Player Information (Season Summary Sheet) Name:_______________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________ Email:_______________________________________________ Current High School:____________________________ Graduation Class:_________________________ Height:_______________________ Position:______________________________________ Height Above the Net:_________________ Overall Vertical Jump_____________________ Academic Information: GPA – your official transcript will verify your high school graduation, class rank and cumulative grade point average(you will need to have your school send this to your colleges” of choice) SAT score (you will need to have your school send this to your colleges’ of choice) ACT score (you will need to have your school send this to your colleges’ of choice) Your class rank (you can find this when you look up your GPA transcripts) Major of Interest Scholarships received Club & High School Volleyball Accomplishments: Club Team Ranking Club Team Record High School Team League Finish Who were key wins for team Major Tournaments played in Accomplishments: Starting position All Conference? Regional or State Tournaments Tournament Awards? Quote from Coach:__________________________________________________________etc. We will need: Action Shot, Skills Video, Highlight Reel and Unedited Game Footage – all loaded on ( has a good article on making videos) The skills video is produced in a controlled environment showing the layer doing the various skills important for their position. It should be done with your coach, if possible, running the drills and team mates or others in support roles like target, passer, etc. Highlight Reel: This is highlights from accrual game footage showing your best plays against your competition. Unedited Game Footage: Just as it sounds – a full game, preferable against good competition. Choose a game where you played well and only edit it when you are off the court for an extended period of time(for instance, if you are a middle and get replaced by the libero). TIMELINE Freshman Year – Have Fun Sophomore Year – Start getting Serious Junior Year – Busy, Busy, Busy Senior Year – Don’t Panic