2: ASIA STUDIES: Resources in the Library Resource Centre

June, 2012 | K.Sellenger
General Asia Resources:
Reference and encyclopedias
Humanities / history / geography
People and culture 15-18
Decorate your classroom
Animals and endangered species of Asia
China: non-fiction
China: fiction
China: DVDs
China: Click View Programs
India: non- fiction
India: fiction 48-50
Indonesia: non-fiction
Indonesia: DVDs
Indonesia: fiction
Japan: non-fiction
Japan: fiction
Japan: DVDs
Korea: non-fiction
Korea: fiction
Sri Lanka: non fiction
Sri Lanka: fiction
Sri Lanka: websites
Thailand: non fiction
Thailand: fiction
Vietnam: non fiction
Vietnam: DVDs
Vietnam: fiction
Malaysia: non fiction
Malaysia - fiction
Cambodia & Laos: non fiction
Cambodia & Laos: fiction
Non Fiction
Call No.
The World Book Discovery Encyclopedia 13 volumes, including
index. Contains information about the countries studied in the
relevant volumes.
The World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places, Volumes
1- 7 195 countries presented, with colour photos, maps, timelines,
fact boxes, flags and relevant articles. A great place to start any
countries research project.
The World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places, Volumes
1-7 (Older edition of the above text, which can be borrowed by
195 countries presented, with colour photos, maps, timelines, fact
boxes, flags and relevant articles. A great place to start any
countries research project.
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mankind Marshall Cavandish
An encyclopedia of all the peoples of the world, including tribes
and remote communities of India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia,
Japan, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.
Illustrated with maps. See index (vol. 22) for each country’s tribal
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Steam & Rail by Colin Garratt &
Max Wade-Matthews
Includes the golden age of steam locomotives, landmark engines,
railway pioneers and great train journeys of India, Sri Lanka,
North Korea, China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Everyday Celebrations
Includes daily life in China, Asia’s minorities, rituals in Japan and
India, Jain rituals, Sikh customs and the daily life of Buddhist
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Includes marriage throughout history, Chinese traditions,
traditional Japanese weddings; weddings in Korea and Southeast
Asia, Hindu, Sikh and Parsi nuptials.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
New Year’s Celebrations
Celebrating in China, Korea and Thailand; Oshogatsu in Japan; how
Hill Tribes celebrate and preparing for Diwali.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Winter Celebrations
Winter celebrations in China, Japanese festivals, White Month in
Mongolia, Winter’s End and bathing festivals in India.
031 WOR
306.0321 ILL
385.36 GAR
390 EVR
392.5 MAR
394.261 MAT
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
National Celebrations
Includes Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Indian Independence and
the Partition of India.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Spring Celebrations
Spring celebrations in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Bhutan
and Pakistan.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Harvest Festivals
Includes the Chinese Festival of the moon, festivals in Vietnam,
Korea and Japan, celebrating the rice harvest, Hindu Harvest
festival in India.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Birth & Growing Up Celebrations
Chinese traditions, Japanese celebrations, Korea and Southeast
Asia, Hill Tribes of Thailand, Hindu and Sikh ceremonies.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
End of Life Rituals
Includes funeral rituals in China, Vietnam and Thailand, the
hungry ghost festival, Hindu, Parsi, Jain funerals and Tibetan sky
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Religious Celebrations
Includes Chinese deities, Shinto gods, and Wesak (Buddha’s
birthday) Hindu and Sikh celebrations.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
Cumulative Glossary and Index
Resources for further reading, a glossary for the entire series and
index for all volumes.
Rain Forests of the World
The tropical rain forests of Asia have the highest biodiversity on
Earth. Its animal life is rich and varied. Creatures and their
habitats are discussed in detail in this 10 volume set.
The Marshall Cavandish Illustrated Encyclopedia of Plants
and Earth Sciences
Ten volumes with index. Plant life around the world. Complete
index in Volume 10.
The Marshall Cavandish Illustrated Book of Trees and Forests
of the World (two volumes)
What is a tree? Forests; trees and man; trees of every kind,
includes trees of tropical Asia.
The Marshall Cavandish International Wildlife Encyclopedia
24 volumes
Encyclopedia of animal, bird and marine species around the world,
including habitat and breeding. Illustrated.
394.26 NAT
394.262 SPR
394.264 HAR
392.1 BIR
393.9 END
394.265 MAT
394.2 CUM
578.7 RAI
580.3 MAR
580.3 MAR
591.03 MAR
The Grolier Student Encyclopedia of Endangered Species
10 volume set of the world’s endangered species. Each entry
includes physical description, photos, size, habitat, interesting
facts, reasons for endangerment and attempts being made at
Endangered Wildlife of the World 10 Volumes Marshall
The endangered species of the world, listed alphabetically. Asian
countries have a great number of the world’ endangered animals.
Each species is presented with a map, photo, facts, habitat and the
threats to its existence.
Encyclopedia of Inventions by Louise Spilsbury
The how, why, where, and when of everything you need to know
about inventions.
Encyclopedia of People
Includes entries on Rajastanis, Bengalis, Hindus (India) Sri
Lankans, Mongolians, Chinese, Miao (China), Koreans, Japanese,
Sumo, Thais, Iban (Malaysia) and Balinese.
The Travel Book: a Journey Through Every Country in the
World by Lonely Planet
Huge coffee table book of lush photography and basic facts of
every country in the world.
Lands and Peoples Volume 2 Asia Australia New Zealand Oceania
A bit dated (1985) but comprehensive countries guide with all
Asian nations represented in fairly lengthy chapters
New Internationalist: The World Guide 11th edition
Up-to-date profiles on every country. Focus on history, politics,
human rights and the environment. Global reference, country-bycountry.
The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2005
Data from around the world, maps, all nations’ facts and figures.
Explorers and Exploration by Ian Cameron
Huge volume of exploration, chaptered by continents. Includes the
travels of Mongol explorers Ghengis Khan and Tamerlane; Marco
Polo; Jesuit explores; pilgrims; Pundits and other explorers who
explored or invaded Asia.
100 People Who Made History by Ben Guilliland
Includes Marco Polo, Cai Lun (Chinese inventor of paper),
Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Guru Nanuk, Aung San Suu Kyi,
Genghis Khan, Mao Tse-Tung, Deng Xiaoping, Lu Xun,and Toru
World Book’s Encyclopedia of Flags (12 volumes)
All the flags are listed alphabetically with historical information,
flag histories, locator maps, national data boxes, illustrations and
flag data.
591.520 GRO
591.529 END
609 SPI
909 ARL
910.202 LON
910.3 LAN
910 .3 OXF
910.3 WOR
910.9 CAM
920.02 GIL
929.92 WOR
The World of Geography Book 1 by Gary Underwood et al
Includes rainforests under threat (Malaysia) and a chapter on Bali
and Lombok – two islands in change.
Story of Migration to Australia From Asia by Nicolas Brasch
The reasons for migration to explored, government policies
including White Australia Policy, plus chapters on the Chinese,
Vietnamese, Indian and Sri Lankan immigration experience.
East Meets West: Exploration by Land by Paul Strathern
From the Mediterranean to the China Sea, the Silk routes stretched
for over 8,000 kms through the heart of Asia. This is the story of
that trade, its influence and the communities it connected.
Includes Marco Polo, Ghengis Khan, the spread of religion and the
Silk Route today.
East Meets West: Exploration by Sea by Struan Reid
The Spice Routes stretched for almost 15,000 kms around Asia.
Includes the risky journeys and the travelers that made them.
Marine Life of the Indo-Pacific Region including Indonesia,
Malaysia, Thailand and all of Southeast Asia by Gerald Allen
The vast Indo-Pacific region is the world’s richest underwater
province. The development of its coral reefs is unsurpassed,
forming a sanctuary for a myriad of colourful, often bizarre life
The Guinness Guide to Nature in Danger by Noel Simon
Wild animals and plants are being driven to extinction at an
alarming rate through loss of habitat, including rainforests,
grasslands, wetlands, islands, atolls, coral reefs, deserts and
East Meets West: Inventions and Trade by Struan Reid
Over centuries, the exchange of ideas and technologies has
inspired new developments and improvements. Includes
weapons, metals, glass and ceramics, fibres, mathematics and
Environmental Disasters
Accounts of environmental disasters around the globe, including
the chemical release in Bhopal India; mercury in Minamata Bay,
Japan and deforestation by Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Understanding the Ancient and Medieval Worlds an EnquiryBased Approach by Vicki Greer et al
Chapter 4: Legends and Discoveries: Ancient China; Chapter 9:
Shoguns and Warriors: Feudal Japan. Includes activities and
Catastrophe and Crisis by Jeremy Kingston and David Lambert
Includes natural and man-made disasters in China, Japan and
304.2 UND
382.09 STR
392.09 REI
591.529 SIM
609 REI
904 ENV
904 GRE
904 KIN
Fact or Fiction: Pirates by Stewart Ross
A study of pirates throughout history. Includes chapters on pirates
in the Indian Ocean and The Eastern Seas; famous Chinese pirates
and modern-day pirates.
Strange Worlds and Amazing Places a Tour of Earth’s Marvels
and Mysteries by the Reader’s Digest Association
A grand tour of the most exciting places on earth. Spectacular
photos of the world’s most picturesque places, including Krakatoa
(Indonesia), Taj Mahal, the sacred river Ganges (India), Angkor
(Cambodia), the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Hong Kong (China)
and Mt Fuji (Japan).
Whisper of the Blade: Revolutions, Mayhem, Betrayal, Glory
and Death by Erik Durschmier
See chapter 7, “15 August 1945 Tenno Heika Banzai!” for the story
of Japanese Emperor Hirihito’s surrender.
Journey Through History by Neil Grant
General history text from ancient to modern times, with chapters
on Chinese, Japanese and Indian civilizations.
Work, Trade and Farming Through the Ages by Dr. John
Includes China, Japan and India.
Through the Ages by Alf Henrikson
An illustrated chronicle of 4000 years of events presented in a
time line, a decade to a page. Includes India (textile industry),
Japan (peasant farmers) and China, (silk, merchants and peasants,
coins, markets and trade).
Longman Outcomes History 1 by Jacqueline Hollingworth et al
Junior History textbook with chapters on Ancient China and India.
Includes activities, maps and timelines.
Ancient, Medieval & Early Modern Societies by Paul Kien
Junior History textbook with chapters on Ancient China and
Medieval Japan. Includes activities, maps and timelines.
The History News: Revolution by Christopher Maynard
Revolutions in various nations are depicted in a newspaper front
page style. Includes the revolution in China- the long march, the
great debate, Mao captures the capital, cultural revolution and the
death of Mao.
Pioneers in History: Empire Builders by Michael Pollard
Includes chapters on Asian civilizations, the Empire of Ashoka, the
Great Wall of China, the Moghul Empire and the Moghuls in India.
Crusaders, Aztecs, Samurai: the Dark and Middle Ages in
Europe, the Rise of Islam and life in China and Japan by Dr.
Anne Millard
Includes chapters on wars between religions, Ghengis Khan and
his empire, princes and temples, silk and spice traders, samurai,
and kingdoms, traders and tribes.
904.7 ROS
909 DEV
909 DUR
909 GRA
909 HAY
909 HEN
909 HOL
909 KIE
909 MAY
909 POL
909 MIL
The West and the World Volume One 1789-1914 edited by N.K.
A combined textbook and documents book for senior history
students. Section three (six chapters) deals with the Western
impact on Asia (India, Southeast Asia, China and Japan).
The West and the World Volume Two edited by N.K. Meaney
Section 4: the Awakening of Asia:
Chapter 13 Japan 1914-1970
Chapter 14 China 1914-1970
Chapter 15 India 1914-1947
Chapter 16 Nationalism and independence in southeast Asia.
Chapter 17 Asia in the post-colonialism era.
The World’s Top Ten Mountain Ranges by Neil Morris
A study of mountain ranges around the world. Includes the
Himalayas, the Sumatra-Java range and Tien Shan Central Asia.
The World’s Top Ten Mountain Ranges by Neil Morris
A voyage of discovery of the worlds deserts, including the Gobi of
Mongolia, the Takla Makan of China and the Thar desert of India.
The Satellite Atlas by David Flint
See the world from a satellite. Extraordinary photos taken from
space of India, China, Japan and their neighbours plus Southeast
Asia. Includes facts from each region.
East Meets West: Cultures and Civilizations by Struan Reid
The story of trade between Asian and Europe, including the silk
and spice trades, and the exchange of ideas and beliefs that shaped
both cultures.
The Modern World Conflict and Change by Christopher Condon
Chapter 23: The Cold War in Asia deals with the Chinese civil war;
Communist victory in China; The Korean War; Communist
uprisings in Southeast Asia; The Malayan emergency; the French
in Indochina; Vietnam war; Cambodia and Laos; SEATO and
ANZUS; the Sino-Soviet split and thaw and the Soviet invasion of
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Land, people, culture, religion and environmental concern for the
countries of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia,
Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Thailand
and Vietnam.
Contested Spaces: Conflict in the Pacific 1937- 1951 by Allan
Pollock, David McKinlay and John Cantwell
A study of Japanese aggression and the Allied retaliation in the
Pacific region, from the attack on China in 1937 to the dropping of
atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Atlas of Man edited by John Gaisford
Comprehensive atlas of the people and countries of the world;
includes tribal populations of China, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.
909 WES
909 WES
910.0222 FLI
909.07 REI
909.8 CON
919.59 RIG
912 ATL
Internet-linked Atlas of Discovery: Uncover the Marvels of
Earth’s Societies and Environments
World geography text with superb illustrations and internet links.
Each page has challenges to complete, skills boosters and fact
boxes. All Asian countries are featured.
Continents in Close Up an illustrated atlas of ASIA by Malcolm
Porter and Keith Lye
Contains maps, flags, data, diagrams and illustrations
In Search of the Past: Explorers and Mapmakers by Peter Ryan
The history of map-making; with chapters on the Spice Trade, the
Silk Road and Europeans go East. Includes glossary and
Continents Close-up: an Illustrated Atlas of Asia by Malcolm
Porter and Keith Lye
Includes chapters on the Indian subcontinent; China, Mongolia and
Taiwan; Korean peninsula; Japan; Bangladesh, Myanmar and
Thailand; Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam; Malaysia, Singapore and
Brunei; Indonesia and East Timor; people and beliefs; Climate and
vegetation; Ecology and environment; Economy; Politics and
History. Includes illustrations and maps.
World Map Masters by John Walsh
Black line, blank maps to photocopy. Includes Asia, Asia and the
Indian Subcontinent, Australia and Asia, Australia and Southeast
Asia, Indonesia and the Philippines, India and Sri Lanka, Japan,
China and Korea, Indo-China and the Malay Peninsula.
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Includes Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and
Vanished Civilizations: Forgotten Peoples of the Ancient
Lavishly illustrated vintage art book; includes chapters on the
Ancient Ainu of Japan and the Collapse of the Khmers in Cambodia.
Heinemann Outcomes Studies of Asia by Patrick Burke
Includes chapters on China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia and
912 INT
912.5 POR
912.09 RYA
912. 5 POR
912 WOR
915 RIG
930 BAC
950 BUR
Eastern Philosophy the Greatest Thinkers and Sages From
Modern to Ancient Times by Kevin Burns
An excellent overview of Eastern religions, philosophies and
thinkers with detailed chapters on India, the Middle East, China,
Korea and Japan. Includes text, illustrations, quotations and
The Case For Reincarnation by Joe Fisher
This book examines the idea of reincarnation – the idea that the
soul continues its progression after death of the body, to reappear
in a new bodily form is almost as old as man.
Faiths & Religions of the World: Who Believes in What, Where
and When by David Gibbons
Fabulous resource on the world’s major and minor religions, with
gatefold pages charting the progress of major religions. Contains
timelines, origins and histories, great thinkers and scholars and
major events of each faith.
World Religions introduced by Dr. Sean McLaughlin
Includes Shamanism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Shinto and Sikhism.
The Secret World of Cults From Ancient Druids to Heaven’s
Gate by Sarah Moran
An insight into the beliefs, activities and followers of some of the
most unusual organisations in society.
The Art of Happiness: a Handbook for Living by His Holiness
the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler, M.D.
The world famous spiritual leader and a psychiatrist team up to
share how to achieve serenity and inner peace.
Introducing Religions: Buddhism by Sue Penney
The key beliefs of Buddhism, teachings of Buddha, festivals in
Thailand, Sri Lanka and Japan and the history and practices of the
faith are presented in clear, straightforward large-print text.
Includes colour illustrations and timelines.
World Beliefs and Cultures: Buddhism by Sue Penney
Updated edition of the above text.
Eyewitness Guides: Buddhism by Philip Wilkinson
An exciting and informative guide to Buddhist beliefs, practices
and culture. Contains beautiful photos of Buddhist artworks,
architecture and artifacts.
Buddhism For Today by Chris Wright
Buddhist influences today. Includes coming to terms with
suffering and other tenets of the Buddhist faith.
109 BUR
129 FIS
200 FAI
200 MCL
291 MOR
293.344 DAL
294.3 PEN
294.3 PEN
294.3 WIL
294.3 WRI
Great Religious Leaders: Krishna and Hinduism by Kerena
It is thought Krishna lived in India 5,000 years ago. He was
brought up as a humble cow herd, but later became a prince.
Hindus believe he is the Supreme Being, who lived on earth as a
man to save people from evil. Includes sacred texts and places,
teachings, festivals and Hinduism today. Illustrated with glossary.
World Beliefs and Cultures: Hinduism by Sue Penney
How Hinduism started, Divali, excerpts from holy writings,
timelines, personal accounts, glossary and index.
World Religions: Hinduism by Katherine Prior
Hinduism explained with a visually appealing layout and largeprint text.
The Story of the Hindus by Jacqueline Suthren Hirst
History and important festivals are explored in this book.
Hinduism in Words and Pictures by Sarah Thorley
Teacher resource. Contains chapters on Indian religions, Hindu
beliefs, Gods, Rama and Krishna, worship, temples, families,
festivals, holy men and more. Each section contains questions and
activities. Illustrated.
Hinduism a New Approach by Veronica Voiels
Introduces students to the fundamental beliefs, practices and
insights into Hinduism. Illustrated with glossary.
My Belief: I am a Sikh by Manju Aggarwal (2 copies)
Meet Harjeet Singh Lal, who is nine years old and a Sikh in West
London. He explains his religion and culture.
A Year of Festivals: Sikh Festivals Through the Year by Anita
Includes the Sikh Gurus, the major events in the Sikh calendar,
plus activities and things to make. Illustrated with glossary.
Religion For Today: Sikhism for Today by Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh
A study of Sikh practices today, plus history and its teachings.
Illustrated with glossary.
Great Religious Leaders: Guru Nanak and Sikhism by Rajinder
Singh Panesar
A study of Guru Nanak, born in the 15th century and his ideas and
teaching. Also contains illustrations, information about Sikh
World Beliefs and Cultures: Sikhism by Sue Penney
Discover the rich cultural background of the Sikhs! Includes
history, the Gurus, celebrations and what it means to be a Sikh.
Introducing Religions: Sikhism by Sue Penny
A simplified version of Penney’s previous text, with larger print.
What’s Special to Me? Religious Food by Anita Ganeri
Includes Hindu offerings, Buddhist Food Gifts, Muslim fasts and
feasts, Sikhs sharing food, illustrations and glossary.
294.5 MAR
294.5 PEN
294.5 PRI
294.5 SUT
294.5 THO
294.5 VOL
294.6 AGG
294.6 GAN
294.6 KAU
294.6 PAN
294.6 PEN
294.6 PEN
641.567 GAN
The Illustrated Book of Signs and Symbols: Thousands of
Signs and Symbols from around the world by Miranda BruceMitford
An illustrated visual guide to the secret language of signs and
symbols, explaining the meanings and origin. Includes symbols
from art, religion, mythology and folklore.
World Dress by Frances Kennett
A comprehensive guide to the folk costumes of the world.
Includes costumes from Central Asia, hill tribes of the Golden
Triangle, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China, Korea, Japan and more.
Ethnic Dress by Frances Kennett
A comprehensive guide to the folk costumes of the world.
Includes costumes from Central Asia, hill tribes of the Golden
Triangle, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China, Korea, Japan and more.
Illustrated. Exactly the same as the above text, with a different
Traditions Around the World: Costumes by Danielle Sensier
The chapter on Asia includes the traditional clothing of India,
Thailand, Burma, China and Japan. Unfortunately there has been
some damage to other chapters in this copy.
Masks: Faces of Culture by John W. Nunley & Cara McCarty
Beautiful photo book of masks from around the world. Includes
examples from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka and
Body Art: Tattooing by Paul Mason
Includes Japan’s tattooed criminals, Ukiyo-e and Yakuza gangster
A Fashionable History of Make-up and Body Decoration by
Helen Reynolds
Makeup, tattooing, piercing and body decoration around the
Body Art: Piercing by Anna Claybourne
Includes Hindu ritual piercing, Borneo Among ear-stretching,
Indian nose piercing, nose jewellery, Apantani nose plugs, Sadhu
(holy men) tongue and cheek piercing.
