Msgr. Thomas Sharkey

Knights of Columbus
All Saints Council 6277 May 2014 Newsletter
Msgr. Thomas Sharkey
Grand Knight
Terry Ritson
Deputy Grand Knight
John Hoffman
Tim Murphy
Pete Marchetti
Tom Haynes
Bruce Jackson
John Gross
Inside Guard
Eric Rybka
Outside Guard
George Gumpper
One-year Trustee
Paul Sullivan
Two-year Trustee
Joe Zondlo
Three-year Trustee
Gerry Mattia
Insurance Agent
Peter Marsico
Financial Secretary
Tony Young
Our monthly business meeting will be Wednesday, May 14th, 7:30pm
in the John classroom at Our Lady of Sorrows Annex.
A message from our Chaplain, Monsignor Sharkey
My Brother Knights:
The month of May has always been a beautiful and busy one. We mark our
calendars for the important First Communion and graduation dates. We note our
commitment to the crowning of the Blessed Virgin not only in our churches but also
in our homes
During this month we strive to honor, invoke and imitate Mary. We honor
her as the Mother of Jesus, invoke her as Queen of Heaven and imitate her gentle
obedience to God’s will.
Let us pray the rosary for ourselves that we may always be the Christian men
we know we could and should be.
Blessings always,
GK Notes
 I apologize for the newsletter being late. I had some technical difficulties.
 On Monday, May 19 there will be a First Degree in Atlantic City at St
 Reminder: The Officers Challenge for new membership ends on June 30th.
 We have been asked for a $30 dollar donation to the Chapter to pay for an
ad honoring Priest that has served 25, 40, & 50 Years of service the
Diocese of Camden. I will remind the group when we visit new business in
the meeting.
 This month, nominations will be made for the new slate of officers for the
next Columbian Year. Please make it a point to attend.
will be heading up this event with the guidance and wisdom of Bruce
Jackson. This is our biggest fundraiser and we can't stress enough the
importance of your help. It's not too early to start setting up HOLE
SPONSORS, PRIZES and GOLFERS. Please get involved. Call Paul
Sullivan for more information (609) 646-6932.
A Memorial Day Poem by CDR Kelly Strong, USCG (Ret).
I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
With hair cut square and eyes alert
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of taps one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That taps had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
Knights of Columbus
All Saints Council 6277
May 2014 Newsletter
Upcoming Events
May 11th – Mother’s Day
May 17th – Armed Forces Day
May 26th – Memorial Day
May 29th – Ascension of the Lord
June 8th – Pentecost Sunday
Prayer Requests
Please pray for the following Brother Knights & their families: Msgr. Thomas Sharkey, Rev. Malcolm
MacLeod,Rev. Bob McDade, Rev. Mike D’Amico, Rev. Mark Haynes, Rev. Mark Hunt, Rev. Lavin,
Fr.Robert Matisak,James Argeros, Charles Bardowski, Eileen Bardowski, Carmen Barone, The Bye
Family, Lynda Carozza, Jackie Carty, Nick Corvine, Laura Damiano, Tony Damiano, Dave Grasso,
Grace Hall, Tom Haynes, Alina Haynes, Jean Hoffman, Joe Iudica, Donald Kraemer, Marian
Marsico, Pete Marsico, Ruth McCusker, Peggy Purfield,Vito Rizzi, Jan Roegiers, Robert Sherman,
Joe F. Smith, Terry Sullivan, Bob Webb, Joe Zondlo and any other fellow Knights who are sick or in
Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser …
Eight Brother Knights celebrate Birthdays this month. Please remember them with a gift of prayer:
1st – Lido Leonardi
4th – Pete Marchetti
6th – George J. Marshall, Jeffrey Young
Alex Palmentieri
12th – Pete Marsico
16th – Brad Schafer
29th – Andrew Palmentieri, Sr.
31st – Joe Iudica
Insurance Agent’s Corner Thinking About A Vacation
No doubt the signs of spring have had their effect on you. Initially, getting outdoors is the obvious thing to do. We
start by poking around the garden, working on the lawn, attending softball practice, dusting off the gas grill.
Beneath it all we sense that vacation time is near. This pleases everyone. It doesn’t matter whether we are planning
an elaborate vacation or simply enjoying the company of family at home – the feeling is the same. Vacations are fun.
If we’ve planned properly, chances are that some of our hard-earned dollars have been set aside for this occasion. We
recognize that if we plan to spend our money in the pursuit of enjoyment, the ordinary fixed expenses – mortgage,
utilities, etc. – must still be paid. So you need a “vacation fund”.
All of this makes good sense. The soundness of the idea is obvious. Isn’t it amazing that so many of us see the
wisdom of planning for our vacations each summer, but fail to plan out long-range vacation – retirement. The
government has thought about it and encouraged your independence at retirement age. Your place of employment has
probably thought about it and planned a pension for you.
The only one left is you … it’s time you thought about it. Find out how you can add to government and employer
programs an amount sufficient to provide for you and yours.
After all, retirement is the longest vacation you’ll ever take. Call me today and we’ll plan it together.
Knights of Columbus
All Saints Council 6277
May 2014 Newsletter
Call me today for an appointment. I want to hear from you. 927-5848.
by Pete Marsico
Clean Joke Corner –
Late one night, a burglar broke into a house he thought was empty. He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly
he froze in his tracks when he heard a loud voice say: "Jesus is watching you!"
Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again. "Jesus is watching you," the voice boomed again.
The burglar stopped dead again. He was frightened. Frantically, he looked all around. In a dark corner, he spotted a
bird cage and in the cage was a parrot. He asked the parrot:
"Was that you who said Jesus is watching me?" "Yes," said the parrot. The burglar breathed a sigh of relief and asked
the parrot: "What's your name?" "Clarence," said the bird.
"That's a dumb name for a parrot," sneered the burglar. "What idiot named you Clarence?" The parrot said, "The
same idiot who named the Doberman Jesus."
Hope to see you at the meeting!
Fraternally Yours,
Knights of Columbus
All Saints Council #6277
PO Box 610
Northfield, NJ