Terms of Reference

TERMS OF REFERENCE – Regional Logistics Officer
Temporary Appointment
The abolition of health user fees and the introduction of Free Health Care for pregnant women,
lactating mothers, and children under 5 years of age came into effect on April 27 2010. This package
ensures the provision of minimal essential quality of care for all and includes services that have the
greatest impact on the major health problems (especially that of maternal and child health)
The Honorable Minister of Health, Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) officially requested
UNICEF to share their expertise by providing technical assistance and capacity building related to all
aspects of the Procurement and Supply Chain Management within the MoHS system, and support
procurement services
UNICEF is the lead agency in the longer term system strengthening which includes:
Strengthening management, planning and monitoring
…Strengthening oversight, co-ordination and management at all levels to ensure transparency and
efficiency, and monitor performance of health professionals.
Providing drugs and equipment
…Strengthening procurement and supply chain management systems to ensure that there are sufficient
drugs and equipment supplied at point of use, as well as putting in place an efficient warehousing,
storage and distribution system to avoid stock out of quality essential drugs, equipment and supplies.
Health facilities will also be equipped to deliver quality health emergency obstetric services, so this
includes better equipping of maternity wards and operating theatres.
The Free health Care programme has been experiencing over the past months, leakages in the distribution of
these drugs all over the country. To prevent possible losses in the future UNICEF in cooperation with the
Ministry of Health and Sanitation has developed a new distribution plan with new control mechanisms and clear
This culminates in the recruitment of Regional Logistics Officers to be located in key regional areas to
undertake among other duties the following;
Terms of reference
The Free health Care programme has been experiencing over the past months, leakages in the
distribution of these drugs all over the country. To prevent possible losses in the future UNICEF in
cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation has developed a new distribution strategy with
new control mechanisms and clear accountability.
Under direct supervision of UNICEF Free Health Care Coordinator, the Regional Logistics Officer
Supervise District Logistics Officers (DLO) in assigned region and provide them
with technical advises and support.
Ensure DLOs’ performance corresponds to their responsibilities and UNICEF and
MoHS expectations.
Provide leadership, technical and operational support, advice, and supervise
logistics arrangements to facilitate efficient ordering, receipts, storage and
distribution of essential medicines and consumables to the PHUs from the DMS.
Via DLO, provide an oversight responsibility for optimal supplies at the districts
medical stores, district hospitals and PHU levels (supervise stock management and
use of stocks at districts and PHUs).
Ensure that the LMIS system is fully functional with accurate and complete
accounting, reporting and internal control, and all relevant records being well
maintained at the district medical stores and PHUs.
Provide logistic support to the staff of the DHMT and hospitals to ensure the
managing, distribution and receipt of all supplies in the right places, in right
quantities and on time. Assist in arrangements of transportation and distribution in
appropriate quantities to the PHUs from the districts.
Approve monitoring plans for respective districts and follow up implementation of
monitoring logistics operations by DLOs.
Be a link between Free Health Care Coordinator and district logistic personnel,
coordinate all logistic operations related to FHC and provide consolidated timely
and proper reporting from DLOs.
 LMIS fully functional and operational at the DMSs, district hospitals and PHU levels
 Equitable and timely distribution of drugs and medical supplies is maintained and no stock out
in all the PHUs and hospitals (at least tracer drugs)
 Quality LMIS reports generated on time from all district PHUs, district hospitals and DMSs
and submitted monthly to the CMS
 Efficient storage and distribution of health commodities to the end users
 A comprehensive monitoring and supervision plan produced
 Minutes and agenda of District FHC Steering Group meetings
 Monthly report for the DMSs and CMS documenting all that has been done
Qualifications required
The Regional Logistics Officer should have possession of pharmaceutical training, relevant first degree
with at least 7 years’ experience in warehousing and stores management. They should be fluent in English
and literate in MS Excel and MS Word applications. Some knowledge of Logistics Management
Information Systems will be an added advantage.