via Turnitin (Student Portal) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assessment Type:A Written Report– Worth 40% of the TMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;Individual Assignment Visit the website of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Find the country reports and choose a country you wish to report on. Read the report and summarize the actions the OECD think need to be taken to improve economic growth in this country. You are required to research and write a report analysing and summarizing your findings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting for each aspect within the assessment: Word count Your assignment should be maximum of 2000 words (excluding references/bibliography list) Description of Assessment Requirements Format Reportformat -Please ensure that you acknowledge your sources of data using Harvard referencing method. Research You are expected to use a wide range of sources for your research (e.g. journal articles,reports, books, magazines etc.) Marking Scheme Presentation & Introduction Structure, Language, referencing 15% Objectives Addressing the purpose of the assignment 10% Analysis Application of the theory through critical analysis of the topic area 40% Illustration Use of examples / data, graphical illustration 15% Conclusion Evidence of the conclusion being supported by theory/literature 20% TOTAL MARK: 100 % Your report should meet the following expectations: Answer the question set and keep to the topic. Demonstrate an understanding of relevant economic principles, concepts and theories; Ability to provide insightful analysis of issues involved; Ability to organise material with supporting evidence; Skills in using diagram to explain economic ideas; Knowledge of current issues relating to your assignment question – there should be evidence of thorough research. Attach a reference and bibliography of the books and journal articles used in the assignment. If there is sufficient evidence to prove that the essay has been copied from another student or from a book without proper acknowledgement of the sources (plagiarism), such an essay will receive a fail grade. Adhere to the word limit. Font size: 12 Spacing: 1.5-spaced ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:- Understand economic models and concepts Understand and apply the main techniques of economic analysis Discuss macroeconomic concepts related to international trade. - Analyse the reasons for long-run economic growth and the impact of macroeconomic stabilisation policy MARK 29 or less 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 + CONTENT: Has the question been answered? Vague, random, unrelated material Some mention of the issue, but a collection of disparate points Some looseness/ digressions Well focused Highly focused No evidence of reading. No use of theory – not even hinted at implicitly. No evidence of reading. An implicit hint at some knowledge of theory, etc. Barely answers the question – just reproduces what knows about the topic No evidence of reading. Very basic theories mentioned but not developed or well used. Some reading evident, but confined to core texts. Good reading. Good range of theories included. Excellent reading. Well chosen theories. No theory included. Vague assertions/poor explanations. Long winded descriptions of theory. Some long winded sections. Some quotations, but stand alone. Some interconnections. Good summary of theory. Good use of quotations that flow with narrative. Good inter-connections. Succinct, effective summaries of theory. Excellent choice and threading of quotations into argument. Good counterpoising of a range of perspectives. No examples No/limited/ inappropriate examples Few examples Uneven examples Good examples Excellent range of examples. Vague assertions about issues. Largely descriptive with no identification and analysis of central issues. Limited insight into issues. Some good observations. Good, detailed analysis. Comprehensive range of issues identified and discussed fully. No evaluation. Uncritical acceptance of material. Some evaluation but weak. Little insight. Good interpretation. Some but limited sophistication in argument. Good critical assessment. Independent thought displayed. Full critical assessment and substantial individual insight. No referencing No referencing Limited/poor referencing Some inconsistencies in referencing Appropriate referencing Appropriate referencing No structure apparent. Poor presentation. Poor structure. Poor presentation. Acceptable, but uneven structure. Reasonable presentation. Reasonable structure. Good presentation. Good argument. Well presented material. Excellent argument. Very effective presentation format. Is there evidence of having read widely and use of appropriate and up to date material to make a case? UNDERSTANDING & SYNTHESIS Are ideas summarized rather than being reproduced, and are they interrelated with other ideas? APPLICATION Does it show appropriate use of theory in a practical situation? ANALYSIS Does it identify the key issues, etc in a given scenario, proposal or argument? EVALUATION & CONCLUSION Does it critically assess material? Are there a workable and imaginative solutions? REFERENCING Thorough and accurate citation and referencing PRESENTATION Logical and coherent structure to argument and effective presentation