Private Dispensary Monthly HMIS Report I. Identification and Important Communications A) Report Identification 1. Facility Name 5. Year 2. Catchment Area Population 6. Month 3. Province 7. Sector 4. District 8. Cell B) Report Approvals/Processing 1. Name of In-charge 5. Date received 2. Qualification 6. Name 3. Date sent 7. Signature 4. Signature 8. Date entered in RHMIS II. Outpatient Consultations A) Outpatient Morbidity summary table <5 yr M F >=5 – 19 yr M Total B) Health insurance status of new cases F >=20 yr M 1. Insured (Mutuelle or other insurance members) F 1. New cases 2. Non-Paying New cases 2. Old cases 3. Number of Indigents of non-paying new cases C) Referrals Total Total D) Special causes of OPD visits 1.Referred to Hospital 1. Road traffic accidents 2. Counter referrals received 2. Natural or man-made disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc) 3. Workplace accidents E) New cases of priority health problems in OPD # Diagnosis ICD-10 1 Fever >=37 C (all causes) 2 Diarrhea with dehydration A09.1 A09.2 3 Diarrhea no dehydration 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Diarrhea bloody (dysentery) Food poisoning Ear Infections Schistosomiasis Ascaris lumbricoides Trichuris trichiura Hookworm Entamoeba Giardia Taenia Malaria confirmed simple (not pregnant) Malaria confirmed simple in pregnancy Malaria confirmed with minor digestive symptoms (not pregnant) Malaria confirmed with minor digestive symptoms in pregnancy Malaria (presumptive not pregnant) Herpes simplex infections Meningitis suspected Eye problem Trachoma A09.3 A05 H65 B65 B77 B79 B76 A06 A07 B68 B53.8 B53.8.0 B54 B00.9 G03.9 A71.9 <5 years M 5-19 years F M F 20 years and above M F Private Dispensary HMIS Monthly Report 28/1/2014 E) New cases of priority health problems in OPD # Diagnosis 22 Eye problem Trichiasis 23 Eye problem Other 24 Pneumonia 25 Respiratory infections acute (ARI) other 26 Teeth and gum Infections 27 Gastritis and duodenitis 28 Abscesses 29 Ulcers of skin 30 Skin Infection Scabies 31 Skin Infection Fungal (mycoses) superficial 32 Skin Infection Other 33 Urinary Tract Infections 34 Anemia (confirmed) 35 Acute flaccid paralysis (suspected polio) <5 years ICD-10 H02.0 H57.9 J18.9 J22, J06.9 K08.9 K29.9 L02.9 L89 B86 B36.9 L00-L08 N39.0 M 5-19 years F M F 20 years and above M F D64.9 A80 F) New cases of HIV/AIDS/STI/TB and Non-Communicable diseases # Diagnosis ICD-10 1 Fractures T14.2 2 Physical traumas, other than fractures T79 3 Discharge, Urethral Male R36 4 Discharge, Vaginal N89.8 5 Genital ulcers N48.5 6 Bubo / scrotal swelling K40.9 7 Gynecological problems N94.9 8 Tuberculosis AFB sputum+ A15.0 9 Cough Chronic (>15 days) B23.8 10 AIDS clinical B24 11 Skin infections opportunistic B23.0 12 Herpes Zoster (Zona / shingles,) B23.8 13 Candidiasis oral B20.4 14 Fever Chronic (> 1 month) B23.8 15 Diarrhea Chronic opportunistic infection K52.9 Needle stick-injuries (or other health worker 16 HIV exposure) W46 17 Goitre E04.9 18 Vitamin A deficiency – Night blindness E50.4 19 Heart disease acute 5 to 19 years <5 years M F M F 20 yrs and above M F III. Chronic Diseases and Mental Health Diagnosis ICD-10 1 Psychological/Mental problems 2 Epilepsy 3 Suicide (attempted or successful) 3 Diabetes, Insulin dependent 4 Diabetes, non-insulin dependent 5 Diabetes, gestational 6 Hypertension 7 Stroke 8 Rheumatic heart disease 9 Congestive heart failure 10 Leprosy (MB + PB) Version 1.7 New Cases Under 20 y 20 y and above M F M F Old cases Under 20 y 20 y and above M F M F FXX.9 G40.9 X84 E10 E11 Q24 I10 I64 I09 I60 A30.9 Page 2 Private Dispensary HMIS Monthly Report 11 12 13 14 28/1/2014 Cardio vascular disease other Asthma Chronic obstructive lung diseases Bronchiectasis (chronic bronchitis) I51.6 J45.9 J44 J47 IV. Vaccinations Vaccine Antigen/Item distributed 1 BCG 2 Polio-Zero (P0) 3 Polio-1 (OPV1) 4 Polio-2 (OPV2) 5 Polio-3 (OPV3) 6 DTP-HepB-Hib1 7 DTP-HepB-Hib2 8 DTP-HepB-Hib3 9 Pneumococus 1 10 Pneumococus 2 11 Pneumococus 3 12 Rotavirus 1 13 Rotavirus 2 14 Rotavirus 3 15 Measles & Rubella (MR) 16 Insecticide impregnated bed nets distributed Vaccines for other age groups: 17 0 -11 Months 1 Year 15 Months 16 Months + Measles vaccination 12 years 18 HPV 1 19 HPV 2 20 HPV 3 V. Family Planning Methods New Acceptors Stopped FP Active users at end of month Quantity distributed Stock at end of month Days of stockout 1 Oral Contraceptives, progestative 2 Oral Contraceptives, combined 3 Injectables (Depo-Provera) 4 Injectables (Norristerat) 5 Implants 6 IUD 7 Male condoms 8 Female condoms 9 Other barrier methods (gel, diaphram) 10 Cycle beads 11 Auto-observation Version 1.7 Page 3 Private Dispensary HMIS Monthly Report 28/1/2014 VI. Male Circumcision < 30 days 30 days - 14 years >=15 years 1. Male circumcisions performed in the facility VII. Laboratory Results Exams Positives Negatives Total 1. Blood Smears 1.1. Plasmodium 1.2. Micro-filaria 1.3. Borellia 1.4. Trypanosoma 2. Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria 3. Stools (number of samples analyzed) Of which 3.1. Entamoeba histolytica 3.2. Entamoeba coli 3.3. Giardia 3.4. Ascariasis 3.5. Ankylostomiasis (hookworms) 3.6. Schistosoma 3.7. Trichuris 3.8. Taenia 3.9 Other parasites 4. Urine Of which 4.1. Sugar 4.2 Albumin 4.3 Pregnancy test 5. Sputum Of which 5.1. Diagnosis of TB by microscopy 5..2 Control of TB positive patients 6. Blood Of which 6.1. RPR 6.2. HIV final result 6.3. Hemoglobin 6.4. ESR/VS 6.5. Full Blood Count (FBC/NFS) 6.6. ALAT (GPT) 6.7. Creatinine 6.8. Blood glucose (glycemie) 6.9. Amylase 6.10. CD4 7. Lab tests, other Version 1.7 Page 4