Cardiff Metropolitan University MODULE TITLE: - Innovation & Technology Management PROGRAMME: BABS SEMESTER: Semester Six ACADEMIC YEAR PERIOD: June to September 2014 LECTURER SETTING ASSESSMENT: - Anand Walser / Dr Rajendra Kumar DATE ASSESSMENT SET AND LOADED ON TO STUDENT PORTAL:- DATE ASSESSMENT TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED:- 20/08/2014 SUBMISSION METHOD/MODE:Online via turnitin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assessment Type: (Assignment: ) An individual assignment (constituting 40% of the total module mark) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;One individual assignment (of 3000 words excluding references) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cardiff Metropolitan University BABS 6: Innovation and Technology Management June to September 2014 Assignment One Word limit: 3000 words “Insights into the firm’s innovative potential and into the barriers to innovation are necessary to make effective proactive strategic choices?” Burgelman et al,2009, p8 Critically analyse the above statement. Task One Identify firms that have succeeded in using innovation and those which have been criticised in regards to their lack of strategic management of technology and innovation. Critically assess the shortcoming of their approach and its impact of organisational performance. (25 marks) Task Two Identify the barriers to innovation and how firms can overcome this to make effective strategic choice using relevant organisational examples (25 marks) Guidelines : 1. Thorough literature review must be evident and these should be backed by relevant organisational examples 2. Discussion and debate on the use of innovation as a strategy by firms to gain competitive advantage should be seen. The barriers to innovation should be explained and how firms can overcome his should be stated clearly. 3. Discussion and debate on the shortcomings firms are likely to face should be backed by relevant corporate examples 4. Barriers to innovation by firms and how firms can overcome should be explained in detail. 5. Harvard style of references should be used. Please ensure that the report assignment has A table of contents A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate Introduction (500 words)- 10 marks Literature Review & Critical Analysis (2000 words)-70 marks (Task 1-35 marks and Task 2-35 marks Conclusions/Recommendations- 500 words- 10 marks References / Presentation – 10 marks ASSIGNMENT MARKING CRITERIA MARK 29 or less 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 + CONTENT: Has the question been answered? Vague, random, unrelated material Some mention of the issue, but a collection of disparate points Some looseness/ digressions Well focused Highly focused TOPIC KNOWLEDGE Is there evidence of having read widely and use of appropriate and up to date material to make a case? No evidence of reading. No use of theory – not even hinted at implicitly. No evidence of reading. An implicit hint at some knowledge of theory, etc. Some reading evident, but confined to core texts. Good reading. Good range of theories included. Excellent reading. Well chosen theories. UNDERSTANDING & SYNTHESIS Are ideas summarized rather than being reproduced, and are they inter-related with other ideas? No theory included. Vague assertions/po or explanations. Barely answers the question – just reproduces what knows about the topic No evidence of reading. Very basic theories mentioned but not developed or well used. Long winded descriptions of theory. Some long winded sections. Some quotations, but stand alone. Some interconnections. Good summary of theory. Good use of quotations that flow with narrative. Good interconnections. No examples No/limited/ inappropriate examples Few examples Uneven examples Good examples Succinct, effective summaries of theory. Excellent choice and threading of quotations into argument. Good counterpoising of a range of perspectives. Excellent range of examples. Vague assertions about issues. Largely descriptive with no identification and analysis of central issues. Uncritical acceptance of material. Limited insight into issues. Some good observations. Good, detailed analysis. Comprehensive range of issues identified and discussed fully. Some evaluation but weak. Little insight. Good interpretation. Some but limited sophistication in argument. Good critical assessment. Independent thought displayed. Full critical assessment and substantial individual insight. No referencing No referencing Limited/poor referencing Some inconsistencies in referencing Appropriate referencing Appropriate referencing No structure apparent. Poor presentatio n. Poor structure. Poor presentation. Acceptable, but uneven structure. Reasonable presentation. Reasonable structure. Good presentation. Good argument. Well presented material. Excellent argument. Very effective presentation format. APPLICATION Does it show appropriate use of theory in a practical situation? ANALYSIS Does it identify the key issues, etc in a given scenario, proposal or argument? EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATIONS Does it critically assess material? Are there a workable and imaginative solutions? REFERENCING Thorough and accurate citation and referencing PRESENTATION Logical and coherent structure to argument and effective presentation No evaluation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Learning Outcome Upon successful completion of the assignment, students will be able to: Upon successful completion of the subject, students will be able to: Demonstrate a critical understanding of some of the major international trends and developments in technology and innovation and their relationship to international business Advance a multidimensional understanding of the causes and consequences of technology Critically evaluate a range of normative questions in relation to people, technology and the marketplace in the 21st Century Reflect analytically on the knowledge developed for innovative action Understand the significance of innovation and how it links to wider strategic issues within the firm Appreciate how process innovations alter the ways of transforming a range of inputs into products and services for customers and end users Module Number Module Title JACS Subject Code(s) and % of each subject ASC Category(ies) Innovation and Technology Management Level (4-6 u/g; Credits 7 p/g; 8 doctorate) 6 20 ECTS Credit 10 Module Value Teaching Period % Taught in Welsh Module Type Compulsory Pre-requisites None Module Leader School(s) Campus Anand Walser London School of Commerce Assessment Methods Assessment Type Duration/Length of Assessment Type Weighting of Assessment Coursework 3000 words maximum 40 % An unseen written examination 2 Hours 60% Approximate Date of Submission Aim(s) This integrative module aims to develop critical awareness of contemporary issues in international business. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the ways in which technology is brought to market. It does this by focusing on key technology management topics from the standpoint of an established business as well as new entrepreneurial ventures. Strong emphasis is placed on frameworks and methods that are both theoretically sound and practically useful. It will provide students with both an understanding of the issues and the practical means of dealing with them in a business context. In this module students will discover and consider how to identify, discuss, evaluate and avoid the common pitfalls in managing innovation. It examines how large and small organisations have to fundamentally reorganise in order to innovate speedily and successfully. It assesses in what ways and to what extent globalisation has affected production, governance, societies and human knowledge and exposes students to developments in innovation management. Against the contemporary issues of the day, it encourages students to consider alternative measures and evaluate the technical and political challenges of their implementation. Learning Outcomes After completing the module, the student should be able to: Demonstrate a critical understanding of some of the major international trends and developments in technology and innovation and their relationship to international business Analyze change and continuity in international business using cyclical and evolutionary models of change Advance a multidimensional understanding of the causes and consequences of technology Critically evaluate a range of normative questions in relation to people, technology and the marketplace in the 21st Century Reflect analytically on the knowledge developed for innovative action Understand the significance of innovation and how it links to wider strategic issues within the firm Have insights into contingency factors of firm size, technological complexity and environmental uncertainty which influence the precise choice of processes Appreciate how process innovations alter the ways of transforming a range of inputs into products and services for customers and end users Learning and Teaching Delivery Methods A variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis, teamwork and extensive use of electronic resources for guided research. STUDY HOURS 24 Lectures/ seminars Directed learning 48 Independent learning 128 Total study hours 200 Indicative Content Technology in the business context Managing research and development (R&D) and intellectual property rights (IPR) Making money from new technologies New product introduction Knowledge Management Managing Innovation Technology strategy and planning From Kaizen to High Involvement Innovation Creativity and ideas management Recommended Reading & Required Reading