Alexandra Tredway CV

Alexandra Kathleen Tredway
428 Broadway Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
May 2016
Bachelor of Arts
Magna cum laude
GPA = 3.52
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Double Major: Applied Behavior Analysis (3.43 GPA)
Art-Drawing (3.66 GPA)
Specialized Coursework
Applied Behavior Analysis
Academic Apprenticeship in Appl. Behav Analysis*
Internship in Applied Behavior Analysis I*, II
Experimental Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis*
Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
Methods of Research in Psychology
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Big Issues in Psychology*
Human Development
Personality Psychology*
Small Group Communication
Logic & Critical Thinking
Individual Differences and Behavior Genetics*
Psychology as a Discipline and a Profession
Introduction to Psychology
Visual Communication & Expression
Advanced Studio Practice*
Life Drawing
Drawing: Contemporary Abstraction
Drawing Concepts
Intermediate Digital Photography
Introduction to Photography
Introduction to Visual Arts
Communication in the Information Age
Cultural Diversity
Art of the 20th Century
Art Hist-Paleolithic Through Medieval
Art Hist-W Europe & America 13th Cent-Present
Intro to American Indian Expressive Cultures
Chinese & Japanese Religions
Intermediate Spanish
Philosophy: Logic and Critical Thinking
*Forthcoming 2015-2016
Research & Methodology Design
Comparing Preference of Different Classes of Reinforcement. With Dr. Kevin Klatt, Department of
Psychology (PSYCH), University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire (UWEC). Summer 2015–present.
Replicated and extended Leaf, Dale, Kassardjian, Tsuji, Taubman, McEachin, Leaf, & Oppenheim-Leaf (2014). Similar
procedures from Leaf et al. (2014) are used such as assigning different academic skill per reinforcement class. Extension
includes investigation of the preference of different classes of reinforcement across four categories in order to evaluate
efficacy on skill acquisition. Edible class, tangible class, social class, and sensory class are compared.
Literature Review: Analysis of Establishing Operations for Escape Behavior During Academic
Tasks. With Dr. Kevin Klatt, (PSYCH), UWEC. Spring 2015.
Reviewed relevant studies published from 1990 to 2007 on the establishing operations for escape behavior during academic
tasks. The review includes fourteen studies that reported using establishing operations to determine the idiosyncratic
features of escape behavior in order to alter the occurrence of problem behavior.
Religiosity and the Gambler’s Fallacy. With student collaborator Cody Butcher for Methods of Research with
Dr. April Bleske-Rechek (PSYCH), UWEC, May 2014.
Study employing web-based survey instrument Qualtrics explored the relationship between persons’ degree of religiosity
and their tendency to engage in decision-making guided by superstition or the false mathematical perception termed the
‘gambler’s fallacy. Participants, N= 68, completed Koenig & Bussing’s Religiosity Scale (2010), Tobacyk’s Revised
Paranormal Belief Scale (1988), and our own gambler’s fallacy scale. Bivariate correlational analyses of the data showed
that intrinsic religiosity was not correlated with superstitious thinking or likelihood to commit the gambler’s fallacy.
Sign Training Multiple Signs to Infants and an Evaluation of Signing Across Settings. For Advanced
Behavior Analysis with Dr. Kevin Klatt (PSYCH), UWEC, Fall 2014.
Using the model presented in Thompson, Cotnoir-Bichelman, McKercher, Tate, & Dancho, 2007, designed an improved
method of sign training for infants that taught them to sign the concepts “more” and “please.” Created hypothetical infant
participants (6-10 mos.), data, and results. Experiment 1 evaluated whether infants can appropriately learn more than one
sign at a time. Experiment 2 evaluated whether infants can successfully sign across settings.
Student Director. Campus Autism Program(CAP), Supervised by Kevin Klatt, Ph. D., BCBA-D., Eau Claire, WI.
Sept-Dec. 2015.
Appointed student director by Dr. Klatt. Responsibilities include: assist in training team leads, consults with team leads and
therapists as needed to ensure all responsibilities are fulfilled, ensures team leads are implementing at least one
experimental design in their programs, ensures all binders and cabinets are organized and old data is filed, conducts biweekly binder checks to ensure graphs, programming, and assessments are up-to-date and organized, keeps a needed
supplies list and purchase needed items when necessary, ensures all pre-session preparations are completed prior to
children arriving, and helps student researchers with the implementation of research projects.
Team Lead. CAP, Supervised by Kevin Klatt, Ph. D., BCBA-D., Eau Claire, WI. Mar.-May 2015.
Appointed team lead for a three-year old client: assumed sole responsibility for managing case (assessments, skill
acquisition, raw data and progress graphs) every week. Designed PowerPoint presentations for
caregivers/parents. Administered Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS), Behavior
Language Assessment (BLA), and Verbal Behavioral Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP)
on a twice weekly schedule. Completed semester summary narrative and designed follow-up programming.
