
Position Title: Consultant Senior for Logistic Management Information Systems –
LMIS Landscape
Duty Station: WCARO Dakar Senegal, with extensive support missions in the WCA Region
Contract Type: SSA Application Close: February 05th 2015
Expected start date: March 1st 2015
Duration: 10 months
1. Background and Context
With the expansion of immunization financing and the integration of new antigens increasingly costly,
vaccination programs have expanded but at the cost of complexity. Simultaneously computing capacities have
increased and countries have adopted a plethora of tools to monitor activities and performances.
Because of the vertical nature inherent to Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) programs, health
information systems in many developing countries are fragmented and often focus exclusively on specific
programs. Consequently, countries maintain several systems in parallel for the same purpose. Methods and
practices of collecting and analysing data have placed a counter productive burden on frontline health workers.
There is a growing consensus that the burden not only leads to poor data quality, but also diverts critical health
resources of their responsibility for patient care.
To remedy to this situation there is a need for an in-depth analysis on existing systems, forms and tools used in
the countries to spot the functions and activities of the supply chain that are covered by several systems in
parallel and those left with no tool for monitoring. The study must lead to a global analysis of Logistic
Management Information Systems (LMIS) to define a comprehensive strategy that facilitates the integration
and interoperability of systems rather than the integration of vertical systems.
UNICEF is supporting EPI programs in vaccine procurement, cold chain and part of logistics. In this
framework, Unicef West and Central Africa Regional Office (WCARO) with the support of GAVI, has planned
this year to give a great support to countries to improve their LMIS in term of optimization and data quality.
2. Justification
To organize and conduct this analysis, the support of an international consultant will be needed to ensure
UNICEF great support for a good preparation and implementation of assessments in all countries of West and
Central Africa Region. WCARO will then hire a project manager for 10 months with a proven experience in
Information Technology to help in the analysis preparation and implementation. The Cold Cahin and Logistics
(CCL) specialist will provide oversight and guidance.
3. Purpose and Objective
 The purpose of the consultancy is to develop a regional analysis on Logistics Management Information
Systems in use for EPI programs that highlights redundant systems and inefficient tools and suggests
integrated systems where gaps are observed.
 The objective is to provide partners with a roadmap to optimize information flow and supply chain
management in the region.
4. Methodology and Technical Approach
 Step 1: Design and development of tools (protocol, questionnaire and web platform)
o Based on grey literature review,
o Using open source web platform and modules for Content Management Systems.
 Step 2: Evaluation of weaknesses and strengths of the tools developed
o Test in three pilot countries.
Step 3: Roll out
o Recruitment and training of consultants;
o Field trip for inventory of LMIS;
o Individual country analysis of LMIS.
 Step4: Development of a regional analysis and a roadmap for the improvement of LMIS.
5. Activities, Tasks, Outputs and Deliverables
Tools development:
 Set up a web platform with following features:
o Detailed attributes of all systems, tools and software used in the countries for vaccine management;
o Catalogue of software available on the market for vaccine management;
o Dictionary of Key Performance Indicators used for vaccine management with their attributes.
 Develop the assessment protocol that will be use in the countries during inventory;
 Develop the questionnaire that will be use in the countries during inventory;
 Develop the debriefing template for post assessment presentations in countries;
 Develop the template for final report including analysis and implementation roadmap.
Field visits:
 Prepare fields visits with Unicef country offices:
o Select sites to be assessed;
o Finalize timeline and logistics of assessment;
o Conduct a desktop review of relevant background documents.
 Prepare fields visits with assessors:
o Coordinate the recruitment and training of field assessors;
o Prepare materials and equipment for assessments.
 Check that all questionnaires have been properly entered on the web platform following each assessment
and review data instantaneously with assessors if required;
 Analyse data from assessment, identify strengths, weaknesses, gaps and redundancies;
 Supervise the presentation of findings to local partners.