Body Art: Body Painting by Anna Claybourne
Includes opera art from China, Geisha makeup from Japan, Hindu
forehead painting and henna painting.
Decorated Skin: a World Summary of Body Art by Karl Groning
Body painting, scarification, piercing and tattooing are discussed
and illustrated with artwork and photography. Includes religious
make-up in India and Nepal, tribal tattoos from Indonesia, makeup for Chinese opera, Japanese geisha and kabuki; plus traditional
tattoos. Contains some nudity.
391 KEN
391 KEN
391.009 SEN
391.434 NUN
391.6 MAS
391.6 REY
391.65 CLA
391.65 CLA
391.65 GRO
Traditions Around the World Jewellery and Accessories by
Louise Tythacott
Features jewellery and accessories from around the world. A
chapter on Asia features China, India, Indonesia, Japan and
Thailand. Includes cultural reasons for the wearing of jewellery.
A World of Necklaces: Africa, Asia, Oceania, America by Anne
Exquisite collection of traditional necklaces from all around the
world, including China, India, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia,
Cambodia, Laos and Sri Lanka.
Contemporary Art in Asia Tensions curated by Apinan
Contemporary art from India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South
Korea and Thailand. Illustrated.
Traditions of Asian Art edited by Michael Brand
From the Asian arts collection of the National Gallery of Australia.
Southeast Asian Art Today edited by Joyce van Fenema
Contemporary art from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore and Thailand.
The World of Puppets by Rene Simmen
Puppets from all over the world, including Japanese Bunraku
theatre and Malaysian and Indonesian shadow puppets.
391.7 LEU
709.5 CON
709.5 TRA
709.59 SOU
791.53 SIM
World Architecture general editor: Trewin Copplestone
Massive text with architecture from around the world from
ancient to modern times. Includes examples from China, Japan and
Architecture Explained – the world’s greatest buildings
explored and explained by Neil Stevenson
Architectural marvels from around the world, including Taj Mahal
and Kandariya Temple( India), Ise Shrine, Tokyo Olympic Stadium,
Kansai Airport and Katsura Palace (Japan) HK & Shanghai Bank,
(Hong Kong), Potala Palca (Tibet), the Temple of Heaven (China)
and Angkor Wat (Cambodia).
Great Architecture of the World edited by John Julius Norwich
Includes examples from China, Japan and India. Illustrated.
Pleasure of Ruins by Rose Macaulay, photos by Roloff Beny
Architecture (in ruins) from Cambodia, China, India & Sri Lanka.
Chinese and Indian Architecture by Nelson I Wu
Also includes Cambodian architecture. Illustrated.
720 HIT
720 STE
720.9 NOR
722 MAC
722 WUN
The Everything Philosophy Book By James Mannion
Understand the basic concepts of the world’s greatest thinkersfrom Socrates to Satre. See chapter 19, “Eastern Schools of
Story of Migration to Australia from Asia by Nicholas Brasch
Immigration to Australia from Asia, from the gold rush in the
1850’s, the passing of the Immigration Restriction Act 1901, the
Colombo plan in 1950 and the arrival of refugees from Vietnam,
Cambodia, Laos and East Timor in 1975, and the recent arrivals of
Chinese and Indians. Includes statistics, reasons for migration and
case studies. Easy, straightforward text.
National Geographic Peoples of the World
A detailed study of the various ethnic groups of Asia, including
Ainu, Bai & Dong of China; Koreans, Tibetans, Uygurs, Balinese,
Dayak, Javanese, Khymer, Minangkabau, Bengalis, Nagas,
Singhalese and more. Contains the amazing photography the NG is
famous for.
First Peoples the Hmong of Southeast Asia by Sandra Millet
The Hmong are an ancient Asian people, many live in the
rainforests of Southeast Asia, growing rice and raising animals as
their ancestors have done for thousands of years. Illustrated;
straightforward text.
Ways of Life - Eastern Cultures by Bruce McClish
Dated (1995) but still useful overview of Eastern cultures,
presented in straightforward text with details of past invasions
and empire, which have influenced modern Asia today. Illustrated
with glossary.
The Book of Rule: How the World is Governed DK Books
Systems of rule explained, with each country of the world listed
under its system. Includes monarchal rule (Cambodia), democratic
rule, parliamentary democracies (India, Japan, Thailand, and
Malaysia), multiparty democracies (Indonesia), presidential
democracies (South Korea, Sri Lanka), and single-party rule
(China, Vietnam, and North Korea). Each country is presented with
facts on its government and how it works; plus other useful
Crimes Against Humanity: the Struggle For Global Justice by
Geoffrey Robertson
Outlines human rights abuses and their perpetuators around the
world, including Cambodia, China, Korea, India, Indonesia, Japan
and Vietnam.
Organized Crime: an Inside Guide to the World’s Most
Successful Industry by Paul Lunde
Defines organized crime and details groups by country. The
Japanese Yakuza and Chinese Triads and Tongs are each given
chapters detailing the rise and nature of these illegal societies.
109 MAN
305.8 PEO
305.895 MIL
306.096 MCL
320.03 BOO
323 ROB
364.106 LUN
A School Like Mine a Unique Celebration of schools around
the World
Told through a child from each region, this book describes a day in
the life of a student in that country. Includes schools from India,
China, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan and East Timor.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World:
11 volumes; (includes The Far East, South and Central Asia)
Everyday Celebrations
Birth & Growing Up Celebrations
End-of-Life Rituals
Harvest Celebrations
Spring Celebrations
New Year’s Celebrations
Winter Celebrations
National Celebrations
Religious Celebrations
Cumulative Glossary and Index
Ceremonies and Celebrations Births by Jacqueline Dineen
Take a look at births and the unique way they are celebrated by
people today in the traditions of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim,
Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh faiths. Illustrated with glossary and
Rites of Passage – Coming of Age by Mandy Ross (2 copies)
Includes what are rites of passage, entering a Buddhist monastery,
the Muslim Hatum ceremony, Hindu Upanayana, Japanese comingof-age day and glossary. Illustrated.
Rites of Passage – Weddings by Paul Mason
Weddings from around the world, including the Punjab, Sikh
weddings, Muslim weddings, Buddhism and Shintoism weddings
in Japan. Illustrated and straightforward text.
Ceremonies and Celebrations Weddings by Linda Sonntag
Why do people get married? Includes the wedding traditions of
the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh faiths.
Illustrated with glossary and index.
A Celebration of Customs and Rituals of the World by Robert
Ingpen & Philip Wilkinson
The need to mark important events is a world-wide human
activity. Customs, festivals and rituals are examined in this text.
Tricking the Tiger: Plays Based on Asian Folktales by Edel
A collection of plays based on folk tales from Asian countries
including Korea, India, Vietnam, Japan and Indonesia. Suitable for
classroom or stage.
371 SCH
390 EVE
392.1 BIR
392.5 MAR
393.9 END
394.264 HAR
394.262 SPR
394.2614 NEW
394.261 MAT
394.26 NAT
394.265 MAT
394.2 CUM
392. 12
392.14 ROS
392.5 MAS
392.5 SON
394 ING
808.82 WIG
Nomads by Peter Carmichael
Chapter 3 The Horsemen of Mongolia, who are the last remaining
remnants of the Golden Horde of Ghengis Khan who once ruled
the largest land empire in history. Despite attempts by the Chinese
government to integrate them into Chinese society, they cling to
their centuries-old culture and traditions.
They Changed the World 200 Icons Who Made a Difference by
Barbara Cody
Large book with full page entries. Includes Dalai Lama, Indira
Ghandi, Mohandas Ghandi, Ho Chi Minh, Madame Mao and more.
1,000 Great People Through the Ages by Plantagenet Somerset
As the title suggests… includes Buddha, Ghandi, Mao Tse Tung,
Sun Yat Sen and more.
Leaders Who Changed the 20th Century by Jodine Mayberry
Includes Mohandas Ghandi, Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh.
People Who Have Changed the Modern World by Larry
Includes Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Satyajit Ray, Zhang Yimou, Chiang
Kai-Shek, Deng Xiaoping, Hirohito, Kim Il Sung, Jawaharlal Nehru,
Henry Pu’Yi, Pol Pot, King Norodom Sihanouk, Achmed Soekarno,
Yoko Ono, Kenzo Tange, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, David
Suzuki, Gao Xingjian, Kazuo Ishiguro, Lu Xun, and Yukio Mishima.
100 People Who Made History: Meet People Who Shaped the
Modern World by Ben Gilliland
Includes Marco Polo, Cai Lun, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Guru
Nanuk, Aung San Suu Kyi, Genghis Khan, Deng Xiaoping and Ali
Akbar Khan.
Women Who Changed the World: Fifty Inspirational Women
Who Shaped History
Includes Mother Teresa and Jiang Qing (Madame Mao).
Peoples and Customs of the World – Rites of Passage by
Jacqueline Dineen
Birth, Initiation, Marriage, Death in different religions explored.
World Book’s Celebrations and Rituals Around the World 10
Customs and traditions that are observed to mark special events
in the lives of individuals and groups. Includes Japan, Korea, India
and (briefly) Southeast Asia. Illustrated.
The World of Festivals by Philip Steele
Calendar of festivals throughout the year with religions of the
world featured, with maps showing where they are observed.
Includes Islam, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and other faiths.
Exploring History: The Story of Medicine by Brian Ward
Medicine around the world through the ages. Includes Ayurvedic
(Ancient Hindu) medicine, Chinese medicine, alternate therapies,
acupuncture and holistic medicine; illustrations and glossary.
909.09 CAR
920 COD
920 FRY
920 MAY
920.02 BUT
920.02 GIL
920.72 WOM
392.1 DIN
394.26 NAT
394.26 STE
610.9 WAR
Knives, Swords & Daggers by Levine & Weyland
Showcases an international array of knives, swords and daggers.
Includes edged weapons from China, India, Indonesia and Japan.
A Pictorial History of Swords and Bayonets by R.J. WilkinsonLatham
Oldie-but-goodie showing an international array of knives, swords
and daggers. Includes weapons from India and Asia.
Musical Instruments Through the Ages by Dr. Alexander
Pictorial history of musical instruments, including prehistoric,
China, Japan, India and the Indian archipelago.
History of the Theatre by Neil Grant
A study of the history of theatre from ancient times to modern.
Includes a chapter on Oriental Theatre, including India, China, and
Japan and puppet theatre. Illustrated with timeline and glossary.
Everyday Life Through the Ages: a Journey of Discovery
Through Over 15,000 Years of World History Readers Digest
Includes chapters on Muslim empires in Asia, China and Japan
(A.D. 100-1775) Hindus and the Raj, China and Japan (17761900). Illustrated.
739.722 WIL
781.91 BUC
792.09 GRA
909 REA
The Encyclopedia of World Mythology
A comprehensive A-Z of myths and legends of the world. Includes
chapters on south and central Asia and East Asia. Includes
illustrations, index and mythological family trees.
Larousse Dictionary of World Folklore by Alison Jones
Listed alphabetically and cross-referenced, this guide is useful for
interpreting motifs in Asian artwork, legends and architecture.
Illustrated with index.
Larousse World Mythology
All races without exception have possessed mythology. Detailed
chapters on the mythologies of India: (including Hindu, Jain,
Buddhist, Tribal and Tamil), China and Japan.
Gods and Goddesses by Robert Ingpen & Molly Perham
Enter the mysterious and magical world of the imagination. Gods,
Goddesses and other supernatural beings from around the world.
Includes China, India and Japan.
Myths & Legends Explained by Neil Philip
The world’s most enduring myths and legends explored and
explained. Includes India, China and Japan. Illustrated.
The Millennium Book of Myth and Story by Maurice Saxby &
John Winch
Myths and stories from around the world including China, India
and Japan.
Stories and Storytellers From Indo-China edited by Morag Loh,
written for the Indo-China Refugee Association of Victoria.
Myths and traditional stories retold by refugees; translated to
English and presented in the Khmer, Chinese, Lao, Mhong, and
Vietnamese Cultures. Illustrated.
Myths and Legends of China, Japan and India by Brian P. Katz
Mystical traditions including Hindu creation myths, basic tenets of
Shintoism to fantastic creatures of Chinese legend. Illustrated.
The Dragon Companion an Encyclopedia by Carole Wilkinson
People have been telling stories about dragons for more than 3000
years, the people of Asia were no exception. This book references
different breeds of dragons referenced from stories from around
the world. By the author of the Dragonkeeper series. Includes
glossary, maps and illustrations.
398 COT
398 LAR
398 LAR
398.2 ING
398.2 PHI
398.2 SAX
398.20 LOH
General (See also entries under individual countries.)
The World on Your Plate by Martha Rose Shulman
Includes recipes from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos,
Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea
and Japan. Includes photos, background history, and culture and
signature dishes.
Hindu Festivals Cookbook by Ganesh Chaturthi
Celebrate Hindu festivals with delicious food you can make
yourself! Kid-friendly cookbook with step-by-step illustrations
and photos.
Food and Faith by Susan Reuben and Sophie Pelham
Six children from six religions (Christian, Jewish, Muslim,
Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh) tell us stories of the food they eat.
Includes the ingredients, preparation and special occasions.
Ceremonies and Celebrations – Feasts and Fasting by Kerena
Take a look at the traditions of feasting and fasting from the
Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh faiths.
Illustrated with glossary and index.
Peoples and Customs of the World - Feasts and Festivals by
Jacqueline Dineen
Religious festivals (Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish< Christian, Muslim,
Chinese, Japanese, Sikh), calendar and other festivals from around
the world. Presented by month.
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia Foods and Recipes of the
Four volume set with recipes from 70 countries. Included B&W
illustrations and background history influencing the cuisine of
A Taste of Indochina by Jan Castornia and Dimitra Stais
Recipes from Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Includes the
herbs and spices of Indochina, a pantry guide, essentials and
delicious recipes from the region.
Oriental Cookery by Sallie Morris
Every cook’s guide to the cuisines of Malaysia, Singapore,
Indonesia, China, The Philippines, Thailand, Korea, Burma, Japan
and Indochina (Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos). Includes
background information of the countries of the cuisines presented.
Includes traditions, basic equipment, techniques and special
394.1 SHU
394.12 REU
394.265 MAR
394.2 DIN
641.3 HAN
641.595 CAS
641.595 MOR
Multicultural Cookbook of Life-Cycle Celebrations by Lois
Sinaiko Webb
Recipes from around the world including China, India, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia
and Japan.
What’s Special to Me? Religious Food by Anita Ganeri
Includes Hindu offerings, Buddhist Food Gifts, Muslim fasts and
feasts, Sikhs sharing food, illustrations and glossary.
East Meets West: Super Nutrition From Japan by Dr. Hirotomo
Find out how you can change your eating habits to increase
longevity the Japanese way. Includes information on healthy
properties of Japanese ingredients, menus and recipes.
The Encyclopedia of Asia Food & Cooking by Jacki Passmore
Recipes from all the countries being researched and more are in
this book.
Includes recipes and explanations of Asian ingredients.
Southeast Asian Specialties by Rosalind Mowed et al
A culinary journey through Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Includes photos and cultural context for the dishes presented, and
highly detailed information about ingredients.
Indian Deliciously Authentic by Shehzad Husain and Rafi
170 delicious recipes shown in step-by-step detail.
A World of Recipes India by Julie McCulloch
Kid-friendly cookbook with 17 detailed recipes, along with
vegetarian alternatives. Includes step-by-step instructions, safety
tips, history, and geography and food culture. Large print,
The Great Indian Cookbook by Vincent Joseph and Mohammed
Ahmed Qureshi
Recipes from various regions of India, with illustrations.
641.59 WEB
641.567 GAN
641.595 PAS
641.595 SOU
641.5959 JOS
Kites, Kimonos and Karate by Celia Meehan
A resource book for teachers to introduce Japan as an area of
study. Includes lesson plans to photocopy and craft projects. Good
for ideas to decorate your learning space.
Recipe and Craft Guide to Indonesia by Kayleen Reusser
Recipes plus Indonesian-themed arts and crafts projects. Great for
decorating your learning spaces! Illustrated.
Japanese Animal & Crest Designs edited by Paul Negri
Drawn from traditional Japanese family crests, 1,160 B&W
patterns, symbols and decorative devices including winged
dragons, flowers, wildlife and other exotic motifs.
Japanese Flower Arrangement for the Modern Home by Dods
Fantastic retro (1959) book with instructions for reproducing
classic Japanese Ikebana arrangements. Includes tips on flower
selection, preservation and Ikebana techniques. Illustrated with
Japanese terms explained.
A Guide to Japanese Flower Arrangement by Norman Sparnon
Another fabulous retro Ikebana guide includes 23 step-by-step
lessons, 16 colour plates and 90 outstanding arrangements
suitable for all occasions.
A Handbook of Origami by Rick Beech
A complete and practical guide with step-by-step techniques and
over 80 exciting projects. Includes history and illustrations.
An Introduction to Chinese Brush Painting by Pauline Cherrett
Contains directions for painting a wide range of subjects;
including flowers, trees, animals and landscapes.
The Practical Art of Chinese Brush Painting by Pauline Cherrett
An intermediate guide aimed at those with some experience at
brush strokes.
Chinese Painting Techniques For Exquisite Water Colours by
Lian Quan Zhen
In 12 step-by-step demonstrations, Zhen shows how to create
Chinese water colour paintings. Illustrated.
745.409 NEG
736.982 BEE
A Teacher’s Guide to The Countries and Customs of NonEnglish Speaking Students by Sheila Duke
A reference containing information about 67 different countries,
including languages and useful expressions, religions, education,
naming systems, customs, festivals and days of significance. Asian
countries include Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South
Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
Special Days Around the World by Rosemary Pearson
A month-to-month classroom guide to festivals and feasts.
Photocopy able lesson plans; illustrated. Includes special days in
China, India (Sikh & Hindu) and Japan.
Ask About Asia: Teacher Resource Book by Tim Tuck
Contains black-line master maps, (Asia, China, Indonesia, Japan,
Korea and Malaysia) lesson plans, games, quizzes and activities for
ESL and junior students.
Key Into Japan by Sally Heinrich
Teacher resource. Reproducible lesson plans and fact files contain
all you need for a comprehensive unit on Japan including: arts and
crafts; festivals; creating a laquerwork bento box, netsuke,
origami, paper making, games and activities.
Key Into China by Sally Heinrich
Teacher resource. Reproducible lesson plans and fact files contain
all you need for a comprehensive unit on China including: myths
and legends; handmade fans, abacus and lanterns; traditional
Chinese games; food, Chinese characters and a seal to make.
Key Into Indonesia by Sally Heinrich
Teacher resource. Reproducible lesson plans and fact files contain
all you need for a comprehensive unit on Indonesia including:
model making, crafts, celebrations, traditional games and puppets.
394 DUK
394.26 PEA
915 TUC
952 HEI
951 HEI
959.8 HEI
SPORTS General
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Cricket by Peter Arnold and Peter
Includes history and world teams, including India, Sri Lanka,
China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
The Dictionary of Cricket by Michael Rundell
Covers historical and present-day cricket terms, illustrated.
Kickboxing – the Essential Guide by Eddie Cave (2 copies)
Includes history, basic equipment, techniques and training, getting
started, exercise regime and worldwide contacts for this Thai
sport. Illustrated.
Martial Arts Taekwondo by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this Korean martial art.
The Complete Martial Arts by Paul Crompton
Over 25 Asian martial arts styles are discussed in this book,
including Sumo and Indian martial arts. Illustrated.
Get Going Martial Arts Taekwondo by Neil Morris
Includes history, equipment, in the dojang, techniques, grading of
this 2000 year old martial art. Includes illustrations and Korean
words and glossary.
Kung Fu by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this ancient Chinese martial art.
Akido Tradition and New Tomiki Free Fighting Method
byNobuyoshi Higashi
The Japanese martial art designed to accomplish the maximum
result with the minimum effort, based on a philosophy of nonviolence and non-aggression. Techniques with photos and
Kung Fu by Neil Morris
Where did Kung Fu begin? What does “northern foot, southern
fist” mean? Why are some forms named after animals? Includes,
history, culture, step-by-step instructions, warm-up and cooldown exercises of this Chinese martial art. Illustrated.
Martial Arts Samurai by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this ancient Japanese way of life.
Martial Arts Karate by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this ancient Japanese martial art.
Get Going Martial Arts Karate by Neil Morris
Includes history, equipment, techniques, grading of this 500 year
old martial art. Includes Japanese words and glossary.
796.358 ARN
796.358 RUN
796.8 COL
796.8 CRO
796.8 COL
796.8 COL
796.8 COL
The Guide to Karate – Akido – Ju-Jitsu – Judo by Fay Goodman
A comprehensive guide to some of the world’s most popular
martial arts, for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.
Over 350 colour photos.
Get Going Martial Arts Judo by Neil Morris
What does kodokan mean? Why Judo is called the “gentle way”?
Includes history, equipment, techniques, grading of this 200 year
old martial art. Includes illustrations and Japanese words and
Martial Arts Judo by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this Japanese martial art.
