
Evasive (adj.)
Definition - tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding
only indirectly
1) The standard terminology of military and diplomatic engagement (and much
corporate rhetoric) is often evasive, with usage reflecting differences in value systems —
as when assassination by drone is described as “targeted killing.”
2) His answers were brief, constrained, and evasive.
Remiss (adj.)
Definition - lacking care or attention to duty; negligent.
1) Ms. Moore, J.K. Simmons (“Whiplash”) and Ms. Arquette, natch. Michael
Keaton (“Birdman”) won for best actor, and took a smart jab at the weirdness of talking
about oneself all season long. “I think we’d all be remiss if we didn’t give a shout out to
Narcissus,” he said.
2)However, it seems that despite ordering these checks, LU was extremely remiss
in performing them.
Definition: to captivate or charm the attention of someone
Pronunciation: en•thralled
Part of speech: verb
1.A woman was enthralled by a street saxophonist playing in Washington Square Park, and
was delighted to find him.
Synonym: absorb, enchant, fascinate, grab
Definition:Using few words; expressing much in few words(short, to the point)
Part of speech:Adjective
1. His crisp and laconic performance won him three consecutive Emmy awards for best
Synonym: brief, concise, compact
 to embody
 to be invested with bodily nature and form
At the leveraged loan industry’s annual conference on Oct. 17, nearly one in four
participants voted to label cov-lite loans “the devil incarnate.”
Marie embroils the despotic Queen Mouserinks (Carmella Lauer) in her own tail, making he
an easy target for the newly incarnate Nutcracker Prince.
 small handbag/carry on/luggage
When her mother and caretaker dies, and the assisted-living facility won’t allow pets,
Nenette waddles off to find her long-lost father, tiny valise and bewildered reptile in tow.
One scheme was the “wash-wash,” a literal money-laundering in which the mark is shown a
valise of supposed bills blackened with Vaseline and iodine and promised a cut if he pays
for an expensive cleaning agent
noun a man who frequently makes love with a woman one cannot or will not
marry; carry on flirtations.
Example sentences
Through tough questioning of Paul Solomon, who was at the vertex of a love triangle, Carolyn
Warmus's lawyer today elicited a portrait of a philandering husband who lied to his wife and
deceived his mistress.
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s ex-wife Cécilia asked a Paris court to block release of a book that
quotes her describing the president as a philanderer, a skinflint and “a man who loves no one, not
even his children.”
Moratorium- noun a temporary prohibition of something
Example sentences
The top prosecutor in Philadelphia filed a legal challenge Wednesday to Gov. Tom Wolf's death
penalty moratorium, telling Pennsylvania's highest court that the action was illegal and
City planning officials are recommending a moratorium on new projects seeking to raze or
significantly alter buildings that helped build up Nashville's reputation as the capital of country
Realism (re·al·ism) (noun): the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and
being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
But “with impressive agility, ‘Wadjda’ finds room to maneuver between harsh realism and a
more hopeful kind of storytelling.
Not having to hold this psychopath to standards of realism becomes a perverse relief in
Materialism (ma·te·ri·al·ism) (noun): a tendency to consider material possessions and
physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.
This wasn't about materialism. My mother wanted us warm and well dressed for every
Chanukah and Christmas she was bound to miss.
"While all too many people live in dire poverty, others are caught up in materialism and
lifestyles which are destructive of family life..."
Part Of Speech: Noun
Definition: The feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, or person regarded
as causing injury or incident.
• "The copper mine has also been cited as a symbol in Myanmar of resentment towards
China." (http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/05/20/world/asia/anti-china-resentment-flares-overmyanmar-mine.html)
• "The growing resentments have lifted the fortunes of established parties, like the Uk
Independence Party ." (http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/01/08/world/europe/paris-attackreflects-a-dangerous-moment-for-europe.html)
Part Of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Capable of being done affected or accomplished.
