
Pronunciation: vi·car·i·ous
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another
1. Jackie felt vicarious happiness as her husband reviewed a raise.
2. "Vicarious liability imposes liability on one person for a tortious act committed by another.
There are a number of contexts in which this arises"(
[ahy-dee-uh-liz-uh m]
Part of speech: noun
Definition: the cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, goals,
 Ex 1. Net neutrality is a wonderful idea that will die before long, like youthful
idealism; but we should keep it (and youthful idealism) alive as long as
possible.(New york times, Gelernter, Maintain the Web’s Youthful Idealism)
 Ex 2. They moved because they had a rather idealistic view of life away from the
country and are now moving back.
 Syn: celebrity, chivalry, dignity, distinction, fame, generosity, glory, grandeur,
heroism, high-mindedness, idealism, illustriousness, importance,
 Ant: insignificance, unimportance
Pronunciation: [ree-uh-liz-uh m]
Part of speech: Noun
Definition: the tendency to view or represent things as they really are.
-The kid wanted to be president but his realism caused him to only shoot for only class
-Obama's realist policies are just ideological ones that yield to the demands of the moment.
Philanderer, n.
Pronunciation- /fəˈlandərər/
Definition- a man who readily or frequently enters into casual sexual relationships with
women; a womanizer.
Part of Speech: noun
Example sentences•A revealing moment in this recording comes toward the end of the opera, when the Count
(Andrei Bondarenko), having been exposed as a philanderer by his wife (Simone Kermes)
asks her forgiveness with the melting melodic phrase “Contessa, perdono” that builds into
an affirming vocal ensemble. Mr. Currentzis calls it a passage of “divine harmony,” which is
not going too far, and it sounds that way in this performance.
Definition: a temporary prohibition of an activity.
Pronunciation: [mawr-uh-tawr-ee-uh, -tohr-, mor-]
Part of speech: noun
Example sentences:
• "Academic guidelines has called for a two year moratorium on states or school districts
making any high stakes decisions based on tests aligned with the new standards". (New
York Times)
•A moratorium on nuclear testing.
Visual: This visual represents the ban of this activity.
Synonyms: ban, suspension, stoppage, halt
capable of being done, effected, or accomplished.
Mr. Yormark returned with his father and a contractor, who found his ideas feasible. He
offered $95,000 “to scare off another buyer,” he said.
By breaking my goals into smaller parts the large ones became feasible.
quiet; inhibited; repressed; controlled:
The more subdued send-off Mr. Leno is getting is partly of his own doing. Always a man
who disdained emotional displays, he has tamped down the attention surrounding this
The monotone history teacher had a subdued nature.
•Pronunciation: ləˈkänik
•Part(s) of Speech: Adjective
•Definition: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.
•Example Sentences:
1.) "Rory McCann, as the cynical, laconic Hound, gets the best lines. “I just understand the
way things are,” he growls to Arya." This sentence is explaining how this character receives
lines that are not lengthy, but they are very important.
2.) We would rather have a smiling, shape-shifting Democrat we don't trust than a frowning,
laconic Republican we trust more. —Maureen Dowd, New York Times, 10 Oct. 1996.
This example explains how this group of people rather have a Democrat that fakes a smile
and uses a lot of different ideas rather than a Republican who is laconic and just deal with
the problem as it is without lying/faking happiness.
•Pronunciation: rəˈzentmənt
•Part(s) of Speech: Noun
•Definition: bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
•Example Sentences:
1.) "Syria’s unpredictable conflict is increasingly raising tensions among Jordanians as the
economy continues to suffer, and resentment toward Syrian refugees is growing." This
sentence explains how Syria's conflict is increasing the tension with the Jordanians since
the economy is suffering. They believe that the Syrian refugees are being treated unfairly.
2.) "There's often some anger and resentment as unresolved family issues resurface." This
sentence explains how family issues create resentment involving wills and legal documents
that tend to be fought over because people would be given certain things not equally.
