Interactions and Interdependence 2

SOCIAL 7 --Interactions and Interdependence (IN)
Three main outcomes:
- investigate
- examine
- analyze
Big Ideas:
- how does globalization affect our lives?
(history - how we’ve changed, technology)
- connections between Canada and Pacific Rim and circumpolar countries
(positive = cooperation; and negative = conflict) )
- history – how present is affect by what has happened in the past
(Japan, China, etc..)
MOTIVATOR/OPENER: Sarah McLachlan video: World on Fire
Learning Plan:
IN 7.2 - Examine the effects of globalization on the lives people in Canada and in
circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries (a, c, d)
1. Intro: read “If the world were a village” by David J. Smith (video may be available but not as
2. Discuss: “What is globalization” (blackmaster - cluster 2 (7.2.4) - Manitoba curriculum)
- K-W-L chart
3. Identify examples of globalization in the local community
- T chart
- brainstorm list of local products and list of items that come from other parts of
the world:
- look at what they have for lunch for the day—where did it come from
- homework: find 5 examples (one from each category) of where they were
- food
- clothing
- toys
- electronics
- transportation (fuels)
- Other ideas/suggestions:
- 100 mile diet
- Government website - imports/exports - shows how much Canadian economics
depend upon these (exports/imports)
- international monetary fund—trading around the world (game)
**grade 6 resource
IN 7.3 - Analyze the relationship of technology to globalization (a,
1.Teacher tube video: Did you know (Karl Fisch)
2. Introduction - show map of different brand names that come from different countries
Resource: powerpoint -
- search Jofrey Wong Globalization
- slide 44/46
(also shows all the aspects of globalization - use resource
who you wish)
Question/discussion - what does this mean to you?
IN 7.1 - Investigate examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence between
Canada and circumpolar and Pacific Rim countries. (7.2c, 7.2a, 7.1a,b,c)
1. Show video: Inuit circumpolar conference (council) -
- video - could be used as intro (best of the north)
Ask students: What is your response to this?
2. Read the article: “The Arctic is Changing”
- search ‘the arctic is changing’ on google
3. Model by teacher: case study of an issue and the response of one or several organizations
Examples of issues:
-Seal hunt
-Disaster in Haiti
-Tsunami in Indonesia
-Taiwan flooding
Examples of organizations - Red Cross, WHO, UN, Amnesty International, World
Wildlife Fund, Green peace, Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Global Heroes
Assignment: International Organization Research
Choose an organization and research using the Blackline Handout
(Enrichment activity - create your own organization….)
Resource - Notetaking Frame on International Organizations—
blackmasters 7.2.5a-Manitoba Curriculum (also resource
on the UN)
- your choice on how you want to assess it/bring it back to the class/etc…..
Final project: What does globalization mean to you???
- What will be necessary to demonstrate what you have learned about globalization?
- as a class develop rubric/criteria
- use guidelines if you wish:
- Investigate one example of an international organization
- Analyze the effects of globalization
- Examine the relationship of technology with globalization
- Ways of demonstrating what you have learned - - wide open choice
Examples - posters
- videos
- power point