•" Is there a scientific reason that adopting year round daylight savings time would not be
feasible?" (http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/01/01/science/is-year-round-daylight-savingtime-feasible.html)
•" It may not always be feasible to capture a United States citizen terrorists who presents an
imminent threat." (http://mobile.nytimes.com/2012/03/06/us/politics/holder-explains-threatthat-would-call-for-killing-without-trial.html)
pleasure derived from the misfortune of others
"The schadenfreude sports fan, therefore, has little choice but to wish ill upon the more
odious villains, with gusto." http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/opinionator/2012/06/21/theschadenfreude-sports-fan/
"Reader responses about the new challenges facing these low-level employees ranged
from mild schadenfreude to fiery wrath."
having or exhibiting self-important
"Even more vexing are the pompous letters that the serial killer sends his way, setting forth
grandiose plans and casting Verhoeven in the role of the C student struggling to keep up
with the professor." http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/dealbook/2011/11/22/for-distressedyoung-bankers-a-symphony-of-small-violins/
"Mr. Hastings lumps them, with most top media people, as 'egotistical, vainglorious,
pompous, insecure, corrupt.'" http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/06/18/books/the-lastmagazine-michael-hastingss-posthumous-novel.html
Stolid (adj.)
Stol • id (Rhymes with solid)
Definition: (of a person) calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
Ex: 1. "Tony Soprano, a tough talking, hard living crime boss with a stolid exterior but a rich
interior life, died on Wednesday. "
Link: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/06/20/arts/television/james-gandolfini-sopranos-stardies-at-51.html
Ex: 2. A 54 year-old biochemist of stolid disposition, he's a reader of instruction manuals, a
balanced of checkbooks, a maker of lists.
Link: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/01/04/books/review/us-by-david-nicholls.html
To Hang On Someone's Words
Definition: To listen very attentively to someone.
Ex: 1. "The boy seemed to hang on his words. "It's a lot of fun." "
Link: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/08/07/nyregion/at-new-york-camp-hasidic-boys-studyand-shun-sports.html
Ex: 2. "Mr. Stein said that this kind of close management of expectations led investors to
hang on the Feds words'. "
Link: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/05/07/upshot/whispers-from-fed-could-lead-to-wildswings-internal-critic-says.html
Pronunciation- səbˈdjuːd
definition quiet; inhibited; repressed; controlled
 lowered in intensity or strength; reduced in fullness of tone, as a color or voice; muted
Parts of Speech: adjective
Example #1- Man Indicted in Wife's Death After Christmas Present Fight
“Authorities say Julio Resto was arrested the morning of New Year's Eve after he arrived
at the police station with blood on his clothes and holding a knife. Authorities say he had to be
subdued after he lunged at officers with the knife. Officers later found his wife's body at their
apartment.” - NY Times
Example #2-Dad Says Teen Shot at Police Station Could Have Been Subdued
“Coignard and his attorney, Tim Maloney, said that they are seeking more information,
including audiotape of the Jan. 22 shooting, but aren't yet moving ahead with litigation. They
also want to know whether the three police officers involved were trained to handle people with
mental health issues, and why the officer who had Kristiana nearly subdued could not place
handcuffs on her.”- NY Times
Pronunciation-\ə-ˈdä-nəs, -ˈdō-\
Definition a youth slain by a wild boar but permitted by Zeus to pass four months every year in the
lower world with Persephone, four with Aphrodite, and four wherever he chose
 a very handsome young man
Parts of speech- noun
Example #1- Charlie Sheen 'Today' show interview
“ Sheen says he's a warlock with tiger blood and Adonis DNA who deserves to be
making $3 million an episode for "Two and a Half Men." -New Jersey Real Time News
Example #2- Soccer Gods
“For once, maybe that girl falls for the alpha male, and he doesn’t turn out to be an
arrogant person. Maybe that chiseled adonis with the sports car and the trust fund is also kind
and loving. “
Definition: Taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute.
Example Sentence: "If this is true, what we experience when we listen to sad music might be
thought of as vicarious emotion. "(New York Times)
Synonyms: Substitutional
Definition: a person who cherishes or pursues high or noble principles, purposes,goals, etc.
Example Sentence: “An idealist, Roark believes he can balance his values with the
needs of society.”
Synonyms: Dreamer