796.8 COL
Call No
The Grolier Student Encyclopedia of Endangered Species
10 volume set of the world’s endangered species. Each entry includes
physical description, photos, size, habitat, interesting facts, reasons for
endangerment and attempts being made at conservation.
Earth Watch: Wildlife in Danger by Sally Morgan
Wildlife and habitats under threat around the world. Contains fact files
and glossary.
The Guinness Guide to Animals in Danger: Threatened Habitats and
Species by Noel Simon
A guide to threatened species and habitats around the world.
Collins Eyewitness Guides: Elephant by Ian Redmond
Discover the fascinating world of elephants- their natural history,
behaviour, and how humans have changed their lives.
The Atlas of the World’s Most Endangered Animals by Paul Hammond
The Asia chapter features the Asiatic black bear, Bengal tiger, King Cobra,
Komodo dragon, leopard, reticulated python and the mongoose.
Nature Watch: Elephants by Barbara Taylor
Covering all aspects of Asian and African elephant life and behaviour,
habitats, their relationships with humans and attempts to conserve the
Natural World: Orangutan Habitats, Life Cycles, Food Chains,
Threats by Stephen Brend
Orangutans are world’s largest tree-dwelling mammals, living on the
islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
Nature Watch: Monkeys by Tom Jackson
Lifestyles and behaviours of small primates found in Asia and other parts
of the world.
Natural History Series: Apes by Eric S. Grace
A study of apes in their natural habitats, including monkeys, orangutans
chimpanzees, and gorillas.
Nature Watch: Big Cats by Rhonda Klevansky
Offers an insight into the exciting world of big cats. Covers all aspects of
big cat behaviour.
Animals Under Threat: Bengal Tiger by Richard Spilsbury
Explores the life and habits of the endangered Bengal tiger, and attempts
to stop threats to its existence.
A Complete Guide to Monkeys, Apes and Other Primates by Michael
Includes Asian primates.
591.520 GRO
591.568 MOR
599.529 SIM
599.61 RED
591.65 HAM
599.67 TAY
599.8 BRE
599.8 JAC
599.88 BRA
599.752 KLE
599. 756 SPI
599.8 KAV
Non Fiction
Communism by David Downing
The history of communism and its regimes. Includes timeline, key
communists and communism in the 21st century. Illustrated with
Your Chinese Horoscope by Jonathan Dee
Explores the characteristics of each animal sign, including
compatibility and problematic relationships. Also looks at the
history and origins of Chinese astrology.
A New Owner’s Guide to Chinese Cresteds by Joseph Rachunas
The first hairless dogs are believed to have arrived in China during
the Han dynasty (202 BC-AD 220). Learn how to care for, breed
and train this exotic breed.
Chinese Dress 1700’s – 1990’s Powerhouse Museum
Explores the dramatic cultural, social, economic and political
changes through dress. Illustrated.
A World of Festivals: Chinese New Year by Catherine Chambers
Learn how to prepare for and celebrate Chinese New Year.
Includes food, rituals, the Chinese zodiac and festival activities.
Land of the Dragon Chinese Myth by Tony Allan
A collection of ancient myths from China with illustrations.
Chinese Myths & Legends by O.B. Duane and N. Hutchison
A collection of myths and tales from China, which pays tribute to
the heroism, intricate philosophy and religious beliefs of its
people. Illustrated.
Animals in Danger: The Giant Panda by Carl R. Green & William
R. Sanford
The Giant panda’s life cycle, habitat, threats and future of this rare
mammal, with plenty of extremely cute panda photos. Includes
glossary and map.
Bears and Pandas by Michael Bright
24 informative sections cover all aspects of bear and panda life
and behavior, with over 180 colour photos.
Animals Under Threat - Giant Panda by Anna Claybourne
Giant pandas’ habitat, life cycle, threat of extinction and attempts
to save them. Illustrated.
Encyclopedia of Family Heath: Volume 3
Chinese Medicine (Pages 299-302)
Previously treated with suspicion in the west, Chinese medicine
has gained mainstream acceptance as an alternative to, or
complement to traditional western medicine. Includes Qigong
exercises, acupuncture, massage, herbal medicines, Tui Na and
dietary therapy.
Call No.
320.53 DOW
363 RAC
394.261 SWA
599.7443 GRE
599.78 BRI
599.789 CLA
610.3 EFH
Victor Chang by Mark Butler
Victor Chang was born in Shanghai before immigrating to
Australia and becoming one of the world’s leading heart surgeons.
Knives, Swords & Daggers by Levine & Weyland
Showcases an international array of knives, swords and daggers.
Includes edged weapons from China, India, Indonesia and Japan.
Chinese Vegetarian Cooking by Deh-Ta Hsiung
Imaginative vegetarian recipes with illustrations.
Chinese Vegetarian Dishes by Nim Chee Lee
100 Chinese vegetarian recipes presented with photos.
Kylie Kwong Simple Chinese Cooking
Kylie Kwong’s philosophy is to use the freshest produce and cook
it simply to make the most of the clean flavours. Illustrated with
mouthwatering Chinese dishes.
Food and Festivals: a Flavour of China by Amy Shui and Stuart
Informative, colorful book of Chinese festivals, including Chinese
New Year, Tomb-Sweeping Festival, Dragon-boat Festival, Moon
Festival and the dishes that accompany these special occasions.
Contains easy, kid-friendly recipes.
A World of Recipes: China by Julie McCulloch (2 copies)
Kid-friendly Chinese cookbook with background information on
Chinese eating habits. Many appealing recipes are set out with
easy steps with many illustrations.
Festivals and Food: China by Amy Shui and Stuart Thompson
Includes China and its food; farming; Chinese New Year; the Tomb
Sweeping Festival; Dragon Boat Festival; Moon Festival; glossary
and illustrations.
Art and Architecture in China
Examples of Chinese art and architecture from prehistoric times to
the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368 A.D.) Includes photos, maps and
Pleasure of Ruins by Rose Macaulay, photos by Roloff Beny
Architecture (in ruins) from Cambodia, China, India & Sri Lanka.
Chinese and Indian Architecture by Nelson I Wu
Also includes Cambodian architecture. Illustrated.
Cut Art an Introduction to Chung-hua and Kiri-e by J.A.
Paper was invented in China about 105 A.D. As it became cheaper
to produce, affordable even the poor, the art of paper-cutting
developed into a traditional folk-art form. History and techniques
of paper-cutting are included along with beautiful examples of this
art form.
641.5951 HSI
641.5951 LEE
641.5951 SHU
641.5951 THO
709.51 CAP
722 MAC
722 WUN
736.98 CHR
Chinese Porcelain by Anthony du Boulay
Chinese porcelain from 300 B.C. includes T’ang, Ming, Ch’ing
dynasties and Chinese export porcelain. Illustrated.
Chinese Ink Painting Technique and Practice by Pai Ray Peter
Contains all the information need to create Chinese ink paintings,
including materials required, techniques and examples.
An Introduction to Chinese Brush Painting by Pauline Cherrett
Contains directions for painting a wide range of subjects, including
flowers, trees, animals and landscapes.
The Practical Art of Chinese Brush Painting by Pauline Cherrett
An intermediate guide aimed at those with some experience at
brush strokes.
Chinese Painting Techniques For Exquisite Water Colours by
Lian Quan Zhen
In 12 step-by-step demonstrations, Zhen shows how to create
Chinese water colour paintings. Illustrated.
Elements of Chinese & Japanese Design
Graphic resource of Chinese & Japanese designs, in B&W suitable
for reproducing; contains CD for digital downloading.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 4
edited by Stanley Sadie; pages 245 – 282.
Includes regional styles, history, folk, popular and religious music,
traditions, unique Chinese instruments, playing techniques
Chinese Opera and famous performers.
The Tao of Yao: Insights From Basketball’s Brightest Big Man
by Oliver Chin
The ancient wisdom of Taoism and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War are
used to enlighten readers of the phenomenon of Yao Ming, the
famous Chinese basketball player who became an NBA great.
Kung Fu by Neil Morris
Where did Kung Fu begin? What does “northern foot, southern
fist” mean? Why are some forms named after animals? Includes,
history, culture, step-by-step instructions, warm-up and cooldown exercises of this Chinese martial art. Illustrated.
From Yellow Earth to Eucalypt: Stories and Poems from China
and Australia edited by Neil Whitfield
Stories and poems from China and Australia, chapters organized
around themes such as cultural stereotypes and migration.
Nomads by Peter Carmichael
Chapter 3 The Horsemen of Mongolia, who are the last remaining
remnants of the Golden Horde of Ghengis Khan who once ruled
the largest land empire in history. Despite attempts by the Chinese
government to integrate them into Chinese society, they cling to
their centuries-old culture and traditions.
738.27 DUB
741.4251 CHE
751.4251 CHE
751.4251 CHE
751.4251 ZHE
769.951 ELE
Vol 4
796.357 CHI
909.09 CAR
Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan, Korea by Anna-Louise
Allen and John Holt
Includes North-East Asia facts files, religion and beliefs,
endangered species, feudal Japan, Ancient China and water
resources in Korea.
Off the Rails by Tim Cope & Chris Hatherly
10,000 km in fourteen months; two twenty-year-old Australians
travelled throughout Russia, Siberia, Mongolia and China on
recumbent bicycles.
Destination Detectives: China by Ali Brownlie Bojang
China’s climate and landscape, history, city and country life,
people and culture, wildlife and environment. Includes facts and
figure, glossary and index.
Ask About Asia: China edited by Valerie Hill
Learn about China with chapters devoted to the land; revolution;
modern China and daily life.
Children of the World China edited by Sally Tolan & Rhoda
Explore China’s land and culture through the eyes of its children.
Australia’s Neighbours: China by Melanie Guile
Facts about China; the land, its people and culture. Includes a brief
history, recent conflicts and disasters.
Traditions From China by Shelby Mamdi
Come on a cultural journey across China’s deserts, mountains and
plains. Explore this colourful culture through its food, clothing,
music and festival conditions.
China the Culture by Bobby Kalman
Includes Chinese inventions, traditional arts, performing arts,
cuisine, new and ld beliefs, Chinese symbols and horoscope,
festivals, medicines, games and hobbies.
China the People by Bobby Kalman
Includes the 56 national groups, family life, one-child families,
housing, city and country life, language, education, business,
leisure and sports, glossary and index.
China Observed by Charles Meyer
A journey across China through the eyes of a western traveler.
Text and many magnificent photos of the people, scenery,
architecture of south, central and northern China, including
Mongolia. Includes history and culture.
Country Insights – China by Julia Waterlow
As well as telling you about the whole of China this book looks
closely at the city of Lanzhou and the village of Shidong. Clear
Letters From Around the World: China by Julia Waterlow
A general text with straightforward language on China’s land,
people and culture, with illustrations.
915 ALL
915.0443 COP
915.1 BRO
915.1 CHI
915.1 CHI
915.1 GUI
915.1 MAM
915.1 KAL
915.1 KAL
915.1 MEY
915.1 WAT
915.1 WAT
The Yellow River by Julia Waterlow
This book looks at China’s longest river and its physical aspects, its
importance to the economy and effect on the environment.
Eyewitness Travel- Beijing & Shanghai
Information for travelers. Includes history, maps and culture.
Asian Insights: Hong Kong by Christine Love
Outdated (1986) but interesting for its description of Hong Kong
when it was till a British colony. Includes the country, people,
culture and lifestyle and its economy. Illustrated.
Let’s Go To: Hong Kong by Keith Lye
Very accessible text about Hong Kong when it was still a British
Colony. Look inside Hong Kong’s culture, economy and landscape
circa 1984. Interesting for comparisons to present day Hong Kong.
See Inside: An Ancient Chinese Town by Penelope HughesStanton (20 copies)
Very nice junior resource for the study of Ancient China. Includes
the layouts of a town, houses, clothes, food, education, culture,
timelines and glossary.
Tales of the Dead – Ancient China by Stewart Ross
A gripping graphic novel which deals with a plot to murder the
emperor in ancient China.
The Seven Wonders of the Medieval World by Reg Cox & Neil
Includes a chapter on the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the
Province of Henan.
Eyewitness China by Arthur Cotterell
Be an eyewitness to the story of the ancient Chinese people from
Bronze Age beginnings to the great Qing empire in the 20th
century. Illustrated.
Legacies From Ancient China by Anita Ganeri
Explores Chinese inventions and culture. Includes timeline,
illustrations and glossary.
China: Host Nation 2008 by Melanie Guile
Examines China’s role as host of the 2008 Olympic games and an
examination of China the nation, including its people, culture and
Key Into China by Sally Heinrich
Teacher resource. Reproducible lesson plans and fact files contain
all you need for a comprehensive unit on China including: myths
and legends; handmade fans, abacus and lanterns; traditional
Chinese games; food, Chinese characters and a seal to make.
China the Land by Bobbie Kalman
Includes the geography, peoples, history, cities and the Great Wall.
A bit dated, (1989) but nice photos and the history is still relevant.
Man & Society Traditional China by David Mahony
An appraisal of the Confucianism philosophy for family and
society. Taoism and Buddhism are also explored. Illustrated.
915.11 WAT
915.125 LOV
915.125 LYE
931 HUG
Class Sets
931 ROS
940.1 COX
951 COT
951 GAN
951 GUI
951 HEI
951 KAL
951 MAH
Young Researcher the Ancient Chinese by Hazel Mary Martell
An inquiry-based study of the Chinese revolution for senior
Issues in Our World China the New Superpower by Antony
A simplified version of Mason’s work “World Issues China the New
Superpower?” in the next entry, suitable for junior levels.
World Issues China the New Superpower? by Antony Mason
Focuses mainly on China’s recent history and its status as the new
superpower. Includes chapters on Communism, Stresses and
strains, international relations, organisations and a glossary.
Eyewitness Modern China by Poppy Sebag-Montefiore
Be an interactive eyewitness and experience the rich variety of
peoples and places in one of the world’s biggest, most exciting and
fast-changing countries.
The Forgotten Tribes in China by Kevin Sinclair
Han is the largest population in China, but more than 70 million
are from other races, including Manchurians, Mongolians, and
People of the Steppes, Tibetan Shangri-La, Muslim Uygars and
more. Fabulous photos of these diverse peoples.
China Land, Life and Culture Series: Arts and Culture by John
and Jackie Tidey
Includes calligraphy, chops, festivals, porcelain, yin and yang,
music, opera, literature, film, painting, martial arts, kites, glossary
and index.
China Land, Life and Culture Series: History and Government
by John and Jackie Tidey
Includes history, empires, the People’s Republic, economy,
international trade, embassies and consulates, glossary and index.
China Land, Life and Culture Series: Land and Climate by John
and Jackie Tidey
Includes geography, islands, seas, rivers, the Three Gorges Dam,
mountains, deserts, forests, climate, glossary and index.
China Land, Life and Culture Series: People and Cities by John
and Jackie Tidey
Includes China’s diverse peoples, population trends, religions,
transport, health, houses, schools, languages, foods, tea, cities,
famous landmarks, glossary and index.
China Land, Life and Culture Series: Plants by John and Jackie
Plant life, bamboo, farming, field crops, farming land, fruit,
vegetables, and plants in Chinese medicine, gardens, glossary and
China Land, Life and Culture Series: Wildlife by John and
Jackie Tidey
Giant pandas, golden monkeys, takins, elephants, desert and
grassland animals, ocean and river creatures, birds, butterflies and
moths, bees, silkworms, glossary and index.
951 MAR
951 MAS
951 MAS
951 MON
951 SIN
World Book Documenting History: Chinese Revolution
Describes the overthrow of imperial rule and the establishment of
a people’s republic. Examines the rise of Mao and cult of
personality; China’s role in WWII and the Korean war; how
Communism permeated every aspect of people’s lives and the
Cultural Revolution and the repression of citizens. Includes
propaganda posters, photos, official communications and the
views of labor camp survivors, students and writers.
The Timeline History of China by Meredith MacArdle
A complete timeline of Chinese history from pre-history up to
today, including detailed events, fold out pages of Chinese culture,
and significant events outside of China occurring at the same time.
It also has chapters on dynasties and emperors, natural features,
Daoism and ancient traditions, religion, food, communism and
Revolution: China a Student Handbook by Di McDonald
Written for use with VCE Revolutions. Includes prelude to
revolution, revolutionary ideas, movements, leaders and events;
creating a new society. Includes assessment tasks, chronology and
Cities of the World: Hong Kong by Conrad Stein
Beginning with the changeover of Hong Kong from a British colony
to being returned to China, this book outlines the main features of
Hong Kong’s people, culture and landmarks.
Beijing Spring by David & Peter Turnley (photos) Melinda Liu
(text) The Tiananmen Square massacre and the events that led up
to it
Going Home: an Australian Girl’s Art Diary in China by Lily Wu
Lily Wu (13) visits her Chinese relatives in Guangzhou, keeping a
diary of her experiences in words and drawings in this charming
book. Includes English and Cantonese text.
959.05 CHI
951.002 MAC
951.04 MCD
951.25 STE
951.058 TUR
951.275 WU
DVD Programs
Floating Life a film by Clara Law
A Chinese family falls apart after moving to Australia; gradually
they find a way to come together again.
The Last Emperor (M)
The story of Pu Yi, “Lord of Ten Thousand Years”, the “Son of
Heaven” and ruler over almost half the world’s population. Three
years after his ascension to the throne China becomes a republic
and the Qing dynasty is forced to abdicate, ending over 3,000
years of imperial rule. 162 min.
See also entries for Chinese cuisine under “Food”
See also entries for Kung Fu under “Sports”
791.4372 LAS
Click View Programs: General China
Lost Worlds: China’s Great
5 chapters; 56 min
World Water Resources China & Israel
22 min
World Population Issues –
How Many is Too Many?
27 min
Loved Ones – Chinese
School series 25 min
The Long March – As it
56 min
The World Around Us:
China Revealed
21 Chapters, 86 min
China’s Capitalist
Revolution Part 1 (2010)
55 min
China’s Capitalist
Revolution Part 2 (2010)
50 min
More than merely a defense, the Great
Wall is a symbol of the division
between cultures.
The 3-Gorges Dam will be the largest in
the world and require the relocation of
over 1 million people.
The Chinese One Child Policy is
explored. Also includes India and
The town is gripped with excitement of
the Spring festival.
This documentary pieces together the
Long March of 1934, in which the
Chinese Red Army breaks out of their
base in Jiangxi, which is under attack
by the ruling Nationalist forces.
In one of the few times in its 5000 year
history, the oldest, most populous
nation on earth has opened its doors to
the rest of the world.
When Chairman Mao died in 1976, he
left China in chaos and poverty. He
was succeeded by Deng Xiaoping, who
overturned Maoism and taught the
Chinese to love Capitalism
20 years on from the massacre at
Tiananmen Square, this program
examines how Capitalism contributed
heavily towards the tragic events of
that day.
China Since Mao (Twentieth
Century History series)
episode 14
Chinese –themed Fiction
The Secrets of the Jin Sheik by Alma Alexander
In medieval China, the Jin-Shei sisterhood is a unique secret
society of women. When one becomes a Dragon Princess, they are
dragged into a dangerous world of court intrigue and deadly
Dragon Hunter by Nazam Anhar
When the dragons emerge to terrorise the village of Shenzing, the
legendary dragon warriors are summoned to help. Hujur answers
the call, but in exchange for his protection he requests a boy to
become his follower, someone brave enough to train in the
dangerous ways of the warrior.
The China Coin by Allan Baille
The mystery of an ancient coin, a family she doesn’t know… Leah’s
search for their secrets draws her across China – to the terror of
Tiananmen Square.
Empire of the Sun by J.G. Ballard
A gripping, hallucinatory version of WWII, through the eyes of a
10 year-old boy stranded in Shanghai, separated from his parents
during the Japanese invasion.
The Dungeon by Lynne Reid Banks
Tyrannical laird Bruce McLennan has many adventures around
the world with his Chinese slave-girl Peony, before he returns to
Scotland to build a dungeon beneath his castle.
The Girl From Purple Mountain by May-Lee Chai & Winberg
An amazing story of survival and endurance, fierce love and bitter
resentments. The family of Ruth Mei-en Tsao Chai traces her
history prior to coming to the USA.
Wild Swans Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang
The true stories of Jung, her mother and grandmother, set against
the backdrop of 20th century China.
My Australian Story: The Diary of Shu Cheong New Gold
Mountain by Christopher W Cheng
Shu Cheong works on the goldfields at Lambing Flat. Life is tough,
the white miner’s behavior towards the Chinese is becoming
increasingly violent; but he also learns the value of true friendship.
Revolution is Not a Dinner Party by Ying Chang Compestine
Ling lives a comfortable life in Wunan with her parents, but when
Li, an officer of Chairman Mao moves into a room in their
apartment, things begin to change for the worse.
Call No.
True Stories
True Stories
True Stories
True Stories
True Stories
Sam Silverthorne Menace by Gary Crew
Sam sets sail to China in Search of a rare carnivorous butterfly
before it is released in England and kills again. He must track
down the enraged Prince Chi Lin and stop him breeding more of
the monstrous creatures.
The Peasant Prince The True Story of Mao’s Last Dancer by Li
Simplified retelling of Mao’s Last Dancer with exquisite
illustrations. A boy leaves his peasant family in rural China in the
1960’s to train as a ballet dancer to escape a life of poverty.
