Table S1. Analyzed microsatellite loci. Locus Reference T3-13 SsOSL311 Oneμ8 Omm1073 Ssa23NVH MST85 SSOSL32 Ssa85 Omm1163 Ssa94NVH Ssa51NVH Ssa156NVH Str60 Ssa73NVH Str15 Ssa52NVH Ssa161NVH SSOSL438 Str12INRA Ssa41NVH MST-543 Oneμ9 Ssa87NVH Ssa71NVH Ssa54NVH Ssa26NVH Ssa39NVH Ssa7NVH Ssa24NVH BS-131 Str73 Omy301UoG Str2INRA SSLEEN82 One107 Ssa100NVH Ssa4DIAS OmyFGT32TUF SSOSL417 Ssa63NVH Ssa207NVH Omm1116 Ssa408UoS Ssa197 Estoup et al., (1998b) Slettan et al., (1995) Scribner et al., (1996) Rexroad et al., (2002b) Gharbi et al., (2006) Presa and Guyomard, (1996) Slettan et al., (1997) O'Reilly et al., (1996) Rexroad et al., (2002b) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Estoup et al., (1993) Gharbi et al., (2006) Estoup et al., (1993) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Slettan et al., (1996) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Presa and Guyomard, (1996) Scribner et al., (1996) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Estoup et al., (1998b) Estoup et al., (1993) Jackson et al., (1998) Estoup et al., (1998a) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Slettan et al., (1995) Gharbi et al., (2006) Gharbi et al., (2006) Rexroad et al., (2002b) Cairney et al., (2000) O'Reilly et al., (1996) References Cairney M, Taggart JB, Høyheim B (2000). 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