Definition: a very handsome man
“I have the titles, I look like an Adonis, and no one could ever outtalk me. I’m like a
giant among pygmies.” (
"The chalk grassland supports an outstanding butterfly fauna including the nationally
scarce adonis blue and chalkhill blue butterflies."
embodied in flesh; given a bodily, especially a human, form
in-kahr-nit, -neyt; v. in-kahr-neyt]
Verb or adjective
"Malvo Who is he, really? Is he immortal, the devil incarnate, as some viewers
"At any rate they incarnate the very spirit of the songs he
To hang on someone's words- Definition: Listen very attentively to someone.
Sentence: 1. You don't need to hang on his words—just remember the gist of it.
2. He hung on every word I said. Larry only likes girls who hang on his every word.
Evasive (e·va·siv), adjective- tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation,
especially by responding only indirectly.
"We’ve always been the ones pressing for a defined and well-controlled line of
control, but the Chinese have always been very evasive about it and have refused to
give us a map,” said K. Shankar Bajpai, a former Indian ambassador to China."
The Chinese ship accompanying the aircraft carrier began shouldering the American
cruiser, and then crossed its bow, he said. After the American ship took the evasive
maneuver, there was “bridge-to-bridge” contact, in English, between the two ships,
the official said. “It was tense but professional,” he said.
Remiss- adjective, re·miss
Definition: lacking care or attention to duty; negligent.
Sentence: 1. "it would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information"
2. Visitors would be remiss to go to the Jura and not order the Mont d’Or (or “boîte
chaude”), a soft cheese in a circular wooden case that is baked in tin foil with a
splash of white wine and garlic until the cheese’s crust caramelizes and becomes
crispy. (
Valise- A small piece of hand luggage.
1.) I brought my valise into the airplane as a carry on bag for work.
2.) My valise which carried my files for the court case had been misplaced.
Stolid- Having or showing little emotion; impassive.
1.) After the argument between the students and Mr. Koth the students we're stolid once
they returned to class.
2.) The funeral had a stolid feel to it because no one likes the dead person.
MaterialismPronunciation- məˈtirēəˌlizəm
Part of speech- noun
Definition- tendency to consider material objects and possessions more important than
spiritual values.
Sentence from NY Times- "A 2005 survey by the Pew Research Center found that more
than half of Americans were bothered “some” or “a lot” by the commercialization of
Christmas. A 2013 follow-up confirmed that materialism is Americans’ least favorite part of
the season."
Pronunciation: (inˈTHrôl,enˈTHrôl/)
Definition/part of speech: verb- to capture the fascinated attention of.
Sentence from NYTimes: "In the absence of new materials or a new approach, she offers
a breathless paean to the woman who, while "no great beauty" could with "one twitch of her
skirt, enthrall the man who terrorized her."
Sentence from Your Dictionary: "I hope this T. rex specimen will enthrall, educate and
entertain our visitors and students for generations to come."
Synonyms: captivate, charm, enchant
Pronunciation: \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.
Example #1: "The schadenfreude sports fan, therefore, has little choice but to wish ill upon
the more odious villains, with gusto. You choose your victor-aspirant based on who does
the least evil."
Example #2: "Schadenfreude, or “harm-joy,” is the pleasure derived from another’s
misfortune, and Richard H. Smith, a University of Kentucky psychology professor, has built
a career around studying it and other social emotions."
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important.
Example #1: "Cardinal Martini, once favored by Vatican progressives to succeed Pope John
Paul II and a prominent voice in the church until his death at 85 on Friday, gave his view of
the church as a pompous and bureaucratic institution failing to move with the times."
Example #2: "There is a lot of pompous celebration of the victory over fascism, a love for
Soviet abbreviations, symbols and monuments,” said Vladimir Solovyov, a journalist with
the Russian newspaper Kommersant, who was raised in Transnistria, which is sometimes
called a sliver of the Soviet Union.