Wicked Warriors and Evil Emperors by Alison Lloyd
Imagine you're made king at the age of twelve. You have plenty of
enemies. You have a million soldiers a med with all kinds of
awesome weapons; you have tons of gold and a network of spies.
What would you do with all that power? It happened to a real boy,
who made himself China's first emperor.
The Willow Pattern Story by Lucienne Fontennaz
This is a love story set beneath a weeping willow tree, which once
grew beside a swift flowing river, in the days when China was
ruled by emperors, long ago… the story of the famous china
willow pattern.
Rebel Girl by Susan Geason
Su-Yin is only 13 when she is sold into slavery as a kitchen-hand to
the household of a high-ranking official of the Emperor. Her life is
turned upside down with the invasion of Taiping soldiers. A story
of friendship and survival.
When a Girl is Born by Pamela Grant
It’s China in 1857, and no one is happy when a girl is born; they’re
a burden to their families, to be married off as soon as possible.
Ko-chin knows all this, so when she’s married at age fourteen she
must be an obedient wife. But her husband has other ideas- he
says that together they can change things, for themselves and for
White Ghost Girls by Alice Greenway
Summer 1967. The turmoil of Mao's Cultural Revolution is spilling
over into Hong Kong as war rages in nearby Vietnam. Frankie and
Kate, American sisters living with their war-photographer father
off in Vietnam, Marianne, their beautiful but remote mother keeps
the family in Hong Kong. One day the girls decide to run off - with
tragic results.
Spilled Water by Sally Grindley
Lu Si-Yan discovers the hard way what it means to be born a girl
when she is taken from her idyllic country home to the towerblocks and factories of the smog-filled city. But she is determined
not to spend her life in servitude; and dreams to be reunited with
her beloved brother and mother.
Picture book
True Stories
Picture Book
True Stories
Foreign Devil by Christine Harris
Long fingers from the past reach out to Tyler Norton, crossing
boundaries of logic and time. In China, he finds reality and illusion
are difficult to separate.
The Diary of Ma Yan edited and introduced by Pierre Haski
The moving tale of a young girl who wants to go to school and
overcome her impoverished life; who prefers to go hungry in
order to save money to buy a pen, who feels deeply for her mother
and family.
Red Scarf Girl by Ji Li Jiang
During Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Ji-Li, a brilliant student, and her
family were humiliated and scorned by former friends, neighbours
and co-workers, living in constant terror of arrest. After the
detention of her father, she faces a difficult choice.
In the Pond by Ha Jin
Shao Bin is a factory worker, poor and unconnected, but also an
accomplished artist and calligrapher. When he pens a series of
satirical cartoons attacking corrupt officials he finds his trouble is
only beginning.
The Red Piano by Andre Leblanc-Barroux
In spite of the hardships she suffered in Mao’s re-education camp,
Zhu Xiao-Mei grows up to be an international concert pianist.
Beautifully illustrated.
The Year of the Dog by Grace Lin
It’s year of the dog, and Pacy’s mum tells her it’s a good year for
friends, family and finding herself. A funny autobiographical
Mao’s Last Dancer by Li Cunxin
A boy leaves his peasant family in rural China in the 1960’s to
train as a ballet dancer to escape a life of poverty.
Battle of the Jade Horse by Alison Lloyd
In China’s wild north-west, a mob of bandits challenge the
emperor’s rule. At stake are hundreds of priceless war horses and
the rule of the Chinese empire. Can two boys and their friendship
Watching the Tree by Adeline Yen Mah
A Chinese daughter reflects on happiness, spiritual beliefs and
universal wisdom.
Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah
The life story and family history of Adeline Yen Mah, who was
born in China at a time of great change and trouble. Abridged
True Stories
True Stories
Culture &
Picture Book
Culture &
True Stories
Culture and
Culture and
Chinese Cinderella The Secret Story of an Unwanted Daughter
by Adeline Yen Mah.
When Adeline Yen Mah’s mother died giving birth to her, the
family considered her bad luck and she was made to feel
unwanted all her life. A story of the struggle for acceptance and
how she overcame the odds to prove her worth.
Chinese Cinderella the Mystery of the Song Dynasty Painting
by Adeline Yen Mah
Following a serious fall at the river town of Fengjie, 12-year-old CC
is whisked away to hospital. As she lapses in and out of
consciousness, she has vivid dreams that seem strange yet
Ratwhiskers and Me by Lorraine Marwood
After an explosion a young Chinese boy on the Bendigo Goldfields
loses his memory. He becomes a cook for two diggers and tries to
The Last Empress by Anchee Min
Tzu Hsi, the Empress Orchid must face the perilous condition of
her empire and devastating personal losses. Set at the end of 19th
century China.
Operation Red Jericho: The Guild of Specialists #1 by Joshua
A sister and brother's search for their missing parents uncovers a
mysterious secret society in an action-filled sea-and-land saga
centered in 1920s Shanghai. The thrilling and dangerous
adventures of fifteen-year-old Rebecca and her younger brother,
Doug, in the wake of their parents' mysterious disappearance in
the deserts of China.
Operation Typhoon Shore: The Guild of Specialists #2 by
Joshua Mowll
After being lashed by a typhoon on their uncle's ship, intrepid
siblings Rebecca and Doug want nothing more than to escape from
the volcanic island on which they're stranded and resume the
search for their parents. But their uncle, Captain MacKenzie,
seems more concerned with the missing gyrolabe than their
missing mother and father.
An Ocean Apart, a World Away by Lensey Namioka
Xueyan is a medical student who dreams of becoming a doctor.
When she meets outstanding scholar and martial arts student
Baoshu, she faces a difficult decision.
Her Father’s Daughter by Alice Pung
Alice longs to leave home but her father worries for her. As she
digs into her father’s past she embarks on a journal of painful
discovery. Set in Melbourne, China and Cambodia.
Culture and
Culture and
Culture &
ChenXi and the Foreigner by Sally Rippin
At eighteen, Anna is in limbo. Deferring her university studies in
Australia, she visits her father in Shanghai. Then the last thing she
could have imagined happens: she falls in love with Chenxi, a
young, mysterious fellow painter whose secret life in art and
counter-revolutionary activities fascinates Anna.
Growing Up Asian in Australia by Alice Pung
Short stories written by Asian-Australians of various heritages,
including China, Vietnam, India, Thailand and Cambodia.
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
In order to make a good marriage, Lily must undertake the painful
process of foot-binding, learn nu-shu - the famed secret women’s
writing and make a very special friend, Snow Flower. But a bitter
reversal of fortune is about to change everything.
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie
A boy of 19, having heard nothing but revolutionary propaganda,
falls headlong into awakening desire, passion, impulsive action
and love.
Zen and the Art of Faking It by Jordan Sonnenblick
Meet San Lee, (sort of) innocent teenager, who moves to a new
town. To make himself more interesting, he invents a new past for
himself, as a reincarnated mystic. When the going gets tough- fake
In the Empire of Ghengis Khan: A Journey Among Nomads by
Stanley Stewart
Stewart sets off across the old Mongol Empire, from Istanbul to
the distant homeland of the Mongol Hordes. He crosses the desert
and mountains of Central Asia, battles through the High Atay and
the fringes of the Gobi, to the wind-swept grasslands of the
steppes and the birthplace of Ghengis Khan.
The Bonesetter’s Daughter by Amy Tan
LuLing Young is getting old, so begins to write down her memoirs
of life as a girl in 1930’s China, spent in a remote mountain village
steeped in magic and superstition known as Immortal Heart.
Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan
Businesswoman, patron of the arts and socialite Bibi Chen has
been killed in suspicious circumstances. It may or may not have
been connected to the disappearance of eleven American tourists
in Southern Burma.
The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan
Olivia Yee is only five years-old when Kwan, her older sister from
China, comes to live with the family and turns her life upside
down, bombarding her day and night with ghostly stories of
strange ancestors from the world of Yin.
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
The story of four mothers and their first-generation ChineseAmerican daughters; two generations of women struggling to
come to terms with their cultural identity.
True Stories
Culture &
Culture &
True Stories
Mystery &
The Feng Shui Detective by Nury Vittachi
Feng Shui expert Mr Wong doesn’t know what to make of 17-yearold Jo when she turns up on his doorstop in Singapore. He doesn’t
need an assistant, but hires her anyway. Cross-cultural confusion
ensues as they travel across Asia solving mysteries.
Tracking the Dalai Lama by Steve Colbert
Jess is recovering from a tragedy when she accompanies her
father on a trip to interview the Dalai Lama. A trip of two
journeys; over difficult land and through the soul.
A Ghost in my Suitcase by Gabrielle Wang
When Celeste travels to China to visit her grandmother, she
uncovers an incredible family secret. And with this secret coms
danger and adventure.
Little Paradise by Gabrielle Wang
Melbourne, 1943, and Mirabel is seventeen. She's leaving school,
designing dresses, falling in love. Then fate intervenes, her
forbidden affair is discovered, and JJ is posted back to China where
a civil war is raging. Despite all warnings, Mirabel sets off for
Shanghai to find him . . . inspired by a true story.
Grass Fortune My Life Story by Ling Wang
Ling Wang was born into the turbulence of 1950’s China, her
youth shadowed by Mao’s political campaigns and her family
endured persecution and forced labor camps. This fuelled her
ambition to become a judge.
Dragon Horse by Peter Ward
An epic fantasy tale set in ancient China. Two brothers must
journey to where dragon horses reside, descendants of dragons.
Dragonkeeper (Book 1 of Dragonkeeper series ) by Carole
Ancient China, Han Dynasty. A slave girl saves the life of an ageing
dragon and escapes her brutal master. Pursued by a ruthless
dragon hunter, the girl and the dragon make an epic journey
across China carrying a mysterious stone that must be protected.
Garden of the Purple Dragon (Book 2 of Dragonkeeper) series
by Carole Wilkinson
Ancient China, Han Dynasty. Ping is safe in the shadow of the Tai
Shan mountains, where she struggles to care for Kai, the baby
dragon. Sequel to Dragonkeeper.
Dragon Moon (Book 3 of Dragonkeeper series) by Carole
Ping and Kai have travelled far, but their journey is not over.
Danger stalks them; Ping must find Kai a safe home. Sequel to
Garden of the Purple Dragon.
Blood Brothers (Book 4 of Dragonkeeper series) by Carole
The powerful Han dynasty is a distant memory and tribes of
barbarian soldiers fight over what was once the empire. Kai is
465 years old – a teenager in dragon years. He is searching for the
person predestined to be his Dragonkeeper.
Mystery &
True Stories
True stories
Monkey by Wu Ch’eng-en
Prince Tripitaka, a young Buddhist priest, has undertaken a
dangerous quest to travel to India to retrieve sacred scriptures
from a temple, accompanied by three unruly disciples: A greedy
pig-creature Pigsy, Sandy the river monster and Monkey. Based on
a 16th century Chinese classic.
Sky Burial by Xin Ryan
An epic love story of Tibet. As a young girl in China Xinran heard a
rumor about a soldier in Tibet, victim of a” sky burial”. Years later,
she meets a woman searching for her missing soldier husband.
Her life story would unravel the mystery of sky burial.
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang
All Jin Wang wants is to fit in. When he moves into a new
neighbourhood, he finds himself the only Chinese-American
student at his school.
Throwaway Daughter by Ting-Xing Ye
As a result of China’s one-child policy, Grace is adopted by an
American family. At first reluctant to embrace her ancestry, after
witnessing the Tianamen Square massacre on TV she begins to
unlock the mystery of the events leading up to her birth.
When the Circus Came to Town by Laurence Yep
When Ursula’s face is scarred by smallpox, she doesn’t want to go
outside, and hides from everyone. But Ah Sam the Chinese cook
has other ideas. He brings a Chinese circus to town, and Ursula can
play the harmonica for them.
Culture &
Culture &
Culture &
Non Fiction
Ghandi a Very Short Introduction by Bhikhu Parekh
An outline of Ghandi’s life and major philosophical insights and
limitations. His spiritual view of politics, his unique view of liberal
communitarianism, and his theories of oppression, non-violent
action, and active citizenship.
Holy Cities: Amritsar by Beryl Hanja
Amritsar is the most sacred city for the world’s 16 million Sikhs.
This book retells the legends and stories of the gurus, the
Maharaja and others who helped develop this city into what it is
A World of Festivals - Holi the Hindu Festival of Colours by
Dilip Kadodwala
Bonfires and street processions, music, dancing and spraying
coloured water are all part of the Holi festivities. Explains why
Holi is celebrated and its importance to children. Illustrated.
Hindu Festivals Cookbook by Ganesh Chaturthi
Celebrate Hindu festivals with delicious food you can make
yourself! Kid-friendly cookbook with step-by-step illustrations
and photos.
Introducing Religions: Buddhism by Sue Penney
The key beliefs of Buddhism, teachings of Buddha, festivals in
Thailand, Sri Lanka and Japan and the history and practices of the
faith are presented in clear, straightforward large-print text.
Includes colour illustrations and timelines.
World Beliefs and Cultures: Buddhism by Sue Penney
Updated edition of the above text.
Eyewitness Guides: Buddhism by Philip Wilkinson
An exciting and informative guide to Buddhist beliefs, practices
and culture. Contains beautiful photos of Buddhist artworks,
architecture and artifacts.
Buddhism For Today by Chris Wright
Buddhist influences today. Includes coming to terms with
suffering and other tenets of the Buddhist faith.
Great Religious Leaders: Krishna and Hinduism by Kerena
It is thought Krishna lived in India 5,000 years ago. He was
brought up as a humble cow herd, but later became a prince.
Hindus believe he is the Supreme Being, who lived on earth as a
man to save people from evil. Includes sacred texts and places,
teachings, festivals and Hinduism today. Illustrated with glossary.
World Beliefs and Cultures: Hinduism by Sue Penney
How Hinduism started, Divali, excerpts from holy writings,
timelines, personal accounts, glossary and index.
Call No.
109 PAR
294.635 DHA
294.3 PEN
294.3 PEN
294.3 WIL
294.3 WRI
294.5 MAR
294.5 PEN
World Religions: Hinduism by Katherine Prior
Hinduism explained with a visually appealing layout and largeprint text.
The Story of the Hindus by Jacqueline Suthren Hirst
History and important festivals are explored in this book.
Hinduism in Words and Pictures by Sarah Thorley
Teacher resource. Contains chapters on Indian religions, Hindu
beliefs, Gods, Rama and Krishna, worship, temples, families,
festivals, holy men and more. Each section contains questions and
activities. Illustrated.
Hinduism a New Approach by Veronica Voiels
Introduces students to the fundamental beliefs, practices and
insights into Hinduism. Illustrated with glossary.
My Belief: I am a Sikh by Manju Aggarwal (2 copies)
Meet Harjeet Singh Lal, who is nine years old and a Sikh in West
London. He explains his religion and culture.
A Year of Festivals: Sikh Festivals Through the Year by Anita
Includes the Sikh Gurus, the major events in the Sikh calendar,
plus activities and things to make. Illustrated with glossary.
Religion For Today: Sikhism for Today by Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh
A study of Sikh practices today, plus history and its teachings.
Illustrated with glossary.
Great Religious Leaders: Guru Nanak and Sikhism by Rajinder
Singh Panesar
A study of Guru Nanak, born in the 15th century and his ideas and
teaching. Also contains illustrations, information about Sikh
World Beliefs and Cultures: Sikhism by Sue Penney
Discover the rich cultural background of the Sikhs! Includes
history, the Gurus, celebrations and what it means to be a Sikh.
Hindu Festivals Cookbook by Ganesh Chaturthi
Celebrate Hindu festivals with delicious food you can make
yourself! Kid-friendly cookbook with step-by-step illustrations
and photos.
Yoga a Union of Mind & Body by Noa Belling
Yoga was systemized 3000 years ago by the Hindu philosopher
Patanjali. This book explores Hatha yoga in a clear beginners guide
with photos, charts and instructions.
Knives, Swords & Daggers by Levine & Weyland
Showcases an international array of knives, swords and daggers.
Includes edged weapons from China, India, Indonesia and Japan.
Best-ever Curry Cookbook. Over 150 curries from India and
Asia by Mridula Baljekar
Curries to cook from North, South, East and West India, plus
Southeast Asia. Includes how plan an Indian meal, ingredients and
equipment. Illustrated.
294.5 PRI
294.5 SUT
294.5 THO
294.5 VOL
294.6 AGG
294.6 GAN
294.6 KAU
294.6 PAN
294.6 PEN
The Food of India Authentic Recipes From the Spicy
Subcontinent by the chefs of the Oberoi Group
Includes customs and etiquette of the Indian host, the Indian
kitchen and cooking methods, ingredients plus recipes. Illustrated.
Indian Deliciously Authentic by Shehzad Husain and Rafi
170 delicious recipes shown in step-by-step detail.
A World of Recipes India by Julie McCulloch
Kid-friendly cookbook with 17 detailed recipes, along with
vegetarian alternatives. Includes step-by-step instructions, safety
tips, and background information on history, geography and food
culture. Large print, illustrated.
The Great Indian Cookbook by Vincent Joseph and Mohammed
Ahmed Qureshi
Recipes from various regions of India, with illustrations.
Indian Art a Concise History by Roy C. Craven
The history of Indian art from its mysterious beginnings in the
Indus Valley, through the great masterpieces of Buddhist and
Hindu art and architecture and the coming of Islam and the
eclectic culture of the Mughal court and the golden age of Indian
miniature painting. Illustrated.
Great Works of Indian Art by Douglas Mannering
A collection of great Indian art works from earliest times to the
1800’s. Illustrated.
World Art & Culture: Indian Art & Culture by Jane Bingham (2
Arts and crafts offer a window into Indian culture, each piece
shows something about the environment in which the culture
developed. Includes architecture, wall painting, sculpture, stone
carving, metalwork and jewellery, textiles, ceramics, word carving,
music, dance, theatre, cinema, stories and writing.
The Arts of India edited by Basil Gray
An introduction to the art of India from prehistory to the present.
Features examples from the Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, and Islamic
Sultanate and Mughal cultures.
Pleasure of Ruins by Rose Macaulay, photos by Roloff Beny
Architecture (in ruins) from Cambodia, China, India & Sri Lanka.
Chinese and Indian Architecture by Nelson I Wu
Also includes Cambodian architecture. Illustrated.
The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 9 edited
by Stanley Sadie; pages 69 – 166.
Includes regional styles, history, folk, classical, popular and
religious music, traditions, unique Indian instruments, playing
techniques, tonal systems, raga, tala, chanted poetry, Muslim
influences, and Indian dance styles. Extremely detailed, with
641.5959 JOS
7009.54 CRA
700.54 MAN
709.54 BIN
709.54 GRA
722 MAC
722 WUN
780 SAD
Volume 9
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Cricket by Peter Arnold and Peter
Includes history and world teams, including India, Sri Lanka,
China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
Welcome to My Country: Welcome to India by Fiona Conby and
Sunandini Arora Lal
Includes the land, history, government and economy, people and
lifestyle, language, arts, leisure, food, map and glossary.
India: Land, Life and Culture - Land and Climate by Rosemary
A beautifully presented book which explores the environmental
diversity. Features first-hand accounts and viewpoints and fun
Independence of India and Pakistan World Book
Describes the events leading up to the partition of India in 1947
and the establishment of Pakistan as a Muslim homeland. It
examines the history of British rule, the growth of Indian
nationalism and the founding of the Indian National Congress and
Muslim League. Includes photos, posters, official communications
and interviews with stakeholders.
India: Land, Life and Culture - Arts and Culture by Rosemary
Offers a fascinating insight into life in India especially regarding
the areas of arts and culture.
India: Land, Life and Culture - History and Government by
Rosemary Sachdev
Tracks the history and governance of India and presents
information in an easy to read book form.
India: Land, Life and Culture - The People by Rosemary
Offers a rare opportunity to find out about this beautiful country
and its diverse people.
India: Land, Life and Culture - The Animals by Rosemary
Offers a rare chance to explore the animal diversity of this region.
A River Journey – The Ganges by Rob Bowden
Another book written for children. The illustrations bring the
Ganges to life.
The Ganges written and photographed by David Cumming
A book especially written for children and discusses the Ganges in
relation to its physical aspect, its importance to India’s economy
and environmental factors. Excellent photographs and
Countries of the World: India by Sunandini Arora Lal
An engaging book which looks at the geography, history, system of
government, lifestyle, language, art, food and more. Claims to look
at current issues but was published in 1999.
796.358 ARN
915.4 CON
915.4 SAC
954 IND
954 SAC
954 SAC
954 SAC
954 SAC
915.41 BOW
915.41 CUM
915.4 LAL
Great Rivers: The Ganges by Michael Pollard
An illustrated book covering the history of the river, geographical
features, transport and industry, tourism, people’s working lives
on the river, towns and villages, environmental issues, natural
habitats and the river’s future.
Eyewitness Guides: India by Manini Chatterjee and Anita Roy
A compelling and visually stunning guide to the rich diversity of
life in India.
