Algebra II course Info 14-15


PreAP Algebra II

2014 – 2015

Course Description

Algebra II continues the study of algebra beginning with linear functions and inequalities. It includes the study of complex numbers as a mathematical system, the study of quadratic, square root, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, and the study of conic sections. Algebra II also provides an opportunity for students to make connections between algebra and geometry and use the tools of one to help solve problems in the other. PreAP Algebra II also includes the additional studies of polynomial functions and more in-depth and complex study of various functions and their applications.


Each student is responsible for his own success in this course. Students should plan to spend every class period working toward understanding and applying the new knowledge that is gained. Students should also expect to spend time outside the classroom studying, working problems and thinking about processes and problems.

The instructor will be responsible for presenting and explaining new material, giving examples to demonstrate both the techniques involved and how to apply the information in problem situations.


Every time you come to class, you must have your homework, lined paper, a pencil and a graphing calculator. If you do not own a calculator, you MUST check one out from the library. TI-89, TI-92, and Inspire calculators may not be used for work done in this course. You will need a calculator for a lot of your high school career (chemistry/physics/upper level math), so if you plan on purchasing one, please get a TI-84 Plus.

Grading Policy: 30% Formative: In-Class Assignments, Homework, and Quizzes

70% Summative: Tests, Common Writing and Performance Based Assessments

All work is graded on a summation percentage basis. Individual grades will be given a point value. Grades posted via the MISD gradebook system will appear on a 100% basis, but individual grades (homework, quizzes, etc.) will be weighted within their categories according to the number of points on the assessment. Please check the Home Access Center (HAC) frequently to keep track of your grades. You should be receiving your username and PIN by mail—if not, check with your house principal.

Makeup Work

If you are absent on the day when work (daily, quiz, test) is due, you must make it up according to MISD policy. That is, you have one day for each day of absence to make up the work. Any work not made up according to this policy will receive a grade of 0. If you miss class for any school-sponsored activity, you are responsible for work (daily, quiz, test) the next day you are in class. You do not receive additional time for makeup in these cases. It is your responsibility to know when you have a missed a quiz or test and make arrangements to take the makeup.

Late Work

Homework assignments turned in late (by the next day’s same class period) can earn a maximum of a 70.

Other Issues

All school policies will be followed in my classroom.

 You may have a bottle of water, but no other food or drink is allowed.

 The school dress code will be enforced. Come to class dressed appropriately.

 Take care of personal business before coming to class. Do not ask to leave class for such things as going to the restroom, to get a drink or to go to another teacher’s classroom.

 You may not have a phone, “radio,” or other electronic device where it is visible or audible in the classroom without teacher consent. Any violation of this guideline will result in the item being collected.

In general, the time you are in this classroom is to be dedicated to PreAP Algebra II. Things that are a distraction to that focus will not be allowed.

Tutoring: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7 – 7:25 am

Tuesday, Thursday 2:30 – 3:15 pm

Occasional staff meetings/duty might conflict with tutoring but that will be posted outside my door ahead of time.

Contact Information

Teacher email:

Teacher School Phone: 469.302.4435

Teacher Twitter: @MsAndersTeacher

PreAP Algebra II

2014 – 2015

Course Description

Algebra II continues the study of algebra beginning with linear functions and inequalities. It includes the study of complex numbers as a mathematical system, the study of quadratic, square root, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, and the study of conic sections. Algebra II also provides an opportunity for students to make connections between algebra and geometry and use the tools of one to help solve problems in the other. PreAP Algebra II also includes the additional studies of polynomial functions and more in-depth and complex study of various functions and their applications.


Each student is responsible for his own success in this course. Students should plan to spend every class period working toward understanding and applying the new knowledge that is gained. Students should also expect to spend time outside the classroom studying, working problems and thinking about processes and problems.

The instructor will be responsible for presenting and explaining new material, giving examples to demonstrate both the techniques involved and how to apply the information in problem situations.


Every time you come to class, you must have your homework, lined paper, a pencil and a graphing calculator. If you do not own a calculator, you MUST check one out from the library. TI-89, TI-92, and Inspire calculators may not be used for work done in this course. You will need a calculator for a lot of your high school career (chemistry/physics/upper level math), so if you plan on purchasing one, please get a TI-84 Plus.

Grading Policy: 30% Formative: In-Class Assignments, Homework, and Quizzes

70% Summative: Tests, Common Writing and Performance Based Assessments

All work is graded on a summation percentage basis. Individual grades will be given a point value. Grades posted via the MISD gradebook system will appear on a 100% basis, but individual grades (homework, quizzes, etc.) will be weighted within their categories according to the number of points on the assessment. Please check the Home Access Center (HAC) frequently to keep track of your grades. You should be receiving your username and PIN by mail—if not, check with your house principal.

Makeup Work

If you are absent on the day when work (daily, quiz, test) is due, you must make it up according to MISD policy. That is, you have one day for each day of absence to make up the work. Any work not made up according to this policy will receive a grade of 0. If you miss class for any school-sponsored activity, you are responsible for work (daily, quiz, test) the next day you are in class. You do not receive additional time for makeup in these cases. It is your responsibility to know when you have a missed a quiz or test and make arrangements to take the makeup.

Late Work

Homework assignments turned in late (by the next day’s same class period) can earn a maximum of a 70.

Other Issues

All school policies will be followed in my classroom.

 You may have a bottle of water, but no other food or drink is allowed.

 The school dress code will be enforced. Come to class dressed appropriately.

 Take care of personal business before coming to class. Do not ask to leave class for such things as going to the restroom, to get a drink or to go to another teacher’s classroom.

 You may not have a phone, “radio,” or other electronic device where it is visible or audible in the classroom without teacher consent. Any violation of this guideline will result in the item being collected.

In general, the time you are in this classroom is to be dedicated to PreAP Algebra II. Things that are a distraction to that focus will not be allowed.

Tutoring: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7 – 7:25 am

Tuesday, Thursday 2:30 – 3:15 pm

Occasional staff meetings/duty might conflict with tutoring but that will be posted outside my door ahead of time.

Contact Information

Teacher email:

Teacher School Phone: 469.302.4435

Teacher Twitter: @MsAndersTeacher
