Making the list Overview: 1. Print the patient list 2. Print the patient rounds report 3. Write in additional important information on the rounds reports 4. Print the OR schedule for the day. 5. Make copies for each member of your team Specific Instructions: Print the patient list (first page) o Log into Impact, then into PowerChart. o Click the “Explorer Menu” icon (looks like compass) o You will be asked to log in again. o Click “Patient List Report” from the menu at the left. You may need to click “MenuPhysicianPatient List Report o Type your last name into the text box, then hit enter. o Select your team list, then hit “execute” o Print this screen, choosing the nearest printer. o When this list is printed: Write the date at the top of the page. Write the page numbers where each patient is found to the left of their names. Print the patient rounds report (middle pages) o Log into Impact, then into PowerChart o Highlight the patient names from your list. o Click file, print, multipatient rounds report. o This should print a list with 2 patients per page, including their active medications, vitals, labs, etc. o Use this list to write the additional information teams wish to see during rounds each day. “Making the List” = Writing in some additional important information o Log into Impact, then into PowerChart o Add the following to the list to make it more complete for your team: Vital signs: Circle any abnormal values in the minimum or maximum columns. In the “vitals” tab within the patient’s chart, find when these vitals were measured; write the time next to the abnormal value. Ins and Outs: Click into the “I-view” tab, then choose Intake and Output (bottom of the page). Record sources of input (IV fluids, PO, NG or PEG tube, etc.) and output (catheter, urine, emesis, stools, drains, etc.) For drain output, record the name of the drain and individual output from that drain. Medications and IV fluids (IVF): All medications are listed at the top of the rounds report. Circle any anticoagulants, PPI, antibiotics, or antifungals Write in the day of antibiotics/antifungals (ie. day 4) Write in the rate of IVF as cc/hr. Diet and Tube Feeds: Circle the diet the patient is receiving in the top right corner. If the patient is receiving tube feeds, write the rate You can find the tube feed rate under “Input and Output” in the ‘I-view’ tab or on the “Orders” tab. Labs: The rounds report should include the most recent BMP and CBC. It is helpful to write in previous day values to show lab trends (look in the “labs” tab; you may have to change the reporting range). Often, these values are not reported early enough to be included when printed; refresh the lab values and write these onto the page before making copies. Also consider adding coagulation studies, liver function tests, nutrition labs, and other pertinent labs specific to your surgical service Reason for Admission: Write down the hospital day and disease suspected or post-op day and surgical procedure for each patient. If you have a copy of the previous day’s list, it’s easiest to copy but be sure to add a day. If it is a new patient, look at the admission note “Assessment” for clues. HD= hospital day; POD= post op day. Pathology: Include a short summary of the findings when the pathology report comes back (usually 2-3 days post-op) Imaging: Include any new imaging from the past 24 hours. Summarize long reports and be sure to answer the diagnostic question (why did we order this?) Microbiology: Include any cultures, antigen tests, antibiotic sensitivities under the “F/u studies” on the report summary. Print the OR schedule (last page) o Log into Horizon, then click the “operating room schedule” o Select the date in the top left of the screen o Click the “print generic” button in the top right of the screen o In the text box, type the names of the attendings on your team separated by commas. o Select “filter”. Print the list to the nearest printer. o The OR Schedule is the final page of the “packet” for rounds. Make copies for the team o Make enough copies for each individual to carry a copy. Teams = upper level resident, interns, med students. Attendings do not round with your team in the mornings.