Conflict: India and Pakistan by David Downing
Tries to explore the causes of conflict, including bringing out
themes such as religious or ethnic differences and identifies key
figures and events. Assesses the human and material cost and the
prospects for peace. The book is illustrated and chapters are not
too wordy but will require students have a good proficiency to
understand some of the vocabulary and issues.
Flashpoints: Indian Subcontinent by Anita Ganeri
The title examines upheavals that have made this part of the world
a battleground for centuries. Well illustrated and clear text.
Ask about Asia: India by Blake Education
Helps you imagine what life must be like in India. Includes
stunning photographs, clear text and special fact boxes which
bring India to life.
India (This country series) by Cameron Macintosh
Explores daily life through the eyes of local children and describes
India’s unique relationship with Australia.
Global Hotspots: The Indian Subcontinent by Paul Mason
Tells the story of this region and the conflicts between its nations
and its peoples.
People and Places: India by Bridget and Neil Ardley
This book provides readers with colourful photos, maps and in
clear text explores India’s geography and climate, economics and
history and how people live.
World in Focus: India by Ali Brownlie, Bojang And Nicola Barber
Clear text and colour photos. Provides an overview of the history,
climate, population, education, culture, religion etc. Also discusses
future challenges.
India: Land, Life and Culture: the Animals by Rosemary
Birds, animals and insects of the Indian subcontinent, with
illustrations and fact boxes in straightforward text.
India: Land, Life and Culture: Plants and Agriculture by
Rosemary Sachdev
Explores the diversity of plants in India.
Ghandi and Indian Independence by Hew McLeod with Richard
Provides information into India’s transition from British colonial
rule to independence. Includes focusing questions, essay
questions and resources including illustrations to help the reader
enter imaginatively into the text
915.4 POL
954 CHA
954 DOW
954 GAN
954 IND
954 MAC
954 MAS
954.052 AID
954.053 BRO
954 SAC
954 SAC
954.035 MCL
Historic India by Lucille Schulberg
Explores the creative power of historic India. The text is detailed.
Pictures and illustrations are beautiful.
Plain Tales from the Raj edited by Charles Allen
Tales told by British men and women who lived and worked in
India during the colonial period.
Spotlight on The British Raj by William Golant
Concentrates on the years of British rule. Examines the
achievements and failures of the relationship with India.
Mahatma Gandhi by Simon Adams
Written by a well-known children’s history author. Clear text and
many photographs.
See also entries for Indian cuisine under “Food”.
954.02 SCH
954.03 ALL
954.03 GOL
954.03 GAN
Indian-themed Fiction
Usborne Stories From India by Anna Milbourne
Enter into a magical world of monkey gods, brave heroes, tenheaded monsters and clever animals. Their antics and adventures
are brought to life in these engaging retellings of traditional Indian
stories. Beautifully illustrated.
Angels in Harsh World by Don Bradley
When a friend asks Hayley to accompany her on a trip to India, she
is powerfully drawn to the idea. Part romantic adventure novel,
part guide to spiritual enlightenment.
Jasmine Skies by Sita Brahmachari
Mira Levenson flies to India for the first time to stay with her aunt
and cousin. She feels an instant connection to Janu, who shows her
the beauty and chaos of Kolkata. Nothing is as she imagined it- and
suddenly home feels a long way away.
The Maharajah’s Box by Christy Campbell
An Imperial story of conspiracy, love and a guru’s prophecy.
Tracing a dormant Swiss bank account, Christy Campbell
discovers the story of ten year-old Maharajah Duleep Singh; and
how he was deprived of his kingdom by the British Raj and his
efforts to recover it.
Witness the Night by Kishwar Desai
In a small Indian town, a young girl, barely alive, is found in a
sprawling home where thirteen people are dead. She has been
beaten and abused. The girl now awaits her trial.
Bollywood Babes by Narinder Dhami
Geena, Amber and Jazz organize a glamorous Bollywood party to
raise funds for their school.
Bindi Babes by Narinder Dhami
Sisters Geena, Amber and Jazz’s story is like a Bollywood movie, it
has singing, dancing, action, a baddie and three beautiful heroines.
The Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
I am Tilo, Mistress of Spices. I can see into the hearts and lives of
my customers. I know all their secrets and problems. Tilo has
mystical powers that enable her to see into the hearts of others.
The Best Day of my Life by Deborah Ellis
Valli is sick of spending her days picking up coal. Her family won’t
let her go to school and there’s never enough food, so she stows
away on a coal truck and sets out for a new life.
Three Indian Goddesses by Jamila Gavin
Three contemporary stories inspired by Hindu tales of the
goddesses Kali, Lakshmi and Durga.
Call No.
Mystery and
Culture &
Culture &
Culture &
Culture &
Walking on my Hands: Out of India- the Teenaged Years by
Jamila Gavin
After spending her early childhood moving to and fro between two
countries – India and England – Jamila came to London at the age
of 13 to settle with her mother and sister, leaving her father and
brother in India.
A Life Less Ordinary by Baby Halder
The true story of Baby Halder, a woman who overcame poverty,
violence and a meager education to overcome her grim destiny.
Marrying Ameera For Better… or Worse by Rosanna Hawke
17 year-old Ameera’s growing friendship with her friend’s older
brother upsets her father, who sends her to Kahsmir to attend her
cousin’s wedding. But when she gets there she discovers the
intended marriage is her own! Will she be trapped forever or
escape and win her freedom?
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
After the death of her parents, Mary is brought back from India as
a forlorn and unwanted child to live in her uncle’s lonely house on
the moors. Then one day she discovers the key to a secret garden
and, like magic, her life begins to brighten in so many ways. A
delightful classic for any age.
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
A collection of short stories about the lives of expatriate Indians,
in exile or struggling with traditions in a new world.
Gifted by Nikita Lalwani
Numbers have filled Rumi’s world since she learned to count. But
it was on a trip to India at the age of 8 that her maths powers
acquired their almost supernatural significance. She returns home
to Cardiff a “maths prodigy”. She is set on the path of the gifted
The Speech of Angels by Sharon Maas
Jyothi is a street child from Bombay, adopted by a western couple.
In the west she finds herself an outsider, until she discovers a rare
musical talent.
A Beautiful Lie by Irfan Master
India, 1947. Bilal, a boy determined to protect his dying father
from the news of Partition - news that he knows will break his
heart. Bilal wants is for his father to die in peace, but that means
Bilal has a very complicated relationship with the truth. The story
deals with the importance of tolerance, love and family.
Tamburlaine’s Elephants by Geraldine McCaughrean
Tambulaine the Great is a powerful, brutal ruler. His fearless
Mongol Horde sweeps over the land like a sandstorm, crushing
everything in its path. His sights are set on Delhi, City of Gems.
Rusti, one of his young warriors discovers a long-hidden secret
that shatters his perceptions and loyalties.
True Stories
True Stories
Culture &
Culture &
India Dark by Kirsty Murray
Madras 1910: Poesy and Tilly, Australian child performers in
India, are caught up in a scandal that will change their lives
Monsoon Summer by Mitali Perkins
Jazz is heading off to India during the monsoon season to help out
at an orphanage; not her idea of a great holiday. But she sees she
can make a difference- the monsoon works its madness and magic.
Growing Up Asian in Australia by Alice Pung
Short stories written by Asian-Australians of various heritages,
including China, Vietnam, India, Thailand and Cambodia.
Rani & Sukh by Bali Rai
Rani and Sukh have just started going out together. But Rani is a
Sandhu and Sukh is a Bains - and sometimes names can lead to
serious trouble…Travel from modern day Britain to the Punjab of
the 1960's and right back again in a ceaseless cycle of tragedy,
blood feuds, violent retribution and undying love.
(Un)arranged Marriage by Bali Rai
The story of a Punjabi boy called Manny who doesn't want to go
through with the marriage that his father has arranged for him.
Set in present day England and partly in the Punjab, it follows
Manny from the age of 13 as he tries to balance the demands of his
family with his own desires for his future.
Alien Shores: Tales of Refugees and Asylum Seekers From
Australia and the Indian Subcontinent edited by Sharon Rundle
& Meenakshi Bharat
Nineteen short stories from acclaimed writers based in Australia
and the Indian subcontinent.
The Grasshopper’s Run by Siddartha Sarma
1944. WWII is raging in Asia and the Imperial Japanese Army is
about to invade India. When Gojen’s best friend, Uti is killed in a
massacre, he declares a personal war on the Japanese and vows to
seek out the officer responsible.
Boys Without Names by Kashmira Seth
Trapped in a stuffy sweat shop and forced to work for no money
and little food, Gopal shares stories with the other boys, which
may be the key to their survival and eventual escape.
The Heart of India by Mark Tully
Nine short stories: moral fables about life in India at a time of
corruption, brutality, intolerance, rapid westernization and
erosion of old rural India.
True Stories
Culture &
True Stories
True Stories
Culture &
Culture &
Non Fiction
Festivals of the World Indonesia by Elizabeth Berg
Experience all the colour and excitement of an Indonesian
selamatan! Learn about the gamelan, see whip fighters battle it
out, then make a shadow puppet and have your own festival!
Pada Jaman Dahulu: Indonesian Folk Tales retold by Albert
In both English and Indonesian, 12 traditional folk tales plus
vocabulary and follow up activities.
Marine Life of the Indo-Pacific Region including Indonesia,
Malaysia, Thailand and all of Southeast Asia by Gerald Allen
The vast Indo-Pacific region is the world’s richest underwater
province. The development of its coral reefs is unsurpassed,
forming a sanctuary for a myriad of colourful, often bizarre life
Natural World: Orangutan Habitats, Life Cycles, Food Chains,
Threats by Stephen Brend
Orangutans are world’s largest tree-dwelling mammals, living on
the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
Knives, Swords & Daggers by Levine & Weyland
Showcases an international array of knives, swords and daggers.
Includes edged weapons from China, India, Indonesia and Japan.
Recipe and Craft Guide to Indonesia by Kayleen Reusser
Recipes plus Indonesian-themed arts and crafts projects. Great for
decorating your learning spaces! Illustrated.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 9
edited by Stanley Sadie; pages 167 – 221.
Includes historical perspectives, gong-chime instruments,
Javanese and Balinese traditions, orchestral organization, vocals,
dance, folk music, and the traditions of West Java, Sumatra, the
Outer Islands, and Western New Guinea.
The World of Puppets by Rene Simmen
Puppets from all over the world, including Japanese Bunraku
theatre and Malaysian and Indonesian shadow puppets.
World Focus: Indonesia by Susi Arnott
A country profile which gives the flavour of life in Indonesia; an indepth look at the hamlet of Jatiwakas; case studies of real people
which reveal how they spend their time, the jobs they do, what
school is like and the challenges they face.
Focus on Asia: Bali by Wendy Blaxland
The island of Bali’s history, geography and culture is examined in
detail with modern and archival photos and illustrations. Does not
include Bali’s recent history post 2003.
Call No.
599.8 BRE
780 SAD
Volume 9
791.53 SIM
915.98 ARN
915.98 BLA
Australia’s Neighbours: Indonesia by Melanie Guile (2 copies)
Photos, maps and text of Indonesia with emphasis on its
relationship with Australia.
Culture in Indonesia by Melanie Guile (2 copies)
Detailed study of the cultures of Indonesia’s diverse population,
including Java, Bali, Sumatra, Irian Jaya Kalimantan & Sulawesi.
Contains photos, maps & fact boxes.
Countries of the World: Indonesia by Frederick Fisher
Excellent overview of modern Indonesia, including history,
detailed chapters on culture, environmental issues, traditions and
the arts. Includes Indonesian vocabulary.
Insight Guides: Indonesia (2 copies) Discovery Channel
Extremely detailed travel guide to the Indonesian archipelago,
including history, environment and culture. Richly illustrated with
photos and local maps.
Ask About Asia: Indonesia
Explores Indonesia’s history and its present challenges. Includes
everyday life for Indonesian children, food, ceremonies, maps and
Step Into Indonesia by Fred Martin
Basic study of Indonesia’s land and culture, including a visit with
two families. Large print text with easy vocabulary and photos.
Next Stop Indonesia by Fred Martin (3 copies)
A more advanced and detailed version of Fred Martin’s Step Into
More of a coffee-table book than a text, this book is filled with
attractive photos of the Indonesian landscape and its peoples.
Amazing volcano shots.
World Food Indonesia: for people who like to eat, drink and
travel by Patrick Witton
Photography, maps, recipes and local insight reveal lush islands
with a vast culinary repertoire. Includes staples and specialities,
celebrations, regional traditions, shopping and markets and where
to eat and drink.
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Land, people, culture, religion and environmental concern for the
countries of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia,
Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Thailand
and Vietnam.
Key Into Indonesia by Sally Heinrich
Teacher resource. Reproducible lesson plans and fact files contain
all you need for a comprehensive unit on Indonesia including:
model making, crafts, celebrations, traditional games and puppets.
Indonesia (Nations of the World series) by Edward Horton
A more advanced guide to Indonesia’s economy, environment,
politics, natural resources, arts and culture.
915.98 GUI
915.98 GUI
915.98 FIS
915.98 IND
915.98 IND
915. 98 MAR
915.98 MAR
915.98 TAR
915.98 WHI
919.59 RIG
959.8 HEI
956.8 HOR
Indonesia in Focus Ancient Traditions – Modern Times by
Peter Horman et al. (2 copies) A bit dated (1990) but richly
illustrated study of Indonesia’s population and land, with
emphasis on traditional cultures.
Nations of the World Their Cultures and People Indonesia by
E & R Publications. A teacher resource, with B&W reproducible
masters which would be handy for the students’ planning.
Indonesian Heritage
Beautiful 5 volume encyclopedia of Indonesia; hugely detailed.
Volume 1 Ancient History
Includes chapters on the land, people and history; prehistory;
early Indonesian history, the early, middle and late classic periods;
Early Islamic period and the heritage of Indonesian literature.
Indonesian Heritage: Volume 2 The Human Environment
Includes maps; tectonics; islands; housing; agriculture; forests and
ecosystems; livelihoods; city and town life; development and
Indonesian Heritage: Volume 3 Early Modern History
The island world and its people; the stimuli of trade and religion;
Islam and Port-Sultans; crisis and change of direction; living
without strong states; 19th century pressures and the end of
Indonesian Heritage: Volume 4 Plants
Diversity of flora; vegetation; plant-animal interactions;
cultivation and conservation.
Indonesian Heritage: Volume 5 Wildlife
Includes chapters on all types of wildlife, forest habitats and their
fauna, other habitats, economically important wildlife and
Indonesia a Nation of Islands by Judy Jacobs
Dated (1990) but interesting study of Indonesia with emphasis on
culture, food and family life. Includes Indonesian vocabulary &
Welcome to my Country: Indonesia by Geraldine Mesenas &
Frederick Fisher.
Basic study of Indonesia’s land and culture, including a visit with
two families. Large print text with easy vocabulary and photos.
Our Neighbours: Indonesia by Michael & Jane Pelusey
Indonesia’s religions, politics, history, geography, industries, food
& culture are covered; with each page containing Fact Files of
useful statistics.
Eye on Australia’s Neighbours: Indonesia by Carmel Reilly
Fairly basic text of Indonesia’s land, politics and culture with
chapters on its relationship with Australia.
Indonesia (Macmillan Countries series) by Ron Thomas & Jan
Another fairly basic text about Indonesia’s land, politics and
culture with simple vocabulary, illustrations and photos.
959.8 IND
959.8 IND
959.8 IND
959.8 IND
959.8 IND
959.8 IND
959.8 IND
959.9 JAC
959.8 MES
959.8 PEL
959. 8 REI
959.80 THO
World in Focus: Indonesia by Sally Morgan
Concentrating on modern Indonesian politics, industries,
economy, technology, health & education. Fairly recent.
World Food Indonesia Lonely Planet.
Traveler’s guide to eating in Indonesia. Contains info on
restaurants, recipes and cultural facts.
Bali and Lombok (Explore the World Nelles Guide)
Rather dated travelers’ guide to Bali. (1997) Good maps & photos,
and interesting cultural facts.
See also entries for Indonesian cuisine under “Food”.
959.804 MOR
915.986 BAL
DVD Programs
Budya Nusantara Tingkepan Indonesia
Documents the Tingkepan or Mitoni ceremony of Central Java
which celebrates the seventh month of a woman’s first pregnancy.
The purpose of the ceremony is to purify the mother-to-be and
baby so that they will be healthy while they wait for the birth.
30 min.
Kesenian Banyumasan Gamelan Song and Dance
This program details the importance of the gamelan in Indonesian
traditional culture. It shows how bamboo for the instrument is cut,
dried and shaped into a Cabung gamelan, followed by a song and
dance performance using the instrument. 52 min.
Lumpia And Dance Semarang Indonesia
This program looks at an Indonesian business selling Semarang
spring rolls. The second part shows a song and dance from Central
Java by the Gambung. In Indonesian with transcript.
Java Myth and Tradition Indonesia
Travel to Java to discover the Borobudur, the world’s biggest
Buddhist temple, witness the powers of the Dukan or traditional
healer. Traditional ceremonies including the Monkey Dance, the
worship of volcanoes and a festival commemorating dead
ancestors. 20 min.
Sulawesi Myth and Tradition Indonesia
This program looks at Sulawesi; visiting the Boogies and witness
their belief in animism: that animals and humans are related.
Includes traditional ceremonies and a visit to the Toreja people,
believers in the Cult of Death.
Indonesia Traditions of the Kraton
Indonesia’s traditions and mystical culture, including the sacred
dagger, the Sultan Yogyakarta and his imperial palace, the Kraton
and Javanese dance
784.68 KES
915.9826 LUM
915.982 982
915.984 SUL
959.82 IND
Song man by Allan Baille
It began with a sudden attack. But that was just the start of an
adventure that was to lead Yukuwa far away from the security of
hi camp and tribe, across perilous, pirate-infested seas to a
dagger-shaped island where the civilizations of East and West
mingle and clash.
Extreme Adventures: Monkey Mountain by Justin D’Ath
A class trip to Borneo starts off with a bang- a visit to a real-life
volcano. Sam is left stranded with his teacher, Mr Griffin, who’s
suffering a heart attack. They make it down the mountain to the
sea, only to be hemmed in by bloodthirsty sharks.
The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene Dubois
Professor William Waterman Sherman crosses the Pacific by
balloon, stopping at Krakatoa, an island full of fantastic balloon
inventions and fabulous wealth, destroyed by the most violent
volcanic eruption of all time.
Sarindi and the Lucky Bird by Janine M. Fraser & Kim Gable
When Sarindi’s father loses his job due to an accident, they buy a
Lucky Bird. Does it change their luck?
Indo Dreaming by Neil Grant
Goog's best mate Castro vanished into the Southern Ocean, but his
body was never found. So Goog flies north, chasing the ghost of his
dead friend. He hooks up with Niagara - a young American hunting
his own illusions - and together they set off on a wild, gritty, surf
odyssey. But are they actually at the mercy of an unseen puppet
master, and what will they find in the surreal shadow-lands of
Call No.
Non Fiction
Kites, Kimonos and Karate by Celia Meehan
A resource book for teachers to introduce Japan as an area of
study. Includes lesson plans to photocopy and craft projects. Good
for ideas to decorate your learning space.
Fresh Fruits by Shoichi Aoki
A picture book of amazing Japanese street fashion, predominantly
of young people aged 15-20.
Japanese Kimono Designs by Dian Victoria Horn
Japanese motifs and kimono designs, in black and white, suitable
for photocopying, colouring and decorating your learning space.
Let’s Play Games in Japanese by Scott McGinnis, Mineharu
Nakayama and Tao-Chung Yao
Television game shows, popular games in Japanese, role-playing
games and art games in English, with Japanese vocabulary.
Bumper Book of Un-useless Japanese Inventions by Kenji
Brings the Japanese cult of Chindogu – the un-useless idea – to a
grateful world. Bizarre and logic-defying gadgets.
Healing Reiki by Elenor McKenzie
Reiki is Japanese for “life energy”. It is a healing system that is a
safe and natural way of healing many acute and chronic
conditions. Illustrated.
Bonsai Masterclass by Peter Chan
A practical guide to the art of bonsai including aesthetic and
horticultural principles.
Knives, Swords & Daggers by Levine & Weyland
Showcases an international array of knives, swords and daggers.
Includes edged weapons from China, India, Indonesia and Japan.
A World of Recipes Japan by Julie McCulloch
Easy Japanese recipes with step-by-step instructions presented in
a very kid-friendly style. Each dish is illustrated with photos of the
process and finished product.
East Meets West: Super Nutrition From Japan by Dr. Hirotomo
Find out how you can change your eating habits to increase
longevity the Japanese way. Includes information on healthy
properties of Japanese ingredients, menus and recipes.
The Fine Art of Japanese Cooking by Hideo Dekura
Japanese cooking class to prepare classic Japanese dishes and
present them attractively.
Call No.
615.53 MCK
641. 5
Quick & Easy Japanese Cuisine for Everyone by Yukiko
Excellent cookbook to demystify Japanese cuisine with step-bystep instructions and illustrations. Includes an information
chapter on cutting methods (basic and decorative), essential
utensils, ingredients and their uses. Richly illustrated with photos
and diagrams.