Program Therapist. CAP, Supervised by Kevin Klatt, Ph. D., BCBA-D., Eau Claire, WI. Jan.-May 2015.
Interacted with five children (ages 2-5) to implement programs that enhance individually targeted goals.
Developed individualized client assessment plans and data collection systems at weekly staff meetings. Collected
data and established reliability for treatment sessions. Updated data to reflect child’s skill acquisition. Regularly
reviewed literature and assessment instruments (ABLLS, BLA, VB-MAPP).
Line Staff. Applied Behavioral Intervention Services, LLC, Supervised by Kevin Klatt, Ph. D., BCBA-D.,
Altoona, WI. June 2015–present.
Work one-to-one with children diagnosed with autism to conduct treatment and provide site management for
assigned clients. Line staff work with children in an in-home session or as a school tutor for three hours per
session. Treatment programs, which employ discrete trial training (DTT) or natural environment training (NET),
teach the children academic skills, and promote their generalization of mastered skills.
Line Staff. Educational Solutions Inc., Eau Claire, WI. Supervised by Kristin Wegner, Ph. D., Licensed
Clinical Psychologist. Aug.-June 2015.
Work one-to-one with children diagnosed with autism to conduct treatment and provide site management for
assigned clients. Line staff work with children in an in-home session or clinic session for three to four hours per
session. Treatment programs, which employ discrete trial training (DTT) or natural environment training (NET),
teach the children appropriate social interactions, and promote their generalization of mastered skills.
Direct Instruction Training. UWEC, Eau Claire, WI. June 2015.
Attended a lecture by Linda Ciske, Ph. D. about direct instruction. Eight-hour class addressed the importance and
the development of reading mastery and included training on how to use reading mastery. Training included
information re: scripts, alphabet sounds, and administration of placement test. Role-playing various situations
enlightened participants re: the script and provided opportunity to practice error corrections and praise.
Student Academic Apprentice. For Advanced Behavior Analysis with Dr. Kevin Klatt, (PSYCH),
UWEC, Fall 2015.
Apprentices enhance their knowledge of advanced behavior analysis theory and practice through assisting the
course instructor. Responsibilities include weekly meetings with the supervising faculty member to assist quiz and
exam development, tutoring ~ 13 students as they prepare for quizzes/exams, and grading assignments.
“Mental Pressure.” Drawing: Concepts 1 with Scott Robertson, MFA (ART), UWEC. April-May 2015.
Project involved adding twist to digital collage photographer Antonio Mora’s technique, procedure and style. Mora
dreamlike digital collages transform portraits into landscapes, cityscapes, and animals in Photoshop. I drew with my less
dominant hand, used unfamiliar media including ink pen, watercolor, rubber cement, and gunpowder to create a haunting
portrait of a screaming person transforming into an explosion to emphasize the dramatic consequence of mental pressure.
“Aftermath.” Drawing: Concepts 1 with Scott Robertson, MFA, UWEC. January-February 2015.
Project involved exploring the process of art making through experimenting with new materials, limitations and critical
thinking. In the manner of artist Cai Guo-Qiang, I created six drawings using gunpowder, cut these into 5 x 5 in. squares,
and assembled the pieces together. My limitations included of explosives and working outside in negative degree weather.
“Invisible Man.” Drawing: Contemporary Abstraction with Scott Robertson, MFA, UWEC. December 2014.
Project theme involved something broken that can be healed (ex. physical, therapeutic, mental, relationships etc.). I
created a self-portrait collage via Photoshop and ink pen on acetate. Absent relationship with biological parent chosen as
the “broken.” Acknowledging similarities in physical features led to acceptance of relationship
“BOH.” Intermediate Photography with Jyl Kelley, MFA (ART), UWEC. April-May 2015.
In this project on group portraits, I created a series of 5 photographs of restaurant employees in Eau Claire, WI. Pictures
included groups of 2-3 cooks, servers, and hosts in the “back-of-house” where special relationships are formed. Photos
emphasize co-worker friendships that often provide a sense of community and ultimately a sense of family.
“Sweet Dreams, Baby: Revision.” Intermediate Photography with Jyl Kelley, MFA, UWEC. March-April 2015.
Series of 3 photographs referenced Roy Lichtenstein’s “Sweet Dreams, Baby” with student collaborators Reid Johnson,
Brittany Rand, and Austin Stutzman. Each photograph reflected a different revision of the painting. Props included callouts, “POW” sign, notes, scissors, and couch. Comic book effect (Pop Art) emphasized via make-up and bright colors.
“Imperfect.” Introductory to Photography as Art Form with Michael Borowski, MFA (ART), UWEC. 2014.
Recreated influential photographer John Coplans’ “A Body.” His photos consisted of nude self-portraits that convey how
society views old age as ugly. As a rebuttal, I created a series of 4 self-portraits in which young bodies appear ugly with
blemishes, scars, bruises, stretchmarks, and imperfect nails.
