Exceeds - HS ESL

Major Assessment
Courier 12
Page #
Present tense
Dialogue &
Camera shots &
Music & Sound FX
Gothic Horror Narrative - Rubric
36 – 40
Screenplay is formatted as per
screenwriting conventions outlined
in the Task instructions.
Screenplay is formatted as per
conventions with one or two
minor oversights.
Each scene includes clear gothicoriented directions that set the
mood and atmosphere. Eg He
Most scenes include some
direction that attempts gothicoriented gestures and actions Eg
creeps around the trees hiding in
the shadows. She turns her head
menacingly towards the door.
Rich dialogue or narration that
consistently includes more
interesting language choices to help
create a gothic mood.
Thorough storyboarding of each
major scene for each of the PLOT
Student has incorporated a rich &
interesting variety of gestural,
spatial and audio techniques at the
storyboard planning stage.
MultiModal choices are all
consistent with the PLOT elements
and Gothic Horror conventions.
Gothic Horror Film
32 - 35.5
He walks around the trees and tries
to hide. She suddenly turns
towards the door.
Dialogue or narration includes
some interesting language choices
that attempt to create a gothic
Mostly detailed Storyboarding of
major scenes for each of the PLOT
elements with one or two minor
Student has incorporated some
interesting gestural, spatial and
audio techniques at the storyboard
planning stage.
MultiModal choices are mostly
consistent with the PLOT elements
and Gothic Horror conventions.
Consistent use of Gothic Horror
Symbolism littered throughout the
Multimodal text including
appropriate references to
Dichotomous relationships
Some use of Gothic Horror
Symbolism appears throughout the
Multimodal text including some
references to Dichotomous
The story makes very clear and
logical reference to the chosen
thematic convention
The story has a clear and somewhat
logical reference to the chosen
thematic convention
Partially Meets
28 - 31.5
Not Yet Meeting
24 - 27.5
Screenplay is inconsistently
formatted as per conventions.
Screenplay is not formatted as per
screenwriting conventions.
Scenes include basic directions
that identify what is happening
rather than describing how it is
happening. Eg He hides in the
Scenes include some directions
that are unclear or unfinished. Eg
trees. She looks at the door.
He hides. She looks.
Dialogue or narration is
sometimes unclear or superficial.
Dialogue or narration includes
mostly simple language that
focuses on the action rather
than the mood.
Superficial or unfinished
Storyboarding of major scenes
for each of the PLOT elements.
Unfinished or overlooked
Storyboarding meaning there is
no direction for a major scene.
Student has attempted some
superficial or basic gestural,
spatial and audio techniques at
the storyboard planning stage.
Student has overlooked the
gestural, spatial and audio
techniques at the storyboard
planning stage.
MultiModal choices are
somewhat consistent with the
PLOT elements and Gothic
Horror conventions.
MultiModal choices may be
inconsistent with the PLOT
elements and Gothic Horror
Some Gothic Horror Symbolism
appears in the Multimodal text
however it may be limited to
two or three sections. At least
one reference to a Dichotomous
Limited Gothic Horror
Symbolism presented in the
Multimodal text. It may be
limited to just one or two
sections. There is no reference to
a Dichotomous relationship.
The story includes reference to
the chosen thematic convention
The chosen thematic convention
of the story is unclear.
Gothic Horror Narrative - Rubric
Major Assessment
36 – 40
 orientation
(introduce characters
and setting)
 rising action
(series of exciting and
gripping events)
 climax
 falling action
(sorting it all out)
 resolution
MultiModal version is a creative
adaptation of the original PLOT
structure. All essential PLOT
elements are present within the new
text form.
MultiModal version is an
appropriate adaptation of the
original PLOT structure. All
essential PLOT elements are
present within the new text form.
ALL Plot elements are
comprehensive, well integrated and
Plot elements are appropriate,
quite well integrated and mostly
convincing. There may be one or
two minor inconsistencies.
& Expression
32 - 35.5
Partially Meets
28 - 31.5
Not Yet Meeting
24 - 27.5
MultiModal version is a good
attempt to adapt the original
PLOT structure. Most essential
PLOT elements are present
within the new text form. There
may be one or two minor
omissions that make the story a
little confusing..
MultiModal version has lost or
confused the original PLOT
structure. The PLOT is quite
difficult to follow as too many
PLOT elements are missing within
the new text form.
Sequence of events is somewhat
Some elements of the PLOT are
depicted through the Narrative
dialogue. There may be some
meaningless dialogue that is not
essential to the PLOT.
Narrative dialogue contains
considerable meaningless
dialogue which makes it difficult
to identify the PLOT.
Sequence of events is logical and
Sequence of events is mostly
logical and chronological with
minor inconsistencies.
Essential elements of the PLOT are
clearly depicted through character
Most elements of the PLOT are
depicted somewhat clearly through
the Narrative dialogue.
Expression accurately reflects the
mood, emotion, event or character
in the story.
Expression mostly suits the mood,
emotion, event or character in the
Expression sometimes suits the
mood, emotion, event or
character in the story.
Limited expression which
sometimes suits the mood of the
event or character in the story.
Student often pauses and uses
whispers or exclamations where
appropriate to animate the story
and add to the overall effect.
Student sometimes pauses and
uses whispers or exclamations to
animate the story and add to the
overall effect.
Student mostly reads from the
page with only occasional
attempts to use intonation and
Student reads from the page with
rare attempts to use intonation
and expression.
Pronunciation and intonation of
familiar vocabulary is always
correct and confident –unfamiliar
vocabulary is mostly correct
indicating student has practiced
Pronunciation and intonation of
familiar vocabulary is usually
correct and confident –minimal
hesitation with new vocabulary
indicating student has practiced
Pronunciation and intonation
of familiar vocabulary is
sometimes hesitant and
inaccurate indicating student
has not practiced reading.
Pronunciation and intonation of
familiar vocabulary is sometimes
hesitant and inaccurate
indicating student has not
practiced reading.