Food and Festivals: A Flavour of Japan by Teresa Fisher
Japanese festivals including Shogatsu, Setsubun, Children’s
festivals, Obon and recipes for the foods that traditionally
accompany them.
Taste of Japan by Masaki Ko
70 recipes with colour photos and step-by-step instructions;
includes a comprehensive glossary of ingredients.
Japanese: Delicate and Subtle Dishes From an Elegant Cuisine
by Masaki Ko
Delicious and enticing dishes, accessible to the western kitchen. 40
classic dishes for all occasions with step-by-step instructions.
The Food of Japan by Takayuki Kosaki & Walter Wagner
Includes food in Japan and evolution of Japanese cuisine, cooking
techniques, utensils and ingredients and recipes. Full page colour
plates for each dish.
The Cooking of Japan by Rafael Steinberg and editors of TimeLife Books.
Not just a cookbook, this oldie-but-goodie introduces each chapter
with a detailed background essay on Japanese life and culture.
Includes foods for all seasons, the tea ceremony, its seafaring
culture, home cooking, eating out and banquets.
The Sushi Cookbook by Katsuji Yamamoto & Roger Hicks
Includes necessary ingredients and tools, buying and preparing
fish, decorative garnishes, plus instructions for making finger,
rolled and fancy sushi.
Japanese Optical and Geometrical Designs by Hajime Ouchi
746 copyright-free designs in B&W for artists and craftsmen.
History of Japanese Art by Penelope Mason
A comprehensive history of Japanese art from the Jomon period
(10,500 - 300B.C.) to modern times. Illustrated.
Traditional Japanese Designs by Polly Pinder
A design source book with B&W reproducible traditional Japanese
designs that can be used for art, embroidery, craft, textiles,
ceramics or decorating your learning space.
Japanese Art & Culture by Kamini Khanduri
Arts and craft open a window to Japanese culture, reflecting its
history, technology, environment, beliefs and way of life. Includes
architecture, gardens, calligraphy, theatre and fine arts.
641.5 MOR
641.5952 FIS
641.5952 KO
641.5952 KO
701.15 OUC
709.52 MAS
709.52 PIN
709.52 KHA
Tsu Ku Ru Aesthetics at Work edited by Yoshida Mitsukuni,
Tanaka Ikko & Sesoko Tsune
Exquisite examples of Japanese design and technology, and the
artists that make them. Examples from early times to modern day
are included.
Japanese Architecture by William Alex
The architecture of Japan, its influences and varied styles.
Cut Art an Introduction to Chung-hua and Kiri-e by J.A.
Japan perfected the art of paper-cuts by the beginning of the Heian
period (794-1185) a golden era of artistic development. History
and techniques of the paper-cutting art form.
Origami Monsters by Isamu Asahi
Create colourful monsters to create with this ghoulishly fun book
of Japanese paper folding.
Practical Origami by Rick Beech
Includes detailed advice on choosing appropriate paper, folding
techniques including wet folding. Over 80 projects to make.
Illustrated with step-by-step photos.
A Handbook of Origami by Rick Beech
A complete and practical guide with step-by-step techniques and
over 80 exciting projects. Includes history and illustrations.
Paper Fun & Amazing Origami by Paul Jackson & Angela A’Court
Complete Origami by Eric Kenneway
More fun with origami.
Origami Dinosaurs by Yoshihide Momotani
Create origami dinosaurs!
Origami For the Enthusiast by John Montroll
More origami projects.
Paper Folding For Beginners by William D. Murray & Francis J.
Origami Toys by Tashie Takahama
15 Simple models.
The Art of Drawing Manga Series – many titles.
Step-by-step sections showing you how to master drawing Manga.
Includes how to colour your drawings, by computer or hand.
Beginner’s Manga by Emmett Elvin
A fun, easy to follow book shows how to draw people, animals,
monsters and everyday objects in Manga form.
Hokusai First Manga Master by Jocelyn Bouquillard and
Christophe Marquet
Katsushila Hokusau (1760-1849) was the world’s foremost ukiyoe master, a prolific painter, woodblock printer, and selfproclaimed “drawing Maniac”. He was the first Japanese painter to
become widely known in the west. This text discusses his life and
work, with a huge selection of his work.
709.52 TSU
722.1 ALE
736.98 CHR
736.982 ASA
736.982 BEE
736.982 BEE
736.982 JAC
736.982 KEN
736.982 MUR
736.982 TAK
741.5 ELV
One Thousand Years of Manga by Brigitte Koyama-Richard
Spanning the history of Manga from 1841 to the present. Contains
many rare images. Illustrated.
Japanese Animal & Crest Designs edited by Paul Negri
Drawn from traditional Japanese family crests, 1,160 B&W
patterns, symbols and decorative devices including winged
dragons, flowers, wildlife and other exotic motifs.
Japanese Style by Sarah Lonsdale
Divided into nine chapters covering every aspect of Japanese life
including fashion, architecture, interiors, food and drink,
transport, products, home wares, advertising, communication and
packaging. Illustrated.
Japanese Flower Arrangement for the Modern Home by Dods
Fantastic retro (1959) book with instructions for reproducing
classic Japanese Ikebana arrangements. Includes tips on flower
selection, preservation and Ikebana techniques. Illustrated with
Japanese terms explained.
A Guide to Japanese Flower Arrangement by Norman Sparnon
Another fabulous retro Ikebana guide includes 23 step-by-step
lessons, 16 colour plates and 90 outstanding arrangements
suitable for all occasions.
The Art and Technique of Sumi-e Japanese Ink Painting as
taught by Ukai Uchiyama by Kay Morrisey Thompson
Sumi-e combines calligraphy and ink painting to produce
compositions of rare beauty. Discusses the famous Sumi-e artist,
history and techniques. Illustrated.
Japanese Graphic Art by Lubor Hajek
The development of Japanese art methods and themes of graphic
art with 110 colour illustrations.
Hokusai’s Mount Fuji by Jocelyn Bouquillard
Hokusai’s famed print series of Mt. Fuji, published in the 1830’s.
Elements of Chinese & Japanese Design
Graphic resource of Chinese & Japanese designs, in B&W suitable
for reproducing; contains CD for digital downloading.
The Art of Japanese Prints by Nigel Cawthorne
Japanese prints, including history, changing character, techniques,
masters, themes and subjects, their influence and influences.
Master Prints of Japan by Ukyo-e Hanga
The major Ukyo-e (pictures of the floating world) Hanga
(woodblock prints) artists are reproduced in this book, giving a
picture of big city life in Japan during the magnificent Edo period
The Art of Japanese Prints by Richard Illing
A study of Japanese prints from the 17th century to modern times.
745.409 NEG
769.92 BOU
769.951 ELE
769.952 HAN
769.952 ILL
The Modern Japanese Print an Appreciation by James A.
Ten prints by Japanese printmakers, with essays on each work and
the artist who created them.
Ukiyo-E 250 Years of Japanese Art by Roni Neuer
Ukyo-e (pictures of the floating world), chronicling everyday life
in Japan is discussed in this massive work, with 377 colour plates.
Japanese Prints by Celia Whitford
Contains an introduction to the rise of Japanese master
printmakers during the Edo period, with 40 prints with an
explanation of the subject matter.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 9
edited by Stanley Sadie pages 504-552
Includes history and time lines of important periods of Japanese
music; general, religious, theatrical & courtly genres, instruments
and their music, notation systems and music since 1868.
Akido Tradition and New Tomiki Free Fighting Method
byNobuyoshi Higashi
The Japanese martial art designed to accomplish the maximum
result with the minimum effort, based on a philosophy of nonviolence and non-aggression. Techniques with photos and
Kung Fu by Neil Morris
Where did Kung Fu begin? What does “northern foot, southern
fist” mean? Why are some forms named after animals? Includes,
history, culture, step-by-step instructions, warm-up and cooldown exercises of this Chinese martial art. Illustrated.
Martial Arts: Samurai by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this ancient Japanese way of life.
Martial Arts: Karate by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this ancient Japanese martial art.
Karate by David Mitchell
Karate- the Way of the Empty Hand- is an effective and
sophisticated martial art. Includes Karate’s history and
philosophy, stances, punches, kicks, blocking methods, sparring
and training methods.
Get Going: Martial Arts Karate by Neil Morris
Includes history, equipment, techniques, grading of this 500 year
old martial art. Includes illustrations and Japanese words and
The Guide to Karate Akido – Ju-Jitsu – Judo by Fay Goodman
A comprehensive guide to some of the world’s most popular
martial arts, for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.
Over 350 colour photos.
769.952 MIC
769.952 NEU
769.952 WHI
780 SAD
Volume 10
796.8 COL
796.8 COL
Get Going: Martial Arts Judo by Neil Morris
What does kodokan mean? Why is Judo called the “gentle way”?
Includes history, equipment, techniques, grading of this 200 year
old martial art. Includes illustrations and Japanese words and
Martial Arts: Judo by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this Japanese martial art.
The Power of Poetry by Eshuys & Guest
General poetry text suitable for junior and middle students.
Includes explanation of Haiku, and how to create this traditional
Japanese poetry.
Latitude: Exploring and Creating Poetry by Lisa McNiece
A class set poetry text for students. Chapter 6 contains examples
of Haiku and the rules for creating them.
Eyewitness Travel: Japan
Travel guide to Japan. Includes background information including
history, landscape and culture. Illustrated, with maps.
Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan, Korea by Anna-Louise
Allen and John Holt
Includes North-East Asia facts files, religion and beliefs,
endangered species, Feudal Japan, Ancient China and water
resources in Korea.
Ask about Asia: Japan
Stunning photographs, clear text and special fact boxes bring
Japan to life.
Country Fact Files: Japan by John Baines
Includes landscape, climate, natural resources, population,
economy, industries, religion, politics, laws, environmental
concerns and the future. Illustrated.
Country Insights: Japan by Nick Bornoff
Find out how people all over Japan lead their daily lives at home,
work, school and play. Includes a closer look at the city of Okazaki
and the village of Narai.
Countries of the World: Japan by Robert Case
Japanese landscape and climate, society, resources, industry and
trade, transport and communications, urban Japan and challenges
for the future are covered in this book. Illustrated with glossary.
Nations of the World: Japan by Jen Green
Includes chapters on land and cities, history, the economy, arts
and living, the future, almanac, timeline, glossary and illustrations.
Culture in Japan by Melanie Guile
Looks at a unique culture that is fast-moving and competitive, but
whose traditions provide a sense of timelessness. Includes the
Ainu who struggle to reserve their language and culture.
796.8 COL
808.1 ESH
Class Sets
915.2 EYE
915 ALL
915.2 KAL
915.2 BAI
915.2 BOR
915.2 CAS
915.2 GRE
915.2 GUI
Australia’s Neighbours: Japan by Melanie Guile
Japan’s landscape, environment, arts, culture and pastimes are
explored in this basic text. Includes the Macaque (snow) monkeys
who bathe in hot thermal pools.
Ask About Asia: Japan (2 copies)
Explores Japan’s history and its present challenges. Includes
everyday life for Indonesian children, food, ceremonies, maps
and photos.
Japan: the people by Bobbie Kalman (2 copies)
Includes the family, children, celebrations, school life, the working
world, leisure time and sports.
Japan: the culture by Bobbie Kalman (2 copies)
Japanese traditions and culture.
Japan: the land by Bobbie Kalman
The Japanese landscape, physical features, climate, agriculture,
transport industries and related problems and city life.
Cities of the World: Tokyo by Deborah Kent (2copies)
A pictorial guide to Tokyo, looking at the city’s people, famous
landmarks, pastimes, maps and glossary.
Asian Insights: Japan by Christine Love
A dated (1985) general text of life in modern Japan.
Focus on Japan by Mavis Pilbeam
Introducing Japan, an island country; volcanoes and earthquakes;
the seasons; power and industry; farming and fishing; home and
family; religion and festivals; sports and pastimes; words and
writing and Japan and the world.
Introducing Japan by Donald Richie
Contains photos of many Japanese places, followed by the land,
history, government, economy, education, religion, arts, leisure,
cuisine, crafts and martial arts.
The Rough Guides: Japan
Travel Guide to Japan. Includes cultural information and social
Exploration Into Japan by Richard Tames (3 copies)
A history of Japan from prehistoric times to modern. Includes
illustrations, timelines and glossary.
Great Ages of Man: Early Japan by Jonathan Norton Leonard
A study of Japan from prehistoric times to the middle ages.
Includes art, theatre, literature, architecture, warfare, clothing,
and religion. Excellent resource for research on feudal Japan.
Welcome to my Country: Japan by Harlinah White & Nicole
Includes the land, history, government and economy, people and
lifestyle, arts, leisure, food, map and glossary; illustrated.
Countries of the World: Japan by Harlinah White (2 copies)
Includes the land, history, government and economy, people and
lifestyle, arts, leisure, food, map and glossary; illustrated.
915.2 GUI
915.2 JAP
915.2 KAL
915.2 KAL
915.2 KAL
915.2 KEN
915.2 LOV
915.2 PIL
915.2 RIC
915.2 TAM
952 TAM
952.01 LEO
915.2 WHY
915.2 WHY
The Rough Guides: Tokyo
Travel Guide to Tokyo. Includes cultural information and social
Lonely Planet: Tokyo
Travel Guide to Tokyo. Includes cultural information and social
Cities of the World: Tokyo by Deborah Kent (2 copies)
Explores Tokyo, old and new in detail, including arts, sports and
culture. Illustrated.
Australians at War: War Against Japan 1941-42 by Peter
Includes chapters on Japan’s thrust for power, the Malayan
tragedy, the last days of Singapore, Australia facing invasion, US
involvement and battles of sea and sky and the campaign in New
Guinea. Illustrated.
World Book’s Documenting History: World War II in the
Describes the conflict in the Pacific region following the Japanese
attacks on Pearl Harbor and the entry of USA into the war;
culminating in the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in 1945. Includes contemporary photos, propaganda
posters, official communications and the viewpoints of Japanese
and Allied officers, soldiers and civilians.
New Perspectives: Hiroshima and Nagasaki by R. G. Grant
Atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki in August 1945. This book tells the story from the
perspectives of the scientists who developed it, the politicians who
decided to use it, the air crew, Japanese survivors and their
leaders who surrendered.
How Did it Happen? Hiroshima by R. G. Grant
Includes dropping the bomb, the Manhattan Project, the decision
to drop it, surrender and the nuclear age.
Days That Shook the World: Hiroshima 6 August 1945 by
Jason Hook
The world would never be the same again, forever haunted by the
spectre of nuclear destruction.
A Place in History: Hiroshima by Stewart Ross
Tells the story of how the Japanese port city came to be the target
of the world’s first nuclear attack.
Turning Points in History: Hiroshima the Shadow of the Bomb
by Richard Tames
Examines key events, causes and effect, assesses the importance
and variety of interpretations and sources of information.
What Life Was Like: Among Samurai and Shoguns Japan AD
1000 - 1700 by Time-Life Books
Life, customs, courtship rituals, religious beliefs, art, and culture
for those of the Samurai class from 1000-1700 AD. Includes
beautiful period art work, timelines, essays and glossary.
940.54 CHA
940.54 CHA
940.54 WOR
952 AMO
Cultural Atlas of Japan by Martin Collcutt, Marius Jansen and Isao
Excellent book which includes a chronological table from 50.000
BC – 1926, showing developments in culture and religion, society
and economics and international relations; geography; art;
architecture; the floating world; clothing; relations with the west
and Imperial Japan.
Ancient and Medieval Japan by Philip Cummins
Covers the major events and people from the hunter-gatherer
societies of 50,000 B.C. to the Tokugawa shoguns of 1603-1867
A.D. with a focus on the Shogunate period. Includes questions and
activities for classes for each section.
Culture in Japan by Melanie Guile
A look at Japan’s unique culture; including performing arts; Ainu
culture; fashion; food; media; books, magazines and comics; kids
culture; arts and crafts and glossary.
Key Into Japan by Sally Heinrich
Teacher resource. Reproducible lesson plans and fact files contain
all you need for a comprehensive unit on Japan including: arts and
crafts; festivals; creating a laquerwork bento box, netsuke, origami,
paper making, games and activities.
Step Into… Ancient Japan by Fiona Macdonald
Not only does this book contain interesting detail about ancient
Japanese life, there are many easy craft activities for students;
including paper-making, ikebana, kite-making, fans, helmets,
masks, rice balls, carp streamers, screens, netsuke, calligraphy,
origami and more.
Our Neighbours: Japan by Michael & Jane Pelusey
Indonesia’s religions, politics, history, geography, industries, food
& culture are covered; with each page containing Fact Files of
useful statistics.
Country Topics: Japan by Richard Tames
Everyday life and customs of Japan; includes activities.
Exploration Into Japan by Richard Tames (3 copies)
A history of Japan from prehistoric times to modern. Includes
illustrations, timelines and glossary.
Seasons & Festivals in Japan by Minako Watanabe and Gayleen
The festivals of Japan, listed by month are explained with text,
illustrations and crafts to make. Includes questions and activities
and English – Japanese glossary.
The Book of the Samurai: the Warrior Class of Japan by
Stephen R Turnbull
A history of the Samurai, including artwork and photos of art,
clothing, architecture, weaponry, culture and lifestyles.
Great Ages of Man: Early Japan by Jonathan Norton Leonard
Pictorial essays on medieval Japan, including samurai, monks, war,
fortresses and kabuki theatre. Illustrated with photos and prints
of Japanese art works.
952 COL
952 CUM
952 GUI
952 HEI
952 MAC
952 PEL
952 TAM
952 TAM
952 WAT
952 TUR
First People: The Ainu of Japan by Barbara Aoki Poisson
Ainu are Japan’s indigenous people, originally living in Hokkaido.
This book outlines their history and rich culture. Includes glossary
and beautiful photos.
Looking Back: Japan Under the Shoguns by Mavis Pilbeam
This book traces nearly 700 years of rule by military dictators.
Includes the Kamakura, Muromachi and Tokugawa Shogunates,
how Japan became a country in isolation, who the Samurai were
and the arts of Zen.
Look Into the Past: the Japanese by Clare Doran
Concentrating on the Edo period of Japan, including the farmers,
craftsmen, merchants, transport, theatre, religion, arts, festivals
and more.
Causes & Consequences of the Rise of Japan and the Pacific
Rim by Stewart Ross
Mainly focusing on 20th century Japanese history; war, defeat and
rebirth; the economic miracle and becoming a tiger economy. Also
includes the rise of the young tigers: Singapore, Hong Kong, South
Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and China.
Countries of the World: Japan by Leslie Downer
General text of modern Japanese life and culture, with map, many
photos and glossary.
Countries in our World: Japan by Jim Pipe
General text on Japan with chapters on landscape, population &
migration, culture, economy and trade, government and politics
also mentions the issues of endangered species and whaling.
See also entries for Japanese cuisine under “Food”.
952.02 PIL
952.026 DOR
952.03 ROS
952.05 PIP
Japanese-themed Fiction
Diary of a Girl in Changi (1941-45) by Sheila Allan
In 1941 at aged 17 Sheila was made a prisoner of the Japanese in
Changi Prison and Sime Road Camp.
The Samurai Girl Book One: the Book of the Sword by Carrie
When I was six months old, I was dropped from the sky- the lone
survivor of a deadly Japanese plane crash. The newspapers named
me Heaven. I was adopted by a wealthy family in Tokyo,
pampered, and protected. For 19 years, I thought I was lucky. I’m
learning how wrong I was. I am Samurai Girl.
The Samurai Girl Book Two: the Book of the Shadow by Carrie
The old Heaven Kogo died weeks ago. I am a new person, training
to stay alive. The people I trusted I now fear. The people I rust
now, I am placing in danger. I’m told a good samurai can make
herself invisible, and I want to be invisible right now, to every
person except one.
The Samurai Girl Book Three: the Book of the Pearl by Carrie
I’m more alone now than I’ve ever been, but at the same time, I’m
more free. My best friend says she can show me a new world, and
I’m ready to get out of this one.
The Samurai Girl Book Four: the Book of the Wind by Carrie
I’ve lost everything. I don’t know what the future holds for me, but
the person I love won’t be in it. It’s time to start over. I only have
one goal now: to stay alive.
The Samurai Girl Book Five: the Book of the Flame by Carrie
I’ve never been more alert. And I’ve never felt less safe. L.A is
filled with new and old friends, but who can I trust?
Bridge on the River Kwai by Pierre Boulle
One of the most famous war novels of all time. The story of three
remarkable men who survived the hell of Japanese POW camps on
the Burma railway.
Wrong About Japan by Peter Carey
Peter Carey and his 12 year-old manga-loving son explore Japan’s
rich history and culture.
Pix and Me by Carolyn Ching
The year is 1942. The Japanese have invaded Singapore, where
Andy has been living an idyllic life with his botanist parents. When
his parents are taken away, Andy flees into the jungle, alone, but
not quite alone. With him is Pix, his best friend, a monkey.
Call No.
True Stories
True Stories
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (class set) by Elanor
The world famous story of Sadako, who attempts to make 1000
paper cranes in order for her last wish to be granted.