U.S. Dept. of Education-McNair Achievement Program
WI Higher Education Grant
Blugold Commitment Grant
Edgerton Rotary Club Bob Worth Scholarship, Edgerton High
$600 High School Activities Scholarship
$450 Victor Johnson Scholarship
Dean’s List, College of Arts and Sciences, UWEC
Academic Distinction, UWEC
Academic & Fine Arts Honor Student, Edgerton High School
“Comparing Preference of Different Classes of Reinforcement.”
◊ Astra: The McNair Scholars’ Journal. UWEC. Forthcoming.
◊ 24th Annual National McNair Research Conference and Graduate Fair. October 29 – 31, 2015.
◊ 16th Annual McNair Senior Scholars’ Colloquia. UW-Eau Claire. December 2015.
◊ Celebration of Excellence in Research and Creative Activity (CERCA) 2016
Wisconsin Forensics Association Presentations. Edgerton-Janesville 2011.
Solo Prose Recitations
◊ “Lord of the Rings: Prologue” Silver category. WI State Forensics Competition, Madison, WI. 2011.
Edgerton High School (EHS) Theatrical Performances. Edgerton, WI. 2008-11.
◊ Played Narrator 1 in Don Zolidis’s Adaptation of “Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon.” 2011.
◊ Played Crow 1 in William F. Brown’s “The Wiz.” 2010.
◊ Played Titania in William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” 2010.
◊ Played Jane in Alan Jay Lerner’s “Brigadoon.” 2008.
Rock County Historical Society. Tallman House, Janesville, WI. Summer 2008-2011.
◊ Arts & Crafts Leader: In charge of children’s 19th century arts and crafts projects such as clothespin dolls, quilts,
and headbands during the Tallman House Arts Festival. Assisted children in the creation of crafts as well as inventory
of materials. Dressed in 19th century attire.
◊ Docent: Tour guide during the Tallman House Civil War Days. Provided guests historical information about the
Tallman House and Abraham Lincoln as well as dressed up in 19 th century attire.
People to People Student Ambassadorship. DeForest, WI Rep to Sydney-Cairns, Australia (Sp & Su 2010).
Promoted international understanding through educational, cultural, and humanitarian activities. Completed pre-departure
training on Australian government, history, geography, flora and fauna (i.e., bats, caves, the Opera House, and warships).
Undertook cultural activities (i.e., learning cricket and rugby, touring Sydney Opera House, and eating Australian foods
such as kangaroo, crocodile, and ants) and presented project on Australian dolphins. Stayed three days with a family in
Lennox Head (NSW), and five days at a station (cattle ranch) in the Outback (NSW).
Actor’s Guild. Edgerton High School, Edgerton, WI. October 2010-May 2011.
Founder & President: Created organization with Edgerton H. S. guidance counselor. This elite group of six students,
recommended for membership by peers, performed skits for elementary and middle school audiences to demonstrate the
harmful effects of bullying, stealing, and substance abuse. Repertoire grew to include other skits including “Career Day” for
elementary school students to acknowledge they do not need to know what they want to be when they grow up, and
“Graduation” for incoming high school students to promote safe actions and awareness of peer pressure.
Art Club. Edgerton High School, Edgerton, WI. September 2010-May 2011.
Vice President: Provide leadership through love of teaching and creating art. Attend monthly meetings during school
lunch to discuss possible art projects for local schools and the public. Assist student senate with creation of festive banners
during homecoming, prom, sport competitions, and other school events.
Yearbook Club. Edgerton High School, WI. September 2010-March 2011.
Co-Editor: Yearbook theme was “Rated ‘E’ for ‘Everybody’”. The ultimate goal was to include everyone in EHS in the
yearbook. Responsibilities include advising peers to write articles about students in all grade levels from freshmen to
seniors, edit articles, create fun and unique article ideas for the yearbook, and direct the yearbook layout through visuals
such as text and pictures.
Cover Winner: Students of EHS entered artwork to be voted for the yearbook cover of the year 2010-2011. Judges of the
competition include students from the student senate, members of the yearbook club, and teachers involved in the yearbook
committee. Ten students entered original artwork created from a variety of mediums. My pencil sketch was chosen as the
winner and then revised in Photoshop.
Social Problem Research Project. Pederson Elementary School, Altoona, WI. Spring 2014.
Visited a local elementary school to educate students about healthy lifestyle choices in order to avoid future health problems
such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, and heart disease. The main goal was to impact students’ daily habits
ideally increasing daily physical activities and improving their eating habits. Information was distributed through lectures
and worksheets as well as physical activities such as kickball.
Applied Behavior Analysis International
Psi Chi Honor Society Spring of 2015
American Psychological Association
National Honor Society of Leadership & Success