Curriculum & Instruction Department Fall Retreat

Curriculum and Instruction Department Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 13, 2013, Winther 4013
Present: Deb Bowditch, David Fischer, Robin Fox, Kristin Goble, James Hartwick, Candace Head-Dylla, Lucy
Heimer, Liesl Hohenshell, Edric Johnson, Susie Kidd, Julie Marino, Rick Mason, Julie Minikel-Lacocque, Andi
O’Brien, Ginny Pease, Carmen Rivers, Ann Ruff, Melanie Schneider, Pat Shaw, John Smith, Wallace Sherlock,
Nancy Stevens, Anne Stinson, Wade Tillett, Matt Vick, John Zbikowski. Absent: Michelle Gibson-Herman,
Katrina Liu
The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Department Chair Robin Fox
1. Action Items
a. Approval of October 9, 2013 minutes
Rick motioned, Susie seconded, unanimously approved
b. Discussion of a policy related to online courses
After discussion, John motioned to approve a new policy “Students who fail an online undergraduate course
because of lack of participation, would not be allowed to repeat that course in an online format”, Ann Ruff
seconded, unanimously approved.
2. Announcements/Updates –Committees/Working Groups –
a. Curriculum & Scheduling (Matt)
Marketing Education proposal forwarded includes elective options post-secondary MS/BME – Matt
motioned, John S. seconded, unanimously approved
b. Assessment (Virginia) – no report
c. MSEPD Council (Rick) - met with chair of Ed Leadership, UW-Madison interest in entering a Higher Ed
Athletic Administration emphasis – next meeting includes C&I, Dean Heyning, HPERC staff for discussion
d. Secondary Program Coordinators (James)
Meeting regularly working on Program Redesign and Field Study Seminar
a) Secondary students and Phase 3 Portfolios – Field study pilot students artifact and portfolio scores will
be turned in by secondary coordinators
e. Reading/Literacy (Robin )
Forming D2L group
MCEA revised plan/edTPA
f. Elementary Education (Susie)
Reorganizing courses to accommodate the reading test
g. Early Childhood Education (Carmen)
edTPA pilot November 27 deadline to submit work
Finalizing re-design plan
h. ESL/BL (Melanie/Julie)
Website update, discussing field option related to bilingual minor
i. Technology/Website Committee (Michelle) website needs update
j. Personnel & Policy/PERC (Lucy)
Review documents will be emailed to everyone
Revised standards – department will need to discuss and possibly approve at the December meeting
P&P process procedures outline for future members
PERC role review with Mary Beth Mackin February 2014
Other Announcements/Reminders
a. Updates from the Teacher Education, Licensure and Field Experiences Committee (Ann and Robin)
1. Reading Test effective Fall 2014 the OFE will make student placements, but will not release
student teaching assignments until passing scores are received at the discretion of Field Study
2. Field study spring break – Follow school district calendar approved policy did not make it into
the handbook Spring 2014 will not be enforced but beginning Spring 2015 the policy will be
b. Any updates from Admin Council (Robin)
1. Technology edTPA email –blue tooth and tripod purchases
2. Kelly Jewell will not be college contact for edTPA – Marie Benson will take over for Spring 2014 – David
Fischer is our department support for edTPA
3. UW-Parkside discontinued education program trying to begin pursing offering it again
4. Inclusive Excellence Fellowship Program (additional opportunities will be offered in our college as well)
Any updates related to the office (Julie)
i. Reminder that students are available to assist with projects
ii. Revising the college and department websites iii. Summer schedule of classes
iv. Fall 2014 schedule of classes – turn in requests before Thanksgiving break-Julie sending related
documents via email today.
Business Ed Search (Melanie)
2 applicants; one retired, one new Ph.D.
Math Ed Search (Julie M-L)
6 applicants, begin reviewing applications Wednesday, December 18
Upcoming Audit and Review reports:
i. MSEPD (October 2013)
ii. Business Ed (Progress Report due on December 1, 2013)
Thank you for all of the work on the reviews/consultations
Congratulations to Melanie and Matt regarding recent grant approved - working with K3 teachers and
students science and common core
Business and Marketing 100 year anniversary celebration was held November 2, 2013 at Whitewater
Country Club.
Playful Learning Conference on campus Friday, November 15 and Saturday, November 16
James motioned to adjourn, Melanie seconded, meeting adjourned at 3:29 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Julie Marino
Materials Distributed (attached and/or handout at the meeting):
Minutes from October 9, 2013 (emailed)
December 11th, 2:00-4:00 in Winther 4013
Items that warrant further discussion:
 Professionalism/ethical behavior of students
 Class sizes
 Advising graduate students completing their integrated projects
These minutes unanimously approved 12/11/2013 department meeting
November 13, 2013