Hattie and the Fox by Mem Fox, illustrated by Patricia Collins.
The Mem Fox children’s story in Japanese.
Class Sets
Now and Zen by Linda Gerber
Nori Tanaka is an American exchange student in Tokyo, which is
nothing like she expected it to be. When she is mistaken for
Japanese by a gorgeous German student, she becomes his tour
guide, learning a lot about Japan in the process. But what will
happen when he finds out she is not Japanese?
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Enter the world of an ordinary girl who becomes a geisha, set
against 25 years of Japanese history 1929 to after the war.
Travelling Solo to Japan by Bettina Guthridge
Have all the fun of travelling to Japan without leaving home! The
bullet train, raw fish, wrestlers and warlords. Large print text with
The Wonderful World of Sazae-san by Machiko Hasegawa
Machiko Hasegawa was born in 1920 and became Japan’s first
successful female comic strip artist when Sezae-san was taken up
by the Asahi newspaper. It brought much-needed humor into post
WWII defeat Japanese homes.
The Otori Trilogy 1: Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn
When his life is saved by the mysterious Lord Otori Shigeru, Takeo
begins the journey that will lead him to his destiny. It is a journey
of revenge and treachery, honour and loyalty, beauty and magic
and the overwhelming passion of love.
The Otori Trilogy 2: Grass For His Pillow by Lian Hearn
In the ancient oriental lands of the Otori, amidst a time of violent
war, famine and treacherous alliances, the fate of young lovers
Otori Takeo and Shirakawa Kaede hangs in the balance.
The Otori Trilogy 3: Brilliance of the Moon by Lian Hearn
Takeo and Kaede are now married and more resolved than ever to
strengthen their domains. Yet their hasty marriage has angered
Arai, the warlord who controls most of the Three Countries, and
has insulted the nobleman Lord Fujiwara, who considered Kaede
betrothed to him.
The Harsh Cry of the Heron by Lian Hearn
Sequel to the Otori Trilogy. Lord Otori Takeo has ruled for sixteen
years; the Three Countries are peaceful and prosperous. But their
success has attracted the attention of the distant Emperor and his
warlord Saga Hideki, who covet the wealth of the Three Countries,
and especially Takeo’s heir, his eldest daughter Shigeko.
Picture Books
Culture &
Tomodachi the Edge of the World by Simon Higgins
In 1543 Daniel Marlowe from England is shipwrecked in feudal
Japan during the civil war. He is befriended b Kenji, a samurai
teenager and they embark on an adventure to find their fathers.
Moonshadow: 1 Eye of the Beast by Simon Higgins
Moonshadow is the youngest agent of the Grey Light Order. As
spies for the Shogun, they must stop fanatical lords re-igniting civil
war. His first mission: to steal the plans for a foreign secret
weapon that could forever change the way wars are fought.
Moonshadow: 2 The Wrath of Silver Wolf by Simon Higgins
In the land of the Samurai, defenders of peace are now targets.
Power hungry warlord Silver Wolf plots against Moonshadow and
the Grey Light Order. His schemes could tear Japan apart and the
legendary mystic, the White Nun, is caught in the middle.
Moonshadow: 3 The Twilight War by Simon Higgins
Twilight war has been declared. Attacked by the powerful Fuma
clan, Moonshadow and the agents of the Grey Light Order fight for
their lives. One of their number disappears. Was the agent
abducted by Fuma, or did they leave willingly. Was there a double
agent in their midst?
Weedflower by Cynthia Kadohata
Sumiko and her family live in California during WWII. After the
bombing of Pearl Harbour they are detained in an internment
camp, where she meets a Mohave boy who just might be her first
Megan’s Journey by June Keir
Megan’s world is turned upside down when she receives a letter
from a woman claiming to be her mother. Come with Megan on
her amazing journey as she deals with issues of betrayal, personal
worth and the challenges of living in a different culture.
The Spare Room by Kathryn Lomer
Akira is sent by his family in Japan to learn English in Australia, a
journey into a very different world. He is not what his host family
was expecting, but then what does he know of Australians?
Kazunomiya Prisoner of Heaven Japan, 1858 by Kathryn Lasky
Part of the Royal Diaries series. Princess Kazunomiya is expected
to marry Prince Arisugawa who is a mystery to her.
Arcana by So-Young Lee
Orphan Inez has the gift of being able to speak to all creatures. A
great destiny awaits; she must bring back the dragon that will save
her country from a demon race.
Tokyo by Graham Marks
One phone call turns Adam’s world upside down. His sister has
disappeared in Tokyo: his parents aren’t doing anything, neither
are the police. Adam has only one option.
The Samurai’s Daughter by Sujata Massey
Antique dealer Rei’s work researching a 100 year history of
Japanese art through her family history is interrupted by a murder
and a mystery.
Culture &
Culture &
Mystery &
Mystery &
The Way of the Warrior by Andrew Matthews
Jimmu must train as a samurai so that one day he can take revenge
against his father’s rival and restore the family name. But fate
Valley of the Broken Cherry Trees by Lensey Namioka
Zenta and Matsuzo are wandering ronin (master less samurai)
with both fighting skill and a rigorous sense of honor. Together
they have adventures and solve mysteries.
Village of the Vampire Cat by Lensey Namioka
Zenta and Matsuzo are attacked by a creature of incredible
strength and skill, a killer of four girls known as the Cat. They
must solve the mystery and put an end to the terror.
When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka
A Japanese/American family’s experience of WWII internment,
told from four points of view: the mother receiving an order to
evacuate, the daughter on a long train journey, the son in a desert
encampment and the father, bitter after four years in captivity.
Yao Ming by Jeff Savage
Pictorial biography of 7’ 6” Yao Ming, who became a professional
basketball player at age 17. After becoming the best in China, the
Houston Rockets brought him to the USA.
Fruits Basket series by Natsuke Takaya
Many titles of this popular series of high school romance and
Battlefield: One Boy’s War by Alan Tucker
Ever since his brother Jack became a prisoner of war, Barry had
had one obsession: joining the army and busting Jack out. Barry
dreams of fighting in Asia, but the war is closer than he thinks.
There’s a POW camp on the edge of town, and the Japanese
soldiers are planning a breakout.
Shrine of the Morning Mist by Hiroki Ugawa
“When you can no longer tell what is real and what is illusion, do
not despair. But know that soon a time of Trials will begin, when a
Great Eye will stare at you from over a mountain of corpses”.
Japan Diary by Trudy White
Two exchange students, an Australian girl and a Japanese boy
keep a diary of their experiences. Illustrated.
Mystery &
Mystery &
True Stories
True Stories
DVD Programs
Etiquette, Manners and Rituals With Food.
Features a Japanese tea ceremony.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (PG)
Something strange has happened to Makoto Konno. Time has
suddenly stopped and moved her backwards. With her newly
discovered talent she alters the fate of those around her. 99 min.
Ponyo (G) a film by Hayao Miyazaki
In a small town by the sea, high on a cliff lives 5-year-old Sosuke.
One morning she discovers a goldfish named Ponyo, her head
stuck in a jam jar. Sosuke rescues Ponyo and keeps her in a plastic
bucket. They become firm friends until Ponyo’s father, a sorcerer
who lives deep under the sea, forces her to return with him to the
ocean depths. What follows is an amazing underwater adventure.
100 min.
394.1 ETI
791.433 GIR
791.4334 PON
Non Fiction
Korea Unmasked by Won-Bok Rhie
This little gem of a book contains the story of the Korean people is
told in comic-book format, with humor. Includes history, relations
with neighbours, and the long and treacherous road to
reunification. Very student-friendly.
North and South Korea by Cath Senker
Facts about the conflict and separation of Korea into two states.
Timelines, photos & maps. Excellent resource for North Korea.
Martial Arts: Taekwondo by Paul Collins
Includes history and basic principles, how to choose a club. Dress
code and etiquette, techniques, language, competitions and classes
of this Korean martial art.
Taekwondo – Mastering the Art by Charles A. Stepan
Includes a brief history of the art, basic elements of training, the
essential skills and techniques, learning to fall, stand and throw
and worldwide contacts. Illustrated.
Get Going Martial Arts: Taekwondo by Neil Morris
Includes history, equipment, in the dojang, techniques, grading of
this 2000 year old martial art. Includes illustrations and Korean
words and glossary.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume10
edited by Stanley Sadie pages 192 – 207
Presents history of Korean music as a whole before WWII, then
South Korea after. Includes history including the early, three
Kingdoms, Unified Silla periods and subsequent dynasties. Korean
instruments, playing techniques and notation are covered, as well
as vocal styles, Buddhist ritual music and dances.
Exploring North-East Asia: China, Japan, Korea by Anna-Louise
Allen and John Holt
Includes North-East Asia facts files, religion and beliefs,
endangered species, Feudal Japan, Ancient China and water
resources in Korea.
The Indo – Pacific Library: North & South Korea by Graham
Houghton & Julia Wakefield
Short reference with short text and many pictures
Facts about Korea
Ask about Asia – Korea (3 copies)
Stunning photographs, clear text and special fact boxes bring Asia
to life.
Countries Around the World: South Korea by Elizabeth Raum
A study of Southern Korea today, includes land use, wildlife,
infrastructure, culture, maps, timelines and glossary.
Call No.
327.519 SEN
796.8 COL
796.8 STE
780 SAD
Volume 10
915 ALL
915.19 HOU
915.19 KOR
915.19 RAN
North & South Korea by Graham Houghton & Julia Wakefield.
A little dated, (1987) but it is very good for the extensive pre-war
history content. Culture, geography, climate & industries are also
Next stop: South Korea by Fred Martin (2 copies)
Fact files and fact boxes and beautiful illustrations. Everyday life
in South Korea, including a day in the life of two Korean families.
Culture in North & South Korea by Melanie Guile
A study of North and South Korea’s rich culture, traditional and
contemporary; and the ways the two countries have developed
separately over the past 50 years. Includes Korean literature, film
and television.
South Korea in Our World by Jim Pipe
Modern life in Korea, with emphasis on technology and industries.
Contains many photos.
Korea (Macmillan Countries ) by Ron Thomas & Jan Stutchbury
Facts about Korean culture, environment and history. Contains
illustrations & photos.
The Korean War (20th Century Perspectives) by Michael Burgan
Events leading to the war in Korea and the split into two separate
countries, and its after-effects are examined in detail. Lots of
photos and maps.
See also entries for Korean cuisine under “Food”.
See also Taekwondo under “Sports”
915.19 HOU
915.195 MAR
951.9 GUI
951.95 PIP
951.9 THO
951.9042 BUR
Korean-themed Fiction
The Red Queen by Margaret Drabble
The tale of how a young girl in 18th century Korea is picked from
obscurity to become the consort to the Crown Prince. 200 years
later the story has a deep and far-reaching effect on an academic
on her way to a conference in South Korea.
Ten Thousand Sorrows: The Extraordinary Journey of a
Korean War Orphan by Elizabeth Kim
After witnessing her mother’s ‘honour killing’ murder, Kim was
dumped in a horrific orphanage in post-war Seoul, where she was
adopted by a fundamentalist American pastor and his wife.
Terrified of returning to the orphanage, she trainer herself to be
the perfect child.
A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park
Tree-ear is an orphan boy in 12th century Korea, barely surviving
on scraps; his world changes when he sees Min the potter, who
teaches him his trade.
Call No.
True Stories
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Non Fiction
Sri Lankan Wildlife by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne
Written by one of Sri Lanka’s leading welfare experts and
photographers, this guide introduces the best of the island’s flora
and fauna, showing you what to look for and where. Includes
mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, invertebrates, fish and
marine mammals.
Pleasure of Ruins by Rose Macaulay, photos by Roloff Beny
Architecture (in ruins) from Cambodia, China, India & Sri Lanka.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians chapter 18
edited by Stanley Sadie pages 32 – 35
Sri Lanka’s musical history can be divided into three periods: preAryan (prehistoric), Aryan (historic) and Post-Aryan (from the
16th century). Explores instruments, song and dance genres.
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Cricket by Peter Arnold and Peter
Includes history and world teams, including India, Sri Lanka,
China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
Sri Lanka (Lonely Planet Guide)
Extensive travel guide to Sri Lanka. Includes history and cultural
information. Illustrated with photos and local maps. Includes
Sinhalese vocabulary.
Sri Lanka in Pictures by Sara E. Hoffman
The history, geography, government, economy, people, geography
and cultural life of Sri Lanka. Includes glossary and post-Tsunami
Call No.
722 MAC
Volume 18
796.358 ARN
915.493 CUM
954.93 HOF
Sri Lankan-themed Fiction
Tamil Tigress by Niromi de Soyza
How 17 year-old Niromi became a soldier for the Tamil Tigers first
female contingent. Equipped with little more than a rifle and a
cyanide capsule, she lived by her wits in the jungle, facing the
perils of war and starvation.
A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman
An epic, heartbreaking novel about the linked destinies of two
women, rich and poor, set against the backdrop of beautiful,
politically turbulent Sri Lanka.
Call No.
True Stories
Culture &
Sri Lanka Websites
Official Website of the Government of Sri Lanka
News & current events and holidays.
The World fact Book – CIA
Facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and
foreign relations of Sri Lanka.
US Department of State – Features map and brief descriptions of the geography, people,
government, economy, communications, and transportation, military.
Government of Sri Lanka Official Web Portal - Contains all ministries, departments,
statutory boards, public companies, provincial councils, press releases and public directory.
Sri Lanka Tourism – Official Tourism Site, with general travel information, tourist
attractions, calendar of events, and a hotel and accommodation guide
Kwintessential - Guide to Sri Lankan people, culture, society, language, business and social
etiquette, manners, protocol and useful information.
Virtual Library Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Society & Culture : Customs, Rituals & Traditions. Sri
Lankan Music, Theatre and Dancing.
Ceylon Today – Sri Lankan daily newspaper (in English).
Sri Lanka Cricket – Official site of the Sri Lankan cricket team.
Gem Stones of Sri Lanka – Sri Lankan gemstones are highly prized.
Serendib Jewellers – a commercial site but with better pictures and more info than the
above site.
Ceylon Black Tea – Tea varieties and tea growing areas of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Guide – a travel site with loads of links, well worth checking out.
Sri Lanka Wildlife – endangered species in Sri Lanka.
Caste System in Sri Lanka - In Sri Lanka there are two caste systems, one for the Sinhalese
and the other for the Tamils.
Sri Lankan Civil War – Channel 4 (UK) Caution: may be disturbing for students who were
refugees from SL.
Sri Lankan Recipes –
Sri Lankan Tsunami Facts – stats & info, no pictures.
Tsunami 2004 - Comprehensive information portal on Indian ocean tsunami 2004 with
facts, up to date news & reports on recovery, photo gallery, health and ecological impacts,
lessons learned and disaster preparedness and response.
Non Fiction
First Peoples: The Hmong of Southeast Asia by Sandra Millet
The Hmong are an ancient Asian people, possibly originating from
Mongolia. They are found in Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and
Thailand. This book examines their fascinating culture.
Festivals of the World Thailand by Harlinah Whyte
Experience the colour and excitement of a Thai ngan phi thee! Find
out why everyone gets wet during Songkran, see scary ghosts,
make a krathong and have your own festival! Straightforward text
and lovely photos.
Marine Life of the Indo-Pacific Region including Indonesia,
Malaysia, Thailand and all of Southeast Asia by Gerald Allen
The vast Indo-Pacific region is the world’s richest underwater
province. The development of its coral reefs is unsurpassed,
forming a sanctuary for a myriad of colourful, often bizarre life
A Taste of Indochina by Jan Castornia and Dimitra Stais
Recipes from Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Includes the
herbs and spices of Indochina, a pantry guide, essentials and
delicious recipes from the region.
Malaysian & Thai Cusine by Beverley Sutherland-Smith
Easy recipes, with a full-page photo for each dish.
A World of Recipes Thailand by Sue Townsend
A selection of Thai favourites in large print text with simple
vocabulary, with photos for each dish. Very kid-friendly.
Kickboxing – the Essential Guide by Eddie Cave (2 copies)
Includes history, basic equipment, techniques and training, getting
started, exercise regime and worldwide contacts for this Thai
sport. Illustrated.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians volume 18
edited by Stanley Sadie pages 712 – 722
Includes history, instruments, melodic percussion, rhythmic
percussion, wind instruments, string instruments, fundamentals of
their music system and vocal music.
The World of Puppets by Rene Simmen
Puppets from all over the world, including Japanese Bunraku
theatre and Malaysian and Indonesian, Cambodian and Thai
shadow puppets.
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Land, people, culture, religion and environmental concern for the
countries of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia,
Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Thailand
and Vietnam.
Call No.
305.895 MIL
641.595 CAS
780 SAD
Volume 18
791.53 SIM
919.59 RIG
Thailand (Asian Insights) by Christine Love
Dated (1996) but the traditional cultural content is still relevant.
Cultures of the World Thailand by Jim Goodman
Dated (1991) but still relevant for the history, traditions and
culture. Very detailed text, photos throughout.
Our Neighbours: Thailand and Myanmar by Michael & Jane
Thai religions, politics, history, geography, industries, food &
culture are covered; with each page containing Fact Files of useful
Thailand (Countries of the World series) by Ronald Cherry
Very good all-purpose text with excellent coverage of all things
Culture in Thailand by Melanie Guile
A study of Thailand’s vibrant culture, traditional and
contemporary. Includes Thai literature, film and television.
Thailand by Steve Van Beek
A pictorial guide to the highlights of Thailand and its people,
including the alluring city of Bangkok, golden temples, beautiful
beaches and rainforests.
See also entries for Thai cuisine under “Food”.
915.93 LOV
915.93 GOO
959.3 PEL
915.93 CHE
959.3 GUI
915.93 VAN
Thai-themed Fiction
The Beach by Alex Garland
The Beach is a legend among young travelers in Asia: white sands
circling a lagoon hidden from the sea, coral gardens and
freshwater falls surrounded by jungle. It is rumoured a select
community lives in blissful innocence. For Richard, haunted by the
glamour of Vietnam war movies, a trek into unknown Thai
territory is irresistible. He was looking for adventure. Now he’s
found it.
Rice Without Rain by Minfong Ho
Jinda’s village, like others in rural Thailand, suffers from
exorbitant land rent, leaving the farmers poverty-stricken and
landless. Students from Bangkok come to stay, sowing seeds of
change, culminating in a student rally in Bangkok that explodes
into a massacre. Throughout this Jinda discovers her hidden
Silk Umbrellas by Carolyn Marsden
Noi is learning to paint delicate silk umbrellas to sell at the local
market. When her sister begins working at the local radio factory,
she fears for her future as an artist.
Thai-riffic! By Oliver Phommavanh
Lengy reluctantly comes to grip with his Thai heritage in this story
of a boy whose parents run the Thai restaurant with the
embarrassing name.
Growing Up Asian in Australia by Alice Pung
Short stories written by Asian-Australians of various heritages,
including China, Vietnam, India, Thailand and Cambodia.
Call No.
Culture and
Culture &
True Stories
Non Fiction
Living in Australia: Vietnamese Australians by Robert Gott
A snapshot of the life of Vietnamese people living in Australia.
Includes reasons for immigration, culture and family life. Largeprint text; illustrated.
Living in Australia: Vietnamese Australians by Robert Gott
A snapshot of the Vietnamese living in Australia; including history
and culture. Includes fact boxes and profiles of significant events.
First Peoples: The Hmong of Southeast Asia by Sandra Millet
The Hmong are an ancient Asian people, possibly originating from
Mongolia. They are found in Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and
Thailand. This book examines their fascinating culture.
Stories and Storytellers From Indo-China edited by Morag Loh,
written for the Indo-China Refugee Association of Victoria.
Myths and traditional stories retold by refugees; translated to
English and presented in the Khmer, Chinese, Lao, Mhong, and
Vietnamese Cultures. Illustrated.
A Taste of Indochina by Jan Castornia and Dimitra Stais
Recipes from Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Includes the
herbs and spices of Indochina, a pantry guide, essentials and
delicious recipes from the region.
Vietnamese Food & Cooking by Ghillie Basan
Discover the exotic culture, traditions and ingredients of
Vietnamese and Cambodian cuisine with 150 step-by-step recipes
and over 750 photos.
The Food of Vietnam by Trieu Thi Choi
Authentic Vietnamese recipes, each with a full page illustration.
Mouth-watering photos.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 19
edited by Stanley Sadie pages 745 – 752
Discusses the history and influence of China and India on
Vietnamese music, instruments, scales, musical genres, important
musical periods, folk dances and influence of the west on recent
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Land, people, culture, religion and environmental concern for the
countries of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia,
Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Thailand
and Vietnam.
Countries Around the World: Vietnam by Charlotte Guillain
Recent publication (2012) includes chapters on conflict and
communism, regions, wildlife, politics, culture and timeline.
Call No.
305.895 GOT
305.895 GOT
305.895 MIL
398.20 LOH
641.595 CAS
641.59597 VIE
780 SAD
Volume 19
919.59 RIG
915.97 GUI
Vietnam the Culture by Bobbie Kalman (2 copies)
The Lands, Peoples and Cultures Series. Concentrating on
traditional Vietnamese cultures, including music, theatre, fashion,
architecture, religion and celebrations. Illustrated.
