Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: IN7.1 Investigate examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence between Canada and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. I can create an inventory illustrating interdependence between Canada and the other countries and with support I can identify examples of conflict and conflict. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. I can identify examples of conflict, cooperation and interdependence between Canada, and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can investigate examples of conflict, cooperation and interdependence between Canada, and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can analyze various examples of conflict, cooperation and interdependence between Canada, and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Examine the mission, goals, and structure of an organization whose mandate is national or international co-operation. Critique the influence of an organization with a mandate for national or international co-operation in terms of its contributions toward conflict, cooperation, self-reliance, and interdependence. Diagnose reasons for a current or historical conflict involving Canada and a circumpolar or Pacific Rim country. Create an inventory illustrating the interdependence of Canada and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: IN7.2 Examine the effects of globalization on the lives of people in Canada and in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. I can define globalization and with assistance I can examine its effects on Canada and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can define globalization and I can articulate the effects of identify examples of globalization globalization on Canada and in Canada. circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. I can interpret the arguments for and against globalization. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Identify the countries of origin of people, or of personal objects or tools. Investigate the international links of a Saskatchewan business. Define globalization, and identify examples of globalization in the local community. Analyze the economic impact of globalization in relation to the effects on the environment. Articulate and interpret the main arguments for and against globalization. Conduct an inquiry to determine the effects of globalization on the local community. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can use my understanding of globalization to examine the extent to which globalization can be found in Canada and in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: IN7.3 Analyze the relationship of technology to globalization. Beginning – 1 I need help. I can identify technological connections with my life and with assistance I can consider the relationship between technology and globalization. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. I can identify technological connections to my life and examine the relationship between technology and globalization. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can analyze the relationship between technology and globalization focusing on the risks and benefits of various technologies. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can use my analysis of the relationship between technology and globalization to review the extent to which they have impacted on different societies. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Identify technological connections that exist in the student’s life, and classify them as local, national, or international. Analyze the risks and benefits related to various technologies. Develop an argument that addresses the impact of technology and globalization on societies. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: DR7.1 Analyze and use various types of maps (that provide differing perspectives and information for differing purposes) in order to situate current issues in Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and northern circumpolar countries. Beginning – 1 Approaching – 2 Proficiency – 3 Mastery – 4 I need help. I have a basic My work consistently I have a deeper understanding. meets expectations. understanding. I can locate different physical features on maps and with support can connect that information to current issues. I can use different maps, charts and graphs to describe the physical, political and population geography of Canada to identify current issues. I can use different maps, charts and graphs to describe the physical, political and population geography of Canada, other countries and relate that information to current issues. I can use my analysis from different maps, charts and graphs to compare and explain current issues in Canada and Pacific Rim and northern circumpolar countries. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Locate the continents and significant physical features on a world map. Identify the major population clusters in Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and northern circumpolar countries and locate them on a map. Locate and identify Treaty territories on a map of Canada. Examine maps of various projections and scales in order to determine the characteristics and application of each map. Examine and propose the advantages, limitations, and potential uses of a variety of types of maps. Describe the nature of the physical, political, and population geography of Pacific and northern Canada, and of a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries using data from various maps, charts, and graphs. Construct generalizations about the nature of the physical, political, and population geography in Pacific and northern Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: DR7.2 Appraise the impact of human habitation on the natural environment in Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and northern circumpolar countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can identify the physical features and natural resources of different locations in the Pacific and northern Canada. With assistance I can identify the impact of human habitation on the natural environment. I can outline the impact of human habitation on the natural environment and the indigenous people who live there. I can evaluate the impact of human habitation on the natural environment and the indigenous people who live there. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can use the impact of human habitation on the natural environment to suggest future issues and solutions. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Identify the influence of physical features such as water bodies, topography, and natural resources on the location of people in Pacific and northern Canada and in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries. Examine the effects of humans and their technology on the natural environment in Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries, including the consequences for indigenous peoples who inhabit those regions. Explore situations where changes in the environment, induced naturally or by humans, have resulted in the relocation of peoples in Canada, and in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries, including indigenous peoples who inhabit those regions. Explain the reasons for the relocation and its consequences. Trace examples of current effects of climate change on the movement of peoples and hypothesize about the potential effects of climate change on the movement of peoples in the future. Explore the Treaty relationship and the values and beliefs associated with sharing the land. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: DR7.3 Analyze the relationship between current and historical events and the physical and social environments in Pacific and northern Canada and in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries. Beginning – 1 Approaching – 2 Proficiency – 3 Mastery – 4 I need help. I have a basic My work consistently I have a deeper understanding. meets expectations. understanding. With assistance I can identify geographical, political, social and economic events in Canada, circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. I can describe the relationship between geographical, political, social and economic events in Canada, circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. I can analyze the relationship between geography, politics, social events and economic activity both historically and in the present in Canada, the circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. I can use my knowledge of the relationship between geography, politics, social events and economic activity to project future relationships and events. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Relate current issues to location by using physical maps, political maps, and population maps of Canada, and a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries in order to understand the role of geography in shaping political events and economic activity in Canada, and a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries. Examine the effects of natural or human catastrophes on affected populations, and, by extension, on the history of human habitation of the region. Analyze the influence of contact with another culture on the Aboriginal peoples of Canada, circumpolar countries, and a selection of Pacific Rim countries. Assess the effects of relocations and deportations of affected groups in Canada, and in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Conduct an inquiry synthesizing the link between historical events, population dynamics, and environment. Investigate relationships within and among select circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries to determine reasons for current political and economic relationships. Debate the positions of circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries with respect to climate change. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: PA7.1 Compare the sources of power for individuals, nations, and regions in a selection of Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. With assistance I can identify the different sources of power at the individual, organizational, national level. I can identify and describe different sources of power at the individual, organizational, national level. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can compare the different sources of power at the individual, organizational, national level and explain their impact on myself and my community. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can demonstrate an individual’s ability to interact with different sources of power at the individual, organizational, national level to create a change in my community. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Describe the source of power and forms of power used by individuals in a position of leadership in the local community or a local organization. Analyze the sources of power, including organization, resources and numbers, evidenced in the exercise of power by an individual, organization, or nation as described in a current events article. Assess the sources of power held by the First Nations and the Europeans respectively in the negotiations of the treaty which governs the local area. Identify examples of the use of co-operation balance and harmony as a sources of power used to effect change in the local, provincial, national, or international community/ Analyze the sources of power of a national leader of a Pacific Rim or circumpolar country. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: PA7.2 Investigate the structures and processes of democratic government in Canada. Beginning – 1 I need help. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. With assistance I can identify the different levels of government in Canada. I can identify and describe the different levels of government in Canada. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can investigate the different levels of government in Canada and explain their impact on my community and myself. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can demonstrate an individual’s ability to interact with different levels of government in Canada to create a change in my community. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Survey the principles of democracy as defined by family, school, and community members, and synthesize into a definition of democracy. Compare the responsibilities of municipal, provincial or territorial, and federal and First Nations governments in Canada. Describe the roles of the elected representatives in the local, provincial or territorial federal, First Nations system of government and Métis governance structures. Investigate the federal, provincial or territorial, or local election processes in Canada. Chart the structures of Canadian government at the local, provincial, and national levels. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: PA7.3 Compare the strengths and weaknesses of oligarchy, dictatorship, and democracy as systems of government. Beginning – 1 I need help. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can with assistance understand that there are different systems of government. I can identify and describe different systems of government. I can explain different systems of government and compare their strengths and weaknesses. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can demonstrate how different forms of governments’ decisionmaking processes will impact their citizens. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Examine the systems of government of circumpolar or Pacific Rim countries, which are not democracies. Contrast the systems of government of the non-democracies in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries with Canada’s system of government. Identify the criteria by which countries are described as dictatorships, oligarchies, or democracies. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of democracy, oligarchy, and dictatorship as systems of government. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: RW7.1 Explain the role of barter, trade, and sharing in traditional economies in Canada and the circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. I with assistance I can identify the concepts of barter, trade, and sharing. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. I can identify the characteristics of barter, trade, and sharing. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can explain barter, trade, and sharing and how each has influenced the economy of my community. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can design a plan for how a manufactured or designed community could operate under barter, trade, or sharing. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Role play the practices of barter, trade, and sharing used to obtain goods and services. Describe examples of barter, trade, and sharing in the local community. Present the experiences of Elders and senior citizens in the local community regarding barter, sharing, and trade. Question whether economies based on barter, trade, and sharing are sustainable. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: RW7.2 Investigate the influence of resources upon economic conditions of peoples in circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. I with assistance I can understand the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. I can understand the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can investigate the influence of renewable and non-renewable resources have on my community and myself. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can demonstrate the impact that access to renewable and non-renewable resources will have on my community or country in the future. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Formulate a definition of a natural resource, and differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources. Identify the locations of natural resources of circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries using appropriate maps, and analyze the impact of the resources on local communities. Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary industry. Correlate the presence of resources and industries to the gross national product of circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Draw conclusions about the standard of living of people in Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries using material wealth measures and non-material measures. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7 Subject: Social Studies 7 Outcome: RW7.3 Assess the ecological stewardship of economies of Canada and the circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. Beginning – 1 I need help. With assistance I can identify how the economy will impact the environment. Approaching – 2 I have a basic understanding. I can explain how the economy impacts the environment. Proficiency – 3 My work consistently meets expectations. I can assess the role of ecological stewardship and why it is important to the economy of my community. Mastery – 4 I have a deeper understanding. I can advocate as an ecological steward to influence change in my community to maintain the environment while still being economically prosperous. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators. Research and illustrate the origins and current meanings of the words “steward” and “stewardship”. Define the word “sustainable”, and discriminate between the concepts of sustainable and unsustainable as they apply to resources and industry. Examine the sustainability of the economies of a selection of circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries, and propose practices which. might increase the level of sustainability. Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 7