Landscape analysis:
 Based on assessments develop individual country analysis of LMIS including roadmap for improvement;
 Develop a comprehensive regional analysis and design a regional roadmap for the improvement of LMIS;
 Share final report.
6. Management, Organization and Timeframe
The consultant will be positioned under the supervision of the Cold Chain and Logistics (CCL) Specialist
located at the regional office in Dakar and will also work closely with UNICEF country teams (CCL,
Immunization and Health, EPI focal point).
UNICEF will:
 Organize an initial briefing for the consultant;
 Make available guidelines, documentation on LMIS commonly used in the region;
 Ensure consultant direct supervision;
 Final appreciation of the consultant work quality.
Full Time: Estimated total working days: 10 months - On a base of 21 working days/months.
The Consultant will be on contract through till December 2015, and will implement the activities and
deliverables as outlined in this document.
Questionnaires and protocols are developed
31st March 2015
Web platform is operational and running
30th April 2015
Complete inventories and analysis on LIMS for the three pilot 31st May 2015
countries including roadmap for improvement.
Inventories and analysis including roadmap for improvement for 3
31st July 2015
countries assessed during the last 2 months.
Inventories and analysis including roadmap for improvement for 3
30th September 2015
countries assessed during the last 2 months.
Inventories and analysis including roadmap for improvement for 3
30th November 2015
countries assessed during the last 2 months.
Complete regional analysis and roadmap on LIMS
31st December 2015
7. Budget and Remuneration
One (1) International consultant in project management for information system, P4 professional for ten (10)
months (March to December 2015) of work;
 Monthly consultancy fees: $US 450.00 * 21 working days
 Salary will be pay based on deliverables :
 Frequent travels within the region
Questionnaires and protocols are developed
Web platform is operational and running
Complete inventories and analysis on LIMS for the three pilot
countries including roadmap for improvement.
Inventories and analysis including roadmap for improvement for 3
countries assessed during June and July 2015.
Inventories and analysis including roadmap for improvement for 3
countries assessed during August and September 2015.
Inventories and analysis including roadmap for improvement for 3
countries assessed during October and November 2015.
Complete regional analysis and roadmap on LIMS
8. Qualifications and Specialized Knowledge/experience required
 Education
o Two years university degree in Software Engineering or Computer Science is required;
o Additional degree/training in Logistics, Cold Chain or related areas is an asset.
Work experience
o 8 years experience Full Life Cycle (FLC) project: blueprint development, implementations,
governance and reviews;
o 8 years experience in designing enterprise architecture and roadmaps;
o 5 years experience in key logistics processes;
o 5 years experience in working, designing, or deploying solutions in/for low-resource settings and/or
multi-cultural context;
o Comprehensive experience with various ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CMS (Content
Management System) functional solutions architecture.
o Ability to formulate business analysis, requirements definition and system selection support;
Knowledge of current trends of solutions and application;
Excellent analytical, organizational and problem solving skills;
Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
Proven ability to transfer knowledge and stay aware of current trends and technical advancements;
Proven ability to develop and maintain relationships with multiple partners;
Capacity to work in multicultural environment.
o Proficiency in French is a requirement, and English an asset
10. Conditions of Work
Full Time: Estimated Total Working Days: 10 months - On a base of 21 working days/months;
The consultant will be based in Dakar - Senegal, at UNICEF Regional Office;
Unicef WCARO will provide international phone access and web access;
Up to 50 % of international travel will be required
UNICEF recourse in case of unsatisfactory performance:
Payment will only be made for work satisfactorily completed and accepted by UNICEF.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNICEF West and Central Africa Country Offices are located in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso,
Cameroon, Cape Verde (UN Joint Office), Central African Republic, Chad, DR Congo, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire,
Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria,
Sao tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.
If you are qualified and interested in these positions and meet the requirements, please forward your
application with updated curriculum vitae and UN Personal History Form (available at as well as the Candidate Self-Assessment Form (attached), with “the title of
the position as the subject’’, via email to and by 05
of February 2015.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male
candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to
become a part of our organization.