Vietnam the People by Bobbie Kalman
The Lands, Peoples and Cultures Series. Concentrating on family
life, children, tribes, languages, schools, jobs & pastimes.
Vietnam the Land by Bobbie Kalman (2 copies)
The Lands, Peoples and Cultures Series. Includes effects of the
war, agriculture, transport, business and wildlife. Illustrated.
Vietnam Young People, Old Country (Primary) by Robert Lewis
Excellent resource for students & teachers. Contains lesson plans,
photo-copyable worksheets, activities, images, facts, craft projects
to inspire students. Very suitable for year 7.
Conflict in Indo China by Ian Sutherland
20th century history of Vietnam and Cambodia. Includes pre-war
and the refugee crisis.
Vietnam Young People, Old Country (Secondary) by Robert
Excellent resource for teachers. Contains lesson plans, photocopyable worksheets, activities, images, and facts to inspire
students. More geography oriented than the primary text.
Contains excellent time-line and the lyrics to the national anthem.
Vietnam (Ask about Asia series)
From ancient rule to modern Vietnam and the daily life of its
people. Illustrated.
Ten Years After: Vietnam Today by Tim Page.
A dated (1987) A Time-Life photographer’s visit 10 years after the
reunification of Vietnam.
Vietnam by Pat Simmons (WORLD focus series)
Study of Vietnamese people, agriculture, industries and a focus on
a farming commune. Illustrated.
Vietnam Past and Present by Paolo Rinaldi (2 copies)
Richly illustrated with archival photos and art prints. Primarily
aimed at travelers. Excellent visual resource for Vietnamese
history and art.
Our Neighbours Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos by Michael &
Jane Pelusey
Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos religions, politics, history,
geography, industries, food & culture are covered; with each page
containing Fact Files of useful statistics.
Vietnam 1939-75 (20th Century History series) by Niel Demarco
Events leading up to the Vietnam war, US involvement and its
aftermath. Illustrated with maps, archival photos (some of a
graphic nature) and political cartoons. Caution advised.
Vietnam Rebuilding a Nation by Sherry Garland
Despite the title this book is rich with detail in Vietnamese culture
and traditions, especially family life. Illustrated.
915.97 KAL
915.97 KAL
915.97 KAL
915.97 MAI
959 SUT
959.7 LEW
915.97 VIE
915.97 PAG
915.97 SIM
915.97 RIN
959.6 PEL
959.7 DEM
959.7 GAR
Vietnam (Indo-Pacific Library) by Graham Houghton & Julia
A little dated, (1987) but very good for the history content.
Culture, geography, climate & industries are also mentioned.
Vietnam Young People, Old Country by Robert Lewis
Teacher resource book with humanities lessons for students.
Includes The Past Speaks to Us: Vietnam’s History; Should the
Mekong be Dammed; Casurinas and Sand Dunes: A Case Study in
Sustainable Development; Vietnam: A Nation in Change.
Destination Detectives Vietnam by Aleta Moriarty
Vietnam’s land, culture and history examined in this easy to read
text. Illustrated with photos and fact boxes.
An Asian Tragedy Conflict in Indochina by Alan Pollock
The countries of Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) are
examined in the lead up and after effects of war.
Eye on Australia’s Neighbours Vietnam by Carmel Reilly
Accessible text of Vietnam’s land, politics and culture with
chapters on its relationship with Australia. Includes time-line and
Fighting for Survival the Hmong of Vietnam by Liz Thomson
The Hmong live in the remote mountains of Vietnam. A study of
their way of life and fight for survival as a distinct culture.
Vietnam and the Indochina Conflict by John Wood
In Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Communism was strongly
identified with nationalism as a means of liberation from foreign
domination. Set in the Cold War era, this book highlights the
emergence of new and independent nations, focusing on the
conflict from 1945-1975 and examines how the people of Vietnam,
Laos and Cambodia reacted to French colonialism and subsequent
American intervention.
Ho Chi Minh by Alan Drummond, James Nguyen & Paul Quach
Biography of Ho Chi Minh, (“Uncle Ho”) large print text with
Red Haze: Australians & New Zealanders in Vietnam by Leon
The Vietnam war was like no other war Australian and NZ soldiers
had fought.
The Vietnam Experience: Setting the Stage by Edward Doyle
and Samuel Lipsman
Don’t judge this one by its cover! It is not just an account of the
war, but a comprehensive history of Vietnam from ancient times
to modern. The land is also discussed, as well as Vietnamese
culture and society. Includes maps, art and photos.
959.7 HOU
959.7 LEW
959.7 MOR
959.7 POL
959.7 REI
959.7 THO
959.7 WOO
959.7043 DOY
Australians at War The Vietnam War by Robert Hillman
The war from the Australian perspective. Includes Australian
military involvement, anti-war protests and the aftermath. Easy to
read text with illustrations.
How Did it Happen? The Vietnam War by Clive Gifford
A short text which examines the lead up to the war, tactics used by
the North Vietnamese, opposition to US involvement and the
aftermath. Illustrated.
The Vietnamese War Lost Words by Jeremy Smith
Very interesting account of the war in the words of those involved
in it. Includes personal letters and quotes from soldiers & families,
Vietnamese peasants, politicians and commentators. Each page
features a time-line and photos of cultural artifacts.
Australians in Vietnam by Michael P. Tracey
Australian Defence Force publication. An account of the war and
the 30th Anniversary Commemorations of the Battle of Long Tan.
The Vietnam War: the Illustrated History of the Conflict in
Southeast Asia edited by Ray Bonds
The extremely difficult military operations of fighting this war are
examined in detail in this richly illustrated book.
Causes and Consequences of the Vietnam War by David Wright
Another examination of the causes and consequences of the
Vietnam war. Tet offensive and aftermath covered in detail.
Includes intro chapter on the Vietnamese people and archival
War in Vietnam: Book I – Eve of Battle by David K. Wright
Vietnam’s history prior to the war, including French colonization.
Includes photos and timeline of Vietnam 3000 B.C. to 1988.
War in Vietnam: Book II – a Wider War by David K. Wright
Events in the Vietnam war from the 1965 Viet Cong attack on U.S.
bases to the Tet offensive 1968. Includes timeline of this period.
War in Vietnam: Book III– Vietnamization by David K. Wright
The after effects of the Tet Offensive 1968 to the U.S. withdrawal
in 1973. Includes timeline of this period.
War in Vietnam: Book IV – Fall of Vietnam by David K. Wright
The events in Vietnam after the American forces left; the fall of
Saigon, horror in Cambodia; hardship in Laos; refugees and a
recognition of women in Vietnam. Includes timeline of this period.
959.7043 VIE
959.7043 WRI
959.7043 WRI
959.7043 WRI
959.7043 WRI
DVD Programs
Pilot Guides - Vietnam
Traveller Justine Shapiro starts her journey by celebrating the
New Year at the Tet festival in Ho Chi Minh City. From there she
ventures up the coast to the beaches of Lang Co and the City of
Hue. After a bicycle tour of the capital, Hanoi, she ends her
journey at the Chinese border. 69 min.
See also entries for Vietnamese cuisine under “Food”.
915.97 PIL
Vietnamese-themed Fiction
On Loan by Anne Brooksbank (3 copies; plus 16 in class sets)
Lindy is 14 and Vietnamese by birth, adopted into an Australian
family. Believing her real parents are dead, she is shocked when a
letter from her natural father arrives. Now she must decide
between two families and two futures.
Jimmy Moran Regular by Ken Catran
In Vietnam, Jimmy Moran will encounter a very different war from
the one his father fought in WWII. He must not only fight an
elusive and deadly enemy, but fight to be clear of family shadows.
It will divide his own family, evoke nightmares and change him
Smoky Joe’s Café by Bryce Courtenay
Thommo returns from Vietnam to an Australia that regards him as
a mercenary guilty of war crimes. Developing physical and mental
problems, he feels alone until he discovers ten mates, survivors of
Long Tan, are affected the same way. Eleven angry men out for
Shooting the Moon by Frances O’Roark Dowell
When twelve-year-old Jamie Dexter's brother joins the Army and
is sent to Vietnam, Jamie is thrilled. She can't wait to get his letters
describing the excitement of real-life combat. But TJ's first letter is
a roll of undeveloped film, the first of many. What Jamie sees when
she develops TJ's photographs reveals a whole new side of the war
in Vietnam.
The Quiet American by Graham Greene
Into the intrigue and violence of Indochina comes Pyle, a young
idealistic American sent to promote democracy through a
mysterious “Third Force” .
The Dragon Prince Stories and Legends From Vietnam by Thih
Nhat Hanh
15 stories of adventure, love, betrayal and self-realization, Zen
master and best-selling author transports the reader to old
Memories of a Pure Spring by Duong Thu Huong
A portrait of modern Vietnam and its citizens as they struggle to
survive under the post-war regime.
Call No.
Culture &
Where the Sea Takes Us by Kim Huynh
Kim traces her parents’ precarious lives, from their poor villages
in central and southern Vietnam, to the fall of Saigon and perilous
journey by boat to Australia.
Hey Joe by Michael Hyde
Jimi doesn’t know his father, Joe; the least he can do is go to
Vietnam and try and find him. With the aid of Joe’s half-written
novel, an uncanny sense of direction and a dash of luck Jimi set off
on a search for his father… and himself.
True Stories
Culture &
Culture &
When Heaven Fell by Carolyn Marsden
Binh lives in a small Vietnamese village selling fruit and soda to
the girls whose families can afford to send them to school. Her
aunt is visiting from America, and Binh begins to imagine how she
might help.
Noodle Pie by Ruth Starke
Andy and his father return to Vietnam for the first time, but they
are in for a shock. The locals are all on the make, his relatives are
greedy and impatient, and their restaurant is a joke. Andy gets a
bright idea to improve the family fortunes, but first he has to
unravel a few twisted family truths.
Nips XI by Ruth Starke
Lan Ngyuen wants to be a true-blue Aussie. What better way than
forming a cricket team? He gathers his assorted Asian-Australian
friends and defiantly gives it a name: Nips XI. Now all they need is
some equipment, a coach, a sponsor and learn the rules of the
Last Night I dreamed of Peace by Dang Thuy Tram
The diary of a young woman who was a doctor during the
Vietnamese war, who was shot trying to defend her patients. Her
diary was discovered among her possessions and returned to her
family 35 years later.
Goodbye, Vietnam by Gloria Whelan
When Mai and her family learn that the government plans to
arrest her grandmother, they’re forced to flee for their lives.
Leaving behind a beloved village, they board a tiny boat with other
desperate refugees.
Culture &
Culture &
True Stories
Marine Life of the Indo-Pacific Region including Indonesia,
Malaysia, Thailand and all of Southeast Asia by Gerald Allen
The vast Indo-Pacific region is the world’s richest underwater
province. The development of its coral reefs is unsurpassed,
forming a sanctuary for a myriad of colourful, often bizarre life
Malaysian & Thai Cusine by Beverley Sutherland-Smith
Easy recipes, with a full-page photo for each dish.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 11
edited by Stanley Sadie pages 555 - 567
Includes history, regional styles, folk, popular, traditions,
Malaysian instruments, playing techniques, and the influence of
Chinese immigrants and Western music.
The World of Puppets by Rene Simmen
Puppets from all over the world, including Japanese Bunraku
theatre and Malaysian and Indonesian, Cambodian and Thai
shadow puppets.
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Land, people, culture, religion and environmental concern for the
countries of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia,
Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Thailand
and Vietnam.
The Magic of Malaysia
A pictorial of the Malaysian regions of Melaka, Negeri Sembilan,
The North-west, rainforests, East Coast, Sarawak and Sabah.
Malaysia (Ask about Asia series)
Malaysia’s colonial past and present-day independence are
explored in this book. Includes history, industries and cultural
facts. Illustrated with many photos.
Cultures of the World Malaysia by Hiedi Munan
Dated (1990) but useful for its information about Malaysian
traditions and cultures. Illustrated.
Malaysia (Countries of the World series) by Anand
Contains an overview of Malaysian history and cultures plus closer
looks at its indigenous people, wildlife and industries.
Malaysia: a Study of an Economically Developing Country by
Jonathan Rowell
Includes the environment, transport, peoples, agriculture,
economy, leisure and tourism, plus plans for the future. Includes
illustrations and glossary.
Call No.
780 SAD
Volume 11
791.53 SIM
919.59 RIG
915.95 MAG
915.95 MAL
915.95 MUN
915.95 RAD
959.5 ROW
Our Neighbours Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei by Michael
and Jane Pelusey
Includes the people, physical features, religion and culture,
animals and plants, history and government, industry and trade of
these three countries.
See also entries for Malaysian cuisine under “Food”.
959.57 PEL
MALAYSIA websites
Malaysia - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette – Malaysian facts and figures,
culture, customs, etiquette, business protocols.
Malaysia- people, places, fun, nature, history and activities.
Environmental Problems in Malysia – World wildlife Federation
Malaysian Meteorological Department- Malaysian Climate
Malaysian-themed Fiction
Kampung Boy by Lat
Told in comic book form Lat tells the life of Mat, a Muslim boy
growing up in rural Malaysia in the 1950’s. A timeless South-East
Asian favourite.
Callie and the Prince by Sylvia Johnson
Two unlikely runaways. One wicked adventure. When Callie
crashed the school tractor into the swimming pool, she thought
things were probably about as bad as they were going to get, so
she ran away. What she didn’t count on was having company.
True Stories
Cambodia and Laos
Cambodia and Laos
Stories and Storytellers From Indo-China edited by Morag Loh, written
for the Indo-China Refugee Association of Victoria.
Myths and traditional stories retold by refugees; translated to English and
presented in the Khmer, Chinese, Lao, Mhong, and Vietnamese Cultures.
First Peoples: The Hmong of Southeast Asia by Sandra Millet
The Hmong are an ancient Asian people, possibly originating from
Mongolia. They are found in Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. This
book examines their fascinating culture.
Pleasure of Ruins by Rose Macaulay, photos by Roloff Beny
Architecture (in ruins) from Cambodia, China, India & Sri Lanka.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians volume 9 edited by
Stanley Sadie
Note: the entry for Cambodia in this set is listed under “Kampuchea”
(Published 1980)
Includes regional styles, history, influences from Burma, Laos, India and
Thailand, traditions, instruments, playing techniques and famous
performers. Includes dances and traditions.
World Fact Files: South-East Asia by Jonathan Rigg
Land, people, culture, religion and environmental concern for the countries
of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.
The Ikho of Laos by Tracey Holloway
Fascinating study of a remote Laotian hill-tribe, the Ikho. Traces their
history and culture, and survival in a modern world. Illustrated with
Laos and Kampuchea by Graham Houghton & Julia Wakefield
Dated (1987) but still interesting for geography and insights into post-war
Countries of the World Cambodia by Dayaneetha De Silva
Contains history, geography, government, arts, festivals, religions, food and
culture. Illustrated.
Cambodia an Oxfam Country Profile by Ian Brown
This book describes Cambodia’s efforts to overcome the horrific legacy of
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge regime to take its place among the emerging
tiger economies of the region.
The Seven Wonders of the Medieval World by Reg Cox & Neil Morris
Includes a chapter on the Angkor Wat.
Conflict in Indo China by Ian Sutherland
20th century history of Vietnam and Cambodia. Includes pre-war and the
refugee crisis.
A Visit to Cambodia by Rob Alcraft
The land, landmarks, homes, food, clothes, work, transport, language,
school, celebrations and the arts. Includes fact file and glossary. Large
print text.
398.20 LOH
305.895 MIL
722 MAC
Volume 9
919.59 RIG
915.94 HOL
915.96 SIL
915.96 BRO
940.1 COX
959 SUT
959.6 ALC
Our Neighbours Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos by Michael & Jane
Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos religions, politics, history, geography,
industries, food & culture are covered; with each page containing Fact Files
of useful statistics.
Vietnam and the Indochina Conflict by John Wood
In Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Communism was strongly identified with
nationalism as a means of liberation from foreign domination. Set in the
Cold War era, this book highlights the emergence of new and independent
nations, focusing on the conflict from 1945-1975 and examines how the
people of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia reacted to French colonialism and
subsequent American intervention.
War in Vietnam: Book IV – Fall of Vietnam by David K. Wright
The events in Vietnam after the American forces left; the fall of Saigon,
horror in Cambodia; hardship in Laos; refugees and a recognition of
women in Vietnam. Includes timeline of this period.
An Asian Tragedy Conflict in Indochina by Alan Pollock
The countries of Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) are examined in
the lead up and after effects of war.
See also entries for Cambodian cuisine under “Food”.
959.6 PEL
959.7 WOO
959.7043 WRI
959.7 POL
Cambodian & Laotian-themed Fiction
Little Brother by Allan Baille
It’s Cambodia; the Khmer Rouge is now in power. Vithy has lost everyone
and everything he loved – except his older brother Mang. They’ve escaped
from almost certain execution, but the brothers are separated and Vithy is
left alone to ‘follow the lines… to the border’; his brother’s last
instructions. But which lines? Which border?
A Taste of Cockroach: Stories from the Wild Side by Allan Baille
A collection of short stories, beginning with a disaster in the Himalayas,
adventures down the rivers of Cambodia and Laos, thong; flingers in
Rangoon and more.
Gates of Ivory by Margaret Drabble
Two or more years ago novelist Stephen Cox had vanished to the east.
There had been postcards, then silence. Now Liz has received a strange
parcel of jottings, bills, pictures and bones. Enlisting the help of his friends,
Liz follows the trail of the man to Cambodia.
Her Father’s Daughter by Alice Pung
Alice longs to leave home but her father worries for her. As she digs into
her father’s past she embarks on a journal of painful discovery. Set in
Melbourne, China and Cambodia.
Growing Up Asian in Australia by Alice Pung
Short stories written by Asian-Australians of various heritages, including
China, Vietnam, India, Thailand and Cambodia.
First They Killed My Father by Long Ung
A memoir of Loung Ung’s childhood under the brutal Pol Pot regime, her
experience as a child soldier and eventual escape.
Lucky Child by Long Ung
Sequel to First They Killed My Father. Ung writes about life as a survivor in
a new culture while recovering from memories of genocide and war in
Culture &
True Stories
True Stories
True Stories
The Philippines
Countries of the World: The Philippines (2 copies) by Joaquin L.
Gonzalez III
An overview of the geography, history, government, people and culture of
the Philippines, along with in-depth looks at aspects of Philippine life.
Contains maps, glossary and illustrations.
Introduction to The Philippines by Evelyn Peplow
A traveler’s guide to the Philippines with plenty of information of use to
the student. Contains expensive information of cities and places of
interests and information about the Philippine way of life and culture.
Call No
915.99 GON
915.99 HOE
Myanmar / Burma
The Indo-Pacific Library: Burma by Graham Houghton & Julia Wakefield
Includes the geography, climate, environment, natural resources, history,
independence, agriculture, industry, religion, health arts and culture of
Countries of the World: Myanmar by Pauline Khng
An overview of the geography, history, government, people and culture of
the Philippines, along with in-depth looks at aspects of Myanmar life.
Contains maps, glossary and illustrations.
Cultures of the World: Burma by Saw Myat Yin
Includes geography, history, government, economy, people, lifestyle,
religion, language, arts, leisure, festivals, food, map, glossary and
915.91 HOU
915.91 MYA
915.91 YIN
Wealth of Nations: Bangladesh by Jayne Ayliffe
The climate, land and its people are examined along with the reasons
behind Bangladesh’s poverty and attempts to improve life for the people.
Straightforward text with illustrations.
Country Fact Files: Bangladesh by David Cumming
Covers the physical landscape, climate and weather; natural resources;
population; economy and trade; religion and culture; education; politics
and law; environmental concerns and plans for the future.
954.9005 AYL
954.92 CUM
Nepal by Craig Lovell and Mohit Satyanand
954.96 SAT
A Historical Atlas of Pakistan by Robert Greenberger
An overview of the history of Pakistan, from the cradle of civilization to
the present day. Includes conquerors, the coming of Islam, the British
rule, becoming a nation and a country divided.
World in Focus: Pakistan by Sally Morgan
Pakistan was created in 1947, after the partition of British India into two
separate countries, but this history of the region dates back thousands of
years. Contains an overview of the country’s land, culture and people,
plus the challenges facing Pakistan in the future.
Changing World: Pakistan by David Abbott
Pakistan occupies a strategic position on the world map and has been
shaped by its alliances with its neighbours and powerful alliances. This
book compares the extremism that can compete with moderation in
terms of climate, geography, religion, politics, wealth and poverty.
954.91 GRE
954.910 MOR
954.91053 ABB
Countries of the World: Singapore by James Michael Baker and Junia
Marion Baker
An overview of the geography, history, government, people and culture of
the Philippines, along with in-depth looks at aspects of Singapore life.
Contains maps, glossary and illustrations.
The Magic of Singapore
Includes the land, flora and flora, history, government and economy,
people, religions and festivals and a look at the city.
959.5 BAK
915.957 MAG